1,054 research outputs found

    Lexical and phonological processing in visual word recognition by stuttering children: Evidence from Spanish

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    A number of studies have pointed out that stuttering-like disfluencies could be the result of failures in central and linguistic processing. The goal of the present paper is to analyze if stuttering implies deficits in the lexical and phonological processing in visual word recognition. This study compares the performance of 28 children with and without stuttering in a standard lexical decision task in a transparent orthography: Spanish. Word frequency and syllable frequency were manipulated in the experimental words. Stutterers were found to be considerably slower (in their correct responses) and produced more errors than the non- stutterers (?(1) = 36.63, p and lt;.001, ?2 =.60). There was also a facilitation effect of syllable frequency, restricted to low frequency words and only in the stutterers group (t1(10) = 3.67, p and lt;.005; t2(36) = 3.10, p and lt;.001). These outcomes appear to suggest that the decoding process of stutterers exhibits a deficit in the interface between the phonological-syllabic level and the word level. Copyright © Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid 2014

    Activation of nucleus accumbens NMDA receptors differentially affects appetitive or aversive taste learning and memory

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    Taste memory depends on motivational and post-ingestional consequences; thus, it can be aversive (e.g., conditioned taste aversion, CTA) if a novel, palatable taste is paired with visceral malaise, or it can be appetitive if no intoxication appears after novel taste consumption, and a taste preference is developed.The nucleus accumbens (NAc) plays a role in hedonic reactivity to taste stimuli, and recent findings suggest that reward and aversion are differentially encoded by the activity of NAc neurons. The present study examined whether the requirement for N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the NAc core during rewarding appetitive taste learning differs from that during aversive taste conditioning, as well as during retrieval of appetitive vs. aversive taste memory, using the taste preference or CTA model, respectively. Bilateral infusions of NMDA (1 μg/μl, 0.5 μl) into the NAc core were performed before acquisition or before retrieval of taste preference or CTA. Activation of NMDA receptors before taste preference training or CTA acquisition did not alter memory formation. Furthermore, NMDA injections before aversive taste retrieval had no effect on taste memory; however, 24 h later, CTA extinction was significantly delayed. Also, NMDA injections, made before familiar appetitive memory retrieval, interrupted the development of taste preference and produced a preference delay 24 h later. These results suggest that memory formation for a novel taste produces neurochemical changes in the NAc core that have differential requirements for NMDA receptors during retrieval of appetitive or aversive memory

    Divinyl Sulfone Cross-Linked Cyclodextrin-Based Polymeric Materials: Synthesis and Applications as Sorbents and Encapsulating Agents

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the crosslinking abilities of divinyl sulfone (DVS) for the preparation of novel water-insoluble cyclodextrin-based polymers (CDPs) capable of forming inclusion complexes with different guest molecules. Reaction of DVS with native α-cyclodextrin (α-CD), β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) and/or starch generates a variety of homo- and hetero-CDPs with different degrees of crosslinking as a function of the reactants’ stoichiometric ratio. The novel materials were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy and for their sorption of phenol and 4-nitrophenol. They were further evaluated as sorbents with phenolic pollutants (bisphenol A and β-naphthol) and bioactive compounds (the hormone progesterone and curcumin). Data obtained from the inclusion experiments show that the degree of cross-linking has a minor influence on the yield of inclusion complex formation and highlight the important role of the CDs, supporting a sorption process based on the formation of inclusion complexes. In general, the inclusion processes are better described by a Freundlich isotherm although an important number of them can also be fitted to the Langmuir isotherm with R2 ≥ 0.9, suggesting a sorption onto a monolayer of homogeneous sites

    Model of a drip irrigation network based on graphs and its application to the irrigation distribution through an optimizating algorithm

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    En este artículo se propone el modelo para una red hidráulica de un cultivo con riego por goteo, basado en grafos acíclicos dirigidos y su aplicación en un algoritmo de optimización para que encontrara la distribución de una programación de riego-fertirriego. Lo anterior se realizó de la siguiente manera. Se caracterizo un cultivo, su red hidráulica, y se represento en un grafo, se obtuvo la matriz de adyacencia, la cual fue transformada en una de nodos y tiempos presentándose como el modelo de la red. Se elaboro un programa con dos funciones que utilizaron el modelo hallado en conjunto con el algoritmo búsqueda cuco para que encontrara una distribución y su respectivo error a una lámina de riego y fertirriego. Se comparo la distribución encontrada con una realizada empíricamente. Como resultado, se obtuvo un modelo eficiente que permite ejemplificar los parámetros de la red hidráulica, una distribución óptima y una solución al problema de la distribución de una programación de riego y fertirriego.The model for a hydraulic system of a crop with drip irrigation based on directed acyclic graphs and its application on an optimization algorithm in order to find the distribution of an irrigation-fertigation program is proposed. This was done as follows. A crop and its hydraulic network were characterized and represented on a graph. The adjacency matrix was obtained and was transformed into a node and time matrix to be posed as the network model. A program with two functions that used the model found in conjunction with the cuckoo search algorithm was elaborated in order to find a distribution and its corresponding mistake in an irrigation and fertigation sheet. The found distribution was compared with another empirically made distribution. As a result, an efficient model which allows exemplifying the parameters of the hydraulic network, an optimal distribution and a solution to the problem of the irrigation and fertigation programming distribution was obtained

    Acute Liver Failure in Patients with Classic Heat Stroke

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    Background: Classic heat stroke is defined by a core temperature greater than 40° C, severe dehydration and neurological alterations. Patients with liver disease due to heat stroke have been described, mostly by exercise. Hepatic failure is defined as the presence of a coagulopathy accompanied by any degree of hepatic encephalopathy. The primary objective of the study lies in the fact that patients who developed acute liver failure during their hospital stay had a higher risk of mortality. Methods: A retrospective, analytical study of patients admitted to the General Hospital of Mexicali who suffered from classic heat stroke from March 2006 through August 2010, and a second period from June 2018 to August 2019. Results: Fifty patients were recruited, the group included 48 (96%) male, with a total of 10 fatalities, representing 20%. INR greater than 1.5, AST and ALT levels were not related to an increased mortality rate. Conclusion: Neither transaminase levels, nor liver failure, were related to a higher mortality rate in this cohort of patients with classic heat stroke

    Evaluación clínica, endoscópica y citológica de las vías aéreas de equinos de tracción

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    Disorders of the respiratory system have a key role in reducing the athletic performance of horses, tests such as bronchoscopy that is performed with flexible endoscope, and cytological (tracheal washings) have been used as diagnostic methods in animals with symptoms of respiratory failure. In recent years its implementation has had a significant increase due to its effectiveness in the opinions, resulting in decreased treatment time and costs. In this study, samples were taken to ten horses without defined breed, aged between 7 and 15 years, from clinical large animal veterinary hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), which nine were used for pulling in the metropolitan area and one for horse racing in Porto Alegre. All animals underwent clinical examination, emphasizing airway four endoscopies were performed and ten samples of tracheal secretions were collected by washing and percutaneous aspiration. The washed cell suspension was centrifuged for extended on slides, which were stained by the method of panoptical fast (differential staining), which allows the observation of blood cells. Descriptive statistics of the variables analyzed was performed. The animals showed heart rate 39.2 ± 1.44 beats per minute (bpm), respiratory rate 19.7 ± 2.37 breaths per minute (rpm), temperature 38.25 ± 0.08°C, hematocrit 34.7 ± 1.09%, erythrocyte count 7.25 ± 0.27 x 106/ml, hemoglobin 11.34 ± 0.042 g/dl, mean corpuscular volume average 49.85 ± 0.96 fentoliters (fl), 32 corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 77 ± 0.45 g/dl, platelets 183.8 ± 10.98 x 103/ml, total plasma proteins 7.3 ± 0.13 g/dl, total leukocytes 9,880 ± 470/ml, neutrophils 5,910 ± 560/ml, eosinophils 359.2 ± 70.8/ml, lymphocytes 3,420 ± 420/ml and monocytes 339.8 ± 50.12/ml. In tracheal wash cytology were determined the percentages of epithelial cells in 42.3 ± 9.35, lymphocytes 3.3 ± 1.13, macrophages 20.1 ± 5.35, neutrophils 26.4 ± 8.37 and eosinophils 2.7 ± 1.78. Finally the results of endoscopic examination in horses were: 1) normal amount of mucus and absence of bacteria (healthy), 2) increased production of mucus and bacteria in the extracellular medium and squamous cell surface, 3) cellular degeneration and picnosis, 4) phagocytes and cell debris, and 5) fungus in the extracellular background and phagocytosis, observed Hematoidin crystals and apoptotic processes. It is concluded that endoscopy and tracheal wash cytology are essential tools for the diagnosis of respiratory diseases, allowing the identification of functional disorders, glimpsing the predominant cell type, which causes the existing inflammatory process.Las afecciones del sistema respiratorio, tienen un papel fundamental en la disminución del desempeño atlético de los equinos, los exámenes como la broncoscopia que se realiza con endoscopio flexible, y citológicos (lavados transtraqueales y broncoalveolares), han sido usados como métodos de diagnóstico en animales con sintomatología de deficiencia respiratoria. Durante los últimos años su implementación ha tenido un notable aumento debido a su eficacia en los dictámenes, lo que se traduce, en disminución de tiempo y costos de tratamientos. En el presente estudio, se tomaron muestras a diez equinos sin raza definida, con edades entre los 7 y 15 años, provenientes de la clínica de grandes animales del hospital veterinario de la Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), los cuales nueve eran usados para la tracción de carrosa en la zona metropolitana y uno para carreras hípicas de Porto Alegre. A todos los animales se les realizó examen clínico general, enfatizando en las vías respiratorias, se realizaron cuatro endoscopias y se colectaron diez muestras de secreciones traqueales por medio de lavado y aspirado percutáneo. La suspensión celular de los lavados fue centrifugada, para realizar extendidos sobre láminas, que fueron coloreados por el método panóptico rápido (tinción diferencial), que permite la observación de células sanguíneas. Se realizó estadística descriptiva de las variables analizadas. Los animales presentaron frecuencia cardiaca 39.2 ± 1.44 latidos por minuto (lpm), frecuencia respiratoria 19.7 ± 2.37 respiraciones por minuto (rpm), temperatura 38.25 ± 0.08°C, hematocrito 34.7 ± 1.09%, recuento de eritrocitos 7.25 ± 0.27 x 106/ml, hemoglobina 11.34 ± 0.042 g/dl, volumen corpuscular medio 49.85 ± 0.96 fentolitros (fl), concentración de hemoglobina corpuscular media 32.77 ± 0.45 g/dl, plaquetas 183.8 ± 10.98 x 103/ml, proteínas plasmáticas totales 7.3 ± 0.13 g/dl, leucocitos totales 9.880 ± 470/ml, neutrófilos 5.910 ± 560/ml, eosinófilos 359.2 ± 70.8/ml, linfocitos 3.420 ± 420/ml y monocitos 339.8 ± 50.12/ml. En la citología del lavado traqueal se determinaron los porcentajes de células epiteliales en 42.3 ± 9.35, linfocitos 3.3 ± 1.13, macrófagos 20.1 ± 5.35, neutrófilos 26.4 ± 8.37 y eosinófilos 2.7 ± 1.78. Finalmente los resultados del examen endoscópico en los equinos fueron: 1) cantidad normal de moco y ausencia de bacterias (sanos), 2) aumento de la producción de moco y de bacterias en el medio extracelular y superficie de células escamosas, 3) degeneración celular y picnosis, 4) fagocitos y restos celulares, y 5) fungosis (hongos conídeos) en el fondo extracelular y fagocitosis, observándose cristales de hematoidina y procesos apoptóticos. Se concluye que la endoscopia y la citología del lavado traqueal son herramientas fundamentales para el diagnóstico de las enfermedades respiratorias, ya que permiten la identificación de trastornos funcionales, vislumbrando el tipo celular predominante, que ocasiona el proceso inflamatorio existente.Doenças do sistema respiratório, têm um papel fundamental na redução do desempenho atlético de cavalos, exames como broncoscopia, que é realizada com endoscópio flexível e citológico (lavagens traqueais) têm sido usados ​​como métodos de diagnóstico em animais com sintomas de insuficiência respiratória. Nos últimos anos, a sua implementação tem tido um aumento significativo devido à sua eficácia nas pareceres, resultando em diminuição do tempo de tratamento e custos. Neste estudo, foram colhidas amostras para dez cavalos, sem raça definida, com idade entre 7 e 15 anos, de clínica veterinária de animais grande hospital da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), que foram nove usado para puxar carrosa na região metropolitana e outro para a corrida de cavalos em Porto Alegre. Todos os animais foram submetidos a exame clínico, enfatizando vias aéreas, quatro endoscopias foram realizadas e dez amostras de secreção traqueal foram recolhidos por lavagem e aspiração percutânea. A suspensão de células foi centrifugada durante lavada estendida em lâminas, as quais foram coloridas pelo método panóptico rápida (coloração diferencial), que permite a observação de células sanguíneas. A estatística descritiva das variáveis ​​analisadas foi realizada. Os animais apresentaram 39.2 ± 1.44 freqüência cardíaca batimentos por minuto (bpm), freqüência respiratória 19.7 ± 2.37 respirações por minuto (rpm), a temperatura 38.25 ± 0.08°C, hematócrito 34.7 ± 1.09%, contagem de eritrócitos 7.25 ± 0.27 x 106/ml), hemoglobina 11.34 ± 0.042 g/dl, volume corpuscular média 49.85 ± 0.96 fentolitros (fl), concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular 32.77 ± 0.45 g/dl, plaquetas 183.8 ± 10.98 x 103/ml, proteínas plasmáticas totais de 7.3 ± 0.13 g/dl, leucócitos totais 9,880 ± 470/ml, neutrófilos 5,910 ± 560/ml, eosinófilos 359.2 ± 70.8/ml, linfocitos 3,420 ± 420/ml e monócitos 339.8 ± 50.12/ml. Em citologia do lavagem traqueal foram determinados percentagens de células epiteliais em 42.3 ± 9.35, linfocitos 3.3 ± 1.13, macrófagos 20.1 ± 5.35, neutrófilos 26.4 ± 8.37 e eosinófilos 2.7 ± 1.78. Finalmente, os resultados do exame endoscópico em cavalos foram: 1) a quantidade normal de muco e ausência de bactérias (saudável), 2) um aumento da produção de muco e bactérias na do meio extracelular e superficie de célula escamosa, 3) degeneração celular e picnose 4), fagócitos e detritos celulares, e 5) fungosis (conídeos do fungos) no fundo extracelular e fagocitose observados cristais hematoidin e processos apoptóticos. Conclui-se que a endoscopia e citologia lavagem traqueal são ferramentas essenciais para o diagnóstico de doenças respiratórias, permitindo a identificação de distúrbios funcionais, vislumbrando o tipo de célula predominante, o que faz com que o processo inflamatório existente

    Study Of Two Intertidal Benchs At The North Coast of Tenerife As Nursery Area For The Juveniles Of Epinephelus marginatus (LOWE, 1834)

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    Se realizó una serie de muestreos en el intermareal rocoso al norte de la isla de Tenerife (Islas Canarias, España) con el objetivo de recopilar datos de abundancia y tallas de la especie Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834), familia Serranidae, conocida coloquialmente como mero. Esta especie es un recurso pesquero importante con una amplia distribución en zonas litorales, y cuyas zonas de cría son los charcos intermareales. En el presente estudio se muestrearon charcos al azar de diferentes volúmenes: pequeños (<10 m3), medianos (10 m3- 80 m3) y grandes (>80 m3), con la finalidad de encontrar diferencias en la abundancia y la talla en función del tamaño del charco. Las zonas de estudio se localizaron en Punta del Hidalgo y Finca El Apio, tomando datos en 22 charcos en los cuales se contaron un total de ocho juveniles de E. marginatus. Los análisis mostraron una influencia significativa del tamaño del charco, de tal forma que los individuos de mayor talla se encontraron en los charcos de mayor volumen.A set of samplings were carried out at the rocky intertidal shore of the north of Tenerife island (Canary Islands, Spain) with the objective of compile abundance and size data from the species Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834) belonging to Serranidae family, known as dusky groupers in colloquial language. This species is an important fishing resource with a wide distribution along the rocky shores, observing juvenile populations inhabiting intertidal pools. In the present research a set of intertidal pools were sampled randomly in function of their size: smalls (80 m3) with the purpose of determine if there is an effect of this factor over the abundance and size values observed. Study area was located in Punta del Hidalgo and Finca El Apio, recording data from 22 tidalpools with a total number of 8 juveniles of E. marginatus. The statistical analysis showed a significant effect of the size of the pools, finding the biggest individuals at the biggest pools