45 research outputs found

    Fundamental analysis in the multi-agent trading system

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    Integration of unstructured knowledge in a multi-agent financial decision support system

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    Agenty funkcjonujące w systemach wieloagentowych często podejmują decyzje na podstawie wyników przetwarzania wiedzy nieustrukturalizowanej. Ponieważ wiedza ta pochodzi z heterogenicznych źródeł, to przedstawiane przez agenty warianty decyzji mogą się różnić. Jednak w procesie decyzyjnym wymagana jest jedna, ostateczna decyzja, zatem wiedza ta powinna być automatycznie integrowana. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest opracowanie metody integracji wiedzy nieustrukturalizowanej z wykorzystaniem teorii consensusu w wieloagentowym systemie wspomagania decyzji finansowych. W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z reprezentacją wiedzy nieustrukturalizowanej agentów. Następnie opracowano algorytmy consensusu umożliwiające integrację wiedzy. W ostatniej części artykułu scharakteryzowano eksperyment badawczy przeprowadzony w celu weryfikacji opracowanej metody.Agents running in multi-agent systems more often make decisions based on the unstructured knowledge, acquired from heterogonous sources, therefore decisions presented by these agents’ may differ. The decision-making process requires one, the final decision, therefore this knowledge should be automatically integrated. The purpose of this paper is to develop method for the integration of unstructured knowledge in multi- agent financial decision support system. The first part of article presents the issues related to agents’ unstructured knowledge representation are described. Next, the developed consensus algorithms have been presented. The last part presents research experiment aimed to verification of the developed method

    Use of cognitive agents in economic organization's knowledge management

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    The modern economy, based on the information and knowledge, forces the organizations to the use the IT tools which support the knowledge management process and realize the cognitive functions and decision-making. The article presents a concept of economic organization's knowledge management, using the cognitive agents. They can understand the real importance of the observed phenomena and economic processes taking place in the organization's environment, carry out an in-depth analysis of information, draw conclusions and take specific actions. Analysis of knowledge management process has been carried out in the first part of article. Next, the cognitive architecture named Learning Intelligent Distribution Agent (LIDA) has been characterized. The last part of article presents the manner of LIDA agent operation in regard to realization of sub-processes of knowledge management process. The cognitive agents' features allow organizations to gain competitive advantage thanks to the smooth management of their knowledge. They also allow to reduce the cost of operation of the company by making quick and accurate decisions at an operational, tactical and strategic level

    Jakość danych w zintegrowanych systemach informatycznych zarządzania

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    Zintegrowane systemy informatyczne zarządzania pozyskują dane z wielu źródeł wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych na świecie, a więc dane te mogą posiadać różną jakość. Skuteczne zarządzanie musi jednakże bazować na danych o wysokiej jakości. Ważnymi cechami danych są pilność i aktualność, niezaprzeczalność, zrozumiałość i wiarygodność. Tylko na podstawie takich danych osoby zarządzające mogą podejmować prawidłowe decyzje ekonomiczne. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza problematyki związanej z jakością danych i zarządzaniem tą jakością w zintegrowanych systemach informatycznych zarządzania. W pierwszej części przedstawiono istotę pojęcia jakości danych. Następnie scharakteryzowano problematykę zarządzania jakością danych w zintegrowanych systemach informatycznych zarządzania. Ostatnią część artykułu stanowi dyskusja nad praktycznymi aspektami zarządzania jakością danych

    Wykorzystanie standardu OPC w celu integracji modułów podsystemu zarządzania produkcją zintegrowanego systemu informatycznego zarządzania

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    The article presents the usage of OPC standard on all levels of integration of manufacturing management subsystem at the integrated management information system. The structure of manufacturing management subsystem, with taking into consideration MES, SCADA and PLC systems, is presented in the first part of the article. Next, the most often used technological standards of integration on system and application levels are characterized. The final part of the article presents using OPC standard, with taking into particular consideration the specification of OPC Unified Architecture, in order to integrate manufacturing management subsystem on the system, application and business process level. This integration allows the data flow in real time to all subsystems of integrated management information system, what has a significant impact on the efficiency of the functioning of an enterprise

    A Heuristic Approach to Shelf Space Allocation Decision Support Including Facings, Capping, and Nesting

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    Shelf space on which products are exhibited is a scarce resource in the retail environment. Retailers regularly make decisions related to allocating products to their outlets’ limited shelf space. The aim of the paper was to develop a practical shelf space allocation model offering the possibility of horizontal and vertical product grouping, representing an item (product) with facings, capping, and nesting, with the objective of maximizing the retailer’s profit. Because real category-management problems address a lot of retailer’s rules, we expanded the basic shelf space allocation model, using shelf constraints, product constraints, multi-shelves constraints, and category constraints. To solve the problem, we proposed two adjustable methods that allowed us to achieve good results within a short time interval. The validity of algorithms was estimated, using the CPLEX solver and illustrated with example problems. Experiments were performed on data generated on the basis of real retail values. To estimate the performance of the proposed approach, 45 cases were tested. Among them, the proposed approach found solutions in 34 cases, while CPLEX found solutions only in 23 cases. The profit ratio of the proposed approach is, on average, 94.57%, with minimal and maximal values of 86.80% and 99.84%, accordingly

    Shelf space allocation for specific products on shelves selected in advance

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    Purpose: The aim of the research is to develop the shelf space allocation model for specific products on shelves selected in advance, based on the practical retail requirements. Retailers and manufacturers may impose particular conditions for the appearance of products on the shelf based on its package type, brand, price, form and size. Shelf space allocation must be in line with the store positioning strategy of the retailer. Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper proposed dynamic programming to solve the profit maximization problem on small problem sizes considering extra allocation parameters such as capping and nesting. The distribution of shelf space to products has a direct effect on the competitiveness of the retail store. Findings: The paper presented major profit differences between shelf space allocation without capping and nesting parameters and including them. The computational experiments were performed to test the additional gains received with the usage of capping and nesting parameters. Practical Implications: This research provided qualitative insights for the retailers by comparing the profit gained with and without the capping and nesting allocation possibilities proposed in the model. Originality/Value: In this paper the basic shelf space allocation problem was simplified with selection of the shelf to place the products in advance, next the basic shelf space allocation model was extended with capping and nesting on-shelf allocation methods.peer-reviewe

    Information technologies as a factor of developing the new functionality of integrated management systems under the big management conception

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    Integrated Management Information Systems should enable to process not only large amounts of unstructured data, but also to have the ability to analyze the real significance of phenomena occurring in the organization’s environment. This paper highlights how new information technologies affect to the development of an integrated management system, its new functionality, and how they allow to the introduce a new management conception, called Big Management.Zintegrowane systemy informatyczne zarządzania powinny umożliwiać nie tylko przetwarzanie dużych ilości nieusystematyzowanych danych, ale również posiadać funkcje umożliwiające analizę rzeczywistego znaczenia zjawisk zachodzących w otoczeniu organizacji. W niniejszym artykule wskazano, w jaki sposób nowe technologie informacyjne wpływają na rozwój struktury zintegrowanego systemu zarządzania, nowych jego funkcjonalności oraz umożliwiają wprowadzenie nowej koncepcji zarządzania określanej jako big management

    Consensus determining algorithm in a situationof unstructured knowledge conflictsin distributed information managementsupport systems

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    The problem of unstructured knowledge conflicts solving in the management support systems is presented in the article. The first part of the article pays attention to the fact that unstructured knowledge is an important element of organizations functioning, especially in terms of competition. Next, the sources and essence of unstructured conflicts of unstructured knowledge are characterized. This knowledge is stored at wide mining text documents. In the final part of the article, assuming the representation of text document in the binary form of frequency matrix, the consensus determining algorithm is elaborated allowing to solve unstructured knowledge conflicts, which is the basic purpose of the article