142 research outputs found

    Propuesta para la mejora de la calidad de atención al cliente según el modelo SERVQUAL, en la clínica Good Hope, Miraflores, 2018

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    El presente informe de propuesta de suficiencia profesional, tiene como objetivo evaluar el nivel de calidad de atención al cliente, según el modelo Servqualen la clínica Good Hope, Miraflores-2018. La metodología usada es descriptiva, propositiva, de tipo no experimental. La población está formada por los clientes que van a la clínica por una consulta médica considerando que, dada la experiencia obtenida en los años de labores realizados en la organización, y viendo la problemática existente en cuanto a la calidad de atención al paciente externo, se realiza la propuesta para mejorar la atención con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes. Se utilizó la teoría del modelo Servqual y la escala de Likert, para medir la calidad de atención al paciente; en base a los resultados se plateará estrategias para mejorar la fiabilidad, capacidad de respuesta, seguridad, empatía y elementos tangibles de la calidad de atención. Concluimos, que en el diagnóstico realizado se encontró incremento de debilidades y amenazas debido a mucha demanda de pacientes, quienes, más de la mitad, perciben que la calidad de atención es regular. La propuesta planteada bajo el modelo Servqual, servirá para mejorar la calidad de servicio.Trabajo de suficiencia profesionalLIMAEscuela Profesional de AdministraciónMarketin

    Theoretical characterization of several models of nanoporous carbon

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    "Elastic, electronic and vibrational properties of seven models of nanoporous carbon are reported. The studied structures are periodic graphitic arrangements with heptagonal and octagonal rings of carbon, known as Schwarzites. The calculations were performed within a non-orthogonal tight binding framework which has been shown to be reliable for diamond, graphene layers, fullerenes and carbon nanotubes. In contrast with previous studies, each structure was properly relaxed, so that differences between each model must be assigned to intrinsic properties rather than to differences in their construction. Thermodynamic properties were calculated from the vibrational density of states.

    Aplicación de métodos estadísticos para la mejora de las condiciones de almacenamiento de aguaymanto deshidratado para exportación en la empresa Agroandino S.R.L

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    RESUMEN El aguaymanto deshidratado requiere de condiciones y almacenamiento apropiados, para garantizar la entrega de productos que cumplan los requerimientos de cada país al momento de exportar. En la empresa Agroandino S.R.L. se ha detectado problemas en cuanto a las condiciones de almacenamiento del aguaymanto deshidratado que se supone deberían asegurar la conservación de sus cualidades organolépticas a fin de ofrecer un producto con calidad de exportación que cumple los estándares de las empresas extranjeras. Este problema ocasiona grandes pérdidas económicas que también son traducidas en la pérdida de fidelización de clientes. Se ha reportado que el aguaymanto deshidratado presenta un coloro oscuro, lo que ha ocasionado devoluciones y quejas. Según especificaciones de los trabajadores el producto terminado no se debe exponer a una humedad excesiva o temperatura extrema para evitar su oscurecimiento, no obstante, la temperatura del almacén es igual a la temperatura ambiente, es así que existen veces en que ésta fluctúa desde los 0 ºC hasta los 22 ºC y 30% a 80% de humedad relativa. Se planteó aplicar el método de superficie de respuesta para mejorar las condiciones de almacenamiento del aguaymanto deshidratado para exportación en la empresa Agroandino S.R.L, asimismo con la aplicación de métodos estadísticos se mejorará condiciones de almacenamiento. Es así que por medio de las muestras de aguaymanto deshidratado de realizó experimentos en el laboratorio y finalmente se determinó que el ambiente del almacén deberá tener una temperatura constante de 19.4 °C y humedad relativa de 70.3%, se estableció implementar aire acondicionado ya que esto conllevará a conservar el producto en condiciones óptimas para reducir el nivel de devoluciones y quejas, asimismo aumentar los niveles de satisfacción y confiabilidad en sus clientes, Asimismo exigir a su proveedor logístico el cual realiza la exportación, que mantenga el producto en las condiciones ya descritas.ABSTRACT Dehydrated aguaymanto requires appropriate conditions and storage, to guarantee the delivery of products that meet the requirements of each country at the time of export. In the company Agroandino S.R.L. Problems have been detected regarding the storage conditions of dehydrated aguaymanto which is supposed to ensure the conservation of its organoleptic qualities in order to offer a product with export quality that meets the standards of foreign companies. This problem causes great economic losses that are also translated into the loss of customer loyalty. It has been reported that dehydrated aguaymanto has a dark color, which has caused returns and complaints. According to the specifications of the workers, the finished product should not be exposed to excessive humidity or extreme temperature to avoid its darkening, however, the temperature of the store is equal to the ambient temperature, so there are times when it fluctuates from 0 ºC up to 22 ºC and 30% to 80% relative humidity. It was proposed to apply the response surface method to improve the storage conditions of dehydrated aguaymanto for export in the company Agroandino S.R.L, also with the application of statistical methods will improve storage conditions. Thus, by means of dehydrated aguaymanto samples from experiments in the laboratory and finally it was determined that the warehouse environment should have a constant temperature of 19.4 ° C and relative humidity of 70.3%, it was established to implement air conditioning since this it will lead to keeping the product in optimal conditions to reduce the level of returns and complaints, as well as increasing the levels of satisfaction and reliability in its customers, Also, require your logistics provider which makes the export, to keep the product in the conditions already described

    Climate change effects on groundwater recharge in Yucatan Peninsula. Application of water balance models to GCMs

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    The effects of climate change are significant on groundwater recharge. In regions with 15 socioeconomic structures highly dependent on this kind of water source, expected positive 16 and negative variations in temperature and precipitation respectively, will have a negative 17 effect on the recharge of groundwater and, consequently, on the future well-being of their 18 inhabitants. In this paper we aim at estimating the effect that changes in climatic 19 parameters will have on groundwater recharge in one of these areas: the Yucatan Peninsula 20 (Mexico). We apply a monthly water balance model to five distinct Global Circulation 21 Models in the near horizon (2015-2039), with RCP 4.5 and 8.5. In average terms, our 22 results estimate a current recharge between 118 ± 33 mm per year, which represents around 23 10 % of the total annual precipitation, and a reduction of 23% of groundwater recharge, a 24 result which clearly threatens the future socioecological equilibrium of the region.Preprin

    Water societal metabolism in the Yucatan Peninsula. The impact of climate change on the recharge of groundwater by 2030

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    The demographic and economic growth in Yucatan peninsula (YP) in recent years has caused changes in the hydrological response and flow of the water cycle. The growth effects and its impact on society are poorly understood. Here we present an estimation of water consumption and its evolution based on the analysis of Yucatan Peninsula's societal metabolism, using the interdisciplinary tool MuSIASEM. Societal metabolism together with metabolic patterns generate a new narrative on how the YP development is linked to the uses of water, considering social functions, as well as the biophysical limits established by the annual recharge of groundwater, being it the main source of water supply. Given the current trends in YP socio-economic growth and climate change scenarios, our results show superlinear scaling relations between water metabolic rate and water consumption which leads increase in water consumption and 23% decrease in groundwater recharge by the year 2030. The consequences of this scenario are particularly worrying for the near future, given the current socio-economic structure in YP, highly dependent both on the services (i.e., tourism) and agriculture sectors.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Impact of carbonate saturation on large Caribbean benthic foraminifera assemblages

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    Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide and its dissolution in seawater have reduced ocean pH and carbonate ion concentrations, with potential implications on calcifying organisms. To assess the response of large Caribbean benthic foraminifera to low carbonate saturation conditions, we analyzed benthic foraminifers' abundance and relative distribution in surface sediments in proximity to low-carbonate-saturation submarine springs and at adjacent control sites. Our results show that the total abundance of large benthic foraminifera was significantly lower at the low-pH submarine springs than at control sites, although responses were species specific. The relative abundance of high-magnesium, porcelaneous foraminifera was higher than that of hyaline foraminifera at the low-pH springs due to the abundant Archaias angulatus, a chlorophyte-bearing foraminifer, which secretes a large and robust test that is more resilient to dissolution at low-calcite saturation. The different assemblages found at the submarine springs indicate that calcareous symbiont-barren foraminifera are more sensitive to the effects of ocean acidification than agglutinated and symbiont-bearing foraminifera, suggesting that future ocean acidification will likely impact natural benthic foraminifera populations.</p

    Structural changes of Arthrospira sp. after low energy sonication treatment for microalgae harvesting: elucidating key parameters to detect the rupture of gas vesicles

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    © . This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/The buoyancy suppression by low energy sonication (LES) treatment (0.8 W·mL-1, 20 kHz, 10 s) has recently been proposed as an initial harvesting step for Arthrospira sp. This paper aims to describe the structural changes in Arthrospira sp. after LES treatment and to present how these structural changes affect the results obtained by different analytical techniques. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs of trichomes evidenced the gas vesicles rupture but also revealed a rearrangement of thylakoids and more visible phycobilisomes were observed. Differences between treated and untreated samples were detected by confocal microscopy, flow cytometry and optical microscopy but not by electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). After LES treatment, 2-fold increase in autofluorescence at 610/660 nm was measured (phycocyanin/allophycocyanin emission wavelengths) and a ten-fold decrease in side scatter light intensity (due to a reduction of trichome’s inner complexity). This was further confirmed by optical microscopy showing changes on trichomes appearance (from wrinkled to smooth).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    New metallic allotropes of planar and tubular carbon

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    We propose a new family of layered sp2-like carbon crystals, incorporating five-, six-, and seven-membered rings in 2D Bravais lattices. These periodic sheets can be rolled so as to generate nanotubes of different diameter and chirality. We demonstrate that these sheets and tubes are metastable and more favorable than C60, and it is also shown that their mechanical properties are similar to those of graphene. Density of states calculations of all structures revealed an intrinsic metallic behavior, independent of orientation, tube diameter, and chirality