420 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Quail Research: Trends in Themes, Cognitive Extent, and Lexical Diversity

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    Language is an interesting characteristic that is unique to humans. Language represents a method of human communication and is believed to reflect a person’s view of reality (Kramsch 2004). The words used by a person or a community provide insight into the ideas, concepts, and worldview held by people (Pennebaker et al. 2003). In science, publications represent a primary form of communication of ideas among scientists. Publications provide a historical record of a discipline and reflect the relative interest of a scientific community in particular concepts during a given era (Kim et al. 2018). Consequently, how word use in publications changes over time can provide valuable insight into the evolution of a discipline and help identify possible shifts in thinking of the scientific community (McCallen et al. 2019). Quail science is a research domain that is over a century old. Studies of the life history and ecology of quail began appearing by the late 1800s, and investigations into the management of quail were circulating by the early 1900s (Bent 1932). Research on quail continued and increased during the 20th century and remains active at the beginning of the new millennium. Despite this long-term and active research trajectory, quail science appears to be a stagnant domain of research, with the same general topics being investigated decade after decade (Hernández 2021). I explore this qualitative impression of quail science and quantitatively assess the level of novelty in quail research. My goal is to address 2 general questions: 1) What are the main themes of quail research? and 2) How has the frequency of these themes changed over time? My research hypothesis is that, although the amount of quail research has increased over the past century, the cognitive territory covered by this research has remained more or less the same. Addressing this hypothesis requires the definition of a few linguistical terms and concepts. In linguistics, tokens is the total number of words in a sample, and types is the number of different words in that sample (Malvern et al. 2004). For example, the phrase, “The bison herd grazed on the plains” has 7 tokens. Because 2 of the tokens represent a repetition (the word “the”), the phrase contains only 6 types. Linguistic scientists have used the ratio of types (number of different words) to tokens (total number of words) as a measure of lexical diversity, that is, the level of vocabulary richness (Malvern et al. 2004). Repetition of words causes an imbalance in the number of types to tokens; thus, higher repetition results in lower lexical diversity and vice versa (Jarvis 2013). Cognitive extent is a concept similar to lexical diversity but is based on the number of unique phrases appearing in a text (Milojević 2015). It operates at the level of phrases rather than single words, requires large unit quotas of text, and reflects the cognitive territory being covered by the literature (Milojević 2015). I used the Proceedings of the National Quail Symposia as the literature base to conduct a linguistic assessment of quail science. I obtained the titles, authors, and abstracts of all articles appearing in the 8 volumes of the proceedings, a literature corpus that spanned 45 years (1972–2017). I determined the number of articles appearing per volume and the number of years between volumes to obtain a standardized measure of publication rate (number of articles/year). I also calculated the lexical diversity of article titles to obtain a measure of mean lexical diversity by volume. Because calculating cognitive extent requires large unit quotas, the sample size of articles appearing in the proceedings was too small to calculate cognitive extent for the proceedings. Thus, I conducted a literature search for quail-related articles in 11 ecological journals using the Web of Science database. These journals were Conservation Biology, Ecology, Ecological Applications, Ecological Monographs, Ecosphere, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Wildlife Management, Oecologia, Wildlife Society Bulletin, and Wildlife Monographs. I calculated the cognitive extent of quail science using article titles of this larger literature corpus. For comparative purposes, I also calculated the cognitive extent of the general ecological research appearing in these journals. The amount of quail research published in the proceedings increased exponentially during the 45 years (Figure 1). The number of articles more than doubled from 1972 (n = 40 articles) to 2017 (n= 94 articles). The number of coauthors per article also increased from a median of 1 author (range: 1–4) in 1972 to 4 authors (range: 1–12) in 2017. Despite an apparent exponential increase in the amount of quail research, the cognitive extent of quail science appeared stagnant during 1973–2020 based on the 11 journals (Figure 2). In contrast, the cognitive extent of general ecological research in these journals steadily increased over the same time period (Figure 2). Historians of science suggest that the evolution of a discipline appears to follow a model of iterative and incremental growth, a pattern that has been described as cyclical development (Nunez-Mir et al. 2015). In such cyclical development, a scientific field (or domain of research) begins with a stage of theoretical conceptualization in which concepts are defined and central hypotheses are identified. This stage is followed by a stage of experimentation where theory is tested (Nunez-Mir et al. 2015). The knowledge gained from the experimentation stage results in refinement and expansion of the theory, which is broadened to include new concepts and perspectives arising from such experimentation. The refined theory then reenters the cycle, and the scientific field or domain of research advances in an iterative, incremental manner (Nunez-Mir et al. 2015). Ecological research appears to conform to such a model of cyclical development based on its incremental increase in cognitive extent over time. In contrast, quail research does not. No new ideas or concepts appear to be entering the domain given its relatively constant and unchanging cognitive extent. Stated differently, the quail scientific community appears to be retracing the same cognitive territory decade after decade. Consequently, quail research seems to be a domain suffering from a lack of novelty and creativity

    Sistema de bajo costo para el monitoreo por condición a aplicar en parques eólicos

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    This paper provides a general view of the condition monitoring and fault detection system applications on wind energyconverters. Firstly, implementation feasibility of condition monitoring systems is shown by analyzing severalapplications of condition-based maintenance on wind energy converters. Afterwards, the most critical failures in windenergy converters are described and current trends in such condition monitoring system applications are analyzed.Finally, a low-cost condition monitoring system implementation, interesting to be applied in developing countries, is proposed


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    In this work we study the relation between tilting and standard strati cation. We recall that for each standardly strati ed algebra corresponds a tilting module. We show that the poset given by the dierent strati cations of one algebra is a subposet of the poset formed by the tilting modules. Also, we show several examples, in particular we see that in the orientedA n for n = 2; 3; 4 all tilting modules are given by strati cations.

    Moving towards fairer regional minimum income schemes in Spain

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    Minimum income schemes aim at providing citizens with a minimum living standard. In some EU countries, their regulation and provision takes place at the subnational level. This is the case in Spain, where minimum income schemes are a heterogeneous and complex collection of regional benefits designed and implemented at the regional level, by the Autonomous Communities. In June 2020, a complementary nationwide minimum income scheme was implemented. In this context, we use the European microsimulation model EUROMOD, together with microdata from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, to comprehensively assess the performance of the whole minimum income system. We simulate a sequence of theoretical scenarios, considering different degrees of coverage and adequacy of these benefits and show that extending the coverage of the regional schemes would significantly alleviate poverty. However, it would not be sufficient to eliminate it and further increases in the benefit amounts would also be required. Furthermore, the new nationwide minimum income can potentially reduce the shortfall in income from the poverty line, if cost-shifting practices from the regional to the national budgetary level are limited. We discuss the importance of this case study in light of the decentralization of minimum income policies and derive some general policy implications

    Applied genomic in cerebrovascular disease

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    Cerebrovascular disease involve the alterations caused by pathology process of the sanguineous vessels, affecting one or many brain areas. Cerebrovascular disease is also known like stroke or ictus; it is the third cause of death around the world and is the neurologic pathology with the most prevalence rate. Cerebrovascular disease induces several changes in genetic expression inside the neurovascular unit (glia cells, neurons and ependymal cells); principally, changes in the oxidative stress and calcium inflow into the cells, this could start cellular death and tissue destruction, causing an irreversible injury in brain, losing several functions. The injury causes the activation of signaling pathways to respond to the stress, where many molecules such as proteins and mRNA are involved to act as intermediaries to activate or deactivate stress me- chanisms; these molecules are able to transmit extracellular signals into the nucleus activating early gene expression like proto-oncogenes and several transcription factors to repair the cerebral injury. It is important to know the relation of the changes in genetic expression and proteins to avoid the development of injury and to activate the brain recovery. This knowledge let us diagnose the injury rate and propose therapeutic mechanisms to reduce or avoid the adverse effects on time, before the cellular death start

    Examining a Habitat-Weather Threshold for Northern Bobwhite Populations in the Southwestern United States

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    In semiarid portions of the northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter, bobwhite) geographic distribution, weather is a strong driver of interannual abundance. However, the strength of this relationship may depend on habitat amount. Given this habitat–weather dependence, there is likely to be a threshold value for habitat that determines how strongly a bobwhite population responds to weather. Our objective was to evaluate the relationship between habitat amount and the relative influence of weather on bobwhite abundance in Texas and Oklahoma, USA and determine a potential land-cover threshold value. We collected bobwhite abundance and land-cover data from the Breeding Bird Survey and National Land Cover Database, respectively, for 2 time periods which corresponded to historical lows (2012–2013) and highs (2015–2016) of bobwhite abundance within this region. We reclassified land cover into grassland, shrubland, pastureland, cropland, forest, and urban cover, and combined grassland and shrubland categories to represent bobwhite habitat. We used weighted linear regression to model the difference between mean bobwhite abundance between each time period as a function of habitat amount, hypothesizing a positive, linear relationship given the theorized greater influence of weather on populations within higher habitat amounts. To evaluate a potential habitat threshold, we modeled mean bobwhite abundance, for each time period, and all individual land-cover variables using a generalized additive model with a negative binomial distribution. We detected a positive, linear relationship between habitat amount and the difference between high and low bobwhite populations (r2 = 0.30), per our hypothesis. Models of land-cover variables differed between low- and high-abundance time periods. The time period of lower abundance (2012–2013) model included all land-cover variables except cropland and showed significant positive, linear relationships with grass and hay cover, and negative, linear relationships with forest and urban cover. Shrubland cover was the only nonlinear term, increasing to approximately 50–60% cover, then decreasing sharply with increasing cover. Deviance explained for this model was 41.2%. For the period of high abundance (2015–2016) the model explained approximately 25% of the deviance and was reduced to only negative, linear relationships with forest and urban cover. Our results provide some evidence toward the habitat–weather threshold hypothesis. Additionally, while no land-cover values showed a threshold-like relationship with bobwhite abundance, we did document differences in variable selection for each time period. Stressors on bobwhite habitat seem to have a more dramatic impact on bobwhite populations than available habitat, especially in periods of higher abundance, whereas periods of lower abundance also included habitat variables

    Evaluation of Population Indices and Estimators for Scaled Quail in the Rolling Plains of Texas

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    Accurate and precise population indices and estimators are important to gain reliable knowledge and make appropriate management decisions. Indices and estimators for scaled quail (Callipepla squamata), however, have not been evaluated thoroughly. Our objectives are to compare relationships among 8 years of roadside counts, spring call counts, and mark-recapture data obtained from the Rolling Plains Quail Research Ranch in Fisher County, TX, USA. Furthermore, we assess the efficacy of distance-based helicopter surveys as a method for scaled quail density estimates as compared to mark-recapture estimates for 2016–2017

    Rendimiento laboral y capacitación en la E.T.S. PNP de Chimbote. 2016

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre el Rendimiento laboral y capacitación en la E.T.S. PNP de Chimbote. 2016. La investigación se desarrolló bajo el enfoque cuantitativo, es así que las variables fueron medidas con números a través de la escala de Likert, en tal sentido el diseño fue descriptivo correlacional, el método hipotético deductivo, la población o universo de interés en esta investigación, estuvo conformada por 82 docentes de la E.T.S. PNP de Chimbote. 2016, la muestra fue de 78 docentes, en tal sentido para la recopilación de datos se aplicó la técnica de la encuesta y el instrumento denominado cuestionario, finalmente la contrastación de hipótesis se realizó con la prueba de Correlación de Spearman. La investigación finalmente contrastó la hipótesis y demostró que existe correlación positiva y moderada entre el rendimiento laboral y la capacitación en la E.T.S. PNP de Chimbote 2016. (Rho = .439, p= .000) y también en las dimensiones

    Generación Y Verificacion De Estadisticas Forestales En La Provincia De Orellana Durante El Periodo 2009 Hasta Octubre Del 2010

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    La falta de información de estadísticas claras de las especies más aprovechadas en la Provincia de Orellana, de tal forma que esta investigación procura obtener una información base de las principales especies explotadas y movilizadas en esta provincia, lo importante de esta información es conseguir una base de datos que nos ayude a organizar un programa de reforestación con estas especies más comerciales, y permitir un control de posible agotamiento del recurso maderero de estas especies, o colocarlas en veda, o condicionada, por ejemplo según esta investigación el chuncho (Cedrelinga Cateneiformes) es la segunda especie más explotada y movilizada por la razón de que en la composición de la anatomía de la madera, esta especie tiene las mismas características físicas del cedro, por tal motivo es muy cotizada para mueblería fina, esta especie podría quedar condicionada, porque según las estadísticas es muy aprovechada y se puede perder el recurso fito-genético para volver a repoblar los bosques con esta especie