110 research outputs found

    Similiarity test: THE DESCRIPTION OF CHARACTERISTICS OF ABORTION AT THE SLEMAN REGIONAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL IN 2014 (Nurul Islejar Estiyanti ,Sari Hastuti , Munica Rita Hernayanti )

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    Maternal mortality in developing countries are 14 times higher than in developed countries. Abortion is a direct cause of maternal mortality. Abortion contributes to 15-50% of maternal mortality. The highest maternal mortality rate in DIY is found in Sleman. he purpose of this study is to find out the description of characteristics of pregnant women causing the spontaneous abortion in the respective hospital. The data collection technique is using secondary data by lookingthrough the list of registers and hospital’s medical record. Meanwhile, the tools used are format of data collection, the master table, and dummy table. This study shows pregnant women with spontaneous abortion is that 38.8% of pregnant women experience an incomplete abortion, 35.3% of pregnant women experience infection, 15.3% of pregnant women suffer from chronic debility disease, 57.7% of pregnant women suffer from anemia, 56.5% of pregnant women are at risky age, 68.2% of pregnant women are with risk parity, 15.3% of pregnant women are with gestational distance <2 years, and 56,5% of pregnant women are at risky age couples. So the conclusion of characteristics of pregnant women who experience spontaneous abortion is large because of the risk parity, maternal age risk, paternal age risk, and risk of maternal nutrition. Keywords: characteristics, pregnant women, spontaneous abortio


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    Background: Low Birth Weight (LBW) is the largest contributor to infant mortality during perinatal period. Yogyakarta is a province in Indonesia with the second highest LBW incidence, reached to 12.1%. One effort of lBW is to maintain exclusive breastfeeding. Stress experienced by the mother affects the smooth breastfeeding process and breast milk sufficiency. This research is aimed to identify the relation of support of health officer and family with the anxiety and sufficiency of breast milk to mothers who have LBW. Methods: This research is a cross-sectional study. The respondents of the study were mothers who had LBW infants treated in the hospital's perinatal chamber. The data was obtained using a set of questionnaires and observation sheets. Results: The results shows that the majority of mothers were in healthy reproductive age (20-35 years), upper secondary education, unemployment, low socioeconomic classes and sufficient breastfeeding. Most mothers received family support from husbands and other family members and do not experience physical or psychological anxiety. Conclusion: From this study, it is noted that there is no relationship between family support with maternal physical and psychological anxiety. However, the study found there is a relationship between support of health workers and families with breastfeeding adequacy. It is suggested that the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and leaflet assistance for mothers who have LBW in hospital perinatal room may play important roles in handling mothers’ anxiety and breastmilk sufficiency. Keywords: Support, Maternal anxiety, Breastmilk sufficiency

    Similiarity test: The Level Of Knowledge And Attitudes Of Teenagers About Free Sex Students X And XI Grade's SMK Bina Harapan Sleman 2015 (Ika Novitasari Kardiya, Dwiana Estiwidani, Munica Rita Hernayanti)

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    premarital sex. Yogyakafta there are 62,7% of teenagers junior and senior higit school not a virgin. ln 2014 ceses of HIV/AIDS in Sleman District ranked second after the city of Yogyakarta is 112 cases. This study purpose to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes of teenagers about free sex sludents X and Xl grade's Sl/lK Bina Harapan 201 5. Method of this research is descriptive with the approach cross secfional. The collection cf data using a quetionnaire the level of knowledgeand attitudesofteenagersabout freesex.Thesub1'ectofresearchanumberofT6respondenfs.theresultsof research shouzs the level of knowledge about free sex 43,42% respondents having good knowiedge, knowledge about understanding 35,53%, knowledge aboutforms of free sex 52,64%o, knowlecige about factors that affect 52,64%, knowledge about consequences 50%. Attitudes abouf free sex resspondents vthc Con't supporl 53,959(. ln conclusion the level of knowledge about free sex majority of respondents having good. ,Attitudes about free sex the majoruty of respondents didn't support free sex

    Similiary text: Breast Milk and Umbilical Cord Care in Newborn (Munica Rita Hernayanti, Yuliasti Eka Purnamaningrum, Yuni Kusmiyati, Waryana)

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    Newborns are particularly vulnerable to infectious microorganisms. The appropriate umbilical cord care can prevent infant mortality due to infection. Breast milk protein becomes a new method to fight staphylococcus infection on the skin. The objective of this research was to know the use of breast milk to umbilical cord care in newborns. Research was carried out by quasi experiment, posttest design with control group design. Research was conducted at the independent midwife practice in Yogyakarta. The Sample was 30 of newborns experiment group and 30 for the control group. The experimental group was smearing milk to the cord each time cleaning/drying the umbilical cord. The control group performed cord care by allowing its open dry without being smeared. The release of the cord is measured in minutes and observed in 2 stages (when the umbilical cord is removed and when the scar dries). Analysis is used to by ttest at significance level of 5% (p = 0.05). The results showed that there is difference average time required for the release and drying umbilical cord between experimental and control groups. The difference was not significant when the umblical cord releases, but it becomes significant when umbilical cord wound dries. Keywords: breast milk, umbilical cord, car


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    Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in the world. In developing countries still ranks first as a cause of cancer deaths in women of reproductive age. Pap smear has proved very useful for early detection of cervical cancer since pre-cancerous stage, but many women are reluctant to undergo a pap smear because of ignorance, shame, fear, and cost factors. While the Pap smear coverage lowest in Imogiri health center II is 0%. The type of research is a descriptive study with cross-sectional approach. To describe the level of knowledge and overview of the implementation of Pap smears in women in fertile age couple in the Kemasan Hamlet Karang Tengah Village Imogiri Bantul. The entire population of mothers in fertile age couple who attended of the PKK and willing to become respondents in the Kemasan Hamlet Karang Tengah Village Imogiri Bantul. The results of research that the majority of respondents aged> 35 years (51.1%), basic education (50%), does not work (53.44%), obtain resources through one source (63.3%). The level of knowledge about Pap smears in women PUS (Pasangan Usia Subur) in the Kemasan Hamlet Karang Tengah Village Imogiri Bantul 2015 is in the category enough that 72.7% and most did not carry out pap smear that is, 86.4%. The conclusion that the level of knowledge about the EFA mother pap smear EFA in the Kemasan Hamlet Karang Tengah Village Imogiri Bantul 2015 enough and did not carry out pap smear


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    approximately 10 percent from the overall population; therefore it needs serious attention to improve the quality of their development as these children will become the next generation of the nation. The examination of child development by using Pre-screening developmental questionnaire (Kuesioner Pre Screening Perkembangan (KPSP) is one of the competences of the midwives to improve the quality of student learning outcomes, teachers should provide creative and interesting learning sources which are easily understood by the students. The video is one of the learning media considered more effective to use because it stimulates sight, hearing, and kinesthetic (movement) at one time (at a time). Further, it enables open discussion among students and facilitators. This research aimed to produce a product of audio-visual learning media or video material used in child examination by using KPSP. The type of research undertaken is product-oriented research and development. Research is conducted by involving the product design stage, product making and development, and product evaluation. The research findings are (1) the audiovisual media or learning video used for teaching child development by using KPSP, (2) material experts, media experts, education experts, and students state that video as the learning media to explain child development by using KPSP is considered feasible. Audio-visual media of children's developmental examination materials using KPSP can be used as an alternative learning media to improve students' motivation and creativity in improving child's developmental examination skills

    Similiarity test: Gambaran Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Kontrasepsi Suntik DMPA Di Puskesmas Sleman Tahun 2015 (Hastika Ulfatu Nikhmah, Anita Rahmawati, Munica Rita Hernayanti)

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    Background: Data lndonesian Health Ministry showsthatthere are 8,500,247 newfamily planning participantswith 48.56% using injectable contraceptives. The percentage of participants KBsuntik active in the province is the highest ie 46.01%, in Puskesmas Sleman ?,cceptors injecting 48.5%. Acceptors who choose injectables because of seyera lfaciors. Objective: To determine the factors that influence the selecticn of picture injectable contraceptive DMPA in Puskesmas Sleman 2015. Methods: descriptive study with cross secflonal design. Location of the study in Puskesma-s Slefian with research subiecls throughout the injectable DMPA acceptors who visit the Puskesrnas Sleman with the nunber of responcients 35 people. Results: Factors that influence the selection of injectable ccntraceptive DMPAin Puskesrlas S/ernan 201 5 inciude the age oi the respondent is a risk cf cancer v/ere age> 35 years a nuntber of 31 .43, the majority of respondents' education is junior (48.57%), did not work i IRT as much as 54.29%, parity mutioara much 51 .43%, anci have sufiicient knowledge as rnuch as 65.71%. Conclusian: Overview of factors that influence the selection of injectable contraceptive DMPA in Puskesmas Sleman, the majority aged <35 years (iess a risk of cancer), junior high school education, the majority oi respondenfs ln fhls study is notworking / lRT, having more rhan one child, anci have sufficientknowledge aboutthe DMPAinjeclions. Keywords: DMPAinjeciions,lhe factorsthat influencethe selection of injectable ccntraceptive

    Analisis Perbedaan Upaya Pencegahan Infeksi antara Bidan Delima dan Non Delima dalam Asuhan Persalinan di Kabupaten Kulon Progo

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    Universitas Diponegoro Program Pascasarjana Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Administrasi dan Kebijakan Kesehatan Minat Manajemen Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2012 ABSTRAK Munica Rita Hernayanti Analisis Perbedaan Upaya Pencegahan Infeksi antara Bidan Delima dan Non Delima dalam Asuhan Persalinan di Kabupaten Kulon Progo xiv + 121 halaman + 21 tabel + 6 gambar + 5 lampiran Praktik pencegahan infeksi oleh tenaga kesehatan masih bersifat selektif. Di Kabupaten Kulon Progo 44,4 % kematian bayi disebabkan oleh sepsis, 9 % kematian ibu disebabkan komplikasi demam nifas. Pertolongan persalinan 59 % dilakukan Bidan Praktik Swasta (BPS), dengan 47,8 % BPS telah berpredikat Bidan Delima yang seharusnya melayani dengan service of excellence. Studi pendahuluan menunjukkan Bidan Delima mengangap sepele dan merasa repot dengan pencegahan infeksi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan upaya pencegahan infeksi antara Bidan Delima dan non delima dalam asuhan persalinan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik komparatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah semua BPS di Kabupaten Kulon Progo sejumlah 90 BPS. Subjek terdiri dari 34 Bidan Delima dan 34 BPS non delima yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Pengumpulan data dengan metode angket menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi dengan lembar observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 8 (delapan) variabel yang diteliti Bidan Delima mempunyai nilai yang lebih baik dibanding BPS non delima. Hasil uji beda menunjukkan ada perbedaan bermakna dalam pelaksanaan pencegahan infeksi (p = 0,003), ada perbedaan bermakna dalam hal pengetahuan (p = 0,037), sikap (p = 0,03), persepsi kepuasan pasien (p = 0,016), persepsi beban kerja (p = 0,027), dukungan organisasi profesi (p = 0,012). Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna dalam pelatihan pencegahan infeksi (p = 0,169) dan motivasi bidan (p = 0,325). Uji bivariat dengan stratifikasi umur menunjukkan ada 2 (dua) variabel yaitu pelaksaaan pencegahan infeksi dan persepsi kepuasan pasien yang tidak mempunyai perbedaan bermakna baik pada kelompok umur tua maupun umur muda. Direkomendasikan agar IBI menetapkan prosedur tetap pencegahan infeksi pada asuhan persalinan yang harus dipatuhi anggotanya dan melakukan pembinaan program Bidan Delima sebagai program unggulan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan BPS. Direkomendasikan kepada dinas kesehatan agar memfasilitasi penyelenggaraan pelatihan manajemen pencegahan infeksi dan bekerjasama dengan IBI melakukan pembinaan terhadap BPS tentang pentingnya pencegahan infeksi khususnya pada asuhan persalinan. Kata Kunci : Pencegahan Infeksi, Persalinan, Bidan Delima Kepustakaan : 42 (1996 – 2012) Diponegoro University Postgraduate Program Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Policy Administration Sub Majoring in Maternal and Child Health Management 2012 ABSTRACT Munica Rita Hernayanti Analysis on the Differences between the Infection Prevention Practice by Delima and Non Delima Midwives in Delivery Cares in Kulon Progo District xiv + 121 pages + 21 tables + 6 figures + 5 enclosures Infection preventive practice by health workers was still selectively done. In Kulon Progo district 44.4% of infant mortality was caused by sepsis, 9% by post-delivery fever complication. The majority of delivery assistance was done by private practice midwives (BPS). Almost a half (47.8%) of BPS had Delima midwives predicate. They should do their work with service of excellence. A preliminary study showed that Delima midwives did not take into account infection prevention and they felt that infection prevention was annoying. The study objective was to identify the infection preventive action difference between Delima and non Delima midwives in the delivery care. This was an observational analytic and comparative study with cross sectional approach. Study population was all 90 BPS in Kulon Progo district. Study subjects consisted of 34 Delima midwives and 34 BPS non Delima who fulfilled inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were collected through survey using questionnaire and observation using observation sheet. Results of the study showed that Delima midwives had higher value on eight examined variables than non Delima BPS. Results of a difference test showed that there was a significant difference in the implementation of infection prevention (p= 0.003), knowledge (p= 0.037), attitude (p= 0.03), patient satisfaction perception (p= 0.016), perception on workload (p= 0.027), support from organizational profession (p= 0.012). There was no significant difference in infection preventive training (p= 0.169), and midwives motivation (p= 0.325). Results of bivariate test with age stratification showed that two variables namely implementation of infection prevention and patient satisfaction perception were not significantly different in both elder age group and young age group. Recommendation for IBI is to establish standard procedure of infection prevention in the delivery care. All members of IBI should obey this standard procedure. IBI should develop Delima midwives program as a superior program to improve BPS service. Recommendations for district health office are to facilitate training implementation on the management of infection prevention, to collaborate with IBI to do supervision to BPS focusing on the important of infection prevention especially in the delivery care. Key words : Infection prevention, delivery, Delima midwives Bibliography : 42 (1996-2012

    Similiarity test: FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEGAGALAN IUD DI KOTA YOGYAKARTA TAHUN 2013-2016 (Maranata , Siti Tyastuti , Munica Rita Hernayanti)

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    The highest in DIY for 2013-2016 in Jogja. The effects of the failure of IUD are abortus, sepsis, ectopic pregnancy, frequency of low birth and premature born. The factors that influence IUD failure are age, parity, IUD type, gynecology history (breast sickness, expulsion event). Uterus length, education, experience of using IUD, and the period in using IUD. This research purpose is to know factors that influence of IUD failure in Jogja from 2013-2016. This research is analytical observational with cross sectional design, simple random sampling technique. subject with 317 subject IUD acceptor. The selected variables are IUD's type, age, parity, period of use expulsion IUD. Data collecting in this research is from IUD family planning report. Bivariate analysis showed that variables affecting IUD failure are IUD types (p=0,013), age (p=0.001), duration of used (p=0,000), expulsion (p=0,000). The results multivariant collecting influence variable are IUD types (p=0.005) (PR 2.40, 95%, CI = 1.302 - 4.427), age (p=0.003) (PR=0.379 95% CI = 0.199-0.719), expulsion event (p=0.002) (PR = 3.677 95% CI = 1,591-8,498). Factors that influence IUD failure are IUD type, age, expulsion occurrence of parity and duration has no effect on IUD failure

    Similiarity test: Factors Related to Adolescent Behavior in HIV/AIDS Prevention (Ratyas Ekartika Puspita Candra Nugrahawati, Munica Rita Hernayanti,Yuliasti Eka Purnamaningrum, Vajee Petphong)

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    Abstract In 2016, the Special Region of Yogyakarta ranked 9th as the province with the highest number of people suffering from HIV/AIDS, especially in the Sleman District. Globally, AIDS is the second leading cause of death in adolescents aged 10–19 years. This study to aimed out factors affecting the behavior of adolescents toward HIV/AIDS prevention. This study used a cross-sectional study design. The sampling technique used was stratified random sampling that resulted in 59 respondents from 11th-grade students at Sleman 2 Senior High School who were selected as samples. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that most respondents 66.1% had sufficient knowledge. More than a half (54.2%) of students showed supportive attitude. Information was mostly obtained from electronic media. Thirty-one students (52.5%) showed a positive attitude toward HIV/AIDS prevention. Chi-square test result showed that factors significantly related to adolescent’s behavior toward HIV/AIDS prevention were knowledge and attitude. The most influential variable was attitude (p-value = 0.008; PR = 4.4; 95% CI = 1.4–13.1). Keywords:Adolescent, attitude, behavior, HIV/AIDS preventio
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