11 research outputs found

    Simulacion del analisis de riesgos en la gestion de proyectos como herramienta en el proceso de formacion de ingenieros civiles

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    El programa de Ingeniería Civil en la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila es el resultado de un proceso de Acreditación y Revisión constante, el cual da respuesta a la creciente demanda social de Gestión de Proyectos, aun cuando en la práctica es severamente cuestionada por la poca aplicación de los escenarios de modelación; por lo que, la investigación que se desarrolla por parte de la Cátedra de Proyectos nos permite fomentar el estudio de las Variables de Riesgo con el fin de establecer de manera eficiente un marco de referencia que permita incrementar el conocimiento de esta herramienta como material didáctico en la materia de Gestión de Proyectos. De esta manera, en la investigación se exponen las técnicas de identificación, los modelos de análisis y las herramientas de modelación que desarrollen las habilidades y actitudes en la toma de decisión, atendiendo a los criterios establecidos por los PMC, DIP, PMP; esto, con el fin de apoyar los trabajos de Gestión de Proyectos en escenarios crítico

    Diseño de un modelo estratégico de negocio basado en la metodología del PHVA para mejorar la gestión por procesos de la empresa Automotriz T. R., Trujillo, 2021

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    El presente proyecto tuvo como propósito, diseñar un modelo estratégico de negocio basado en la metodología del PHVA para mejorar la gestión por procesos en la empresa; para ello, se realizó un diagnóstico y análisis de la organización, identificando la criticidad de los procesos analizados, realizando mejoras y captando estrategias que vayan acorde; a su vez, se realizó la viabilidad económica del proyecto y lo que impacta social y ambientalmente. Con ello, se logró identificar la posición estratégica de la empresa y analizar los procesos, lo que permitió reconocer a aquellos que tienen un nivel alto de criticidad; por lo cual, se plantearon estrategias para mejorarlos e indicadores que aporten crecimiento. Por otro lado, se realizaron encuestas con una muestra de los 6 colaboradores y 21 clientes frecuentes, obteniendo los niveles de satisfacción de ambas partes. Finalmente, se logró proponer 4 estrategias que puedan mejorar los procesos operativos de la organización; asimismo, se calculó la inversión de la propuesta, la cual dio un VAN positivo y un TIR positivo del 43%, lo que determina que la propuesta es viable.The purpose of this project is to design a strategic business model based on the PHVA methodology to improve process management in the company; For this, a diagnosis and analysis of the organization was carried out, identifying the criticality of the processes analyzed, making improvements and capturing strategies that are consistent; At the same time, the economic viability of the project and its social and environmental impact were carried out. With this, the strategic position of the company will be identified and the processes will be analyzed, which will recognize those that have a high level of criticality; therefore, strategies were proposed to improve them and indicators that provide growth. On the other hand, surveys were carried out with a sample of 6 employees and 21 frequent customers, obtaining the satisfaction levels of both parties. Finally, it is proposed to improve 4 strategies that can improve the operational processes of the organization; Often, the investment of the proposal was calculated, which gave a positive VAN and a positive TIR of 43%, which determines that the proposal is viable

    Supplemental Material for López-Fuentes et al., 2018

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    <div>Table S1: Table of strains</div><div>Table S2: Table of plasmids</div><div>Table S3: Table of oligonucleotides</div><div>Table S4: 3C and standard curves data <br></div

    A New Gene Expression Signature for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer using Frozen Fresh Tissue before Neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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    Abstract Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is an aggressive subtype of breast cancer tumors. Comparisons between TNBC and non-triple-negative breast cancer (nTNBC) may help to differentiate key components involved in TNBC neoplasms. The purpose of the study was to analyze the expression profile of TNBC versus nTNBC tumors in a homogeneous population from northeastern Mexico. A prospective study of 50 patients (25 TNBC and 25 nTNBC) was conducted. Clinic parameters were equally distributed for TNBC and nTNBC: age at diagnosis (51 versus 47 years, p = 0.1), glucose level (107 mg/dl versus 104 mg/dl, p = 0.64), and body mass index (28 versus 29, p = 0.14). Core biopsies were collected for histopathological diagnosis and gene expression analysis. Total RNA was isolated and expression profiling was performed. Forty genes showed differential expression pattern in TNBC tumors. Among these, nine overexpressed genes (PRKX/PRKY, UGT8, HMGA1, LPIN1, HAPLN3, FAM171A1, BCL141A, FOXC1, and ANKRD11), and one underexpressed gene (ANX9) are involved in general metabolism. Based on this biochemical peculiarity and the overexpression of BCL11A and FOXC1 (involved in tumor growth and metastasis, respectively), we validated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction the expression profiles of seven genes out of the signature. In this report, a new gene signature for TNBC is proposed. To our knowledge, this is the first TNBC signature that describes genes involved in general metabolism. The findings may be pertinent for Mexican patients and require evaluation in other ethnic groups and populations

    Nolanville Comprehensive Plan 2021-2041

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    Nearly five years after the completion of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan, TxTC partnered with the City of Nolanville again in 2019 with the ENDEAVR project. ENDEAVR (Envisioning the Neo-traditional Development by Embracing the Autonomous Vehicles Realm)— is an ambitious project to re-envision ”smart” city solutions in small towns with students from a wide range of university degree programs in urban planning, landscape architecture, visualization, computer science, and civil, electrical and mechanical engineering. ENDEAVR launched in 2018 with a $300,000 grant from the Keck Foundation, which supports projects that promote inventive educational approaches. The City of Nolanville sought to explore “smart” city solutions to make efficient and prudent improvements to traffic flow, public safety, optimize utility systems, high-bandwidth digital networks, and foster autonomous vehicles. Additionally, TxTC included these “smart” city solutions to update its 2015 comprehensive plan. The new 2020 comprehensive plan embeds “smart” city solutions into its priorities and capital improvement projects to foster diversity and continue to make Nolanville “A Great Place to Live”