28 research outputs found

    Pendampingan Pasien GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) dalam Upaya meningkatkan Motivasi Penyembuhan Menggunakan Layanan Konseling Individual

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    The purpose of this study was to determine how the identification and analysis of psychotherapy on the healing of GERD (Gastrophageal Reflux Disease) patients in terms of using a personal counseling service. GERD is a symptom that usually occurs when stomach acid rises so that the mouth feels sour and bitter as well as a burning or burning sensation in the chest and gut, this condition triggers a psychological situation consisting of anxiety, panic to depression as evidenced by physical conditions, namely shortness of breath, cold sweat and if left untreated it causes the patient's condition to get worse, this proves that motivation for healing is needed. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods. The subjects in this study were GERD patients consisting of IAIMNU Metro Lampung residents. Data collection techniques used in this study were interview techniques and observation techniques. The data in this study were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Identification and psychological analysis of patients with GERD can be seen that, (a) anxiety due to the risk of disease to the body, (b) panic arisin

    The Influence of Stress and Resilience on Procrastination in Adolescents

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    Procrastination in adolescents does not happen immediately like me, there are several factors that trigger procrastination, including stress and resilience. This study aims to find out whether stress and resilience have an influence on procrastination. The type of research in this research is quantitative using a descriptive research design. The results of the study stated that stress and resilience can affect procrastination by 4.8%, which means that these two variables have very little effect on procrastination. While the significance value is 0.60 > 0.05, which means it is not significant. Specifically, there is a low negative correlation between stress and resilience (r = -0.017), meaning that the higher the individual's resilience, the lower the stress level. There is a strong positive correlation between stress and procrastination (r = 0.202), meaning that the higher the individual's stress level, the higher the procrastination. In addition, procrastination was found to have a small positive correlation with resilience (r = 0.081), meaning that high resilience in individuals can make individuals procrastinate, but with a small percentage. It can be concluded that there is an insignificant effect between stress and resilience on procrastination, which is 4.8% which tends to be small

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Modul dengan Pendekatan Discovery Learning pada Materi Himpunan

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    This research generally aims to produce Module teaching material products with the Discovery Learning approach to the set material, and the specific purpose is to find out how the development and attractiveness of the Module teaching materials with that approach. This study uses the Thiagarajan 4D model development method, which consists of 4 stages, namely definition, design, development, and dissemination. The results of the research on the development of the Modules teaching material with the Discovery Learning approach. : (1) The main results of this research and development are Module teaching materials with the Discovery Learning approach. (2) Research data shows that material experts obtained an average value of 76% with the criteria of "feasible", design experts obtained an average value of 78% with the criteria of "feasible", and linguists obtained an average value of 79% with the criteria "feasible". (3) For the user's response to the teaching materials of the module with the discovery learning approach of the response of students obtained an average value of 74% with the criteria that is "interesting" and the response from educators gained a percentage of 74% with the interpretation criteria achieved namely "interesting". The significance of this research, among others, is that researchers can develop teaching material in the form of learning modules that can increase the activeness and effectiveness of students in carrying out teaching and learning in the classroom

    Psychoeducational Group Assisted with Profession Puppets to Improve Students’ Career Decision Making

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    Career decision making is very important for individuals. In the adolescent phase, career decision making will play an important role in career development for the future of the individual itself. This study focuses on improving adolescent career decision making by using psychoeducational group services assisted by profession puppet. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of psychoeducational group assisted with profession puppet media. The method in this study used the Quasi-experiment with Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The validity of the instrument uses logical validity while the reliability test uses Alpha Cronbach obtained reliability coefficient on the scale of career decision making value α = 0.877. Data analysis techniques use a t-test comparison of gain scores with confidence interval 95% α = 0.05. This study has a value of Sig.2 (tailed) 0,000 <0,05, therefore it is in accordance with the basis of decision making in the t-test, it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, and it means profession puppet within psychoeducational group proved effective to improve student career decision making

    Pengaruh Prokrastinasi dan Stres Terhadap Resiliensi Pada Remaja

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    Remaja cenderung mempunyai tingkat prokrastinasi (menunda-nunda) yang cukup tinggi. Prokrastinasi yang dialami remaja terjadi karena faktor seperti, stres dan resiliensi. Tujuan penelitian ini agar mengetahui seberapa tingkat pengaruh dari prokrastinasi dan stres terhadap resiliensi. Disini peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dan dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif. Responden di penelitian adalah 117, yang terdiri dari pelajar SMP dan Mahasiswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa pengaruh dari prokrastinasi dan stres terhadap resiliensi sebesar 0,7%, artinya variabel prokrastinasi dan stres ini sedikit berpengaruh terhadap resiliensi. Untuk nilai signifikan sebesar .659 nilainya lebih besar dari 0,05 dan dikatakan tidak signifikan. Kesimpulan adanya ketidak signifikan pengaruh prokrastinasi dan stres terhadap resiliensi sebesar 0,7%, nilai yang sangat rendah

    Adaptasi Skala Sikap Mencari Bantuan Kesehatan Mental Ke Bahasa Indonesia

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    Di indonesia, alat ukur untuk melihat sikap mencari bantuan Kesehatan mental masih terbatas selain itu kesadaran para remaja dalam menyikapi mencari bantuan kesehatan mental masih rendah. Hal ini juga di dasari oleh ketidaktahuan para remaja tentang layanan kesehatan mental dan pentingnya menjaga kesehatan mental. Meskipun sudah ada beberapa penelitian tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan mental, akan tetapi penelitian tersebut tidak menyertakan alat ukur yang terstandarisasi untuk mendiagnosa sikap mencari bantuan kesehatan mental. Berdasarkan latar belakang dan tujuan yang disebut sebelumnya, dalam artikel ini penulis menyertakan skala yang dapat digunakan untuk menjadi alat ukur sikap remaja dalam mencari bantuan kesehatan mental. Dalam artikel ini penulis mengadaptasi skala mencari bantuan Kesehatan mental menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa adaptasi skala sikap dalam mencari bantuan kesahatan mental kedalam bahasa indonesia, menurut penilaian ahli Bahasa dan pengguna, dapat dikatakan valid secara kebahasaan dan dapat dilanjutkan untuk pengujian lebih lanjut mengenai validitas internal dan reliabilitasnya sebelum digunakan secara luas

    Penerapan Bimbingan Kelompok Berbasis Lalaran untuk Mengatasi Kecemasan terhadap Hafalan Santri Di Pondok Pesantren

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    Basically everyone has felt anxiety at a certain moment in his life. But if the anxiety experienced is very excessive and left alone without the direction of someone can be very detrimental to the individual. As for memorization, anxiety often arises experienced by students. The need for guidance to facilitate students in memorizing and can reduce the level of anxiety they experience. Therefore, the formation of the application of group-based guidance in order to reduce anxiety in memorizing students in boarding schools. From the results of the normality test results Sig. obtained a probability value> 0.05 then the results can be stated normally. From the test results Sig. Based on the Mean of Sig. 0.058> 0.05 variance of the data resulting from the application of group-based guidance in the experimental class and the control class is homogeneous. Based on the results of the group statistics above we can find out from the data generated by the experimental class as many as 10 people have an average value of 152.70 and in the control class as many as 10 people have an average value of 124.00 that has been obtained by each class. Independent samples test output table test results of students learning we can know the value of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0,000. Based on the criteria in decision making 0,000 <0.05, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So that there is a significant influence in the application of group-based guidance in overcoming anxiety over memorization of the Sabrowi C class of Roudlotut Tholibin Islamic Boarding School

    Persona, Shadow dan Kepercayaan diri berhijab Remaja Putri dalam Kepribadian Jung

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    We all have certain styles of behavior and ways of relating to other people. Some of us are ordinary types, others are careless. The purpose of this study is to analyze the personality constructs according to Carl Gustav Jung, namely Persona and Shadow, the problem formulation is seen based on the personality of white Muslim teenagers who wear hijab, whether as an identity or just a trend. Some of us prefer to do our own work, others are more social. The method in this research is literature study sourced from journals, books, and other sources. Some of us are followers, others are leaders. Some of us appear immune to the attacks of others, while others avoid social initiatives for fear of disappointment. When a pattern of behavior becomes so inflexible or maladaptive that it causes significant personal impairment or interferes with social and occupational functioning, it may be diagnosed as a personality disorder