56 research outputs found

    Relació entre el percentatge i número absolut de cèl·lules Natural Killer i de l'expressió dels seus receptors NKG2D i NKp46 i les diferents formes de presentació de la Tuberculosi. Resultats preliminars

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    La tuberculosi pot localitzar-se al pulmó: TB-P o altres òrgans: TB-EP, segons el compromís del sistema immunitari de l'hoste, on hi intervenen les cèl·lules Natural Killer-NK.Tuberculosis is preferably located in the lungs: P-TB or any other organ: EP-TB, depending on the impairment of the immune system of the host that involve Natural Killer cells-NK

    Tuberculosi, infecció i malatia en relació amb nivells de vitamina D

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    La vitamina D té un paper important en patologies infeccioses, entre les quals la tuberculosi. El present estudi pretén avaluar aspectes clínics i epidemiològics de pacients amb infecció tuberculosa en els quals s'han determinat nivells sèrics de vitamina D, i veure si existeix relació entre el dèficit de vitamina D i el risc de desenvolupar malaltia activa, i si aquest dèficit es relaciona més amb malaltia extrapulmonar o greu. És un estudi observacional retrospectiu, en el qual s'han inclós un total de 86 pacients amb malaltia activa i 80 amb infecció latent. No s'objectivà una associació entre major dèficit de vitamina D i malaltia extrapulmonar, ni amb malaltia més greu. En canvi, destacà una associació significativa entre el dèficit greu de vitamina D i la malaltia tuberculosa activa quan es compara amb pacients amb infecció latent

    Factores Asociados a Deficiencia de Vitamina D y a Niveles Elevados de PTH en Pacientes con Infección VIH Atendidos en Barcelona

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    Estudi transversal de pacients VIH en els que es va determinar colecalciferol (25-OH- Vit.D3) i PTH, excloint a pacients amb insuficiència renal, hepàtica i nivells plasmàtics anormals de calci i/o fósfor Es van incloure 566 pacients, amb una exposició a tenofovir del 56,4%. La prevalència de vitamina D insuficient va der del 71,2% i la deficiència del 39,6% . La PTH es va determinar en 228 casos, presentant nivells elevats 86 d'ells (37,7%). Els factors de risc ajustats de deficiència de vitamina D van ser, ésser de raza no blanca i la morbilitat psiquiàtrica, essent la lipoatròfia, un factor protector. Els factors de risc independents de nivells elevats de PTH van ser: Vitamina D 12 ng/ml: OR: 2,14 (IC95%: 1,19-3,82, p: 0,01) i l' exposició a tenofovir: OR: 3,55 (IC95%: 1,62-7,7, p: 0,002).Estudio transversal de pacientes VIH en los que se determinó colecalciferol (25-OH- Vit.D3) y PTH, excluyendo a pacientes con insuficiencia renal, hepática y niveles plasmáticos anormales de calcio y/o fósforo Se incluyeron 566 pacientes, con una exposición a tenofovir del 56,4%. La prevalencia de vitamina D insuficiente fue del 71,2% y la deficiencia del 39,6% . La PTH se determinó en 228 casos, presentando niveles elevados 86 de ellos (37,7%). Los factores de riesgo ajustados de deficiencia de vitamina D fueron ser de raza no blanca y la morbilidad psiquiátrica, siendo la lipoatrofia, un factor protector. Los factores de riesgo independientes de niveles elevados de PTH fueron: Vitamina D 12 ng/ml: OR: 2,14 (IC95%: 1,19-3,82, p: 0,01) y la exposición a tenofovir: OR: 3,55 (IC95%: 1,62-7,7, p: 0,002)

    Etravirine Concentrations in Cerebrospinal Fluid in HIV-Infected Patients

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    Cerebrospinal fluid Etravirine concentrations were measured in 12 asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. Median ETR concentration in plasma was 611.5 ng/mL (148-991) and median CSF ETR concentration was 7.24 ng/ml (3.5-17.9). In all cases Etravirine levels were above the IC50 range(0.39-2.4ng/ml) and CSF viral load was 40 copies/ml in all patients with undetectable plasma viral load. Our data suggest that ETR achieves concentrations several times above the IC50 range in CSF. All patients with undetectable plasma viral load were virologically suppressed in CSF while receiving an ETR-containing regimen. ETR may help in controlling HIV-1 in CNS.Les concentracions d'Etravirina (ETR) al liquid cefaloraquidi (LCR) es van mesurar en 12 pacients assimptomàtics infectats de VIH. La concentració mediana d'ETR en plasma va ser de 611,5 ng/mL (148-991) i la concentració mediana d'ETR al LCR va ser de 7.24 ng/mL (3.5-17.9). En tots els casos, els nivells d'Etravirina van estar per damunt de l'interval CI50 (0.39-2.4 ng/ml) i la càrrega viral al LCR va ser 40 còpies/mL en tots els pacients amb càrrega viral plasmàtica indetectable. Aquestes dades suggereixen que l'ETR assoleix concentracions al LCR diverses vegades superiors a l'interval CI50. Tots els pacients amb càrrega viral indetectable van mostrar supressió virològica al LCR mentre van rebre un règim que contenia ETR. L'ETR pot ajudar en el control del HIV-1 al SNC

    Premiar y financiar proyectos de calidad revierte positivamente en el paciente y en el hospital : disminución de la infección causada por catéter venoso central en pacientes no críticos

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    Objectiu: Avaluar una intervenció dirigida a la reducció d'infeccions relacionades amb els catèters venosos centrals (IRC). Mètodes: Estudi pre-postintervenció, 2004-2006. Població d'estudi: pacients portadors de catèter venós central (CVC). La intervenció va consistir en conèixer la situació bassal, identificar factors de risc, i en el segon període realitzar diverses intervencions. Resultats: Es van analitzar 175 i 200 CVC en el període pre i postintervenció, respectivament. Es va observar una incidència de IRC de 20% durant el període preintervenció i de 5,5% en el període post-intervenció (p 0,001). Conclusió: La aplicació de mesures de prevenció ha aconseguit una disminució d'aquestes del 72,5%.Estudio pre-postintervención, 2004-2006. Población de estudio: pacientes portadores de catéter venoso central (CVC). Intervención: conocer la situación basal, identificar factores de riesgo y en un segundo período realizar mejoras. Resultados: Se analizaron 175 y 200 CVC en el periodo pre y postintervención, respectivamente. Se observó IRC de 20% durante el periodo preintervención y de 5,5% post-intervención (p 0,001). Conclusión: La aplicación de medidas de prevención de la IRC ha conseguido una disminución de estas del 72,5 %

    Real world patient-reported outcomes in HIV-infected adults switching to EVIPLERA®, because of a previous intolerance to cART. PRO-STR study

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    To investigate the impact of switching from stable Combined Antiretroviral Therapy (cART) to single-tablet regimen (RPV/FTC/TDF=EVIPLERA®/COMPLERA®) on patient-reported outcomes in HIV-infected adults who cannot tolerate previous cART, in a real-world setting. PRO-STR is a 48-week observational, prospective, multicenter study. Presence and magnitude of symptoms (main endpoint), health-related quality-of-life (HRQoL), adherence, satisfaction with treatment and patient preferences were assessed. Three hundred patients with 48-week follow-up, who switched to EVIPLERA® (mean age: 46.6 years; male: 74.0%; 74.7% switched from a non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase-inhibitor, 25.3% from a protease inhibitor + ritonavir) were included. There was no statistical difference in median CD4+ cell count (baseline: 678.5 cells/mm; 48-week: 683.0 cells/mm) neither in virological suppression (≤50 copies/mL) (baseline: 98.3%; 48-week: 95.3%). The most frequent reasons for switching were neuropsychiatric (62.3%), gastrointestinal (19.3%) and biochemical/metabolic (19.3%) events. Only 7.7% of patients permanently discontinued therapy. At 48-week, all outcomes showed an improvement compared to baseline. Overall, there was a significant decrease (p-value≤0.05) in number and magnitude of symptoms, while HRQoL, satisfaction and adherence improved significantly. Most patients prefered EVIPLERA® than previous cART. According to the type of intolerance, HRQoL was improved, but only significantly in patients with neuropsychiatric and gastrointestinal symptoms. Adherence improved significantly in patients with metabolic disturbances and satisfaction with EVIPLERA® was higher in the three groups. Switching to EVIPLERA® from non-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase-inhibitor or protease inhibitor-based regimens due to toxicity, improved the presence/magnitude of symptoms, HRQoL, and preference with treatment. EVIPLERA® maintained a virological response, CD4+ cell count and maintained or improved adherence

    Epidemiological characteristics and predictors of late presentation of HIV infection in Barcelona (Spain) during the period 2001-2009

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early diagnosis of HIV infection can prevent morbidity and mortality as well as reduce HIV transmission. The aim of the present study was to assess prevalence, describe trends and identify factors associated with late presentation of HIV infection in Barcelona (Spain) during the period 2001-09.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Demographic and epidemiological characteristics of cases reported to the Barcelona HIV surveillance system were analysed. Late presentation was defined for individuals with a CD4 count below 350 cells/ml upon HIV diagnosis or diagnosis of AIDS within 3 months of HIV diagnosis. Multivariate logistic regression were used to identify predictors of late presentation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 2,938 newly diagnosed HIV-infected individuals, 2,507 (85,3%) had either a CD4 cell count or an AIDS diagnosis available. A total of 1,139 (55.6%) of the 2,507 studied cases over these nine years were late presenters varying from 48% among men who have sex with men to 70% among heterosexual men. The proportion of late presentation was 62.7% in 2001-2003, 51.9% in 2004-2005, 52.6% in 2006-2007 and 52.1% in 2008-2009. A decrease over time only was observed between 2001-2003 and 2004-2005 (p = 0.001) but remained constant thereafter (p = 0.9). Independent risk factors for late presentation were older age at diagnosis (p < 0.0001), use of injected drugs by men (p < 0.0001), being a heterosexual men (p < 0.0001), and being born in South America (p < 0.0001) or sub-Saharan Africa (p = 0.002).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Late presentation of HIV is still too frequent in all transmission groups in spite of a strong commitment with HIV prevention in our city. It is necessary to develop interventions that increase HIV testing and facilitate earlier entry into HIV care.</p

    Epidemiology of infections by HIV, Syphilis, Gonorrhea and Lymphogranuloma Venereum in Barcelona City: a population-based incidence study

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    Background The aim of this study was to determine the evolution of HIV infection, gonorrhea, syphilis and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV), and their epidemiological characteristics in Barcelona city. Methods Population-based incidence study of all newly occurring diagnoses of HIV infection, syphilis, gonorrhea and LGV detected in Barcelona between January 2007 and December 2011. A descriptive analysis was performed. The annual incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants were calculated by sex, sexual conduct and educational level. To estimate global sex-specific rates we used the Barcelona city census; for the calculation of rates by sexual conduct and educational level we used estimates of the Barcelona Health Interview Survey. Trends were analysed using the chi-squared test for linear trend. Results HIV. 66.8 % of the HIV cases were men who had sex with men (MSM). The incidence rates in MSM over the study period were from 692.67/100,000 to 909.88/100,000 inh. Syphilis. 74.2 % of the syphilis cases were MSM. The incidence rates in MSM were from 224.9/100,000 to 891.97/100,000 inh. and the MSM with a university education ranged from 196.3/100,000 to 1020.8/100,000. Gonorrhea. 45.5 % of the gonorrhea cases were MSM. The incidence rates in MSM were from 164.24/100,000 to 404.79/100,000 inh. and the MSM with university education ranged from 176.7/100,000 to 530.1/100,000 inh.. Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). 95.3 % of the LGV cases are MSM. The incidence rates in MSM were from 24.99/100,000 to 282.99/100,000 inh. and the MSM with university education ranged from 9.3/100,000 to 265/100,000 inh. Conclusion An increase in cases of STI was observed. These STI mainly affected MSM with a university education. Continuing to monitor changes in the epidemiology of STI, and identifying the most affected groups should permit redesigning preventive programs, with the goal of finding the most efficient way to reach these population groups

    ACTG-HIV symptoms changes in patients switched to RPV/FTC/TDF due to previous intolerance to CART. Interim analysis of the PROSTR study

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    Introduction: Tolerability and convenience are crucial aspects for the long-term success of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART). The aim of this study was to investigate the impact in routine clinical practice of switching to the single tablet regimen (STR) RPV/FTC/TDF in patients with intolerance to previous cART, in terms of patients’ well-being, assessed by several validated measures. Methods: Prospective, multicenter study. Adult HIV-infected patients with viral load under 1.000 copies/mL while receiving a stable ART for at least the last three months and switched to RPV/FTC/TDF due to intolerance of previous regimen, were included. Analyses were performed by ITT. Presence/magnitude of symptoms (ACTG-HIV Symptom Index), quality of life (EQ-5D, EUROQoL & MOS-HIV), adherence (SMAQ), preference of treatment and perceived ease of medication (ESTAR) through 48 weeks were performed. Results: Interim analysis of 125 patients with 16 weeks of follow up was performed. 100 (80%) were male, mean age 46 years. Mean CD4 at baseline was 629.59307.29 and 123 (98.4%) had viral load B50 copies/mL; 15% were HCV co-infected. Ninety two (73.6%) patients switched from a NNRTI (84.8% from EFV/FTC/TDF) and 33 (26.4%) from a PI/r. The most frequent reasons for switching were psychiatric disorders (51.2%), CNS adverse events (40.8%), gastrointestinal (19.2%) and metabolic disorders (19.2%). At the time of this analysis (week 16), four patients (3.2%) discontinued treatment: one due to adverse events, two virologic failures and one with no data. A total of 104 patients (83.2%) were virologically suppressed (B50 copies/mL). The average degree of discomfort in the ACTG-HIV Symptom Index significantly decreased from baseline (21915.55) to week 4 (10.89912.36) & week 16 (10.81912.62), pB0.001. In all the patients, quality of life tools showed a significant benefit in wellbeing of the patients (Table 1). Adherence to therapy significantly and progressively increased (SMAQ) from baseline (54.4%) to week 4 (68%), pB0.001 and to week 16 (72.0%), pB0.001. Conclusions: Switching to RPV/FTC/TDF from another ARV regimen due to toxicity, significantly improved the quality of life of HIV-infected patients, both in mental and physical components, and improved adherence to therapy while maintaining a good immune and virological response

    Darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide versus dolutegravir /abacavir/lamivudine in antiretroviral-naïve adults (SYMTRI): a multicenter randomized open-label study (PReEC/RIS-57)

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    D/C/F/TAF is the reference for combination therapy based on protease inhibitors but has not been compared with regimens containing integrase inhibitors as initial ART. We could not demonstrate D/C/F/TAF noninferiority relative to DTG/ABC/3TC, although both regimens were similarly well tolerated. Background Darunavir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (D/C/F/TAF) is the reference for combination therapy based on protease inhibitors due to its efficacy, tolerability, and convenience. Head-to-head randomized comparisons between D/C/F/TAF and combination therapy based on integrase inhibitors in antiretroviral-naive patients are lacking. Methods Adult (>18 years old) human immunodeficiency virus-infected antiretroviral-naive patients (HLA-B*5701 negative and hepatitis B virus negative), with viral load (VL) >= 500 c/mL, were centrally randomized to initiate D/C/F/TAF or dolutegravir/abacavir/lamivudine (DTG/3TC/ABC) after stratifying by VL and CD4 count. Clinical and analytical assessments were performed at weeks 0, 4, 12, 24, and 48. The primary endpoint was VL 100 000 copies/mL, and 13% had <200 CD4 cells/mu L. Median weight was 73 kg and median body mass index was 24 kg/m(2). At 48 weeks, 79% (D/C/F/TAF) versus 82% (DTG/3TC/ABC) had VL <50 c/mL (difference, -2.4%; 95% confidence interval [CI], -11.3 to 6.6). Eight percent versus four percent experienced virologic failure but no resistance-associated mutations emerged. Four percent versus six percent had drug discontinuation due to adverse events. In the per-protocol analysis, 94% versus 96% of patients had VL <50 c/mL (difference, -2%; 95% CI, -8.1 to 3.5). There were no differences in CD4 cell count or weight changes. Conclusions We could not demonstrate the noninferiority of D/C/F/TAF relative to DTG/ABC/3TC as initial antiretroviral therapy, although both regimens were similarly well tolerated