7 research outputs found

    Kajian Efektifitas Semen Dan Fly Ash Dalam Campuran Soil Cement Memakai Tanah Lempung Dan Pasir Pulau Timor

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    . Soil cement is result of mixing soil, cements and water, that with level of certain compaction will make a new material mixture, soil cement, which because of it is strength, resistance characteristic to by water, hot and other weather influence is very good as a foundation layer under from road pavement structure. Usage of Fly Ash alternatively material for stabilization can mixture addition Soil Cement. This research done at some testing steps, where at step first is done static testing to the mixture, for example experiment UCS (Unconfined Compressive Strength). Result of testing indicates that Soil Oelmasi (Island Timor) can be classified as Inorganic Clay Soil with high plasticity (CH), Clay Soil Type (A-7-5), Value activity (A) = 1,30 (Aktif Clays) and has Swelling Potential Very High and mineral content Kuarsa (Quartz). In general, 5% - 15% cements shows number optimum of decrement Plastisitas Index (PI). While 3% - 7% fly ash can increase value Plastisitas Index(PI). Decrement and addition Plastisitas Index (PI) be an transformation indicator of strength from soil Clay Anorganic (CH). Addition of 13%semen curing of 28 days value Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) optimal that is = 12,59 Kg/Cm2. For Soil Bolok (Island Timor) be type Sand good gradation (SW), soil sands type (A-1-b) with content mineral calcite. Addition cement 10 % can increase value UCS so reaching optimal value 21,87 kg/cm2 at the curing of 28 days

    Investment Risk of Solo-Ngawi Toll Road

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    In investing, there is definitely a risk, as well as the concession of toll roads. Risk analysis is used to anticipate losses due to an element of risk at each investment stage. The results of the analysis show that the highest risk probability for the Solo-Ngawi toll road is land availability and the influence of weather during development and the highest risk impacts are land availability, the potential for revolution in state governance. Based on the results of the analysis, the investment risk level of the Ngawi Solo Toll Road is included in the moderate risk category, so there is a need for cooperation in risk assurance by the Insurance Agency so that the risk level can be reduced to be lower than before


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    Pada era global, di mana transparansi sudah merambah di segala tempat, arus dan akses informasi begitu gencar, sehingga tuntutan terhadap produk tidak hanya bermutu, tetapi juga dampak dari produk harus diinformasikan secara transparan. Demikian juga pada organisasi pendidikan dituntut mampu memberikan atau menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas. Manajemen Mutu Terpadu (Total Quality Management) dalam konteks pendidikan merupakan sebuah filosofi metodologi tentang perbaikan secara terus menerus yang dapat memberikan seperangkat alat praktis kepada setiap institusi pendidikan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan, keinginan dan harapan pelanggan, saat ini maupun masa yang akan datang. Manajemen mutu terpadu pendidikan memberikan suatu sistem manajemen yang mengangkat kualitas sebagai strategi usaha yang berorientasi pada kepuasan pelanggan dengan melibatkan seluruh anggota organisasi. Buku Manajemen mutu terpadu pendidikan ini berorientasi pada suatu pendekatan dalam menjalankan usaha yang mencoba untuk memaksimalkan daya saing organisasi melalui perbaikan terus menerus atas produk, jasa, manusia, tenaga kerja, proses dan lingkungan