134 research outputs found

    The Content of Lipids in Intramuscular Adipose as a Quality Determinant of Cattle Meat Product

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    Generally consumer taste for meat livestock products related to various aspects of the meat itself that iscommonly known such as, color, tenderness, flavor, hygiene and product information about the animalration that is free of antibiotics, hormones and other substances which interfere the health of consumers.This article aims to describe another aspect which supports the consumer\u27s taste that is lipids moleculescontent in intramuscular adipose tissue. The higher content of intramuscular lipids will further enhancethe consumer taste of this meat product. The methods to detect intramuscular fat content in meat cattleare enzymatic method. This evaluation of the development of intramuscular adipose tissue and the quantificationof the lipid content can be used as a parameter for determining the quality of meat products ofcattle in improving the organoleptic value of livestock meat products in the market

    Técnicas Factoriales de Análisis de Tablas Múltiples: Nuevos Desarrollos Empíricos

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    Existen varias técnicas de análisis de tablas múltiples en la literatura. Estas técnicas tienen, sin embargo, lagunas de aplicación cuando las tablas están compuestas por un número diferente de individuos, especialmente si las variables incluidas en las tablas son cualitativas. Para este tipo de situaciones introducimos una modificación del análisis que permite el análisis conjunto de dichas tablas. Finalmente, se estudia la estabilidad de los resultados obtenidos por el Análisis Factorial Múltiple haciendo uso del Análisis de Componentes Principales.STATIS, análisis de correspondencias múltiples, análisis de componentes principales, variables cualitativas, análisis factorial múltiple

    Genomics reveals a new genus and species from a single female specimen (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae: Hesperiini: Moncina)

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    New taxa in Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) are traditionally proposed after inspection of male genitalia, which largely form the basis for Hesperiidae taxonomy. However, with genomic DNA se­quencing, even a single female specimen can be placed in a phylogenetic context of existing classification and taxonomically assigned with confidence. Genomic sequencing of an unusually patterned Hesperiidae female from San Martin, Peru, characterized by pearly spots outlining an inverted heart pattern on the rust-colored ventral hindwing, reveals that it represents an undescribed genus and species named here as Gemmia buechei Brockmann and Grishin, new genus and new species. Neotropical regions are rich in undescribed species. While many of them may be cryptic and evade recognition by visual inspection (Hebert et al. 2004), others are distinctive and can be recognized as new at the first glance (Turland et al. 2012). However, it may be a challenge to place such distinctive species within a taxonomic hierar­chy, in particular when only a single specimen is known. Hesperiidae taxonomy relies heavily on the analysis of male genitalia, and descriptions of genus-group taxa traditionally report the structure of male genitalia. However, genera are defined as monophyletic groups of species, and a confident phylogeny that includes all close relatives is a reliable way to define them (Cong et al. 2019; Li et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2019, 2020, 2022). Here, we illustrate this approach and propose a new Hesperiidae genus based on a single distinctively patterned female specimen. We believe that bringing a new species and the new genus to the attention of researchers has advantages over waiting to find more of its specimens, in particular males. The genomics-based approach that we use puts the phylogenetic placement of this new taxon on a strong footing

    Surgical Outcome of Chiari Malformation Type One in Adults

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    Objective: To assess the post-operative outcome after Posterior Fossa Decompression (PFD) with duraplasty in Chiari-1 malformations.Study Design: Case series.Place and Duration of Study: Department of Neurosurgery, Medical Teaching Institution Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar, from January 2013 to June 2018.Materials and Methods: This study included 28 patients of Chiari 1 malformations admitted through OPD with the presentation of suboccipital headache, neck pain, dizziness/fatigue, numbness and paresthesias in upper limbs, gait problem, cerebellar dysfunction and or with syringomyelic syndrome. MRI whole spine and CT scan brain was done in all cases to confirm diagnosis and rule out other pathologies. Suboccipital craniectomy with C1 laminectomy and expansile duraplasty was performed in all cases and clinical outcome was assessed in follow-up clinic.Results: Among 28 patients, 16 were females and 12 males. Age ranged from 16 to 48 years with a mean of 26 years. Headache were present in 22, neck pain in 17, fatigue and dizziness in14, numbness and paresthesia of upper limbs in 12, loss of fine motor skills in 8, cerebellar dysfunction in 5 and sphincter loss in 4 patients. Mean time to diagnosis was 14 months. Syrinx was present in all patients. Posterior fossa decompression with duraplasty with an additional C1 laminectomy was performed in all cases. Syringo-subarachnoid shunt was placed in one patient. Pain was relieved in 78.5% of cases. Postoperative outcome was assessed as good, fair and poor based on pre and post-operative clinical and radiological parameters. Good outcome was noted in 22 patients and fair in 6 cases in this series. No patient suffered a in our series. Syringomyelia was improved in all except one case in which it improved after syringo subarachnoid shunt. Postoperative morbidity included CSF leak in 2 patients, superficial wound infection in 2patients.Conclusion: Posterior fossa decompression with C1 laminectomy followed by expansile duraplasty is the main surgical modality of treatment for Chiari-1 malformation. Better post-operative outcome is achieved with PFD in terms of symptoms, reduction in syrinx size, with minimum surgical morbidity and mortality

    Pineal Region Tumors

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    The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland located in the brains of vertebrates near the brain center that helps regulate circadian rhythms. Pineal tumors are tumors located in this region including tumors of the pineal gland and tumors of the components and structures of this region. Pineal tumors can compress the third ventricle, squeeze the cerebral drain causing hydrocephalus, compress the brain stem, compress the cerebellum, compress the posterior fossa … causing various disorders. The pineal gland has a rather complicated anatomy, deep in the brain parenchyma, surrounded by many blood vessels and other important structures, so surgery to approach this area is still a challenge for many surgeons. Because these cancers are so rare, it has always been difficult to collect a large number of cases to study and compare. This chapter will describe the features of pineal tumor from the information collected so far

    Генерализованная эруптивная гистиоцитома: описание случая

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    The case of generalized eruptive histiocytoma (GEH) in woman of 49 years old is reported. GEH is a rare disease relating to non-langerhans cell histiocytoses which are based on a benign reactive proliferation of histiocytes with immunophenotype inconsistent with Langerhans cells. As a result of treatment with methotrexate and betamethasone the improvement in skin condition was achieved.Описан случай генерализованной эруптивной гистиоцитомы (ГЭГ) у женщины 49 лет. ГЭГ - редкое заболевание, относящееся к нелангергансоклеточным гистиоцитозам, в основе которых лежит реактивная доброкачественная пролиферация гистиоцитов с иммунофенотипом, не соответствующим клеткам Лангерганса. В результате проведенного лечения бетаметазоном и метотрексатом достигнуто улучшение состояния кожи