153 research outputs found

    Plasma membrane receptor mediated MAPK signaling pathways are activated in human uterine cervix at parturition

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    BACKGROUND: Cervical ripening resembles an inflammatory reaction. Estrogens induce leukocyte migration into tissue and factors promoting cervical remodeling and labor, although the mechanisms are only partially known. The aim of this study was to investigate whether plasma membrane receptor mediated pathways, known to be activated by estrogens and proinflammatory compounds, are involved in cervical ripening before labor. METHODS: The expression and distribution of mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK), which transduce extracellular signals into intracellular responses through phosphorylation, and their intracellular targets transcription factors c-Jun and c-Fos proteins (AP-1) were analysed in cervical biopsies from term pregnant women (TP), immediately after parturition (PP), and from non-pregnant women (NP). Immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR techniques were used. RESULTS: Cell-specific alterations in the immunostaining pattern for MAPK were observed. The expressions of activated, phosphorylated MAPK forms pERK1/2, pJNK and p38MAPK were significantly increased in cervical stroma until TP and pERK1/2 expression was significantly enhanced in PP group. c-Jun was significantly increased in cervical stroma and smooth muscle in TP as compared to NP group. c-Fos was significantly increased in stroma, squamous epithelium and glandular epithelium in PP as compared to TP group. CONCLUSION: We report, for the first time, cell-specific activation of pMAPKs and their targets transcription factors c-Fos and c-Jun (AP-1) proteins in human uterine cervix until term pregnancy, and immediately after parturition. These results suggest a role for MAPK activation in cervical ripening before labor

    Vascular and plaque imaging with ultrasmall superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide

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    Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) has become a primary tool for non-invasive assessment of cardiovascular anatomy, pathology and function. Existing contrast agents have been utilised for the identification of infarction, fibrosis, perfusion deficits and for angiography. Novel ultrasmall superparamagnetic particles of iron oxide (USPIO) contrast agents that are taken up by inflammatory cells can detect cellular inflammation non-invasively using CMR, potentially aiding the diagnosis of inflammatory medical conditions, guiding their treatment and giving insight into their pathophysiology. In this review we describe the utilization of USPIO as a novel contrast agent in vascular disease

    Inelastic deformation and failure of tungsten carbide under ballistic-loading conditions

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    High-speed photography has been used to investigate the dynamic behaviour of similar grades of WC-Co hardmetals during ballistic impacts with velocities in the range of 28-484 m/s. Key features of the failure of similar grades of WC-Co materials during complimentary impacts have been observed and discussed. In particular, fast moving fragments were observed to emanate from the point of impact and flow radially across the target's surface analogous to the processes of interface defeat. Further, as the velocity of impact was increased a non-linear increase in the indentation depth was observed that corresponded with an apparent onset of trans-granular fracture in the WC crystallites. Comparisons with ANSYS AUTODYNℱ simulations were made and good correlation has been established between the measured inelastic deformation and computations using a simple strain-hardening model

    Data mining: En studie av Konsumentutgifter och MiljöpÄverkan i Europeiska LÀnder

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    As the pressures on the environment created by humanity increase, understanding how products influence a person’s overall impact becomes more important in order to make choices about how a person chooses to consume. Recent literature shows that household consumption is responsible for 51% to 81% of a nation’s total emissions (Ivanova, Stadler, et al. 2016). This study investigates whether expenditure is a viable proxy measurement for consumer impacts in Europe. Without knowledge about the relative impacts of consumer expenditure on the environment, European citizens cannot make conscious choices regarding their expenses and how they relate to environmental impact, while policy-makers have no basis to develop tailored environmental policy mechanisms. This study combined Input-Output Analysis, Data Mining, and Regression Analysis to check if a correlation between expenditure and impact exists. The results are contextualised in consumption categories. Results from Input-Output Analysis suggest that Housing, Food, and Transport are the largest categories of expense throughout Europe. While expenses vary significantly throughout Europe, common trends emerge. Pattern Recognition and Cluster Analysis algorithms show that expenditure habits differ especially between north-west, east, south, and coastal Europe. Each of the four groups consists of between six and eleven nations. In general, lower economic development indicates higher expenditure in Housing and Food, while higher economic development indicates higher expenditure in Recreation & Culture, and Goods & Services. Coastal Europe spends more on Restaurants & Hotels, and Education. The expenditures were translated to four environmental impacts; Global Warming Potential, Land Use, Material Use, and Blue Water Consumption. Next, correlation between expenditure and environmental impact was checked using Regression Analysis. The analysis showed that out of the twelve expenditure categories, Clothing & Footwear and Furnishing & Household, showed a significant correlation between expenditure and the four impact categories. Food, Alcohol & Tobacco, and Recreation & Culture showed significance in two impact categories, and Transport showed significance in one category. In total 15 out of the 48 (31%) tested impact categories showed significance. Using the identified groups, the amount of impact categories that show correlation with expenditure grows to 44%, and up to 68%. Unfortunately, given the size of these groups, these results are not statistically significant. That said, the method shows promise, and further research with a larger scope could produce statistically significant results.Allt eftersom trycket pĂ„ miljön som skapas av mĂ€nskligheten ökar blir det mer och mer viktigt att ha förstĂ„else för hur produkter pĂ„verkar en persons totala pĂ„verkan för att göra val om hur en person vĂ€ljer att konsumera. Senare litteratur visar att hushĂ„llens konsumtion Ă€r ansvarig för 51% till 81 % av landets totala utslĂ€pp (Ivanova, Stadler, et al. 2016). Denna studie undersöker om utgifterna Ă€r en genomförbar proxy-mĂ€tning för konsumentpĂ„verkan i Europa i hopp om att ge konsumenterna mer kunskap om sina konsumtionsvanor och hur dessa pĂ„verkar miljön. Detta görs genom att kombinera inputoutput-analys, datamining och regressionsanalys för att kontrollera om det finns en betydande korrelation mellan utgifter och effekter. Resultaten Ă€r kontextualiserade i COICOPkategorier. Resultaten frĂ„n analysen för input-output tyder pĂ„ att bostĂ€der, mat och transport Ă€r de största kostnadskategorierna i hela Europa. Utgiftsbeloppet varierar avsevĂ€rt i hela Europa, trots att trenden dyker upp. MönsterigenkĂ€nning och klusteranalys algoritmer visar att utgiftsvanor skiljer sig sĂ€rskilt mellan nordvĂ€stra, östra, södra, och kusten av Europa. Var och en av de fyra grupperna best˚ar av mellan sex och elva nationer. I allmĂ€nhet indikerar lĂ€gre ekonomisk utveckling högre utgifter fšor bostĂ€der och livsmedel, medan högre ekonomisk utveckling indikerar högre utgifter inom rekreation & kultur och varor & tjĂ€nster. Europas kust spenderar mer pĂ„ restauranger & hotell och utbildning. MiljöpĂ„verkan av alla utgifter berĂ€knades med fyra kategorier för miljöpĂ„verkan; Global uppvĂ€rmningspotential, markanvĂ€ndning, materialanvĂ€ndning och blĂ„ vattenförbrukning. DĂ€refter kontrollerades sambandet mellan utgifter och miljöpĂ„verkan med hjĂ€lp av regressionsanalys. Analysen visade att utav de tolv utgiftskategorierna hade klĂ€der & skor samt inredning och hushĂ„ll betydande samband mellan utgifterna och de fyra effektskategorierna. Mat, alkohol & tobak och rekreation & kultur var signifikanta i tvĂ„ effektskategorier, och transport visade var signifikant i en kategori. Totalt var 15 av de 48 testade pĂ„verkanskategorierna signifikanta. Det hĂ€r Ă€r 31%. Med hjĂ€lp av de identifierade grupperna ökar beloppet av effektskategorier som korrelerar med utgifterna frĂ„n 44% upp till 68%. Det Ă€r viktigt att notera att med tanke pĂ„ storleken av dessa grupper Ă€r dessa resultat inte statistiskt signifikanta. DĂ€remot verkar metoden vara lovande. Ytterligare forskning med större omfattning skulle kunna ge statistiskt signifikanta resultat

    Data mining: En studie av Konsumentutgifter och MiljöpÄverkan i Europeiska LÀnder

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    As the pressures on the environment created by humanity increase, understanding how products influence a person’s overall impact becomes more important in order to make choices about how a person chooses to consume. Recent literature shows that household consumption is responsible for 51% to 81% of a nation’s total emissions (Ivanova, Stadler, et al. 2016). This study investigates whether expenditure is a viable proxy measurement for consumer impacts in Europe. Without knowledge about the relative impacts of consumer expenditure on the environment, European citizens cannot make conscious choices regarding their expenses and how they relate to environmental impact, while policy-makers have no basis to develop tailored environmental policy mechanisms. This study combined Input-Output Analysis, Data Mining, and Regression Analysis to check if a correlation between expenditure and impact exists. The results are contextualised in consumption categories. Results from Input-Output Analysis suggest that Housing, Food, and Transport are the largest categories of expense throughout Europe. While expenses vary significantly throughout Europe, common trends emerge. Pattern Recognition and Cluster Analysis algorithms show that expenditure habits differ especially between north-west, east, south, and coastal Europe. Each of the four groups consists of between six and eleven nations. In general, lower economic development indicates higher expenditure in Housing and Food, while higher economic development indicates higher expenditure in Recreation & Culture, and Goods & Services. Coastal Europe spends more on Restaurants & Hotels, and Education. The expenditures were translated to four environmental impacts; Global Warming Potential, Land Use, Material Use, and Blue Water Consumption. Next, correlation between expenditure and environmental impact was checked using Regression Analysis. The analysis showed that out of the twelve expenditure categories, Clothing & Footwear and Furnishing & Household, showed a significant correlation between expenditure and the four impact categories. Food, Alcohol & Tobacco, and Recreation & Culture showed significance in two impact categories, and Transport showed significance in one category. In total 15 out of the 48 (31%) tested impact categories showed significance. Using the identified groups, the amount of impact categories that show correlation with expenditure grows to 44%, and up to 68%. Unfortunately, given the size of these groups, these results are not statistically significant. That said, the method shows promise, and further research with a larger scope could produce statistically significant results.Allt eftersom trycket pĂ„ miljön som skapas av mĂ€nskligheten ökar blir det mer och mer viktigt att ha förstĂ„else för hur produkter pĂ„verkar en persons totala pĂ„verkan för att göra val om hur en person vĂ€ljer att konsumera. Senare litteratur visar att hushĂ„llens konsumtion Ă€r ansvarig för 51% till 81 % av landets totala utslĂ€pp (Ivanova, Stadler, et al. 2016). Denna studie undersöker om utgifterna Ă€r en genomförbar proxy-mĂ€tning för konsumentpĂ„verkan i Europa i hopp om att ge konsumenterna mer kunskap om sina konsumtionsvanor och hur dessa pĂ„verkar miljön. Detta görs genom att kombinera inputoutput-analys, datamining och regressionsanalys för att kontrollera om det finns en betydande korrelation mellan utgifter och effekter. Resultaten Ă€r kontextualiserade i COICOPkategorier. Resultaten frĂ„n analysen för input-output tyder pĂ„ att bostĂ€der, mat och transport Ă€r de största kostnadskategorierna i hela Europa. Utgiftsbeloppet varierar avsevĂ€rt i hela Europa, trots att trenden dyker upp. MönsterigenkĂ€nning och klusteranalys algoritmer visar att utgiftsvanor skiljer sig sĂ€rskilt mellan nordvĂ€stra, östra, södra, och kusten av Europa. Var och en av de fyra grupperna best˚ar av mellan sex och elva nationer. I allmĂ€nhet indikerar lĂ€gre ekonomisk utveckling högre utgifter fšor bostĂ€der och livsmedel, medan högre ekonomisk utveckling indikerar högre utgifter inom rekreation & kultur och varor & tjĂ€nster. Europas kust spenderar mer pĂ„ restauranger & hotell och utbildning. MiljöpĂ„verkan av alla utgifter berĂ€knades med fyra kategorier för miljöpĂ„verkan; Global uppvĂ€rmningspotential, markanvĂ€ndning, materialanvĂ€ndning och blĂ„ vattenförbrukning. DĂ€refter kontrollerades sambandet mellan utgifter och miljöpĂ„verkan med hjĂ€lp av regressionsanalys. Analysen visade att utav de tolv utgiftskategorierna hade klĂ€der & skor samt inredning och hushĂ„ll betydande samband mellan utgifterna och de fyra effektskategorierna. Mat, alkohol & tobak och rekreation & kultur var signifikanta i tvĂ„ effektskategorier, och transport visade var signifikant i en kategori. Totalt var 15 av de 48 testade pĂ„verkanskategorierna signifikanta. Det hĂ€r Ă€r 31%. Med hjĂ€lp av de identifierade grupperna ökar beloppet av effektskategorier som korrelerar med utgifterna frĂ„n 44% upp till 68%. Det Ă€r viktigt att notera att med tanke pĂ„ storleken av dessa grupper Ă€r dessa resultat inte statistiskt signifikanta. DĂ€remot verkar metoden vara lovande. Ytterligare forskning med större omfattning skulle kunna ge statistiskt signifikanta resultat

    Data mining: En studie av Konsumentutgifter och MiljöpÄverkan i Europeiska LÀnder

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    As the pressures on the environment created by humanity increase, understanding how products influence a person’s overall impact becomes more important in order to make choices about how a person chooses to consume. Recent literature shows that household consumption is responsible for 51% to 81% of a nation’s total emissions (Ivanova, Stadler, et al. 2016). This study investigates whether expenditure is a viable proxy measurement for consumer impacts in Europe. Without knowledge about the relative impacts of consumer expenditure on the environment, European citizens cannot make conscious choices regarding their expenses and how they relate to environmental impact, while policy-makers have no basis to develop tailored environmental policy mechanisms. This study combined Input-Output Analysis, Data Mining, and Regression Analysis to check if a correlation between expenditure and impact exists. The results are contextualised in consumption categories. Results from Input-Output Analysis suggest that Housing, Food, and Transport are the largest categories of expense throughout Europe. While expenses vary significantly throughout Europe, common trends emerge. Pattern Recognition and Cluster Analysis algorithms show that expenditure habits differ especially between north-west, east, south, and coastal Europe. Each of the four groups consists of between six and eleven nations. In general, lower economic development indicates higher expenditure in Housing and Food, while higher economic development indicates higher expenditure in Recreation & Culture, and Goods & Services. Coastal Europe spends more on Restaurants & Hotels, and Education. The expenditures were translated to four environmental impacts; Global Warming Potential, Land Use, Material Use, and Blue Water Consumption. Next, correlation between expenditure and environmental impact was checked using Regression Analysis. The analysis showed that out of the twelve expenditure categories, Clothing & Footwear and Furnishing & Household, showed a significant correlation between expenditure and the four impact categories. Food, Alcohol & Tobacco, and Recreation & Culture showed significance in two impact categories, and Transport showed significance in one category. In total 15 out of the 48 (31%) tested impact categories showed significance. Using the identified groups, the amount of impact categories that show correlation with expenditure grows to 44%, and up to 68%. Unfortunately, given the size of these groups, these results are not statistically significant. That said, the method shows promise, and further research with a larger scope could produce statistically significant results.Allt eftersom trycket pĂ„ miljön som skapas av mĂ€nskligheten ökar blir det mer och mer viktigt att ha förstĂ„else för hur produkter pĂ„verkar en persons totala pĂ„verkan för att göra val om hur en person vĂ€ljer att konsumera. Senare litteratur visar att hushĂ„llens konsumtion Ă€r ansvarig för 51% till 81 % av landets totala utslĂ€pp (Ivanova, Stadler, et al. 2016). Denna studie undersöker om utgifterna Ă€r en genomförbar proxy-mĂ€tning för konsumentpĂ„verkan i Europa i hopp om att ge konsumenterna mer kunskap om sina konsumtionsvanor och hur dessa pĂ„verkar miljön. Detta görs genom att kombinera inputoutput-analys, datamining och regressionsanalys för att kontrollera om det finns en betydande korrelation mellan utgifter och effekter. Resultaten Ă€r kontextualiserade i COICOPkategorier. Resultaten frĂ„n analysen för input-output tyder pĂ„ att bostĂ€der, mat och transport Ă€r de största kostnadskategorierna i hela Europa. Utgiftsbeloppet varierar avsevĂ€rt i hela Europa, trots att trenden dyker upp. MönsterigenkĂ€nning och klusteranalys algoritmer visar att utgiftsvanor skiljer sig sĂ€rskilt mellan nordvĂ€stra, östra, södra, och kusten av Europa. Var och en av de fyra grupperna best˚ar av mellan sex och elva nationer. I allmĂ€nhet indikerar lĂ€gre ekonomisk utveckling högre utgifter fšor bostĂ€der och livsmedel, medan högre ekonomisk utveckling indikerar högre utgifter inom rekreation & kultur och varor & tjĂ€nster. Europas kust spenderar mer pĂ„ restauranger & hotell och utbildning. MiljöpĂ„verkan av alla utgifter berĂ€knades med fyra kategorier för miljöpĂ„verkan; Global uppvĂ€rmningspotential, markanvĂ€ndning, materialanvĂ€ndning och blĂ„ vattenförbrukning. DĂ€refter kontrollerades sambandet mellan utgifter och miljöpĂ„verkan med hjĂ€lp av regressionsanalys. Analysen visade att utav de tolv utgiftskategorierna hade klĂ€der & skor samt inredning och hushĂ„ll betydande samband mellan utgifterna och de fyra effektskategorierna. Mat, alkohol & tobak och rekreation & kultur var signifikanta i tvĂ„ effektskategorier, och transport visade var signifikant i en kategori. Totalt var 15 av de 48 testade pĂ„verkanskategorierna signifikanta. Det hĂ€r Ă€r 31%. Med hjĂ€lp av de identifierade grupperna ökar beloppet av effektskategorier som korrelerar med utgifterna frĂ„n 44% upp till 68%. Det Ă€r viktigt att notera att med tanke pĂ„ storleken av dessa grupper Ă€r dessa resultat inte statistiskt signifikanta. DĂ€remot verkar metoden vara lovande. Ytterligare forskning med större omfattning skulle kunna ge statistiskt signifikanta resultat

    Rural local government and development planning, with experiences from Buhera district, Zimbabwe

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    rural areas;decentralization;local government;Zimbabwe;evelopment planning;rural planning
