1,631 research outputs found

    Crystal Growth in Fluid Flow: Nonlinear Response Effects

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    We investigate crystal-growth kinetics in the presence of strong shear flow in the liquid, using molecular-dynamics simulations of a binary-alloy model. Close to the equilibrium melting point, shear flow always suppresses the growth of the crystal-liquid interface. For lower temperatures, we find that the growth velocity of the crystal depends non-monotonically on the shear rate. Slow enough flow enhances the crystal growth, due to an increased particle mobility in the liquid. Stronger flow causes a growth regime that is nearly temperature-independent, in striking contrast to what one expects from the thermodynamic and equilibrium kinetic properties of the system, which both depend strongly on temperature. We rationalize these effects of flow on crystal growth as resulting from the nonlinear response of the fluid to strong shearing forces.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Material

    Beratungskommunikation in der Kommunikationsberatung

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    In the communication society and its organizations, the communicative form of counselling plays an important role. It allows the reflection of communication problems and the development of sustainable solutions for them. The systemic approach allows to shape and to navigate counselling communication for the purposes just mentioned. Between different roles for those who seek and those who give advice, as well as between different focuses of content, specific practices of counselling communication are developping; they carry out characteristic schemes of interaction and linguistic patterns, both in conversations as well as in the context of counselling projects. The scientific analysis opens up perspectives for further research and for improvement of practice in the field of organizational communication.In der Kommunikationsgesellschaft und ihren Organisationen spielt die kommunikative Form der Beratung eine bedeutende Rolle. Sie erlaubt die Reflexion von Kommunikationsproblemen und die Entwicklung nachhaltiger Lösungen. Der systemische Ansatz erlaubt es, Beratungskommunikation für diese Zwecke kompetent zu gestalten und zu steuern. Zwischen verschiedenen Rollen von Ratsuchenden und Ratgebenden sowie zwischen unterschiedlichen thematischen Orientierungen der Beratungskommunikation entfalten sich spezifische Praktiken mit charakteristischen Schemata und Mustern sprachlicher Interaktion sowohl in Gesprächen wie im Rahmen von Projekten. Die wissenschaftliche Analyse eröffnet Perspektiven für die weitere Forschung und die Praxis der Organisationskommunikation.In the communication society and its organizations, the communicative form of counselling plays an important role. It allows the reflection of communication problems and the development of sustainable solutions for them. The systemic approach allows to shape and to navigate counselling communication for the purposes just mentioned. Between different roles for those who seek and those who give advice, as well as between different focuses of content, specific practices of counselling communication are developing; they carry out characteristic schemes of interaction and linguistic patterns, both in conversations as well as in the context of counselling projects. The scientific analysis opens up perspectives for further research and for improvement of practice in the field of organizational communication

    Smart Governance embedded in multilingual discourses

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    Einfach machen : über Entrepreneurial Storytelling

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    Evidence for Cooper Pair Diffraction on the Vortex Lattice of Superconducting Niobium

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    We investigated the Abrikosov vortex lattice (VL) of a pure Niobium single crystal with the muon spin rotation (\mu SR) technique. Analysis of the \mu SR data in the framework of the BCS-Gor'kov theory allowed us to determine microscopic parameters and the limitations of the theory. With decreasing temperature the field variation around the vortex cores deviates substantially from the predictions of the Ginzburg-Landau theory and adopts a pronounced conical shape. This is evidence of partial diffraction of Cooper pairs on the VL predicted by Delrieu for clean superconductors.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Energiediskurse in der Schweiz : anwendungsorientierte Erforschung eines mehrsprachigen Kommunikationsfelds mittels digitaler Daten

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    Öffentliche Diskurse über Energiepolitik spielen eine entscheidende Rolle, wenn es darum geht, die «Energiestrategie 2050» der Schweizer Regierung erfolgreich umzusetzen. Das interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekt «Energiediskurse in der Schweiz» untersucht Muster des öffentlichen Sprachgebrauchs zum Thema. Solche Muster bilden die Grundlage für das öffentliche Verständnis der Themen und Kontroversen im demokratischen Dialog und in der vernetzten Innovation. Das vorliegende «Working Paper» präsentiert das dreijährige Projekt in seinen theoretischen und methodischen Grundzügen ebenso wie ausgewählte Ergebnisse des ersten Projektjahrs. Dazu gehören der Aufbau und die Annotation des digitalen Swiss-AL-Textkorpus ebenso wie Vergleiche zwischen dem Sprachgebrauch in den drei Landessprachen Deutsch, Französisch und Italienisch. So kann beispielsweise der Einfluss von Ereignissen wie der Nuklearkatastrophe in Fukushima Daiichi nachgezeichnet werden, in dem die Hinweise auf das Ereignis über die Jahre hinweg gemessen werden. Zudem gibt es erste Hinweise und Belege dafür, dass die verschiedenen Sprachen den öffentlichen Diskurs über Energiefragen auch unterschiedlich gestalten. Bestimmte Wortkombinationen stehen für Konzepte wie «erneuerbare», «Wind-», «Solar-», «Nuklear-» oder «fossile» Energien, wobei diese Konzepte in den verschiedenen Sprachen unterschiedlich gewichtet sind. Argumentationsstrategien beispielsweise in Bezug auf die «erneuerbaren Energien» scheinen sich ebenfalls zu unterscheiden, so dass es angezeigt ist, in der Fortsetzung des Projekts die nationalen und regionalen Diskurse je für sich und detaillierter zu untersuchen. Im Fokus der nächsten Projektphasen werden systematische Analysen zu diskursiven Kontroversen und Koalitionen stehen, um Diskursnetzwerke zwischen relevanten Akteuren zu identifizieren.Public discourse about energy policies plays a key role in the successful implementation of the Swiss energy strategy. The interdisciplinary research project Energy Discourses in Switzerland focuses on the patterns of language use related to energy policy. Patterns of language use are understood and analyzed as drivers or constraints of democratic dialogue and collective innovation in the field. This working paper outlines exemplary results of the project work in the first year of the 3-year project, including exploratory analyses of the Swiss-AL corpus and comparisons of the discourses typical of actors whose public communication is in one of the Swiss national languages or some combination of them. The influence of events such as the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster on public discourse were traced by mapping the frequency of references to that event in texts. The changes over time of terms associated with energy issues also provided indications of the development of public discourses. Initial analyses of the multilingual Swiss-AL corpus indicate that the way that energy in its various forms is discussed seems to differ depending on the language of the texts. The most frequent word combinations represent concepts such as renewable, hydro, wind, solar, nuclear, and fossil-fueled energy but the order of importance differs for German, French, Italian, and English. Argumentation strategies also seem to vary not only between languages but also between multilingual and monolingual sources in the Swiss-AL corpus, suggesting that national and local discourses need to be examined separately and in more detail. The focus of the next phase of the project will be on systematically analysing discourse controversies and coalitions in order to identify discursively linked actor networks