23,166 research outputs found

    Generalized hydrodynamics of a dilute finite-sized particles suspension: Dynamic viscosity

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    We present a mesoscopic hydrodynamic description of the dynamics of colloidal suspensions. We consider the system as a gas of Brownian particles suspended in a Newtonian heat bath subjected to stationary non-equilibrium conditions imposed by a velocity field. Using results already obtained in previous studies in the field by means of a generalized Fokker-Planck equation, we obtain a set of coupled differential equations for the local diffusion current and the evolution of the total stress tensor. We find that the dynamic shear viscosity of the system contains contributions arising from the finite size of the particles.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    On piecewise isomorphism of some varieties

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    Two quasi-projective varieties are called piecewise isomorphic if they can be stratified into pairwise isomorphic strata. We show that the m-th symmetric power Sm(Cn)S^m(C^n) of the complex affine space CnC^n is piecewise isomorphic to CmnC^{mn} and the m-th symmetric power Sm(CP)S^m(CP^\infty) of the infinite dimensional complex projective space is piecewise isomorphic to the infinite dimensional Grassmannian Gr(m,)Gr(m,\infty)

    Analytical study of coherence in seeded modulation instability

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    We derive analytical expressions for the coherence in the onset of modulation instability, in excellent agreement with thorough numerical simulations. As usual, we start by a linear perturbation analysis, where broadband noise is added to a continuous wave (CW) pump; then, we investigate the effect of adding a deterministic seed to the CW pump, a case of singular interest as it is commonly encountered in parametric amplification schemes. Results for the dependence of coherence on parameters such as fiber type, pump power, propagated distance, seed signal-to-noise ratio are presented. Finally, we show the importance of including higher-order linear and nonlinear dispersion when dealing with generation in longer wavelength regions (mid IR). We believe these results to be of relevance when applied to the analysis of the coherence properties of supercontinua generated from CW pumps.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure