6,272 research outputs found

    Green's functions for far-side seismic images: a polar expansion approach

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    We have computed seismic images of magnetic activity on the far surface of the Sun by using a seismic-holography technique. As in previous works, the method is based on the comparison of waves going in and out of a particular point in the Sun but we have computed here the Green's functions from a spherical polar expansion of the adiabatic wave equations in the Cowling approximation instead of using the ray-path approximation previously used in the far-side holography. A comparison between the results obtained using the ray theory and the spherical polar expansion is shown. We use the gravito-acoustic wave equation in the local plane-parallel limit in both cases and for the latter we take the asymptotic approximation for the radial dependencies of the Green's function. As a result, improved images of the far-side can be obtained from the polar-expansion approximation, especially when combining the Green's functions corresponding to two and three skips. We also show that the phase corrections in the Green's functions due to the incorrect modeling of the uppermost layers of the Sun can be estimated from the eigenfrequencies of the normal modes of oscillation.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Astrophysical Journal, accepted (2010

    On the frequency dependence of p-mode frequency shifts induced by magnetic activity in Kepler solar-like stars

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    The variations of the frequencies of the low-degree acoustic oscillations in the Sun induced by magnetic activity show a dependence with radial order. The frequency shifts are observed to increase towards higher-order modes to reach a maximum of about 0.8 muHz over the 11-yr solar cycle. A comparable frequency dependence is also measured in two other main-sequence solar-like stars, the F-star HD49933, and the young 1-Gyr-old solar analog KIC10644253, although with different amplitudes of the shifts of about 2 muHz and 0.5 muHz respectively. Our objective here is to extend this analysis to stars with different masses, metallicities, and evolutionary stages. From an initial set of 87 Kepler solar-like oscillating stars with already known individual p-mode frequencies, we identify five stars showing frequency shifts that can be considered reliable using selection criteria based on Monte Carlo simulations and on the photospheric magnetic activity proxy Sph. The frequency dependence of the frequency shifts of four of these stars could be measured for the l=0 and l=1 modes individually. Given the quality of the data, the results could indicate that a different physical source of perturbation than in the Sun is dominating in this sample of solar-like stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Coherent XUV generation driven by sharp metal tips photoemission

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    It was already experimentally demonstrated that high-energy electrons can be generated using metal nanotips as active media. In addition, it has been theoretically proven that the high-energy tail of the photoemitted electrons is intrinsically linked to the recollision phenomenon. Through this recollision process it is also possible to convert the energy gained by the laser-emitted electron in the continuum in a coherent XUV photon. It means the emission of harmonic radiation appears to be feasible, although it has not been experimentally demonstrated hitherto till now. In this paper, we employ a quantum mechanical approach to model the electron dipole moment including both the laser experimental conditions and the bulk matter properties and predict is possible to generate coherent UV and XUV radiation using metal nanotips as sources. Our quantum mechanical results are fully supported by their classical counterparts.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1309.034

    Asteroseismology of delta Scuti stars in open clusters: Praesepe

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    The present paper provides a general overview of the asteroseismic potential of delta Scuti stars in clusters, in particular focusing on convection diagnostics. We give a summarise of the last results obtained by the authors for the Praesepe cluster of which five delta Scuti stars are analysed. In that work, linear analysis is confronted with observations, using refined descriptions for the effects of rotation on the determination of the global stellar parameters and on the adiabatic oscillation frequency computations. A single, complete, and coherent solution for all the selected stars is found, which lead the authors to find important restrictions to the convection description for a certain range of effective temperatures. Furthermore, the method used allowed to give an estimate of the global parameters of the selected stars and constrain the cluster.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Communications in Asteroseismolog

    High-order harmonic generation at high laser intensities beyond the tunnel regime

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    We present studies of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) at laser intensities well above saturation. We use driving laser pulses which present a particular electron dynamics in the turn-on stage. Our results predict an increasing on the harmonic yield, after an initial dropping, when the laser intensity is increased. This fact contradicts the general belief of a progressive degradation of the harmonic emission at ultrahigh intensities. We have identified a particular set of trajectories which emerges in the turn-on stage of these singular laser pulses, responsible of the unexpected growth on the harmonic efficiency at this high intensity regime. Our study combines two complementary approaches: classical analysis and full quantum mechanical calculations resulting from the numerical integration of the 3-dimensional time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation complemented with the time-frequency analysis

    High-order harmonic generation driven by chirped laser pulses induced by linear and non linear phenomena

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    We present a theoretical study of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) driven by ultrashort optical pulses with different kind of chirps. The goal of the present work is perform a detailed study to clarify the relevant parameters in the chirped pulses to achieve a noticeable cut-off extensions in HHG. These chirped pulses are generated using both linear and nonlinear dispersive media.The description of the origin of the physical mechanisms responsible of this extension is, however, not usually reported with enough detail in the literature. The study of the behaviour of the harmonic cut-off with these kind of pulses is carried out in the classical context, by the integration of the Newton-Lorentz equation complemented with the quantum approach, based on the integration of the time dependent Schr\"odinger equation in full dimensions (TDSE-3D), we are able to understand the underlying physics.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure
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