9 research outputs found


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    Saliva is a liquid secreted by the salivary glands, which moistens the mouth. Among the fundamental properties are protection of the oral mucosa and teeth, defense through lysozyme, cooperation in digestion, regulation of pH by function buffer, preventing injuries from excess acids and bases, and cleaning of the mouth through chewing movements that can be effected by wetting of the saliva. Salivary dysfunction as the same reduction in the amount of secretion, or changes in chemical concentrations as part of the properties of saliva, is responsible for a large amount of oral and dental problems associated, which have a direct impact on the general health status of the patient. Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics and physicochemical properties of saliva focus of this review.La saliva es un líquido que humedece la cavidad bucal y es secretado por las glándulas salivales. Dentro de sus propiedades fundamentales se encuentran la protección de la mucosa bucal y dientes, defensa a través de las lisozimas, cooperación en la digestión, regulación del pH por su función de tampón al evitar las lesiones producidas por el exceso de bases y ácidos y la limpieza de la boca a través de los movimientos masticatorios, que se pueden efectuar por la humectación de la saliva. Una disfunción salival como la misma reducción en la cantidad de secreción o los cambios en las concentraciones químicas como parte de las propiedades de la saliva son responsables de una gran cantidad de problemas bucales que pueden tener un impacto directo en el estado general de la salud del paciente. Por lo tanto, es importante conocer tanto las características como las propiedades físico-químicas de la saliva, objetivo de esta revisión.[Hernández AA, Aranzazu GC. Características y propiedades físico-químicas de la saliva: una revisión. Ustasalud 2012; 11: 102 - 112


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    Saliva is a liquid secreted by the salivary glands, which moistens the mouth. Among the fundamental properties are protection of the oral mucosa and teeth, defense through lysozyme, cooperation in digestion, regulation of pH by function buffer, preventing injuries from excess acids and bases, and cleaning of the mouth through chewing movements that can be effected by wetting of the saliva. Salivary dysfunction as the same reduction in the amount of secretion, or changes in chemical concentrations as part of the properties of saliva, is responsible for a large amount of oral and dental problems associated, which have a direct impact on the general health status of the patient. Therefore, it is important to know the characteristics and physicochemical properties of saliva focus of this review.La saliva es un líquido que humedece la cavidad bucal y es secretado por las glándulas salivales. Dentro de sus propiedades fundamentales se encuentran la protección de la mucosa bucal y dientes, defensa a través de las lisozimas, cooperación en la digestión, regulación del pH por su función de tampón al evitar las lesiones producidas por el exceso de bases y ácidos y la limpieza de la boca a través de los movimientos masticatorios, que se pueden efectuar por la humectación de la saliva. Una disfunción salival como la misma reducción en la cantidad de secreción o los cambios en las concentraciones químicas como parte de las propiedades de la saliva son responsables de una gran cantidad de problemas bucales que pueden tener un impacto directo en el estado general de la salud del paciente. Por lo tanto, es importante conocer tanto las características como las propiedades físico-químicas de la saliva, objetivo de esta revisión.[Hernández AA, Aranzazu GC. Características y propiedades físico-químicas de la saliva: una revisión. Ustasalud 2012; 11: 102 - 112


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    Objective: to assess the oral treatment needs and its effect on oral health related quality of life in older adults.Methods: a cross sectional study in six elderly nursing home care from the city of Floridablanca, Santander (Colombia) was done. Treatment needs were established according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the oral health related quality of life according to the Spanish version of the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Measures of central tendency and dispersion for quantitative variables and proportions for qualitative ones were obtained. Chi2 test or Fisher’s Exact was used as appropriate. A value of p ≤ 0.05 was considered significant.Results: of the 111 seniors surveyed, 62.2% needed special treatment for systemic diseases. 13.5% required intervention by clinical management while 37.8% of the population needed special treatment for salivary flow. 44.4 % required deep scaling and root planning and oral hygiene education was needed in 86.5%. The frequencies of self-perception and oral health related quality of life did not show any statistically significant association.Conclusions: the three main treatment needs in their order were oral hygiene education, special treatment for systemic disease and periodontal treatment. Treatment needs were more important in patients with low quality of life scores according GOHAI but no statistically significant difference was observed.Objetivo: establecer las necesidades de tratamiento bucal y su influencia en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal en el adulto mayor.Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en adultos mayores institucionalizados de seis hogares geriátricos del municipio de Floridablanca, Santander (Colombia). Se establecieron las necesidades de tratamiento según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud bucal según la versión en español del Geriatric Oral Health Assesment Index (GOHAI). Se obtuvieron medidas de tendencia central y dispersión para las variables cuantitativas y proporciones para las cualitativas. También, se realizó un test de Chi2 o Exacto de Fisher según correspondiera. Un valor de p ≤ 0,05 fue considerado significativo.Resultados: de los 111 adultos mayores examinados, el 62,2% necesitaba tratamiento especial por su enfermedad sistémica. El 13,5%, requería intervención de tejidos con manejo clínico mientras que el 37,8% de la población necesitaba un tratamiento especial por flujo salival. El 44,4%, requería raspaje y alisado radicular a campo cerrado y un manejo preventivo con educación en higiene bucal en el 86,5%. Las frecuencias de auto percepción y calidad de vida no mostraron una asociación estadísticamente significativa.Conclusiones: las tres principales necesidades de tratamiento en su orden fueron: educación en higiene bucal, tratamiento especial por enfermedad sistémica y tratamiento periodontal. Las necesidades de tratamiento fueron más importantes en los pacientes con bajos puntajes de calidad de vida según el GOHAI, pero no se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa.[Aranzazu GC, Hernández AA, Gutiérrez MA, Agudelo DF. Necesidad de tratamiento bucal y calidad de vida en el adulto mayor. Ustasalud 2013; 12: 47 - 54

    Chemical salivary composition and its relationship with periodontal disease and dental calculus

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    Abstract Aim: To determine the relationship between the chemical composition of saliva, periodontal disease and dental calculus. Methods: An observational analytical cross-sectional study was conducted with patients over 55 years of age. Ethical principles of autonomy and risk protection were applied according to the international standards. Sociodemographic and diagnosis variables (presence of dental calculus and periodontal status) were considered to measure salivary concentrations of glucose (by the glucose oxidase/peroxidase method, amylase (by the colorimetric test), urea (by the amount of indophenol), total protein (by the Bradford method) and albumin (by the nephelometric method). Patients chewed a sterile rubber band and 3 mL of stimulated saliva were collected. The samples were stored at -5 °C, centrifuged at 2,800 rpm for 10 min, and the supernatant was removed and stored at -20 °C. Data were presented as frequencies and proportions for qualitative variables and measures of central tendency and dispersion for quantitative variables. Data were analyzed by either analysis of variance or Kruskal Wallis test . A p value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Significant relationships were observed between the concentration of salivary urea and periodontal status (p = 0.03) and the presence of dental calculus and urea (p = 0.04) was demonstrated. Conclusions: A relationship between the salivary urea concentration and the presence of periodontal disease and dental calculus is suggested

    Efectos de la terapia periodontal con antibióticos tópicos en el control glicémico de pacientes diabéticos: revisión sistemática.

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    Background: Periodontal disease is considered as a diabetes complication and has been suggested that periodontal treatment plus antibiotics should reduce glycated hemoglobin A, by reducing local production of pro inflammatory substances. Objective: To evaluate diabetic patients with periodontal disease under periodontal treatment plus topical antibiotics and reduction of  HbA1c, compared to diabetic patients under periodontal treatment without antibiotics. Materials and Methods: Using PUBMED, SCOPUS, WEB OF SCIENCE, EMBASE and Google Scholar data bases, were screened documents from 2008 to 2018. The documents included were the clinical studies, which included non-surgical periodontal treatment plus topical antibiotics, whose outcomes included the HbA1c report. Two independent researchers evaluate title; abstract and bias risk with Downs Black scale and Cochrane tool. Documents with a score higher than 15 on average by the two evaluators were included. Results: Five articles, which find inclusion criteria, were identified. Two documents failed to demonstrate statistically significant effect when compared to non-surgical periodontal therapy alone. Conclusion: In general a modest reduction of HbA1c was identified when using antibiotic therapy.Antecedentes: La enfermedad periodontal es considerada una complicación del paciente diabético y se ha sugerido que su tratamiento con o sin antibióticos podría aportar a la reducción de la hemoglobina glucosilada, al reducir la producción local de sustancias pro-inflamatorias. Objetivo: Evaluar pacientes diabéticos con enfermedad periodontal que recibieron terapia periodontal no quirúrgica (TPNQ) más antibióticos tópicos y la reducción de la hemoglobina glucosilada, comparados con pacientes que recibieron TPNQ sin antibióticos tópicos. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron bases de datos MEDLINE vía PubMed, WEB OF SCIENCE , SCOPUS, EMBASE y Google Scholar utilizando vocabulario controlado y limitando la búsqueda a los años 2008-2018. Los documentos incluidos fueron los estudios clínicos, que incluían tratamiento periodontal no quirúrgico mas antibióticos tópicos, cuyos desenlaces incluyeran el reporte de HbA1c. Estos fueron analizados por dos evaluadores independientes, para identificación de riesgo de sesgo con la escala Downs Black y herramienta Cochrane.  se incluyeron los documentos con puntuación mayor a 15 en promedio de los dos evaluadores. Resultados: Se identificaron 5 documentos que cumplen con los criterios de inclusión. Dos documentos no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para el cambio de la HbA1c, en comparación con la terapia periodontal sola. Conclusión: En general se evidencia una discreta reducción de HbA1c con la terapia periodontal usando antibióticos tópicos


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    Objective: To determine the effect of the deterioration of the toothbrush on oral hygiene in the older population Elderly Welfare Center Juan Pablo II.Methods: A descriptive study of a prospective cohort of 45 people aged 60 or more was done. Related and clinical variables, teeth present in mouth, behavior when brushing, language coverage rate, quantified plaque index, prosthesis hygiene index and rate of deterioration of Rawls’s toothbrush and Col; functionality of the adult Barthel scale. In the test statistic analyzed the potential differences by chi-square test or Fisher exact test qualitative variables and t test for quantitative variables.Results: The percentage reductions in ratings of plaque achieved with a new toothbrush were significantly different from those obtained with three months of using toothbrushes. A both new and 3 month of use reduces plaque.Conclusion: By observing the deteriorating relationship between tooth brushing and oral hygiene of older adults found no relationship whatsoever. Therefore, the deterioration of the brush does not seem to influence the level of oral hygiene of adults.Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del deterioro del cepillo dental sobre la higiene oral en la población adulta mayor del centro Bienestar del Anciano Juan Pablo II.Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de tipo prospectivo de una cohorte de 45 personas de 60 años o más. Se relacionaron variables sociodemográficas y variables clínicas, dientes presentes en boca, actitud a la hora del cepillado, índice de cobertura de lengua, índice cuantificado de placa, índice de higiene de prótesis e índice del deterioro del cepillo dental de Rawls y colaboradores, funcionalidad del adulto mediante escala de Barthel. En la prueba estadística se analizaron las posibles diferencias mediante el test Chi cuadrado o exacto de Fisher para variables cualitativas y la prueba t test para variables cuantitativas.Resultados: Las reducciones porcentuales en las valoraciones de placa lograda con un cepillo de dientes nuevo fueron significativamente diferentes de los obtenidos con tres meses de uso de los cepillos dentales. Tanto los nuevos y los de 3 meses de uso reduce la placa bacteriana.Conclusión: entre el deterioro del cepillo y la higiene oral de los adultos mayores no se encontró relación alguna. Por tanto el deterioro del cepillo no parece influenciar en el nivel de higiene oral de los adultos.[Tarazona HL, Concha SC, Aránzazu GC, Hernández AA. Influencia del deterioro del cepillo dental sobre la higiene oral de los adultos mayores. Ustasalud 2010; 9: 89 - 95

    Assessment of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in type 2 diabetics before and after non-surgical periodontal treatment. A short-term follow-up study

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    evaluate glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) before and after non-surgical periodontal treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2). Methods: Twenty subjects diagnosed with periodontitis and DM-2 were treated using an NSPT protocol. Periodontal examination and blood measurements were performed at baseline and after three months. Patients with DM-2 treated for at least a year, with at least 10 teeth and with probing depths between 4-6 mm in more than three regions were included. The variables evaluated were HbA1c in blood and periodontal measures (probing depths, insertion level, gingival bleeding on probing, dental plaque, calculus, inflammation, clinical attachment and mobility). All patients were informed of the conditions of the therapy used. Scaling and root planning (SRP) of the full mouth was performed using an ultrasonic scaler and hand instrument under local anesthesia, supragingival prophylaxis and oral hygiene instruction. Also, 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate was formulated twice a day for two weeks. Statistical analyses were performed using StataIC 14. The values are shown as the mean, median and standard deviation (SD) or interquartile rank (IR), and p0.8. Clinical attachment level showed no improvement. The HbA1c values were not significantly decreased (p=0.94). Conclusions: Although non-surgical periodontal therapy eliminates local inflammation, it is insufficient to significantly reduce HbA1c levels in a short time period

    Reproducibility of fluorescent expression from engineered biological constructs in E. coli

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    We present results of the first large-scale interlaboratory study carried out in synthetic biology, as part of the 2014 and 2015 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competitions. Participants at 88 institutions around the world measured fluorescence from three engineered constitutive constructs in E. coli. Few participants were able to measure absolute fluorescence, so data was analyzed in terms of ratios. Precision was strongly related to fluorescent strength, ranging from 1.54-fold standard deviation for the ratio between strong promoters to 5.75-fold for the ratio between the strongest and weakest promoter, and while host strain did not affect expression ratios, choice of instrument did. This result shows that high quantitative precision and reproducibility of results is possible, while at the same time indicating areas needing improved laboratory practices.Peer reviewe