5 research outputs found

    Factors influencing asthma course and the degree of control in the patients assessed with own questionnaire and Asthma Control Test (ACT)

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    Wst臋p: Celem leczenia astmy jest osi膮gni臋cie i podtrzymanie pe艂nej kontroli objaw贸w choroby. Wed艂ug raportu ekspert贸w Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) stopie艅 kontroli okre艣la ci臋偶ko艣膰 astmy. Celem pracy by艂o ustalenie jak chorzy oceniaj膮 stopie艅 kontroli swojej choroby i czy ta ocena jest zgodna wynikiem Asthma Control Test (ACT). Analizie poddano czynniki, kt贸re mog膮 wp艂ywa膰 na kontrol臋 choroby, takie jak: wiek chorych, wska藕nik masy cia艂a, czas i stopie艅 leczenia astmy, choroby wsp贸艂istniej膮ce, aktywno艣膰 fizyczn膮, nara偶enie na dym tytoniowy, potrzeb臋 edukacji i samokontrol臋. Materia艂 i metody: Do bada艅 zakwalifikowano 53 osoby (37 kobiet i 16 m臋偶czyzn), w wieku 24&#8211;80 lat (mediana 54 lata). Chorzy zostali wybrani losowo spo艣r贸d pacjent贸w zg艂aszaj膮cych si臋 do polikliniki. Opracowano w艂asny kwestionariusz sk艂adaj膮cy si臋 z 36 pyta艅 dotycz膮cych ostatnich dw贸ch lat leczenia astmy. Po wype艂nieniu kwestionariusza chorzy udzielali odpowiedzi na pytania zawarte w te艣cie ACT. Na podstawie wyniku testu ACT pacjent贸w podzielono na trzy grupy: grupa 1. (25 pkt.) &#8212; chorzy z pe艂n膮 kontrol膮 astmy, grupa 2. (24&#8211;20 pkt.) &#8212; chorzy z zadowalaj膮c膮 kontrol膮 i grupa 3. (< 20 pkt.) &#8212; chorzy ze z艂膮 kontrol膮 astmy. Analiz臋 r贸偶nic w rozk艂adzie poszczeg贸lnych parametr贸w przeprowadzono za pomoc膮 test贸w Kruskala-Wallisa i chi-kwadrat. Korelacje pomi臋dzy zmiennymi oceniono testem Pearsona. Wyniki: Dwudziestu siedmiu spo艣r贸d 53 ankietowanych (51%) leczonych by艂o nisk膮 dawk膮 glikokortykosteroid贸w wziewnie i d艂ugodzia艂aj膮cym b2-mimetykiem (zgodnie z 3. stopniem leczenia wg GINA). W ci膮gu ostatnich 2 lat u 37 chorych (70%) konieczna by艂a intensyfikacja leczenia z powodu zaostrze艅, u 19 chorych (36%) konieczna by艂a hospitalizacja. W odpowiedzi na pytanie dotycz膮ce stopnia kontroli choroby, zawarte w kwestionariuszu, 36 chorych (68%) uzna艂o, 偶e ich astma jest w pe艂ni kontrolowana. Po uwzgl臋dnieniu wynik贸w testu ACT, pe艂n膮 kontrol臋 mo偶na by艂o potwierdzi膰 tylko u 5/53 chorych (9%), w 18/53 przypadk贸w (34%) stwierdzono cz臋艣ciow膮 kontrol臋 choroby, w 30/53 (57%) &#8212; brak kontroli choroby. Wed艂ug danych uzyskanych z kwestionariusza, starszy wiek (p < 0,05) oraz d艂u偶szy czas trwania choroby (p < 0,01) stwierdzano istotnie cz臋艣ciej u chorych ze z艂膮 kontrol膮 astmy ni偶 u pozosta艂ych. Oty艂o艣膰 oraz wsp贸艂istniej膮ce schorzenia (g艂贸wnie choroba wie艅cowa, cukrzyca i refluks 偶o艂膮dkowo-prze艂ykowy) by艂y r贸wnie偶 zwi膮zane z tendencj膮 do gorszej kontroli astmy w badanej grupie chorych. Lepsz膮 kontrol臋 astmy uzyskano u chorych, kt贸rzy byli szczepieni przeciwko grypie (p = 0,05). Wnioski: W badanej grupie chorych stwierdzono rozbie偶no艣膰 pomi臋dzy subiektywn膮 ocen膮 kontroli astmy a wynikiem ACT. Cz臋sto艣膰 zaostrze艅 infekcyjnych i hospitalizacji, podawane przez chorych w ankiecie, lepiej korelowa艂y z wynikiem ACT ni偶 samoocena. Z艂膮 kontrol臋 astmy ocenian膮 testem ACT stwierdzano istotnie cz臋艣ciej u chorych w bardziej zaawansowanym wieku, z d艂u偶szym czasem trwania choroby, lepsz膮 kontrol臋 &#8212; u chorych szczepionych przeciwko grypie.Introduction: Asthma treatment requires control and monitoring. According to Global Initiative For Asthma (GINA) asthma severity is described by degree of control. The aim of the present study was to compare self-patients opinions about asthma control with Asthma Control Test (ACT) scores. Furthermore factors associated with asthma control were analyzed in the examined group of patients. Age, BMI, the length and the degree of asthma treatment, concomitant diseases, physical activity, exposition to the tobacco smoke, needs for education and self-control were assessed. Material and methods: The study was based on a 36-point questionnaire that evaluated last two years of asthma duration, the reference data were obtained by objective evaluation with ACT. Fifty three patients, 37 women and 16 men, median age 54 years (2480 years), from outpatients clinic were enrolled into the study. According to ACT score the patients (pts) were divided into 3 groups: 25 points well controlled asthma (group 1), 2024 points partially controlled asthma (group 2) and less than 20 points lack of asthma control (group 3). Kruskal-Wallis test and Chi-square test were used to compare the characteristics of subjects in different ACT groups. Pearsons test was used for assessment of correlation between different parameters. Results: Twenty seven of 53 pts (51%) were treated with low dose of inhaled steroids and long acting beta-agonists (third degree of treatment according to GINA). During last two years the treatment was intensified in 37 pts (70%) due to exacerbation, and 19 of them (36%) were hospitalized in the course of exacerbation. Although 36 out of 53 pts (68%) claimed their asthma was fully controlled, ACT showed full control only in 5/53 (9%) of cases, partial control in 18/53 (34%), lack of control in 30/53 (57%). Older age (p < 0.05) and longer duration of the disease (p < 0.01) were the factors significantly influencing lack of asthma control. A tendency towards worse asthma control was combined also with overweight and greater number of concomitant diseases (mainly coronary artery disease, diabetes and gastro-esophageal reflux). The presence of influenza vaccinations in medical history was associated with better asthma control (p = 0.05). Conclusions: A discrepancy between subjective assessment of asthma control and ACT score was observed in the examined group of patients. The frequency of asthma exacerbations (according to questionnaire) was describing the degree of asthma control more precisely than self-assessment. Older age and longer disease duration were combined with significantly worse asthma control. Better asthma control was combined with the presence of influenza vaccinations in medical history

    Macrophage phenotype in induced sputum in asthma subjects

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    Macrophages represent the most predominant immune effector cells in the alveolar spaces and conducting airways and are known to express activated phenotype. The study was aimed at assessing the differences in cellular profile and the expression of selected surface markers on sputum macrophages in asthma and healthy subjects. 17 healthy subjects (never smoked) and 10 mild asthma subjects treated with glucocorticosteroids were enrolled into the study. For macrophage phenotyping a immunocytochemistry method was used with commercially available antibodies anti: CD14, CD71, CD11b and CD54. The nonparametric Mann Whitney U test was applied for data comparison, p valu

    Macrophage Phenotype in Induced Sputum in Asthma Subjects

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    Macrophages represent the most predominant immune effector cells in the alveolar spaces and conducting airways and are known to express activated phenotype. The study was aimed at assessing the differences in cellular profile and the expression of selected surface markers on sputum macrophages in asthma and healthy subjects. 17 healthy subjects (never smoked) and 10 mild asthma subjects treated with glucocorticosteroids were enrolled into the study. For macrophage phenotyping a immunocytochemistry method was used with commercially available antibodies anti: CD14, CD71, CD11b and CD54. The nonparametric Mann Whitney U test was applied for data comparison, p value &lt; 0.05 being regarded as significant. The total number of cells were increased in asthma patients 4.81 卤 5.27 脳 106/ml vs. healthy 2.8 卤 2.15 脳 106/ml and it was statistically significant. Statistically significant increase in the percentage of eosinophils was observed in mild asthma subjects. No differences were found between the proportion in macrophages and lymphocytes. The macrophage phenothype in induced sputum differed in both groups. The expression of CD 11b was higher in asthma group and the difference was statistically significant. The proportion of macrophages with the expression of CD 14, CD 71 and CD54 was comparable in both groups. Macrophage phenotyping during glucocorticosteroid therapy is useful in the assessment of inflammatory process in asthma subject