8 research outputs found

    Multiresidue determination of quinolones regulated by the European Union in bovine and porcine plasma. Application of chromatographic and capillary electrophoretic methodologies

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    This paper presents the multiresidue determination of the series of quinolones regulated by the European Union (marbofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, danofloxacin, enrofloxacin, sarafloxacin, difloxacin, oxolinic acid and flumequine) in bovine and porcine plasma using capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (CE-UV, LC-UV), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and -tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS, LC-MS/MS) methods. These procedures involve a sample preparation by solid-phase extraction for clean-up and preconcentration of the analytes before their injection into the separation system. All methods give satisfactory results in terms of linearity, precision, accuracy and limits of quantification. The suitability of the methods to determine quinolones was evaluated by determining the concentration of enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin in real samples from pig plasma and cow plasm

    High-resolution mass spectrometry applied to the study of metabolome modifications in various chicken tissues after amoxicillin administration

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    The performance of high resolution accurate mass spectrometry (HRMS) operating in full scan MS mode was investigated for the quantitative determination of amoxicillin (AMX) as well as qualitative analysis of metabolomic profiles in tissues of medicated chickens. The metabolomic approach was exploited to compile analytical information on changes in the metabolome of muscle, kidney and liver from chickens subjected to a pharmacological program with AMX. Data consisting of m/z features taken throughout the entire chromatogram were extracted and filtered to be treated by Principal Component Analysis. As a result, it was found that medicated and non-treated animals were clearly clustered in distinct groups. Besides, the multivariate analysis revealed some relevant mass features contributing to this separation. In this context, recognizing those potential markers of each chicken class was a priority research for both metabolite identification and, obviously, evaluation of food quality and health effects associated to food consumption

    Metabolomic assays of amoxicillin, cephapirin and ceftiofur in chicken muscle. Application to treated chicken samples by liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry

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    The aim of this study was to identity metabolites and transformation products (TPs) in chicken muscle from amoxicillin (AMX), cephapirin (PIR) and ceftiofur (TIO), which are antibiotics of the β-lactam family. Liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight (QqTOF) mass spectrometry was utilized due to its high resolution, high mass accuracy and MS/MS capacity for elemental composition determination and structural elucidation. Amoxicilloic acid (AMA) and amoxicillin diketopiperazine (DKP) were found as transformation products from AMX. Desacetylcephapirin (DAC) was detected as a metabolite of PIR. Desfuroylceftiofur (DFC) and its conjugated compound with cysteine (DFC-S-Cys) were detected as a result of TIO in contact with chicken muscle tissue. The metabolites and transformation products were also monitored during the in vivo AMX treatment and slaughtering period. It was found that two days were enough to eliminate AMX and associated metabolites/transformation products after the end of administration

    Determination and characterization of quinolones in foodstuffs of animal origin by CE-UV,  LC-UV, LC-Fl, LC-MS and LC-MS/MS

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    In this work methods for the multiresidue determination of the series of quinolones include in the European regulation in food of animal origin are de veloped and validated in line with Commission Decision 2002/657/EC in terms of linearity, decision limit, capability detection, precision and stability. Mult iresidue methods were established to allow the determination of quinolones covered by EU legislation in 2377/90/EC in muscle of chicken, turkey, pig and cow, plasma of cow and pig, liver of pig and milk of cow. First an extraction step was optimized and a SPE step was applied to clean!up and preconcentrate quinolones prior to their separation by CE or LC and determination by CE!UV, LC!UV, LC!Fl, LC!MS with different ion sources (ESI ,ApCI) and different mass analyser (Q, ToF) and LC!E SI!QqQ tandem mass spectrometry. The limits of quantification obtained are always lower than Maxim um Residue Limit (MRL) established by EU for quinolones in animal products and they can be applied to the control of quinolones in foodstuffs of animal origin . Finally the proposed methods were applied to determine quinolones in samples of turkey and pig muscle, pig plasma and milk of cow. Excellent quality parameters and reduced time of analysis were obtained when LC!ESI!MS/MS is used, although the others techniques presented too satisfactory results

    High-resolution mass spectrometry applied to the study of metabolome modifications in various chicken tissues after amoxicillin administration

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    The performance of high resolution accurate mass spectrometry (HRMS) operating in full scan MS mode was investigated for the quantitative determination of amoxicillin (AMX) as well as qualitative analysis of metabolomic profiles in tissues of medicated chickens. The metabolomic approach was exploited to compile analytical information on changes in the metabolome of muscle, kidney and liver from chickens subjected to a pharmacological program with AMX. Data consisting of m/z features taken throughout the entire chromatogram were extracted and filtered to be treated by Principal Component Analysis. As a result, it was found that medicated and non-treated animals were clearly clustered in distinct groups. Besides, the multivariate analysis revealed some relevant mass features contributing to this separation. In this context, recognizing those potential markers of each chicken class was a priority research for both metabolite identification and, obviously, evaluation of food quality and health effects associated to food consumption

    High-resolution mass spectrometry applied to the identification of transformation products of quinolones from stability studies and new metabolites of enrofloxacin in chicken muscle tissues

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    The aim of this work was the identification of new metabolites and transformation products (TPs) in chicken muscle from Enrofloxacin (ENR), Ciprofloxacin (CIP), Difloxacin (DIF) and Sarafloxacin (SAR), which are antibiotics that belong to the fluoroquinolones family. The stability of ENR, CIP, DIF and SAR standard solutions versus pH degradation process (from pH 1.5 to 8.0, simulating the pH since the drug is administered until its excretion) and freeze-thawing (F/T) cycles was tested. In addition, chicken muscle samples from medicated animals with ENR were analyzed in order to identify new metabolites and TPs. The identification of the different metabolites and TPs was accomplished by comparison of mass spectral data from samples and blanks, using liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight (LC-QqToF) and Multiple Mass Defect Filter (MMDF) technique as a pre-filter to remove most of the background noise and endogenous components. Confirmation and structure elucidation was performed by liquid chromatography coupled to linear ion trap quadrupole Orbitrap (LC-LTQ-Orbitrap), due to its mass accuracy and MS/MS capacity for elemental composition determination. As a result, 21 TPs from ENR, 6 TPs from CIP, 14 TPs from DIF and 12 TPs from SAR were identified due to the pH shock and F/T cycles. On the other hand, 14 metabolites were identified from the medicated chicken muscle samples. Formation of CIP and SAR, from ENR and DIF, respectively, and the formation of desethylene-quinolone were the most remarkable identified compounds

    Determination and characterization of quinolones in foodstuffs of animal origin by CE-UV,  LC-UV, LC-Fl, LC-MS and LC-MS/MS

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    In this work methods for the multiresidue determination of the series of quinolones include in the European regulation in food of animal origin are de veloped and validated in line with Commission Decision 2002/657/EC in terms of linearity, decision limit, capability detection, precision and stability. Mult iresidue methods were established to allow the determination of quinolones covered by EU legislation in 2377/90/EC in muscle of chicken, turkey, pig and cow, plasma of cow and pig, liver of pig and milk of cow. First an extraction step was optimized and a SPE step was applied to clean!up and preconcentrate quinolones prior to their separation by CE or LC and determination by CE!UV, LC!UV, LC!Fl, LC!MS with different ion sources (ESI ,ApCI) and different mass analyser (Q, ToF) and LC!E SI!QqQ tandem mass spectrometry. The limits of quantification obtained are always lower than Maxim um Residue Limit (MRL) established by EU for quinolones in animal products and they can be applied to the control of quinolones in foodstuffs of animal origin . Finally the proposed methods were applied to determine quinolones in samples of turkey and pig muscle, pig plasma and milk of cow. Excellent quality parameters and reduced time of analysis were obtained when LC!ESI!MS/MS is used, although the others techniques presented too satisfactory results

    Comparison of three analytical methods for the determination of quinolones in pig muscle samples

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    This work presents a comparison between three analytical methods developed for the simultaneous determination of eight quinolones regulated by the European Union (marbofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, danofloxacin, enrofloxacin, difloxacin, sarafloxacin, oxolinic acid and flumequine) in pig muscle, using liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (LC-FD), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The procedures involve an extraction of the quinolones from the tissues, a step for clean-up and preconcentration of the analytes by solid-phase extraction and a subsequent liquid chromatographic analysis. The limits of detection of the methods ranged from 0.1 to 2.1 ng g−1 using LC-FD, from 0.3 to 1.8 using LC-MS and from 0.2 to 0.3 using LC-MS/MS, while inter- and intra-day variability was under 15 % in all cases. Most of those data are notably lower than the maximum residue limits established by the European Union for quinolones in pig tissues. The methods have been applied for the determination of quinolones in six different commercial pig muscle samples purchased in different supermarkets located in the city of Granada (south-east Spain)