1,145 research outputs found

    O modelo de liberalização financeira dos anos 1990: 'restatement' ou auto-crítica? [The financial liberalization model in the 1990s: a restatement or self-criticism?]

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    The paper examines the revisions suffered by the financial liberalization model during the decades of 1980 and1990. Such revisions were forced by two sets of factors: the unfavorable results of some econometric tests of the Shaw-McKinnon model and the experiences of several developed (DC) and developing (LDC) countries with the liberalization policy. In the econometric field, the tests have shown to play a weak explaining role of the two key variables of the model: the real interest rate and the saving rate. As for DC and LDC experiences, the main challenge to the original Shaw-McKinnon model was the banking and currency crises that have followed the liberalization policy in most of the cases. Facing these constraints, the 'modern version' of liberalization has embodied several (Keynesian) critiques to Shaw-McKinnon's financial theory and policy and has been forced to allow for the need of some degree of government intervention in the free choice of financial market concerning its portfolio composition. Further, the new model make a real self-critique, by admitting that, under certain conditions, some degree of financial repression could be necessary and is even beneficial to financial development.financial policy, financial liberalization, Shaw-McKinnon model

    Mentor Us: A Formal Mentoring Program for Nurses in Graduate Education

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    Graduate education fosters unique skills including advanced communication, complex problem solving, project management experience and a complex understanding of specific fields of work (Edge & Munro, 2015). In Canada, enrollment in full-time graduate studies in nursing are increasing. As these enrollments increase, the academic community must consider the realities of graduate school, how students are socialized into faculties and most importantly how integration and community in these programs are fostered because these factors impact the graduate school experience and completion outcomes. Successful graduate students tend to have strong peer relationships, more positive integration, and personal connections with their department or faculty (Gansemer-Topf, Ross, & Johnson, 2006; Golde, 1998; Golde, 2000; Tamburri, 2013). Mentorship programs foster these close relationships among members, help to strengthen a sense of personal and professional safety, provide academic and professional support, and promote collegial interactions (Garvey & Westlander, 2013). In early 2013, four Master of Nursing (MN) students at a large western Canadian University began to conceptualize a formal mentorship program for nursing graduate students called Mentor Us, with the intent of improving student collegiality, building connections within the faculty and community, and providing opportunities for peers to connect. They envisioned and developed a voluntary mentorship program that offered the opportunity for peer-to-peer mentorship in dyads consisting of one mentor and one mentee. The program has seen success in achieving many of its aims and goals; however, the leadership team has also identified areas for future improvement including engaging specific student populations, improving mentor training initiatives and dyad matching, and sustaining the leadership structure of the program. The aims of the paper are first, to outline the current state of nursing graduate education in Canada. Second, to present the process of building and maintaining a formal mentorship program for nurses in graduate studies. Third, to describe the vision of the program moving forward, to outline lessons learned during the development and operation of the program, and to review strategies to ensure future program success. This paper provides a unique way to mitigate the concerns of nursing graduate students by fostering peer mentorship relationships and enhancing community connections. It provides a concrete example of the development of such a program and presents an honest critique about how to improve the program for future students. Résumé : Les études supérieures favorisent le développement de compétences particulières telles que les la communication à un niveau avancé, la résolution de problèmes complexes, l’expérience en gestion de projet et la compréhension approfondie de domaines de travail particuliers (Edge et Munro, 2015). Au Canada, les inscriptions à temps complet aux études supérieures en sciences infirmières sont en augmentation. En lien avec cette croissance, la communauté universitaire doit examiner tous les aspects de l’expérience d’étudier aux cycles supérieurs, la façon dont les étudiantes sont socialisées dans les programmes et surtout la façon dont l’intégration et l’esprit de communauté sont encouragés dans ces programmes, puisque ces facteurs ont des répercussions tant sur l’expérience d’étudier aux cycles supérieurs que sur celle de compléter le programme. Les étudiants de ce niveau qui ont du succès ont généralement des relations solides avec leurs pairs. De plus, ils ont vécu une intégration plus positive et ont des rapports personnels avec leur école ou leur faculté (Gansemer-Topf, Ross et Johnson, 2006; Golde, 1998; Golde, 2000; Tamburri, 2013). Les programmes de mentorat favorisent ces relations étroites tout en contribuant à renforcer le sentiment de sécurité personnelle et professionnelle, en offrant un soutien académique et professionnel et en favorisant les échanges collégiaux (Garvey et Westlander, 2013). Au début de 2013, quatre étudiantes à la maîtrise en sciences infirmières d’une grande université de l’Ouest canadien ont conçu « Mentor Us ». Il s\u27agit d\u27un programme formel de mentorat pour les étudiants des cycles supérieurs en sciences infirmières. Le programme a plusieurs buts : améliorer la collégialité chez les étudiants, établir des liens avec les professeurs et la communauté et offrir des occasions d’échanges entre pairs. Elles ont conçu et élaboré ce programme de mentorat volontaire permettant aux étudiantes des cycles supérieurs d’obtenir du mentorat par les pairs en dyades (un mentor et un mentoré). Bien que ce programme ait atteint plusieurs de ses objectifs, l’équipe de leaders a aussi identifié des points à améliorer dans l’avenir, notamment en ce qui concerne la participation de populations particulières d’étudiantes, l’amélioration des initiatives de formation des mentors, le jumelage des dyades et le maintien de la structure de leadership du programme. Les objectifs de cet article sont d’abord de présenter l’état actuel des études supérieures en sciences infirmières au Canada puis de décrire le processus de développement et de maintien d’un programme formel de mentorat pour les infirmières aux études supérieures. Ensuite, nous décrivons notre vision du programme pour l’avenir, exposons les leçons apprises au cours de l’élaboration et du fonctionnement du programme et examinons des stratégies pour assurer la réussite future du programme. Cet article constitue notamment une façon unique de soutenir les étudiants des cycles supérieures en sciences infirmières en encourageant les relations de mentorat avec les pairs et en favorisant les liens avec la communauté. Il présente aussi un exemple concret de l’élaboration d’un tel programme et offre une critique honnête afin de l’améliorer

    Ancoragem cambial em ambiente de elevada mobilidade internacional do capital : alcance, limites e soluções

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    During the last two decades several developing countries have experienced stabilization programs based on nominal exchange rate anchor. External fragility, reflected in rising external debts and current account deficits, has become a common feature of these countries. On the other hand, developed countries, which are the creditors of these debts, have been experiencing a liberalization process and rising levels of capital mobility. This new financial enviroment has acted as an externality that can aggravate this situation and, hence, implies a permanent concern. The article discusses two alternative strategies of macroeconomic adjustment for economies emerging from exchange rate anchor plans: i) adapting (submiting) short run policy, maintaining the fixed exchange rate regime; ii) adjusting (flexibilizing) the exchange rate regime itself. The difficulties involved in the first way indicate the second one as the most efficient and less risky strategy.A fragilidade externa, traduzida pelo crescimento simultâneo da dívida externa e do déficit em conta corrente, tornou-se uma característica comum nos países em desenvolvimento que, recentemente (anos 1980-90), passaram por experiências de estabilização baseadas em âncora cambial (nominal). O novo ambiente financeiro-institucional dos países desenvolvidos - credores daquela dívida - caracterizado pelo processo de liberalização e pela crescente mobilidade de capital, atua como uma externalidade capaz de agravar este quadro, exigindo,assim, atenção permanente. O artigo discute duas estratégias alternativas de ajuste macroeconômico de economias egressas de planos de âncora cambial: i) adaptar (subordinar) a política econômica de curto prazo, mantendo o regime de câmbio fixo; ii) adaptar (flexibilizar) O próprio regime cambial. As dificuldades envolvidas na primeira delas aponta a segunda como à estratégia mais eficiente e de menor risco

    A experiência argentina de liberalização financeira nos anos 90

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    The article discusses the Argentine financial. t ' táin the '90's. After two experiences of this liberalization nature — between 1977-82 and the current one, st in 1989 -— Argentine is an illustrative case Siareooe advantages and risks of this process. Argentine's financial policy have molded an universal banking Jecent with high level of dollarization and foreign negemonvBy international criteria and experiencs = incorporating and improving the country access to banking supervision, external the main “ranehode the system denationalization last years. It of Argentine financial stabilit during resistance to como the reason for the Brazilian crises Nom of recent Asian, R osiamand - Nevertheless, the weight EForeion investments and d izati : indebtedness and qoCEO implies high level of external is end an hence, of exchange depe poco of the financial system gal exchange igidity of noih is strengthened by € Currency board regimen.O artigo examina a liberalização do sistema financeiro argentino (SFA) nos anos 90. Tendo passado por duas experiências desta natureza - entre 1977.82 e a atual iniciada em 1989 - à Argentina é um caso ilustrativo da atual das vantagens e riscos deste processo. A política financeira recente moldou no país um sistema de bancos financeira com elevado grau de dolarização e hegemonia universais, A desnacionalização do sistema, ao coorpora experiência internacionais de supervisão Dar critérios e eficientes e melhorar o acesso do país a SOSSê mais tem sido a principal “âncora” da estabilidade financeira argentina dos últimos anos, explicando a maior da do país ao contágio das crises asiática, russa e pisténcia recentes. Contudo, O peso dos investimentos est rasteira e da dolarização indicam elevado grau de endividamento é dependência externa do SFA e, portanto, de IOcon É agravado pelo engessamento legal do câmbio no esimede e currency board

    Exploration of 1,2-phenylenediboronic esters as potential bidentate catalysts for organic synthesis

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    Recently, we described the first inverse electron demand Diels-Alder reaction of 1,2-diazene catalyzed by a bidentate Lewis acid. Herein we investigate 1,2-phenylenediboronic esters as potential catalysts for this transformation offering higher stability and easier handling than the currently used boranthracene derivatives. Different 1,2-phenylenediboronic esters were prepared and their ability to form bidentate coordination complexes with phthalazine was analyzed. Although a 1:1 complex was observed, X-ray analysis revealed binding only in a monodentate fashion. Graphical abstrac

    Sistematização do debate sobre “desenvolvimento e estabilidade”

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    Inclui bibliografia: p. 30 e notas

    Ancoragem cambial em ambiente de elevada mobilidade internacional do capital: alcance, limites e soluções

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    External fragility, reflected in rising external debt and current account deficits, has becomea common feature of developing countries that recently (1980-90 decades) hasexperienced stabilization programs based on nominal exchange rate anchor. The (new)financial-institucional enviroment of developed contries - creditors of this debt -characterized by the liberalization process and rising levels of capital mobility, acts as an"externality" that can aggravate this situation and, hence, implies a permanent concern.The article discusses two alternative strategies ofmacroeconomic adjustments of theeconomies emerging from exchange rate anchor plans: i) adapting (submiting) the shortrun policy, maintaining the fixed exchange rate regime; and ii) adjusting (flexibilizing) theexchange rate regime itself. The difficulties involved in the first way point out the secondone as the more efficient and less risky strategy.A fragilidade externa, traduzida pelo crescimento simultâneo da dívida externa e do déficit em conta corrente, tornou-se uma característica comum nos países em desenvolvimento que, recentemente (anos 1980-90), passaram por experiências de estabilização baseadas em âncora cambial (nominal)

    Sistema de pagamentos, endogeneidade da moeda e papel do banco central

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