505 research outputs found

    A Marxian-Malthusian View of Poverty and Exploitation with a Corresponding Typology of Social Classes

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    A further critique of growth economics

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    L’economia de Trump. El creixement com a prioritat absoluta

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    En el número 56 de la revista L'Espill trobaràs un dossier monogràfic sobre "Nació i narració", amb contribucions de Joan Ramon Resina, Simona Škrabec, Jernej Habjan, Ferran Garcia-Oliver, Àlex Martín Escribà i Jaume Subirana. A més, articles d'Herman Daly, Remo Bodei, Maria Xosé Agra, Blanca Llum Vidal, Gustau Muñoz, Josep J. Conill, Antoni Defez, Victoria Saenz i Sebastià Alzamora, així com documents de Ievgueni Zamiatin i un full de dietari de Francesc Parcerisas

    Ecological Tax Reform

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    Provides an overview detailing the benefits of ecological tax reform. What ecological tax reform would include; Origin of ecological taxes; Implementation in the United States and Europe; Specifics on an ecological tax reform proposal; The need to phase in tax reforms gradually


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    F.Soddyは核反応に依るエネルギー所在の原理的発見で1921年にノーベル化学賞を受章した。しかし第一次大戦と第二次との戦間期にあって、また1929-33年の世界恐慌にあっての政情不安定がもたらす戦争の危機に直面して科学者の自責から経済研究に方向を転換,貨幣と信用経済制度の諸問題について深い先駆的な考究を行っていた。その意義は、資本制の基底的認識に及び現代的に見直す必要があると、著者は主張する。この論文(The economic thought of Frederick Soddy)は,デイリーが1980年にDuke Univ.発行の History of Political Economy 12-4 に発表したもので、訳者が著者から直接に検定を受けたその抜刷(pp.469-488)にもとづいて訳出した。この作業にあたっては、著者およびデューク大学の了解の手続きを行っている。Duke Universit

    CHI 2020: Right Here, Right Now?

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    Over the last twenty years the CHI conference has grown substantially. However, with the reframing of climate change as a climate crisis, environmental concerns have become increasingly pervasive in the community. In 2019 CHI introduced a sustainability role and set a goal to make CHI more sustainable. In 2020 CHI is in Hawaii. This work looks back over the last two decades and estimates what are substantial and growing CO2 emissions from conference travel. First, it posits how, in the short term, potential environmental damage can be minimised. Second, and longer-term, it invites the community to reflect on research dissemination and how the conference experience may need to change.This work was supported by EPSRC grant EP/R004471/