2 research outputs found

    Social interaction as a process of encounter or misencounter in the academic learning of adolescents

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    El presente artículo de resultados aborda el aprendizaje académico en la edad adolescente como un proceso fundamental para determinar los aspectos que minimizan el rendimiento desde la interacción con padres, profesores y compañeros de curso. Se destacan las rupturas comunicativas con los padres, el desinterés académico del grupo y la mediación de los aprendizajes por los asesores de tareas. Para ello se realizó una investigación centrada en los análisis teóricos del aprendizaje social con Vygotsky, Bandura y las teorías ecológicas, las cuales permiten explorar el interés del colectivo para optimizar los aprendizajes individuales. Metodológicamente se trabajó bajo un enfoque cualitativo, con un enfoque fenomenológico y un alcance de tipo descriptivo. La muestra estuvo constituida por 30 estudiantes, sus padres y 5 docentes de octavo grado del Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Jesús de Cúcuta. Las técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos implementados fueron la entrevista por medio de un guion semi-estructurado y la observación directa de tipo participante monitoreada a través del diario de campo, mientras que el análisis de información se realizó mediante la triangulación por actores. Este estudio fenomenológico permitió comprender el aprendizaje social como elemento fundamental para mejorar el rendimiento académico.This results article addresses academic learning in adolescent age as a fundamental process to determine the aspects that minimize performance from the interaction with parents, teachers and classmates. The communication breaks with parents, the academic disinterest of the group and the mediation of learning by the homework advisors stand out. For this, a research focused on the theoretical analyzes of social learning was carried out with Vygotsky, Bandura and ecological theories, which allow exploring the interest of the group to optimize individual learning. Methodologically, we worked under a qualitative approach, with a phenomenological approach and a descriptive scope. The sample consisted of 30 students, their parents and five eighth grade teachers from the Sagrado Corazon School in Cúcuta. The techniques and instruments of data collection implemented were the interview by means of a semi-structured script and the direct observation of the participant type monitored through the field diary, while the information analysis was carried out by triangulation by participants involved. This phenomenological study allowed understanding social learning as a fundamental element to improve academic performance

    ICT training for the business competitiveness of the agro-industrial sector in the city of Cucuta

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are considered an essential tool in business strategy to promote the competitiveness of companies, with their implementation becoming more relevant in times of global crisis, such as the one currently experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research objective of this paper was to design an ICT training strategy for business competitiveness in the agro-industrial sector, starting with the descriptive phase provided in this paper. This research is based on a quantitative approach and includes a detailed description of agro-industrial companies’ current difficulties in using ICTs. A survey-type instrument with closed questions was carried out. In its application, a sampling plan was made, studying 12 agro-industrial companies from the city of Cúcuta; 242 employees were analyzed. It was identified that agro-industrial companies are at a medium level, scoring 92.9% in ICT use in technology, competitiveness factor, and business education. In conclusion, these companies located at a medium level in terms of ICT use of basic software and hardware for the daily tasks that employees must perform based on the completion objectives proposed by the company. However, in the face of a crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the companies must follow an emergency protocol of migrating to new virtual spaces because these become the main resource for their existence. As a scientific novelty, the research shows that despite the tensions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and although ICTs provided support for the survival of agro-industrial organizations, the city companies have not found ways or strategies to take advantage of the ICT benefits in communication processes, competitiveness, and strengthening of human capital