305 research outputs found

    IL-33 Induces IL-9 Production in Human CD4+ T Cells and Basophils

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    IL-33, an IL-1 family member and ligand for the IL-1 receptor-related protein ST2, has been associated with induction of Th2 cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13. Here, we report that IL-33 can initiate IL-9 protein secretion in vitro in human CD4+ T cells and basophils isolated from peripheral blood. TGF-β has been described as a critical factor for IL-9 induction in Th2 cells; however, we found that TGF-β also induces co-production of IL-9 in purified, naïve (>99%) CD4+CD45RA+CD45RO−CD25− T cells differentiated towards a Th1 profile. Subsequently, it was demonstrated that TGF-β is important, although not an absolute requirement, for IL-9 production in CD4+ T cells. IL-9 production by purified (>95%) human basophils, cultured for 24 h with IL-3 or IL-33, was found, with a strong synergy between the two, likely to be explained by the IL-3 upregulated ST2 expression. Collectively, these data indicate that barrier functioning cells are important for the regulation of IL-9 production by immune cells in inflamed tissue

    The influence of methylphenidate on the power spectrum of ADHD children – an MEG study

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    BACKGROUND: The present study was dedicated to investigate the influence of Methylphenidate (MPH) on cortical processing of children who were diagnosed with different subtypes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). As all of the previous studies investigating power differences in different frequency bands have been using EEG, mostly with a relatively small number of electrodes our aim was to obtain new aspects using high density magnetoencephalography (MEG). METHODS: 35 children (6 female, 29 male) participated in this study. Mean age was 11.7 years (± 1.92 years). 17 children were diagnosed of having an Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder of the combined type (ADHDcom, DSM IV code 314.01); the other 18 were diagnosed for ADHD of the predominantly inattentive type (ADHDin, DSM IV code 314.0). We measured the MEG during a 5 minute resting period with a 148-channel magnetometer system (MAGNES™ 2500 WH, 4D Neuroimaging, San Diego, USA). Power values were averaged for 5 bands: Delta (D, 1.5–3.5 Hz), Theta (T, 3.5–7.5 Hz), Alpha (A, 7.5–12.5 Hz), Beta (B, 12.5–25 Hz) and Global (GL, 1.5–25 Hz).). Additionally, attention was measured behaviourally using the D2 test of attention with and without medication. RESULTS: The global power of the frequency band from 1.5 to 25 Hz increased with MPH. Relative Theta was found to be higher in the left hemisphere after administration of MPH than before. A positive correlation was found between D2 test improvement and MPH-induced power changes in the Theta band over the left frontal region. A linear regression was computed and confirmed that the larger the improvement in D2 test performance, the larger the increase in Theta after MPH application. CONCLUSION: Main effects induced by medication were found in frontal regions. Theta band activity increased over the left hemisphere after MPH application. This finding contradicts EEG results of several groups who found lower levels of Theta power after MPH application. As relative Theta correlates with D2 test improvement we conclude that MEG provide complementary and therefore important new insights to ADHD

    Confirmation of a non-synonymous SNP in PNPLA8 as a candidate causal mutation for Weaver syndrome in Brown Swiss cattle

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    Background: Bovine progressive degenerative myeloencephalopathy (Weaver syndrome) is a neurodegenerative disorder in Brown Swiss cattle that is characterized by progressive hind leg weakness and ataxia, while sensorium and spinal reflexes remain unaffected. Although the causal mutation has not been identified yet, an indirect genetic test based on six microsatellite markers and consequent exclusion of Weaver carriers from breeding have led to the complete absence of new cases for over two decades. Evaluation of disease status by imputation of 41 diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and a common haplotype published in 2013 identified several suspected carriers in the current breeding population, which suggests a higher frequency of the Weaver allele than anticipated. In order to prevent the reemergence of the disease, this study aimed at mapping the gene that underlies Weaver syndrome and thus at providing the basis for direct genetic testing and monitoring of today's Braunvieh/Brown Swiss herds. Results: Combined linkage/linkage disequilibrium mapping on Bos taurus chromosome (BTA) 4 based on Illumina Bovine SNP50 genotypes of 43 Weaver-affected, 31 Weaver carrier and 86 Weaver-free animals resulted in a maximum likelihood ratio test statistic value at position 49,812,384 bp. The confidence interval (0.853 Mb) determined by the 2-LOD drop-off method was contained within a 1.72-Mb segment of extended homozygosity. Exploitation of whole-genome sequence data from two official Weaver carriers and 1145 other bulls that were sequenced in Run4 of the 1000 bull genomes project showed that only a non-synonymous SNP (rs800397662) within the PNPLA8 gene at position 49,878,773 bp was concordant with the Weaver carrier status. Targeted SNP genotyping confirmed this SNP as a candidate causal mutation for Weaver syndrome. Genotyping for the candidate causal mutation in a random sample of 2334 current Braunvieh animals suggested a frequency of the Weaver allele of 0.26 %. Conclusions: Through combined use of exhaustive sequencing data and SNP genotyping results, we were able to provide evidence that supports the non-synonymous mutation at position 49,878,773 bp as the most likely causal mutation for Weaver syndrome. Further studies are needed to uncover the exact mechanisms that underlie this syndrome

    Triclosan Disrupts SKN-1/Nrf2- Mediated Oxidative Stress Response in C. elegans and Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Triclosan (TCS), an antimicrobial chemical with potential endocrine-disrupting properties, may pose a risk to early embryonic development and cellular homeostasis during adulthood. Here, we show that TCS induces toxicity in both the nematode C. elegans and human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) by disrupting the SKN-1/Nrf2-mediated oxidative stress response. Specifically, TCS exposure affected C. elegans survival and hMSC proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. Cellular analysis showed that TCS inhibited the nuclear localization of SKN-1/Nrf2 and the expression of its target genes, which were associated with oxidative stress response. Notably, TCS-induced toxicity was significantly reduced by either antioxidant treatment or constitutive SKN-1/Nrf2 activation. As Nrf2 is strongly associated with aging and chemoresistance, these findings will provide a novel approach to the identification of therapeutic targets and disease treatment

    Both the Caspase CSP-1 and a Caspase-Independent Pathway Promote Programmed Cell Death in Parallel to the Canonical Pathway for Apoptosis in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Caspases are cysteine proteases that can drive apoptosis in metazoans and have critical functions in the elimination of cells during development, the maintenance of tissue homeostasis, and responses to cellular damage. Although a growing body of research suggests that programmed cell death can occur in the absence of caspases, mammalian studies of caspase-independent apoptosis are confounded by the existence of at least seven caspase homologs that can function redundantly to promote cell death. Caspase-independent programmed cell death is also thought to occur in the invertebrate nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The C. elegans genome contains four caspase genes (ced-3, csp-1, csp-2, and csp-3), of which only ced-3 has been demonstrated to promote apoptosis. Here, we show that CSP-1 is a pro-apoptotic caspase that promotes programmed cell death in a subset of cells fated to die during C. elegans embryogenesis. csp-1 is expressed robustly in late pachytene nuclei of the germline and is required maternally for its role in embryonic programmed cell deaths. Unlike CED-3, CSP-1 is not regulated by the APAF-1 homolog CED-4 or the BCL-2 homolog CED-9, revealing that csp-1 functions independently of the canonical genetic pathway for apoptosis. Previously we demonstrated that embryos lacking all four caspases can eliminate cells through an extrusion mechanism and that these cells are apoptotic. Extruded cells differ from cells that normally undergo programmed cell death not only by being extruded but also by not being engulfed by neighboring cells. In this study, we identify in csp-3; csp-1; csp-2 ced-3 quadruple mutants apoptotic cell corpses that fully resemble wild-type cell corpses: these caspase-deficient cell corpses are morphologically apoptotic, are not extruded, and are internalized by engulfing cells. We conclude that both caspase-dependent and caspase-independent pathways promote apoptotic programmed cell death and the phagocytosis of cell corpses in parallel to the canonical apoptosis pathway involving CED-3 activation.Howard Hughes Medical InstituteDamon Runyon Cancer Research FoundationCharles A. King Trus

    Tracking the evolutionary history of Cortinarius species in section Calochroi, with transoceanic disjunct distributions

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Cortinarius </it>species in section <it>Calochroi </it>display local, clinal and circumboreal patterns of distribution across the Northern Hemisphere where these ectomycorrhizal fungi occur with host trees throughout their geographical range within a continent, or have disjunct intercontinental distributions, the origins of which are not understood. We inferred evolutionary histories of four species, 1) <it>C</it>. <it>arcuatorum</it>, 2) <it>C. aureofulvus</it>, 3) <it>C</it>. <it>elegantior </it>and 4) <it>C. napus</it>, from populations distributed throughout the Old World, and portions of the New World (Central- and North America) based on genetic variation of 154 haplotype internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences from 83 population samples. By describing the population structure of these species across their geographical distribution, we attempt to identify their historical migration and patterns of diversification.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Models of population structure from nested clade, demographic and coalescent-based analyses revealed genetically differentiated and geographically structured haplotypes in <it>C</it>. <it>arcuatorum </it>and <it>C</it>. <it>elegantior</it>, while <it>C</it>. <it>aureofulvus </it>showed considerably less population structure and <it>C. napus </it>lacked sufficient genetic differentiation to resolve any population structure. Disjunct populations within <it>C</it>. <it>arcuatorum, C. aureofulvus </it>and <it>C</it>. <it>elegantior </it>show little or no morphological differentiation, whereas in <it>C. napus </it>there is a high level of homoplasy and phenotypic plasticity for veil and lamellae colour. The ITS sequences of the type specimens of <it>C. albobrunnoides </it>and <it>C. albobrunnoides </it>var. <it>violaceovelatus </it>were identical to one another and are treated as one species with a wider range of geographic distribution under <it>C. napus</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results indicate that each of the <it>Calochroi </it>species has undergone a relatively independent evolutionary history, hypothesised as follows: 1) a widely distributed ancestral population of <it>C</it>. <it>arcuatorum </it>diverged into distinctive sympatric populations in the New World; 2) two divergent lineages in <it>C</it>. <it>elegantior </it>gave rise to the New World and Old World haplotypes, respectively; and 3) the low levels of genetic divergence within <it>C</it>. <it>aureofulvus </it>and <it>C</it>. <it>napus </it>may be the result of more recent demographic population expansions. The scenario of migration via the Bering Land Bridge provides the most probable explanation for contemporaneous disjunct geographic distributions of these species, but it does not offer an explanation for the low degree of genetic divergence between populations of <it>C. aureofulvus </it>and <it>C. napus</it>. Our findings are mostly consistent with the designation of New World allopatric populations as separate species from the European counterpart species <it>C. arcuatorum </it>and <it>C. elegantior</it>. We propose the synonymy of <it>C. albobrunnoides</it>, <it>C. albobrunnoides </it>var. <it>violaceovelatus </it>and <it>C. subpurpureophyllus </it>var. <it>sulphureovelatus </it>with <it>C. napus</it>. The results also reinforce previous observations that linked <it>C. arcuatorum </it>and <it>C. aureofulvus </it>displaying distributions in parts of North America and Europe. Interpretations of the population structure of these fungi suggest that host tree history has heavily influenced their modern distributions; however, the complex issues related to co-migration of these fungi with their tree hosts remain unclear at this time.</p

    A mathematical model of quorum sensing regulated EPS production in biofilm communities

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Biofilms are microbial communities encased in a layer of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). The EPS matrix provides several functional purposes for the biofilm, such as protecting bacteria from environmental stresses, and providing mechanical stability. Quorum sensing is a cell-cell communication mechanism used by several bacterial taxa to coordinate gene expression and behaviour in groups, based on population densities.</p> <p>Model</p> <p>We mathematically model quorum sensing and EPS production in a growing biofilm under various environmental conditions, to study how a developing biofilm impacts quorum sensing, and conversely, how a biofilm is affected by quorum sensing-regulated EPS production. We investigate circumstances when using quorum-sensing regulated EPS production is a beneficial strategy for biofilm cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that biofilms that use quorum sensing to induce increased EPS production do not obtain the high cell populations of low-EPS producers, but can rapidly increase their volume to parallel high-EPS producers. Quorum sensing-induced EPS production allows a biofilm to switch behaviours, from a colonization mode (with an optimized growth rate), to a protection mode.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A biofilm will benefit from using quorum sensing-induced EPS production if bacteria cells have the objective of acquiring a thick, protective layer of EPS, or if they wish to clog their environment with biomass as a means of securing nutrient supply and outcompeting other colonies in the channel, of their own or a different species.</p

    N-Glycans and Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-Anchor Act on Polarized Sorting of Mouse PrPC in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney Cells

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    The cellular prion protein (PrPC) plays a fundamental role in prion disease. PrPC is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein with two variably occupied N-glycosylation sites. In general, GPI-anchor and N-glycosylation direct proteins to apical membranes in polarized cells whereas the majority of mouse PrPC is found in basolateral membranes in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. In this study we have mutated the first, the second, and both N-glycosylation sites of PrPC and also replaced the GPI-anchor of PrPC by the Thy-1 GPI-anchor in order to investigate the role of these signals in sorting of PrPC in MDCK cells. Cell surface biotinylation experiments and confocal microscopy showed that lack of one N-linked oligosaccharide leads to loss of polarized sorting of PrPC. Exchange of the PrPC GPI-anchor for the one of Thy-1 redirects PrPC to the apical membrane. In conclusion, both N-glycosylation and GPI-anchor act on polarized sorting of PrPC, with the GPI-anchor being dominant over N-glycans