2 research outputs found

    Big Data: an exploration of research, technologies and application cases

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    Big Data se ha convertido en una tendencia a nivel mundial y aunque aún no cuenta con un concepto científico o académico consensuado, se augura cada día mayor crecimiento del mercado que lo envuelve y de las áreas de investigación asociadas. En este artículo se reporta una exploración de literatura sobre Big Data, que comprende un estado del arte de las técnicas y tecnologías asociadas a Big Data, las cuales abarcan captura, procesamiento, análisis y visualización de datos. Se exploran también las características, fortalezas, debilidades y oportunidades de algunas aplicaciones y modelos que incluyen Big Data, principalmente para el soporte al modelado de datos, análisis y minería de datos. Asimismo, se introducen algunas de las tendencias futuras para el desarrollo de Big Data por medio de la definición de aspectos básicos, alcance e importancia de cada una. La metodología empleada para la exploración incluye la aplicación de dos estrategias, una primera corresponde a un análisis cienciométrico; y la segunda, una categorización de documentos por medio de una herramienta web de apoyo a los procesos de revisión literaria. Como resultados se obtiene una síntesis y conclusiones en torno a la temática y se plantean posibles escenarios para trabajos investigativos en el campo de dominio.Big Data has become a worldwide trend and although still lacks a scientific or academic consensual concept, every day it portends greater market growth that surrounds and the associated research areas. This paper reports a systematic review of the literature on Big Data considering a state of the art about techniques and technologies associated with Big Data, which include capture, processing, analysis and data visualization. The characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for some applications and Big Data models that include support mainly for modeling, analysis, and data mining are explored. Likewise, some of the future trends for the development of Big Data are introduced by basic aspects, scope, and importance of each one. The methodology used for exploration involves the application of two strategies, the first corresponds to a scientometric analysis and the second corresponds to a categorization of documents through a web tool to support the process of literature review. As results, a summary and conclusions about the subject are generated and possible scenarios arise for research work in the field

    Big Data: an exploration of research, technologies and application cases

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    Big Data has become a worldwide trend and although still lacks a scientific or academic consensual concept, every day it portends greater market growth that surrounds and the associated research areas. This paper reports a systematic review of the literature on Big Data considering a state of the art about techniques and technologies associated with Big Data, which include capture, processing, analysis and data visualization. The characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for some applications and Big Data models that include support mainly for modeling, analysis, and data mining are explored. Likewise, some of the future trends for the development of Big Data are introduced by basic aspects, scope, and importance of each one. The methodology used for exploration involves the application of two strategies, the first corresponds to a scientometric analysis and the second corresponds to a categorization of documents through a web tool to support the process of literature review. As results, a summary and conclusions about the subject are generated and possible scenarios arise for research work in the field