907 research outputs found

    Relationship between Spatial Price Transmission and Geographical Distance in Brazil

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    Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2011 AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 24-26, 2011. (Poster Presentation)cointegration, price transmission, geographical distance, structural breaks, principal component regression, rice, Brazil., Agricultural and Food Policy, Demand and Price Analysis, C32, Q11, Q13,

    The Relationship Between Leadership Qualities and Group Collaboration in Third-Grade Students.

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    Leadership in any area of vocation is widely recognized as a vital component of success. Coupled with this is the ability to work collaboratively with other individuals. This study focused on leadership qualities, mainly emotional intelligence, in third-grade students and whether those qualities affected their level of collaboration. The specific leadership qualities observed for this study were narrowed down to emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill) along with cognitive intelligence and confidence (Goleman, 2004). This exploratory mixed-method required the participants (23 third-grade students) to interact with their peers in a small group setting, with the goal of completing a set of tasks in a collaborative activity. The leaders of each group were identified prior to the activity, and the researchers carefully observed their level of collaboration and compared it to the qualities of leadership they exhibited. The observation notes of each area (collaboration and leadership qualities) were scored using an original rubric and compared. The results indicated that groups who contained a leader who was emotionally intelligent collaborated on a higher level, and had an increased number of positive interactions. Groups whose leaders lacked emotional intelligence, despite being successful with the activity, also lacked in collaboration

    Developing a Technique Using Peptide and Dye Synthesis for Cancer Research

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    Developing a Technique Using Peptide and Dye Synthesis for Cancer Research Vanessa Hernandez, Obdulia Covarrubias Zambrano, Stefan H. Bossmann Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, Kansas State University Cancer occurs when a mutated single cell continues to divide uncontrollably, developing into one of the 200 different cancer types. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, with approximately 1.8 million new cases occurring this year. Current cancer detection and treatment techniques are costly and not optimal, due to the lack of cancer specificity as well as early detection achieved in some cancer types. This project focuses on the synthesis development of peptides and fluorescent dyes that could be used for cancer research.The solid phase peptide synthesis procedure as well as cyanine 7 synthesis will be discussed here. Cyanine 7 is a blue fluorescent dye synthesized and used to label peptides, so they can be used to quantify protease levels as an aim for cancer detection technique. Establishing a well synthesized peptide will help us to advance for better cancer detection and treatment techniques

    Making Good on the Promise of International Law: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Inclusive Education in China and India

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    The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities conceptualizes disability as a human rights issue and requires state parties to provide an inclusive education to all children with disabilities. However, China and India, the two most populous signatory countries, do not currently provide inclusive education—described by the Convention as nondiscriminatory access to general education, reasonable accommodation of disability, and individualized supports designed to fulfill the potential of individual children with disabilities. Though both India and China have laws that encourage the education of children with disabilities, neither country’s laws mandate inclusive education and neither country currently provides universal education to children with disabilities. Furthermore, both countries lack the funding and teaching force to enforce existing laws or provide inclusive education. Assuming that India and China intend to comply with the Convention, the United Nations must use the Convention to persuade China and India to also change domestic laws and facilitate the involvement of non-governmental organizations that can help increase and effectively use fiscal and human resources necessary to provide inclusive education to all students with disabilities

    Trade and the Environment in Central America

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    During the last decades, the policies of trade liberalization and export promotion have been crucial to Central America's economic growth. Because of the linkages between trade and the environment, this dramatic shift in Central America’s trade patterns could have important implications for the environment and use of natural resources. This paper looks at the dynamics between trade and the environment in the Central American region during the decade of the 1990s, focusing on export flows with its main partner, the United States. By making use of relevant econometric techniques, such as instrumental variables and fixed effect estimation, in order to address problems caused by the endogeneity of environmental policy and unobserved country characteristics, we found evidence supporting the existence of a pollution haven effect. These results show that after controlling for other factors that influence trade flows more stringent environmental regulation acts as a deterrent to dirty good production

    Improving Frequency of Hand Hygiene Education from Providers to Patients

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    Hand hygiene compliance is one of the most simplest forms of preventing infection. This paper focuses on improving the frequency and standardizing hand hygiene education to patients delivered by health care professionals from a primary care clinic. The ambulatory suburban community clinic in Oakland primarily serves the underserved population. The target population are the following providers: Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, and Medical Assistants. A survey was adapted from evidence-based studies, WHO, and CDC to collect data on current hand hygiene education provided to patients from healthcare professionals. An additional survey was given to patients to assess baseline hand hygiene compliance and education that was provided by their health care providers. An educational tool was created for Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, Medical Assistants and Nursing Students to have available during patient calls to promote standardized hand hygiene education. Eighteen of 38 providers responded to surveys. Of those 18, 61.1% of health care providers stated hand hygiene education was not at all provided to their patients. The results called for standardizing hand hygiene education to be implemented using the educational tool four weeks to test effectiveness. Due to the competing demands of staff involvement during the COVID-19 transition, the clinical staff did not buy-in. For the implementation tool to take place, we recommended that future nursing students pilot the study by using the hand hygiene educational tool in person to test effectiveness. After the implementation of the educational tool during patient appointments, we would like to see an 20% increase of healthcare professionals providing hand hygiene education

    A concepção da ética argumentativa diante dos princípios da educação ambiental nas decisões judiciais cidadãs

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    O texto busca analisar o uso da ética argumentativa para a observância dos princípios de educação ambiental, previstos na lei no 9 795 (Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental), por meio das decisões judiciais. O uso de quase-raciocínios causais para o desenvolvimento de uma ética argumentativa que tem como normas éticas a liberdade, o consenso e o caráter ecológico produz atitudes a partir de reflexões conscientes. Os princípios de educação ambiental devem ser vistos como a estruturação de um sistema de idéias, pensamentos ou normas, pois a educação ambiental afirma valores e ações que contribuem para a transformação humana e social e para a preservação ecológica; estimula a formação de sociedades justas e ecologicamente equilibradas, que conservam entre si relação de interdependência e diversidade, o que requer responsabilidade individual e coletiva em nível local, nacional e planetário. As decisões judiciais provêm de uma função soberana do Estado, que é a de prestar tutela jurisdicional, resolvendo questões não só de caráter individual, mas também aquelas que são fruto da crescente complexidade social em meio ao surgimento de direitos pluriindividuais. Pensar nos princípios da educação ambiental, utilizando a ética argumentativa, é poder verificar intenções emancipatórias e transformadoras de uma sociedade. Usar o direito, por meio das decisões judiciais, é obter a referida transformação ao realizar o Estado democrático de direito pelos seus cidadãos. Encontrar nas decisões judiciais a ética e os princípios da educação ambiental é o rumo da cidadania de um povo sedento pela erradicação das desigualdades sociais

    Sistematización de práctica profesional educativa: pautas de crianza, una alternativa para la reducción de conductas violentas

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    Tesis de la Sede Bello Uniminuto-Seccional BelloEl proyecto de práctica universitaria sobre pautas de crianza como una alternativa para la reducción de conductas violentas, pretendió construir estrategias para identificar conductas violentas en los menores y promover alternativas con base en pautas de crianza positivas como respuesta a esta problemática.Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dio