160 research outputs found

    Adrenergic regulation of ureogenesis in hepatocytes from adrenalectomized rats Possible involvement of two pathways of signal transduction in α1-adrenergic action

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    AbstractIn hepatocytes from control rats, the ureogenic action of epinephrine is mainly mediated through α1-adrenoceptors and the effect is independent of the presence of extracellular calcium. In hepatocytes from adrenalectomized rats, both α1- and β-adrenoceptors are involved in the action of epinephrine. Furthermore, the α1-adrenergic-mediated stimulation of ureogenesis in these cells is dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium. Our results indicate that glucocorticoids modulate the calcium dependency of α1-adrenergic effects and are consistent with our suggestion that two pathways are involved in the transduction of the α1-adrenergic signal

    La desigualdad educativa en los pueblos indígenas

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    Desde la antigüedad los pueblos indígenas han sido educados de acuerdo a las tradiciones heredadas de la cosmovisión de la época prehispánica, la virtud era el mayor atributo que podían obtener, así podían servir a los dioses a través de una especie de penitencia si lo vemos desde la perspectiva del cristianismo, que ya en el periodo de la conquista los españoles impusieron a los pueblos originales del continente. Fue a partir de ese punto que los pueblos indígenas fueron explotados y despojados de sus ideologías y sus costumbres para ser adoctrinados de acuerdo a la cultura europea. Ya en nuestros días, las poblaciones indígenas, han sufrido las consecuencias de ser apartados de la sociedad, al enfrentarse a una sociedad discriminadora, han sido despojados de sus costumbres, oportunidades de trabajo y su lenguaje, para adentrarse a una sociedad carente de valores que juzga o estigmatiza lo multicultural

    El camino hacia los gabinetes ministeriales: un estudio de los factores que influyen en la designación de mujeres ministras en Ecuador y Colombia, 1978-2018

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    Objetivo/contexto: este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar y determinar las causas que influyen en el Ejecutivo al momento de designar mujeres para la dirección de gabinetes ministeriales.Metodología: para esta investigación, seguimos la literatura que ha identificado variables de oferta, demanda y difusión al señalar los factores que afectan la llegada de mujeres a los gabinetes, y testeamos variables de todos los grupos. Comparamos Ecuador y Colombia desde 1978 hasta 2018, utilizando una base de datos inédita (N = 312), con una medición trimestral. Desarrollamos nuestro análisis con una regresión múltiple de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios y errores robustos. Conclusiones: evidenciamos las fluctuaciones que ha tenido la representación de mujeres en ministerios en los dos países, a lo largo del periodo estudiado, siendo el tiempo un elemento que favorece la presencia de mujeres en gabinetes. Luego, damos cuenta de que más mujeres con educación universitaria, así como en distintas arenas políticas, son las variables que influyen positivamente en la presencia de más mujeres en los gabinetes. Originalidad: las investigaciones sobre este tema se han incrementado, pero generalmente se concentran en los estudios de caso o en la realización de análisis multinivel. Además, los trabajos comparativos hacen mediciones anuales, considerando la falta de disponibilidad de datos. Este trabajo abona en el estado de la literatura sobre mujeres en ministerios, al comparar dos países similares en cuanto a diseño institucional y con importantes variaciones en las variables independientes testeadas.Objective/Context: The objective of this article is to analyze and determine the reasons which lead the head of a government to appoint women to ministerial posts. Methodology: For this article, we consulted studies of the supply, demand and diffusion variables which affect the appointment of women to the cabinets of a government and tested the variables in all groups. We compare Ecuador and Colombia in the period from 1978 to 2018, using an unpublished database (N = 312), with a quarterly measurement. Our analysis employed a multiple regression of ordinary least squares and robust errors. Conclusions: We found fluctuations in the representation of women in ministries in both countries throughout the period we studied with more women being appointed to ministerial posts as time passed. Then we realized that the growing number of women with a university education and their presence in a wider range of political factions are the variables which have a positive influence on the appointment of women to governmental cabinets.Originality: Research on this subject has increased, but it is generally focused on case studies or employs a multilevel analysis. In addition to cross-comparisons, they limit themselves to annual rather than quarterly measurements due to the meager data which is available. This article is a contribution to the literature on the situation of women ministers: it compares two countries with a similar institutional framework which nevertheless show important variations in the independent variables which were tested.Objetivo/contexto: O objetivo deste artigo é analisar e determinar as causas que influenciam o executivo ao nomear mulheres para chefiar os gabinetes ministeriais. Metodologia: para esta pesquisa, seguimos a literatura que identificou variáveis de oferta, demanda e disseminação ao apontar os fatores que afetam a chegada das mulheres aos armários, e testamos variáveis de todos os grupos. Comparamos Equador e Colômbia de 1978 a 2018, utilizando um banco de dados não publicado (N = 312), com uma medição trimestral. Desenvolvemos nossa análise com uma regressão múltipla dos mínimos quadrados comuns e erros robustos. Conclusões: mostramos as flutuações na representação das mulheres nos ministérios em ambos os países ao longo do período estudado, sendo o tempo um elemento que favorece a presença de mulheres nos gabinetes. Então percebemos que mais mulheres com formação universitária, assim como em diferentes arenas políticas, são as variáveis que têm uma influência positiva quando se observa mais mulheres em gabinetes. Originalidade: a pesquisa sobre este tema tem aumentado, mas geralmente se concentra em estudos de casos, ou realizando análises multiníveis. Além disso, o trabalho comparativo faz medições anuais, considerando a falta de disponibilidade de dados. Este trabalho compensa no estado da literatura sobre as mulheres nos ministérios, comparando dois países similares em termos de desenho institucional, e com variações importantes nas variáveis independentes testadas

    La imposición al consumo en la era de los servicios digitales.

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    Nowadays, technological development has encouraged the evolution of the international market for services and consumer goods, with respect to internal tax regulations of several states. Online nonphysical services generate a gap that is not strictly addressed by the states in the provisions of their tax regulations for digital service companies. The authors analyze the current situation and challenges faced by non-domiciled digital companies when providing their main services. They observe, as well, the various aspects that should be taken into consideration in the applicable Peruvian legal framework. Moreover, providing an accurate comparison, they address the imposition to digital platforms in different countries to reach a consensus on its ideal application in Peru.En la actualidad, el desarrollo tecnológico ha generado que el mercado internacional de servicios y bienes de consumo evolucione, de forma sustancial, con respecto a las regulaciones tributarias internas de los diversos Estados. Los servicios no físicos por internet generan una brecha que no se encuentra estrictamente definida por múltiples Estados que poseen una regulación en materia tributaria con respecto a las empresas de servicios digitales. En el presente artículo, los autores analizan el contexto actual de la tributación de las empresas digitales que no domicilian en los países en los cuales brindan sus servicios principales. Observan, además, los diversos aspectos a considerar en este tópico sobre la base de las leyes peruanas aplicables. Además, abordan la situación del gravamen a plataformas digitales en distintos países para llegar a un consenso sobre su aplicación ideal en el Perú utilizando una acertada comparativa

    Comsumption tax in the era of digital services

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    Nowadays, technological development has encouraged the evolution of the international market for services and consumer goods, with respect to internal tax regulations of several states. Online non-physical services generate a gap that is not strictly addressed by the states in the provisions of their tax regulations for digital service companies. The authors analyze the current situation and challenges faced by non-domiciled digital companies when providing their main services. They observe, as well, the various aspects that should be taken into consideration in the applicable Peruvian legal framework. Moreover, providing an accurate comparison, they address the imposition to digital platforms in different countries to reach a consensus on its ideal application in Peru.En la actualidad, el desarrollo tecnológico ha generado que el mercado internacional de servicios y bienes de consumo evolucione, de forma sustancial, con respecto a las regulaciones tributarias internas de los diversos Estados. Los servicios no físicos por internet generan una brecha que no se encuentra estrictamente definida por múltiples Estados que poseen una regulación en materia tributaria con respecto a las empresas de servicios digitales. En el presente artículo, los autores analizan el contexto actual de la tributación de las empresas digitales que no domicilian en los países en los cuales brindan sus servicios principales. Observan, además, los diversos aspectos a considerar en este tópico sobre la base de las leyes peruanas aplicables. Además, abordan la situación del gravamen a plataformas digitales en distintos países para llegar a un consenso sobre su aplicación ideal en el Perú utilizando una acertada comparativa

    Reproductive Behavior of Zebu and 5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental Genotypes in Central Cuba Locations

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the reproductive behavior of female Zebu and 5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental on a genetic farm in the central region of Cuba. The research was made between 2010 and 2014. The individual records of 255 cows; 200 Zebus (106 white and 94 bermeja) and 55 crossbreds (5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental) were included. The calving-first insemination interval (CFII), calving-gestation interval (SP), inter-calving period (CCI), and service per gestation (S/G) were calculated. Besides, the effects of genotype, parity, quarter and calving year were evaluated using the above indicators. The descriptive statistics were estimated, and a general linear model was used to determine the effects of each variation source. The three genotypes showed low reproductive efficiency, though slightly more favorable for 5/8 Zebu x 3/8 Simmental. The CFII, SP, and CCI were influenced (P <0.05) by the calving year, genotype, and parity, whereas SP was influenced by the calving quarter only (P <0.05). The gestation service was not affected by any factor. It was concluded that the three genotypes studied underwent severe deterioration of reproductive indicators, influenced by the genotype, quarter, calving year, and parity

    The long-term behavior of lightweight and heavyweight meshes used to repair abdominal wall defects is determined by the host tissue repair process provoked by the mesh

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    17 p.Background. Although heavyweight (HW) or lightweight (LW) polypropylene (PP) meshes are widely used for hernia repair, other alternatives have recently appeared. They have the same large-pore structure yet are composed of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). This study compares the long-term (3 and 6 months) behavior of meshes of different pore size (HW compared with LW) and composition (PP compared with PTFE). Methods. Partial defects were created in the lateral wall of the abdomen in New Zealand White rabbits and then repaired by the use of a HW or LW PP mesh or a new monofilament, large-pore PTFE mesh (Infinit). At 90 and 180 days after implantation, tissue incorporation, gene and protein expression of neocollagens (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction/immunofluorescence), macrophage response (immunohistochemistry), and biomechanical strength were determined. Shrinkage was measured at 90 days. Results. All three meshes induced good host tissue ingrowth, yet the macrophage response was significantly greater in the PTFE implants (P .05). Conclusion. Host collagen deposition is mesh pore size dependent whereas the macrophage response induced is composition dependent with a greater response shown by PTFE. In the long term, macroporous meshes show comparable biomechanical behavior regardless of their pore size or composition. (Surgery 2012;152:886-95.


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    La formación inicial investigativa está encaminada a la consecución de una competencia investigadora, la cual habilita al egresado para solucionar problemas científicos y profesionales e incluye la adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y valores en relación con el proceso de investigación. García B. y F. Addine F. (2004) proponen evaluar el desarrollo alcanzado durante la formación inicial investigativa en cuatro momentos, durante los cuales se deben orientar todas las acciones a desarrollar: el diagnóstico de entrada, el enfoque investigativo de todas las disciplinas, el taller de trabajo de diploma y la presentación y defensa del trabajo de diploma como momento culminante que permite medir el nivel alcanzado en el desarrollo de la competencia investigativa. Este último momento es el de comunicación de los resultados de la investigación
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