22 research outputs found

    Model Perjanjian Baku Pada Kontrak Berlangganan Sambungan Telekomunikasi Telepon Selular Pasca Bayar

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    The contract to subscribe to the telecommunication connection of postpaid cellular phone is a standard contract made by the business actor by almost not giving freedom at all to other parties to do negotiation for the requirements offered. This research is to study: first, is the implementation of standard contract for the subscription contract of telecommunication connection of postpaid cellular phone suitable with the legal principles of the contract? Second, how the model of standard contract in the contract of subscription for the telecommunication connection of the postpaid cellular phone is viewed from the contract laws and Law Number 8 of 1999 on the Consumer Protection? This is a normative-juridical research. The result of the research concluded that first; the subscription contract for the telecommunication connection of postpaid cellular phone theoretically has fulfilled the provisions of the Article 1320 Civil Law on the requirement of the contract legality. Second, the model of the subscription model of telecommunication connection of postpaid cellular phone must provide the clauses in accordance with the Law of Consumer Protection particularly limited with the Provision of Article 18 of Laws of Consumer Protection

    Hubungan Gangguan Mental Emosional dengan Hipertensi pada Penduduk Indonesia

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    Hypertension is often associated with psychological stress for its sufferer. The aims of this analysiswere to undertake how many people with mental emotional disorder have hypertension and to assessassociation between mental emotional disorder with hypertension besides other characteristics. Thedata were taken from National Basic Health Research 2013.The samples were 651.200 people 18 yearsold and above.The samples were identified have hypertension by measurement using digital bloodpressure monitor or consume anti hypertension medicine routinely. Stress or mental emotional disorderwas assessed by self-reporting questionnaire (SRQ). Samples were categorized have mental emotionaldisorder if they answered “yes” for ≥ six questions of SRQ. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 21with complex sample method. The association among variables was assessed by bivariate, multivariatewith significance p < 0.05.The percentage of mental emotional people who had hypertension was 34.4%.The main factors associated with hypertension were age ≥ 65 years old (ORadj7,58;95%CI7,29-7,87),35-64years old (ORadj 3,06;95%CI2,98-3,15) divorced (ORadj1,85;95%CI 1,77 1,95), unemployed(ORadj1,22 ;95%CI1,18-1,26), mental emotional (ORadj 1.10; 95% CI 1,06-1,15) .In this study, mentalemotional disorder had weak association with hypertension. Intervention program for hypertensioncontrol is better directed to old people and people with divorced status of marriage

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Konsumen pada Perjanjian Pembiayaan dengan Fidusia Tidak Terdaftar

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    Fiduciary guarantee shall be registered, so that it has execution order, but sometimes fiduciary guarantee is accepted even if it is not registered. The problem in this study was how is the legal protection for consumers in a fiduciary agreement that is made without a notarial deed and is not registered at the Fiduciary Registration Office seen from Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Guarantee and Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. This was a normative legal research. The results of the study concluded that the legal protection of consumers in a financing agreement with an unregistered fiduciary guarantee is that the principal (someone hiring fiduciary agent) can sue for compensation against the fiduciary agent on the basis of unlawful acts as stipulated in Article 1365 of the Civil Code. In addition, in the event of a crime, a person can be sued by Article 368 of the Criminal Code. Financing agreements with fiduciary guarantees shall contain clauses in accordance with the Consumer Protection Law because regarding this violation, business actors are punishable with maximum imprisonment of 5 (five) years or a maximum fine of IDR 2,000,000,000.00

    Analisis Penyesuaian Diri Ditinjau dari Tipe Kepribadian Peserta Didik Kelas X Sman 1 Pontianak

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    This study aims to obtain information about the adjustment in terms of personality type of students grade X SMAN 1 Pontianak. The method used is descriptive method, using Causal-Comparative Studies. The sample in this research is 87 students of class X IPS SMAN 1 Pontianak. Data collection techniques are indirect communication techniques and direct communication, data collection tool that is inventory and interview guide. Data analysis technique is descriptive statistical technique. The results of data analysis, indicating that the students' self-adjustment of each personality type corresponds to the characteristic personality type by Littauer. The quality of self-adjustment of Choleris personality type reached 81% with good category, Phlegmatis reached 78% good category, Sanguinis reached 75% good category, and Melancholy reached 74% good category. In this case, the counselor teacher has not been instrumental in helping learners understand personality types, but has made curative efforts in the problem of self-adjustment of learners

    Analisis Kelayakan dan Model Pengembangan USAha Kerupuk Ikan dengan Pendekatan Entreprenuerial Marketing

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kelayakan finansial, sensitivitas USAha, serta menganalisis model pengembangan USAha pengolahan kerupuk ikan di Kabupaten Seruyan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai Bulan Maret sampai dengan Juli 2018, menggunakan data primer dengan metode sensus pada seluruh pengusaha kerupuk ikan di Kabupaten Seruyan. Kelayakan finansial dalam USAha pembuatan kerupuk ikan ini dianalisis menggunakan beberapa kriteria investasi yaitu Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period, Net B/C Ratio. Sensitifitas USAha dianalisis dengan menggunakan switching value, sedangkan model pengembangan USAha di analisis menggunakan PLS SEM. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa USAha kerupuk ikan di Kabuapten Seruyan layak untuk di USAhakan berdasarkan 4 kriteria investasi yang digunakan dengan nilai NPV sebesar Rp 192.357.2999,43, IRR sebesar 60,94%, Net B/C sebesar 2,76 dan pay back period sebesar 3 tahun 18 hari. Adapun hasil analisis sensitifitas menunjukkan penurunan harga jual lebih sensitive jika dibandingkan dengan penurunan harga bahan baku, dan untuk kenaikan harga bahan baku batas tertinggi sebesar 37,80% dan untuk penurunan harga jual kerupuk batas terendah sebesar 24,30%, dan berdasarkan analisis model pengembangan USAha (Entrepreneurial Marketing) diketahui bahwa Entrepreneurial marketing berpengaruh sangat signifikan (p value 0,000) terhadap pengembangan USAha kerupuk ikan di Kecamatan Seruyan Hilir Kabupaten Seruyan


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    Hausa potato (Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng.) is one of the alternative food for people living in some part of Indonesia. However, its low level of genetic variations has become an obstacle in developing new va- riety. Plant breeding through mutation, e.g. irradiation of γ rays, can be assumed to improve genetic diversity. The aim of this study was to characterize tuber hausa potato mutant irradiated γ rays in salinity and drought tolerant using ISSR and RAPD markers. Five primers of ISSR and five primers of RAPD were used to amplify DNA of hausa potato mutants. Ten primers generated 95% polymorphic and 27 speciific band of irradiated salt-tolerant mutans. Meanwhile, they generated 49% polymorphic and three specific band of irradiated drought-tolerant mutans. The result of the Principal Component Analysis showed that mutants were divided into three groups based on specific bands that play role in the group formation. The result showed that the ISSR and RAPD markers can be reliable to characterize mutants on hausa potatoes


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    Kentang hitam [Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poiret) Sprengel] of family Lamiaceae is a minor root crop known only for people living in some parts of Java, Bali and Madura. It was rarely found in its natural habitat, thus it was assumed to have low level of genetic diversity. This present study aimed to assess genetic diversity of 63 accessions of kentang hitam from provenances of Java based on Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprints. Ten primers of ISSR and RAPD were initially screened and eight were selected for the analysis. These eight primers (OPA13, OPB10, OPB13, OPD8, OPN14, UBC 807, 834 and 835) generated 61 bands with an average of 7.63 polymorphic fragment per primer. Percentage of polymorphism ranged from 8.20% (UBC 807 and 834) to 16.39% (OPB 10) with an average of 12.50%polymorphism.Clustering analysis was performed based on ISSR and RAPD profiles using the neighbour joining method and Principle Coordinate Analysis (PCO). The range of genetic similarity among accessions was 51-100% to which most of the accessions were clustered with more than 80% similarity. This confirmed our hypothesis of the low level of variation existed among accessions