79 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penyebarluasan Informasi Badan Pengelola (Bapel) Jamkesda terhadap Keluarga Miskin di Kabupaten Sinjai

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    This study aimed to determine (1) the effect of information dissemination Regional Health Insurance Management Board to poor families in Sinjai., (2) the relationship between the use of communication media and the message content Jamkesda program in influencing the behavior of poor families in the district Sinjai. The research was conducted in Sinjai, by taking the focus of research in the sub Sinjai Middle East and Sub Sinjai using quantitative methods with a sample of 98 respondents Poor Families. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis. The results showed that the effect of the dissemination of information to the Management Board Jamkesda poor knowledge level change through the use of the radio medium is found to be 38.7%. 27.6% change in attitude and behavior change of 29.6%. Meanwhile, through the Media Communication Group known effect on changes in knowledge level of 32.5%, Change of 36.7% on the attitude and behavior change of 39.8%. On the Use of Interpersonal Communication media influence on changing poor knowledge of 28.7%, 35.7% Changes in attitude and behavior change of 30.6%. While the contents of the message influence the terms of participation in the knowledge level of 28.7%, on attitudes and behavior of 25.5% at 27.6%. Message service packs affect the knowledge by 32.6%, amounting to 34.7% in the attitudes and behaviors of 37.8%. Messages on the service system affects the level of knowledge of 22.4%, 24.5% Change of attitudes and behaviors by 23.4%. In the message referral system affects the level of knowledge was 16.3%, 15.3% attitude and behavior of 11.2%. While it is known that there is relationship communication media USAge and message content in affecting change in the level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of poor households of 61.9%. This suggests that the effect of the dissemination of information to the Management Board Jamkesda poor families is very significant, so that the level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of poor families to the program to take advantage of the higher Jamkesda Jamkesda program as an investment for the health of the family

    Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Seni Tari Jepin Lembut Melalui Metode Kooperatif Jigsaw Di SMP

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    The background of this research is the lack of the student's interest in learning art dance, it can be seen from the first observation through the questionnaire about hobby, only 15 students who like to dance. On the other hand, based on the writers's observation during teaching process, most students did not enthusiastically take part. The purpose of this research is to increase the students' learning interest on dance art Jepin Lembut through jigsaw cooperative method on the first year student of SMPN 1 Paloh. Base on the result in cycle I and II, the writer concluded that the learning process through jigsaw cooperative method could increase the students' interest on dance art Jepin Lembut at class 7 of SMPN 1 Paloh

    Analisa Kuat Tarik Besi Bjtp Ø 16 Mm Yang Ada Dipasaran Rokan Hulu (Study Kasus Besi Bjtp Ø 16 Mm Besi Ss, Gs Dan Hhs)

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    Baja tulangan merupakan bahan yang sangat penting dalam konstruksi, tidak dapat dihindari mengingat baja tulangan merupakan salah satu faktor penentu dalam kuat atau tidaknya konstruksi beton bertulang. Tinjauan mutu, sifat mekanis, terhadap kuat tarik dan ukuran baja tulangan polos (BJTP) diameter 16 mm, dipasaran Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

    Moderasi Biaya Beralih Pada Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Pada Pts X)

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    This study aims to examine the moderating role of switching cost on two effects, which are: the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction and service quality effect on customer loyalty. In addition, this study also examines the effect of service quality, switching cost and customer satisfaction, on customer loyalty. Finally, the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction is also tested. The analysis tool used is SEM with LISREL 8.80 software. In order to implement the results, it was conducted the correlation analysis between the dimensions of the independent variables with dimensions on the dependent variable. As a result, the switching cost is not provenas a moderator variable. Service quality has positive and significant effects on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Switching cost is proven positively and significantly effects customer loyalty. It was proven that customer satisfaction did not effects customer loyalty. Dimensions which dominant correlated are: the dimension of empathy with the core service dimension, dimension of empathy with dimension of loyalty attitude; and dimension of relational cost with behavioral loyalty dimension

    Perancangan Sistem SCADA Beban Penerangan pada Prototype Gedung A Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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    Penggunaan energi listrik secara berlebihan memiliki dampak buruk yaitu meningkatnya penggunaan sumber energi. Salah satu bentuk penggunaan energi listrik secara berlebihan adalah penggunaan beban penerangan secara berlebihan.Contohnya adalah penggunaan energi listrik di gedung umum. Kesadaran pengguna umum mengenai penghematan energi listrik sangat kurang. Pada penelitian ini sistem SCADA diaplikasikan pada beban penerangan prototype gedung A Teknik Elektro Universitas Dionegoro. Melalui sistem SCADA yang dirancang, kondisi beban dapat dipantau dan dikontrol. Perangkat pengontrol yang digunakan adalah PLC Omron seri CPM1A. HMI pada PC yang dibuat menggunakan CX Supervisor 3.0. Fungsi dari HMI adalah menampilkan kondisi beban penerangan pada prototype

    Kontribusi Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan dan Interaksi Sosial terhadap Karakter Kewirausahaan Peserta Didik Man 1 Pekanbaru

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the contribution of the implementation ofentrepreneurial learning and social interaction, either individually or jointly to theentrepreneurial character of learners. This study was conducted in MAN 1Pekanbaru. The population in this study were students of class XI and XII IPS IIS asmany as 139 respondents with prior test instrument by 30 respondents. Testing thevalidity of the correlation performed using SPSS software and instrument reliabilityseen in Alpha Croncbach. This research was conducted with a descriptiveexamination of data, testing hypotheses and seek contributions. The result ofresearch shows that 1) Contributions implementation of entrepreneurial learningentrepreneurial character by 20%. 2) The contribution of social interaction with theentrepreneurial character of 11.5%. 3) Contributions implementation ofentrepreneurial learning and social interaction with the entrepreneurial character ofstudents was 22.1,%. The conclusion that the implementation of entrepreneuriallearning and social interaction with the entrepreneurial character of learners MAN 1Pekanbaru ties and contributions

    Perwujudan Asas Kepercayaan dalam Pengaturan Kegiatan USAha Bank (Studi terhadap Ketentuan Setoran Lunas Bayar Maju Kredit pada Bank Rakyat Indonesia Kantor Cabang Pontianak)

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    This thesis discusses the embodiment of the principle of trust issues in the regulation of thebusiness of banks (the study of the provision of credit advanced setoan paid in full at thebank branches Pontianak Indonesia). From the research, legal research methods normativejuridical conclusion, that: The provisions of advanced repayment of credit at PT. PontianakBRI branch in relation to the principle of trust that must be adhered to in the business ofbanks is credit settlement made by agreement between the bank and the debtoryangmempunyai good faith and cooperative in resolving credit perlunasan. The policy mustbe adopted to regulate the credit advanced deposit paid in full in order to realize the principleof trust in the community bank branches Pontianak Indonesia is to go through several stages/ procedures to be followed are as follows: Request calculation to AO (Accounts Officer) andthen submitted to AMO (Assistant Operations Manager), AMO match / check calculation ofAO.Approved by PINCAPEM to be submitted to ADP (Administration financing), madebookkeeping by ADP and repay to the Customer teller.Upaya what measures taken by theBank Rakyat Indonesia in realizing the principle of trust in the Bank Rakyat IndonesiaPontianak is the first branch office with the application of the principle of prudence in thecontext of lending by banks to borrowers using land collateral, banks are required to apply asystem of prudence in lending in accordance with the General Conditions of Creditestablished by Bank Rakyat Indonesia. Both the application of legal sanctions againstmembers of management, employees of the bank, the bank\u27s shareholders bri Pontianakbranch include the imposition of administrative sanctions or judicial sanctions. The sanctionsmay be granted by the bank against unscrupulous bank employees even against membersof the board of directors and commissioners who committed the violation. Recommendation:expected to analyze more carefully and cleverly to prevent a credit crunch / jammed in thefuture, because the success or failure of bank lending may affect the credibility of the bankconcerned. In relation to the credit advanced perlunasan Bank Rakyat Indonesia PontianakBranch should refer to the provisions of Bank Indonesia that the accounting records must bein accordance with GAAP (Financial Accounting Standards Guidelines) .. Supervision andcoaching that has been properly carried out by the bank needs to be improved, withoutintending interfere too in the "household" debtor kredit.Tanpa override the principle ofprudence, the bank BRI Pontianak Branch should ease the requirements and procedures forobtaining credit / financing, especially if the bank had known the applicant credit / financingthem. And to the debtor should be acting in good faith to their credit, apalabi for those whopay off their credit before the expiry or known as advanced perlunasan credit

    Partikel Akhir Kalimatbahasa Jepang dan Bahasa Indonesia

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    In Japanese, the ending particles of  sentences commonly used in conversations are \u27ne\u27, \u27yo\u27, \u27yone\u27, and \u27yona\u27. The matching of these words in Indonesian are \u27ya\u27, \u27lho\u27 and \u27kan\u27. Using the methodology of language comparison, the theory of Information Territory, and using the example of sentences collected in Japanese comic that has been translated into Indonesian as a source of data, this study examines more deeply the use and function of ending particles on Japanese sentences \u27ne\u27, \u27yo\u27, \u27yone\u27, and \u27yona\u27 with the translation of the words in Indonesian. The results shows that the use of ending particle on a sentence like \u27ne\u27, \u27yo\u27, \u27yone\u27, and \u27yona\u27 in conversation is a must, while the use of "ya" "lho" "kan" in Indonesian is arbitrary

    Efektifitas Foot Care Education terhadap Praktik Perawatan Kaki dalam Upaya Pencegahan Risiko Ulkus Kaki Diabetik pada Penderita Diabetes di Wilayah Kabupaten Kuningan

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    Kejadian ulkus kaki diabetik memiliki kecenderungan mengalami peningkatan seiring dengan meningkatnya diabetisi dan sering kali berakhir dengan kecacatan dan kematian. Kabupaten Kuningan menempatkan diabetes pada urutan pertama penyakit yang paling banyak menjalani perawatan inap di Rumah Sakit dengan jumlah kasus 968 penderita pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas foot care education terhadap perbaikan praktik perawatan kaki dalam upaya pencegahan ulkus kaki diabetik pada diabetisi di Wilayah Kabupaten Kuningan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 jenis rancangan penelitian yakni cross sectional dan quasi experimental yang melibatkan 317 diabetisi (cross sectional) dan 220 diabetisi yang tidak pernah mendapatkan informasi tentang perawatan kaki (quasi experimental) sebagai sampel. Hasil penelitian ini adalah (1) status foot care education merupakan faktor yang memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan praktik perawatan kaki diabetisi dan perkembangan risiko ulkus kaki dengan p-value 0,01; 0,02 (Chi Square Test). (2) Terdapat perbedaan status praktik perawatan kaki yang signifikan antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol pada posttest dengan p-value 0,000 < ? 0,05 (Mann Whitney U Test). Dengan hasil ini, diharapkan pelayanan edukasi perawatan kaki pada tatanan pelayanan kesehatan dapat dioptimalkan guna meningkatkan praktik perawatan kaki oleh diabetisi untuk mencegah terjadinya komplikasi ulkus kaki terutama pada mereka yang berisiko tinggi

    Analisis Komparasi Pendapatan USAhatani Karet Petani yang Menjual Kepasar Lelang dan Luar Pasar Lelang di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besaran pendapatan petani karet rakyat di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi danuntuk mengetahui komparasi pendapatan petani karet rakyat yang menjual ke pasar lelang dan menjual di luar pasar lelang di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Metode analisa data yang di gunakan dalam analisis ini adalah analisis uji beda dua rata-rata yaitu untuk melihat perbandingan antara pendapatan petani karet yang menjual bokar pada pasar lelang dengan petani karet yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa rata-rata pendapatan USAha tani karet yang menjual kepasar lelang adalah sebesar Rp. 4.803.128/ bulan sedangkan pendapatan rata-rata petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang adalah Rp. 6.272.850/ bulan.Terlihat bahwa petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang lebih besar Rp. 1.469.736/ bulan di bandingkan dengan petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang, hal ini disebabkan karena adanya perbedaan luas lahan sehingga adanya perbedaan produksi dan selanjutnya menyebabkan perbedaan penerimaan dan pendapatan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis perbedaan (komparasi) pendapatan petani yang menjual bokar di pasar lelang dan diluar pasar lelang dengan analisis uji beda dua rata-rata di dapat t hitung (2,059) lebih besar dari t tabel (1,668) pada tingkat signifikansi 95%. Dengan demikian tolak Ho, artinya terdapat perbedaan pendapatan petani yang menjual bokar di pasar lelang dan petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang
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