425 research outputs found

    DifficultĂ©s d’Enseignement/Apprentissage de l’Expression Ecrite En Classe de CM1 dans la Circonscription Scolaire de Bacongo (RĂ©publique du Congo)

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    Abstract The purpose of the study that we conducted was based on analyzing the difficulties encountered by teachers and learners during the teaching /learning process of written expression. This study took place in the school district of Bacongo which is the second district of Brazzaville in the Republic of Congo. The non-experimental method underpinned by two approaches were used in particular: the quantitative approach and the qualitative approach. The instruments that we used to carry out the survey were the questionnaire and the documentary analysis. The questionnaire was sent to teachers, education supervisors and students. The documentary analysis focused on primary school curricula, text books used by teachers and analysis of copies. The results from the questionnaire were sometime contradictory between the teachers and their supervisors.  Some have said that they are not followed when they teach written expression, while others oppose them. However, they unanimous regarding the absence of continuing education and educational documents. Indeed, teachers suffer from the absence or insufficiency of both initial and continuous training relating to written expression, which results from the documentary analysis corroborate those of the questionnaire. To this lack of training is added the difficulty of the language used at school, which is a foreign language: French. To this end, the multiplication training sessions relating to this teaching and the linguistic both are essential.Keywords: difficulties-teaching/learning-written expression-initial training-continual training RĂ©sumé :L’étude que nous avons menĂ©e s’est focalisĂ© sur l’analyse des difficultĂ©s que rencontrent les enseignants et les apprenants lors du processus enseignement/ apprentissage de l’expression Ă©crite. Cette Ă©tude s’est passĂ©e dans la circonscription scolaire de Bacongo qui est le deuxiĂšme arrondissement de Brazzaville en RĂ©publique du Congo. La mĂ©thode non expĂ©rimentale sous tendue par deux approches a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e notamment : l’approche quantitative et l’approche qualitative. Les instruments qui ont servi pour rĂ©aliser l’enquĂȘte ont Ă©tĂ© le questionnaire et l’analyse documentaire. Le questionnaire a Ă©tĂ© adressĂ© aux enseignants, aux encadreurs pĂ©dagogiques et aux Ă©lĂšves. L’analyse documentaire s’est focalisĂ©e sur les programmes scolaires du primaire, les manuels utilisĂ©s par les enseignants et l’analyse des copies. Les rĂ©sultats issus du questionnaire ont Ă©tĂ© parfois contradictoires entre les enseignants et leurs encadreurs. Les uns ont affirmĂ© qu’ils ne sont pas suivis lorsqu’ils dĂ©roulent l’enseignement de l’expression Ă©crite par contre les autres les contrarient. Cependant, ils ont Ă©tĂ© unanimes en ce qui concerne l’absence de la formation continue et des documents pĂ©dagogiques. En effet, les enseignants souffrent de l’absence ou de l’insuffisance de la formation tant initiale que continue relative Ă  l’expression Ă©crite, ce qui a pour consĂ©quence la mauvaise production Ă©crite des apprenants. Les rĂ©sultats issus de l’analyse documentaire corroborent ceux du questionnaire. A ce manque de formation s’ajoute la difficultĂ© de la langue utilisĂ©e Ă  l’école qui est une langue Ă©trangĂšre : le français. A cet effet, la multiplication des sessions de formation relative Ă  cet enseignement et le bain linguistique s’avĂšrent indispensable.Mots clĂ©s : difficultĂ©s- enseignement/apprentissage- expression Ă©crite -formation initiale -formation continue

    An In-Situ EC-STM Study and DFT Modeling of the Adsorption of Glycerol on Cu(111) in NaOH Solution

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    International audienceOrganic coatings are often required for the protection of metals against environmental degradation. Despite their extensive use, only limited information is available on the initial stages of adsorption and formation of protective films, especially at the molecular and atomic level. As a model system for coating formation, this study investigates the adsorption of glycerol molecules on the single-crystalline Cu(111) surface. A combined electrochemical and scanning tunneling microscopy (EC-STM) study in NaOH aqueous solution enabled following the adsorption process in detail, providing molecular information on the glycerol film structure. A potential-driven adsorption of glycerol was observed, suppressing the adsorption of hydroxyl molecules and copper oxidation. The adsorbed species assembled in a nearest neighbor arrangement fitting a (√3 × √3) R30° hexagonal structure with respect to the Cu(111) lattice. This experimentally observed configuration was confirmed by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. DFT modeling indicates that a mixed adsorption mode involving the two primary alcohol groups adsorbed at different z-positions relative to the surface is the most favorable. This mixed configuration enabled the formation of an extended network of hydrogen bonds that aids to stabilize the glycerol film. This implies that interactions between glycerol molecules play a non-negligible effect in the growth process of such an organic film, allowing the formation of organic layers in the absence of strong interfacial interactions

    Image time series processing for agriculture monitoring

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    AbstractGiven strong year-to-year variability, increasing competition for natural resources, and climate change impacts on agriculture, monitoring global crop and natural vegetation conditions is highly relevant, particularly in food insecure areas. Data from remote sensing image series at high temporal and low spatial resolution can help to assist in this monitoring as they provide key information in near-real time over large areas. The SPIRITS software, presented in this paper, is a stand-alone toolbox developed for environmental monitoring, particularly to produce clear and evidence-based information for crop production analysts and decision makers. It includes a large number of tools with the main aim of extracting vegetation indicators from image time series, estimating the potential impact of anomalies on crop production and sharing this information with different audiences. SPIRITS offers an integrated and flexible analysis environment with a user-friendly graphical interface, which allows sequential tasking and a high level of automation of processing chains. It is freely distributed for non-commercial use and extensively documented

    Crystal structures of the Gon7/Pcc1 and Bud32/Cgi121 complexes provide a model for the complete yeast KEOPS complex.

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    International audienceThe yeast KEOPS protein complex comprising Kae1, Bud32, Cgi121, Pcc1 and Gon7 is responsible for the essential tRNA threonylcarbamoyladenosine (t(6)A) modification. Deletion of genes coding for the KEOPS subunits also affects telomere elongation and transcriptional regulation. In the present work, the crystal structure of Bud32/Cgi121 in complex with ADP revealed that ADP is bound in the catalytic site of Bud32 in a canonical manner characteristic of Protein Kinase A (PKA) family proteins. We found that Gon7 forms a stable heterodimer with Pcc1 and report the crystal structure of the Pcc1-Gon7 heterodimer. Gon7 interacts with the same Pcc1 region engaged in the archaeal Pcc1 homodimer. We further show that yeast KEOPS, unlike its archaeal counterpart, exists as a heteropentamer in which Gon7, Pcc1, Kae1, Bud32 and Cgi121 also adopt a linear arrangement. We constructed a model of yeast KEOPS that provides structural insight into the role of Gon7. The model also revealed the presence of a highly positively charged crater surrounding the entrance of Kae1 that likely binds tRNA

    Molecular determinants of the DprA−RecA interaction for nucleation on ssDNA

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    International audienceNatural transformation is a major mechanism of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria that depends on DNA recombination. RecA is central to the homologous recombination pathway, catalyzing DNA strand invasion and homology search. DprA was shown to be a key binding partner of RecA acting as a specific mediator for its loading on the incoming exogenous ssDNA. Although the 3D structures of both RecA and DprA have been solved, the mechanisms underlying their cross-talk remained elusive. By combining molecular docking simulations and experimental validation, we identified a region on RecA, buried at its self-assembly interface and involving three basic residues that contact an acidic triad of DprA previously shown to be crucial for the interaction. At the core of these patches, DprA M238 and RecA F230 are involved in the interaction. The other DprA binding regions of RecA could involve the N-terminal ␣-helix and a DNA-binding region. Our data favor a model of DprA acting as a cap of the RecA filament, involving a DprA−RecA interplay at two levels: their own oligomeric states and their respective interaction with DNA. Our model forms the basis for a mech-anistic explanation of how DprA can act as a mediator for the loading of RecA on ssDNA

    The crystal structure of Trz1, the long form RNase Z from yeast.

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    tRNAs are synthesized as precursor RNAs that have to undergo processing steps to become functional. Yeast Trz1 is a key endoribonuclease involved in the 3΄ maturation of tRNAs in all domains of life. It is a member of the ÎČ-lactamase family of RNases, characterized by an HxHxDH sequence motif involved in coordination of catalytic Zn-ions. The RNase Z family consists of two subfamilies: the short (250-400 residues) and the long forms (about double in size). Short form RNase Z enzymes act as homodimers: one subunit embraces tRNA with a protruding arm, while the other provides the catalytic site. The long form is thought to contain two fused ÎČ-lactamase domains within a single polypeptide. Only structures of short form RNase Z enzymes are known. Here we present the 3.1 Å crystal structure of the long-form Trz1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Trz1 is organized into two ÎČ-lactamase domains connected by a long linker. The N-terminal domain has lost its catalytic residues, but retains the long flexible arm that is important for tRNA binding, while it is the other way around in the C-terminal domain. Trz1 likely evolved from a duplication and fusion of the gene encoding the monomeric short form RNase Z

    Analysing the trend over time of antibiotic consumption in the community

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    This tutorial describes and illustrates statistical methods to detect time trends possibly including abrupt changes (referred to as change-points) in the consumption of antibiotics in the community.For the period 1997-2017, data on consumption of antibacterials for systemic use (ATC group J01) in the community, aggregated at the level of the active substance, were collected using the WHO ATC/DDD methodology and expressed in DDD (ATC/DDD index 2019) per 1000 inhabitants per day. Trends over time and presence of common change-points were studied through a set of non-linear mixed models.After a thorough description of the set of models used to assess the time trend and presence of common change-points herein, the methodology was applied to the consumption of antibacterials for systemic use (ATC J01) in 25 EU/European Economic Area (EEA) countries. The best fit was obtained for a model including two change-points: one in the first quarter of 2004 and one in the last quarter of 2008.Allowing for the inclusion of common change-points improved model fit. Individual countries investigating changes in their antibiotic consumption pattern can use this tutorial to analyse their country data

    Consumption of antibiotics in the community, European Union/European Economic Area, 1997-2017: data collection, management and analysis

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    This article introduces a series of articles on antibiotic consumption in the community between 1997 and 2017, which provide an update of previous articles covering the periods 1997-2003 and 1997-2009.In this article, differences in participating countries, the ATC/DDD classification system, and data collection, validation and analysis between the current and previous series are described.In the previous series, 33 European countries provided valid data for further analysis, while the current series focused on 30 countries belonging to the EU or the European Economic Area (EEA). For both series, data were collected in accordance with the WHO ATC classification system. While the previous series reported data in accordance with the ATC/DDD index 2011, the current series employed the ATC/DDD index 2019. Both series focused on consumption of antibacterials for systemic use (ATC J01) and collected data expressed in DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day and packages per 1000 inhabitants per day. When studying consumption expressed in packages per 1000 inhabitants per day, countries reporting total care data, i.e. community and hospital sector combined, were included in the previous series but excluded in the current series. While the previous series used non-linear mixed models to evaluate time trends in antibiotic consumption, the current series allowed for inclusion of change-points with a data-driven location. In addition, both series assessed the composition and quality of antibiotic consumption in the EU/EEA.The updated analyses of two decades of ESAC-Net data provide the most comprehensive and detailed description of antibiotic consumption in the community in Europe

    Meeting the challenges of information disorder in the Global South

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    The research was conducted collaboratively, with regional reports provided by local teams from Research ICT Africa, InternetLab (Latin America and the Caribbean), LIRNEasia (Asia), and Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (Middle East and North Africa). This detailed study provides an overview of the entities that are active in the fight against information disorder in the MENA region, and the methods and responses they use. It also discusses and analyzes legal and human rights issues and the context of freedom of opinion and expression in which they operate

    Rhodococcus equi Infection after Alemtuzumab Therapy for T-cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia

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    Rhodococcus equi, mainly known from veterinary medicine as a pathogen in domestic animals, can also cause infections in immunocompromised humans, especially in those with defects in cellular immunity. Alemtuzumab, an anti-CD52 monoclonal antibody, causes lymphocytopenia by eliminating CD52-positive cells. We report a patient in whom Rhodococcus equi infection developed after alemtuzumab therapy
