32 research outputs found
Association between Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD) with treated chronic hepatitis B prognosis
Contexte : un quart des patients infecteÌs par lâheÌpatite B a un steÌatopathie associeÌe et le pronostic de ces patients est mal connu. Par deÌfinition le diagnostic de la steÌatopathie nâeÌtait pas possible en association avec une heÌpatite B. Ce nâest plus le cas avec la Metabolic associeted fatty liver disease. Objectif : lâobjectif de cette eÌtude eÌtait dâeÌvaluer lâeffet de la MAFLD sur la mortaliteÌ toutes causes, la mortaliteÌ heÌpatique et la morbiditeÌ heÌpatique, cardiovasculaire et neÌoplasique chez les sujets traiteÌs pour une infection chronique par le VHB dans la cohorte ANRS CO22 HEPATHER entre 2012 et 2021. MeÌthode : la population dâeÌtude eÌtait constitueÌe des sujets traiteÌs aÌ lâinclusion dans la cohorte prospective ANRS CO22 HEPATHER non transplanteÌs heÌpatiques, non infecteÌs par le VHD et dont le statut vis aÌ vis de la MAFLD pouvait eÌtre deÌtermineÌ. Le FLI eÌtait utiliseÌ pour poser le diagnostic de steÌatose heÌpatique. Il a eÌteÌ calculeÌ apreÌs imputation multiples des valeurs manquantes de GGT et de triglyceÌrides. Le statut MAFLD eÌtait deÌtermineÌ en utilisant les criteÌres proposeÌs par Eslam et al. Le criteÌre de jugement principal eÌtait la survenue du deÌceÌs toutes causes. Les criteÌres de jugement secondaires eÌtaient la survenue dâune premieÌre complication heÌpatique (dont le CHC), dâune premieÌre complication cardiovasculaire ischeÌmique et dâun premier cancer extra-heÌpatique. Des modeÌles de Cox ont eÌteÌ reÌaliseÌs permettant dâajuster sur les facteurs de confusion identifieÌs. ReÌsultats : 2180 sujets eÌtaient suivis pendant 7 ans en moyenne. En analyse multivariable, la MAFLD eÌtait significativement associeÌe aÌ la mortaliteÌ toutes causes (HR = 1,77 [1,24 ; 2,53]). La MAFLD nâeÌtait pas significativement associeÌe aÌ la mortaliteÌ heÌpatique (HR = 1,25 [0,70 ; 2,25]) ni aÌ la survenue dâune complication heÌpatique (HR = 1,32 [0,69 ; 2,52]), dâune complication cardiovasculaire ischeÌmique (HR = 0,63 [0,17 ; 2,25]) ou encore dâun cancer extra-heÌpatique (HR = 1,42 [0,65 ; 3,13]). Conclusion : dans cette eÌtude de cohorte prospective française de grande taille, la MAFLD eÌtait significativement associeÌe aÌ la mortaliteÌ chez des sujets traiteÌs pour une heÌpatite virale B chronique.Background: a quarter of patients infected with hepatitis B have associated fatty liver disease and the prognosis of these patients is poorly understood. By definition the diagnosis of fatty liver disease was not possible with hepatitis B. This is no longer the case with Metabolic associeted fatty liver disease. Objective: this study objective was to assess the effect of MAFLD on all-cause mortality, hepatic mortality and hepatic, cardiovascular and neoplastic morbidity in subjects treated for chronic HBV infection in the ANRS CO22 HEPATHER cohort between 2012 and 2021. Methods: the study population consisted of subjects treated at inclusion in the ANRS CO22 HEPATHER prospective cohort who had no history of liver transplantation or co-infection with hepatitis D virus and whose MAFLD status could be determined. The Fatty Liver Index (FLI) was used to diagnose fatty liver disease (FLI> 60). It was calculated after multiple imputation for missing values of GGT and triglycerides. MAFLD status was determined using the criteria proposed by Eslam et al. in 2020. The primary outcome was the occurrence of death from any cause. The secondary outcomes were the occurrence of a first hepatic complication (including HCC), a first ischemic cardiovascular complication and a first extrahepatic cancer. Cox models were performed to adjust for confounding factors. Results: 2180 subjects were followed for 7 years on average. In multivariate analysis adjusted for age, sex and tobacco, MAFLD was significantly associated with all-cause mortality (HR = 1,77 [1,24 ; 2,53]). MAFLD was not associated with hepatic mortality (HR = 1.25 [0.70; 2.25]), hepatic complication (HR = 1.32 [0.69; 2, 52]), ischemic cardiovascular complication (HR = 0.63 [0.17; 2.25]) or extrahepatic cancer (HR = 1.42 [0.65; 3.13] ). Conclusion: in this large French prospective cohort study, MAFLD was significantly associated with mortality in subjects treated for chronic viral hepatitis B
Etudes des microplastiques appliquĂ©es Ă la sĂ©curitĂ© sanitaire des produits de la pĂȘche
International audienceLes plastiques ainsi que leurs produits de dĂ©gradation comme les microplastiques (MPs) sont prĂ©sents en quantitĂ©s importantes dans les OcĂ©ans. Si les consĂ©quences des MPs sur lâenvironnement et le biote sont de plus en plus documentĂ©es, en revanche peu dâĂ©tudes concernent les organismes aquatiques en tant quâaliment. Nos recherches portent sur lâimpact des MPs sur la sĂ©curitĂ© sanitaire des produits de la pĂȘche.Afin de pouvoir rĂ©aliser des Ă©tudes comparables, des modes opĂ©ratoires uniformisĂ©s sont nĂ©cessaires. Ainsi lors dâune premiĂšre Ă©tude, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă sĂ©lectionner parmi un ensemble de protocoles issus de la littĂ©rature, celui permettant dâextraire puis dâidentifier un maximum de polymĂšres plastiques. La mĂ©thode retenue utilise une solution dâhydroxyde de potassium 10% pendant 24H Ă 60°C. Elle a permis de digĂ©rer des Ă©chantillons de produits de la mer tout en sâassurant que 14 des 15 types de polymĂšres testĂ©s ne sont pas dĂ©gradĂ©s par la mĂ©thode.ParallĂšlement Ă cette partie rĂ©cupĂ©ration des MPs, des travaux ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s en terme dâidentification des polymĂšres plastiques par une approche de pyrolyse couplĂ©e Ă un chromatographe en phase gaz et un spectromĂštre de masse (Py-GC/MS). Cette mĂ©thode a fait lâobjet dâune validation : estimation de la limite de dĂ©tection, tests de rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ© et de reproductibilitĂ©. Cette technique pourrait ĂȘtre appliquĂ©e en complĂ©ment dâautres techniques dâidentification comme la microspectromĂ©trie Raman ou le FT-IR pour identifier des particules de petite taille comme les fibres ou encore les âpigmentsâ.Par ailleurs, la Py-GC/MS sous rĂ©serve dâappliquer des tempĂ©ratures de pyrolyse faibles (<100°C) serait Ă©galement capable de dĂ©tecter la prĂ©sence dâadditifs dans les polymĂšres. Dans le cadre de cette thĂ©matique, un modĂšle digestif in vitro a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© pour le poisson et lâHomme. Lâapplication de cet outil Ă des polymĂšres contenant diffĂ©rents additifs permettra dâĂ©valuer la possibilitĂ© dâun relargage de produits chimiques dans le chyme
Occurrence and effects of plastic additives on marine environments and organisms: a review
International audiencePlastics debris, especially microplastics, have been found worldwide in all marine compartments. Much research has been carried out on adsorbed pollutants on plastic pieces and hydrophobic organic compounds (HOC) associated with microplastics. However, only a few studies have focused on plastic additives. These chemicals are incorporated into plastics from which they can leach out as most of them are not chemically bound. As a consequence of plastic accumulation and fragmentation in oceans, plastic additives could represent an increasing ecotoxicological risk for marine organisms. The present work reviewed the main class of plastic additives identified in the literature, their occurrence in the marineenvironment, as well as their effects on and transfers to marine organisms. This work identified polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), phthalates, nonylphenols (NP), bisphenol A (BPA) and antioxidants as the most common plastic additives found in marine environments. Moreover, transfer of these plastic additives to marine organisms has been demonstrated both in laboratory and field studies. Upcoming research focusing on the toxicity of microplastics should include these plastic additives as potential hazards for marine organisms, and a greater focus on the transport and fate of plastic additives is now required considering that these chemicals may easily leach out from plastics
Development of a Py-GC/MS method and its application to identify marine microplastics
International audiencePlastics are found to be major debris composing marine litter; microplastics (MP, < 5 mm) are found in all marine compartments. The amount of MPs tends to increase with decreasing size leading to a potential misidentification when only visual identification is performed. These last years, pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) has been used to get information on the composition of polymers with some applications on MP identification. The purpose of this work was to optimize and then validate a Py-GC/MS method, determine limit of detection (LOD) for eight common polymers, and apply this method on environmental MP. Optimization on multiple GC parameters was carried out using polyethylene (PE) and polystyrene (PS) microspheres. The optimized Py-GC/MS method require a pyrolysis temperature of 700 degrees C, a split ratio of 5 and 300 degrees C as injector temperature. Performance assessment was accomplished by performing repeatability and intermediate precision tests and calculating limit of detection (LOD) for common polymers. LODs were all below 1 mug. For performance assessment, identification remains accurate despite a decrease in signal over time. A comparison between identifications performed with Raman micro spectroscopy and with Py-GC/MS was assessed. Finally, the optimized method was applied to environmental samples, including plastics isolated from sea water surface, beach sediments, and organisms collected in the marine environment. The present method is complementary to mu-Raman spectroscopy as Py-GC/MS identified pigment containing particles as plastic. Moreover, some fibers and all particles from sediment and sea surface were identified as plastic
Study of the leaching of additive from microplastics using an in vitro enzymatic digestion model
International audienc
Py-GC/MS method development and application for the identification of microplastics from seafood
International audiencePlastics are found to be major debris composing marine litter; microplastics (MP, < 5 mm) are found in all marine compartments. The amount of MPs tends to increase with decreasing size leading to a potential misidentification when only visual identification is performed. These last years, pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) has been used to get information on the composition of polymers with some applications on MP identification. The purpose of this work was to optimize and then validate a Py-GC/MS method, determine limit of detection (LOD) for eight common polymers, and apply this method on environmental MP. Optimization on multiple GC parameters was carried out using polyethylene (PE) and polystyrene (PS) microspheres. The optimized Py-GC/MS method require a pyrolysis temperature of 700 degrees C, a split ratio of 5 and 300 degrees C as injector temperature. Performance assessment was accomplished by performing repeatability and intermediate precision tests and calculating limit of detection (LOD) for common polymers. LODs were all below 1 mug. For performance assessment, identification remains accurate despite a decrease in signal over time. A comparison between identifications performed with Raman micro spectroscopy and with Py-GC/MS was assessed. Finally, the optimized method was applied to environmental samples, including plastics isolated from sea water surface, beach sediments, and organisms collected in the marine environment. The present method is complementary to mu-Raman spectroscopy as Py-GC/MS identified pigment containing particles as plastic. Moreover, some fibers and all particles from sediment and sea surface were identified as plastic. Graphical abstract
Methodological barriers for extraction and characterization of microplastics in biological matrix
International audiencePollution of the oceans by microplastics, defined as plastic particles of size below < 5mm by the NOAA, represent a major environmental problem worldwide. From an ecotoxicological point of view, the ingestion of microplastics by a wide range of marine organisms leading to substantial impacts on major physiological functions has been shown in several marine vertebrates and invertebrates. To date, only a few studies have investigated the levels of contamination of marine organisms collected in situ, partly due to technical difficulties in isolation and characterization of microplastics in biological samples. The crucial step is the identification of solvent(s) or chemical(s) that efficiently dissolve organic matter and biological tissues without degrading plastic polymers, and this in a time and cost effective way. Most published papers, as well as OSPAR recommendations for the development of a common monitoring protocol for plastic particles in fish and shellfish at the European level, used protocols containing nitric acid to digest the biological tissues, despite reports of substantial polyamide (also known as nylon) degradation with this solvent. In addition, testing a wide range of plastic polymers, and especially those commonly found in the marine environment (the âBig sixâ), is essential to proposevalidate a common protocol and avoid an underestimation of plastic contents in marine organisms after tissue digestion. In the present study, we reviewed existing approaches and we compared (i) their efficiency in digesting biological matrixes and (ii) their effects on 5 different plastic polymers. Effects on plastics were evaluated through visual inspection, weighing, Pyr-GC/MS and Raman analyses before and after digestion, while tissue digestates were filtered on 1”m-mesh fiber glass filters and observed using a binocular microscope. More research is currently ongoing in our laboratory on a wider range of plastic types (n=15 in total). The aim is to identify and proposevalidate a unique and standardized protocol that could be implemented at the international level to insure relevance and comparison of environmental studies on this topic
Optimization, performance, and application of a pyrolysis-GC/MS method for the identification of microplastics
Plastics are found to be major debris composing marine litter; microplastics (MP, <â5 mm) are found in all marine compartments. The amount of MPs tends to increase with decreasing size leading to a potential misidentification when only visual identification is performed. These last years, pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) has been used to get information on the composition of polymers with some applications on MP identification. The purpose of this work was to optimize and then validate a Py-GC/MS method, determine limit of detection (LOD) for eight common polymers, and apply this method on environmental MP. Optimization on multiple GC parameters was carried out using polyethylene (PE) and polystyrene (PS) microspheres. The optimized Py-GC/MS method require a pyrolysis temperature of 700 °C, a split ratio of 5 and 300 °C as injector temperature. Performance assessment was accomplished by performing repeatability and intermediate precision tests and calculating limit of detection (LOD) for common polymers. LODs were all below 1 Όg. For performance assessment, identification remains accurate despite a decrease in signal over time. A comparison between identifications performed with Raman micro spectroscopy and with Py-GC/MS was assessed. Finally, the optimized method was applied to environmental samples, including plastics isolated from sea water surface, beach sediments, and organisms collected in the marine environment. The present method is complementary to ÎŒ-Raman spectroscopy as Py-GC/MS identified pigment containing particles as plastic. Moreover, some fibers and all particles from sediment and sea surface were identified as plastic
Identification of an optimized protocol for extraction and characterization of microplastics in seafood products
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Les microplastiques dans les produits de la mer
International audienceLa pollution des ocĂ©ans par les microplastiques (<5mm) est une prĂ©occupation Ă lâĂ©chelle mondiale, puisque que lâon peut les retrouver dans lâensemble des compartiments de lâĂ©cosystĂšme marin dont le biota, et notamment chez plusieurs vertĂ©brĂ©s et invertĂ©brĂ©s marins. D'un point de vue Ă©cotoxicologique, l'ingestion de microplastiques par un large Ă©ventail d'organismes marins peut entraĂźner des rĂ©percussions importantes sur leurs fonctions physiologiques. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, en ce qui concerne les produits de la mer destinĂ©s Ă la consommation humaine, les microplastiques peuvent ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s comme des contaminants. Cependant Ă ce jour trĂšs peu d'Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es sur l'exposition potentielle aux microplastiques par la consommation de produits de la mer. Une premiĂšre Ă©tape importante consiste Ă utiliser une mĂ©thode de rĂ©cupĂ©ration qui permet de digĂ©rer efficacement diffĂ©rents types de matrices biologiques tout en prĂ©servant l'intĂ©gritĂ© des polymĂšres pour permettre une identification fiable, rapide, peu onĂ©reuse et efficace. Lâimpact de six protocoles existants, utilisant des solutions acides, basiques, enzymatiques ou oxydantes pour la digestion de la matiĂšre organique, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© sur 15 polymĂšres plastiques. Les plastiques choisis comptent parmi ceux qui sont les plus produits : le polyĂ©thylĂšne (PE), le polypropylĂšne (PP), le chlorure de polyvinyle (PVC), le polyurĂ©thane (PUR), le polystyrĂšne (PS) et du polyamide (PA). Les effets de ces mĂ©thodes dâextraction sur les matiĂšres plastiques ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s par microscopie, pesĂ©e, analyse en Pyrolyse et chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplĂ©e Ă un spectromĂštre de masse (Pyr-GC/MS) et micro-spectromĂ©trie Raman avant et aprĂšs la « digestion ». Le protocole le plus prometteur, basĂ© sur lâhydroxyde de potassium, a Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ© pour son innocuitĂ© sur 14 polymĂšres testĂ©s et son efficacitĂ© de digestion sur plusieurs matrices biologiques. La mĂ©thode sĂ©lectionnĂ©e a permis dâengager une Ă©tude de prĂ©valence des microplastiques dans des produits de la mer frĂ©quemment consommĂ©s. Quatre espĂšces de poissons (sole, maquereau, dorade et cabillaud), et deux espĂšces de coquillages (moules et coques) ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©es en manche et en atlantique afin de dĂ©terminer le niveau de contamination des organismes et dâĂ©valuer le risque dâexposition du consommateur