17 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Radiasi Sinar Gamma Co-60 Terhadap Sterilitas Dan Perkembangan Embrio Culex Quinquefasciatus

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    Teknik Serangga Mandul merupakan teknik pengendalian vektor yang ramah lingkungan dan spesifi target. Aplikasi Teknik Serangga Mandul dalam pengendalian Cx quinquefasciatus belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia, sehingga perlu uji pendahuluan sebelum aplikasi ke alam. Penelitian bertujuanmenentukan dosis optimal iradiasi sinar gamma Co-60 yang dapat mensterilkan dan berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan embrio Culex quinquefasciatus. Pupa jantan diradiasi dengan sinar gamma pada dosis 50 Gy, 50 Gy, 60 Gy, dan 70 Gy. Radiasi di lakukan di BATAN Jakarta. Nyamuk jantan yang muncul dari pupa kemudian di kawinkan dengan betina normal. Hasil perkawinan diamati sterilitas telur dan perkembangan embrio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sinar gamma Co-60 dosis 40 Gy, 50 Gy, 60 Gy, dan 70 Gy menyebabkan sterilitas telur yang dihasilkan 20,919%, 48,995%, 89,48%, dan 100%.Perlakuan dosis 40 Gy menghasilkan telur steril dengan 29,39% mengandung embrio dan 70,66% tidak mengandung embrio. Perlakuan dosis 50 Gy menghasilkan telur steril dengan 16,71% mengandung embrio dan 86,56% tidak mengandung embrio. Perlakuan dosis 60 Gy 9,35% telur steril mengandungembrio dan 90,64% tidak mengandung embrio. Perlakukan dosis 70 Gy 100 % telur yang dihasilkan steril dan tidak mengandung embrio. Dosis optimal yang dapat mensterilkan dan berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan embrio Culex quinquefasciatus adalah dosis 70 Gy.Kata kunci : Teknik Serangga Mandul, Culex quinquefasciatus dan sterilitasAbstractSterile Insect Tecnique is a vector control techniques that are environmentally safe and specifi targets. SIT application in the control of Cx quinquefasciatus has never been done in Indonesia, so we need a preliminary test before application to the nature. The aim of the study are to determine the optimal dose of gamma Co-60 radiation to sterilize and effect develop of embrio Culex quinquefasciatus. Male pupae radiated with gamma rays at a dose of 50 Gy, 50 Gy, 60 Gy, and 70 Gy. Radiation conducted in BATAN Jakarta. Male mosquitoes emerging from the pupa then matting with a normal female. Eggs producingfrom matting obserbed for the sterility and embryonic development. The result of the study showed that gamma Co-60 ray dose of 40 Gy, 50 Gy, 60 Gy, and 70 Gy caused sterility of eggs produced 20.919%, 48.995%, 89.48%, and 100%. At a dose of 40 Gy produced sterile eggs containing embryos with 29.39% and 70.66% does not contain an embryo. At a dose of 50 Gy produced sterile eggs containing embryos with 16.71% and 86.56% does not contain an embryo. At a dose of 60 Gy 9.35% sterile eggs containing embryos and 90.64% does not contain an embryo. Dose of 70 Gy 100% of eggs produced sterile anddoes not contain an embryo. Thus, the optimal dose to sterilize and effect on embryo development Culex quinquefasciatus is a dose of 70 Gy.Keywords : Sterile Insect Technique, Culex quinquefasciatus, Sterilit

    Analisis Spasial pada Kejadian Luar Biasa (Klb) Malaria di Desa Panusupan Kecamatan Rembang dan Desa Sidareja Kecamatan Kaligondang Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    Malaria seringkali muncul pada kejadian luar biasa (KLB) maupun peningkatan kasus baik di Jawa maupun di luar Jawa. Dilaporkannya peningkatan kasus atau KLB malaria di Kabupaten Purbalingga menimbulkan pemikiran faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi terjadinya KLB malaria. Tujuan penelitian adalah analisis spasial kasus malaria, konfirmasi vektor yang berperan dalam penularan malaria dan bioekologi nyamuk tersangka vektor. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Panusupan Kecamatan Rembang dan Desa Sidareja Kecamatan Kaligondang Kabupaten Purbalingga Jawa Tengah. Konfirmasi vektor dilakukan dengan elisa sporozoit dari semua nyamuk Anopheles sp yang diperoleh. Analisis kasus malaria digunakan metoda GIS dan dilanjutkan uji spatially weighted regression (spatial error model) dengan GeoDa. Survei entomologi dilakukan sesuai standart penangkapan nyamuk oleh WHO. Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa berdasarkan elisa sporozoit, vektor yang berperan di Desa Panusupan Kecamatan Rembang adalah Anopheles maculatus hasil penangkapan hinggap pada manusia diluar rumah pada jam 18.00. Kejadian luar biasa malaria di Kabupaten Purbalingga, semula kasus import namun karena keberadaan vektor (daerah reseptif), sehingga terjadi penularan lokal. Analisis spasial kasus malaria di kedua desa mengelompok dan berdekatan dengan habitat perkembangbiakan An. maculatus yaitu ditepi aliran sungai. Mencermati vektor yang berperan di daerah KLB adalah An. maculatus dengan aktivitas sore sampai malam hari, maka perlu diinformasikan kepada masyarakat agar menjaga tidak kontak dengan nyamuk dan melindungi masyarakat dengan kelambu berinsektisida yang mempunyai daya lindung lama (LLIN) sehingga dapat mengurangi terjadinya penularan.Kata Kunci : analisis spasial, KLB, Anopheles maculatus dan malariaAbstractMalaria outbreak or increase cases has came up very often inside or outside of Java Island. The increase malaria cases from Purbalingga Regency is reported remain high enough with 94 people sick in Panusupan Village and 37 people in Rembang Village Purbalingga Regency. Due to the reason, it is important to conduct a confirmation of malaria vector and another factors that take an important role in those area.This research was conducted to investigate the confirmation of malaria vectors, spacial analysis malaria cases, entomological indicator and another factors in relation with the malaria outbreak. The study was carried out in two malaria endemic villages namely: Panusupan Village Rembang Subdistrict and Sidareja Village, Kaligondang Subdistrict Purbalingga Regency. The confirmation of malaria vectors was carried out using sporozoid elisa, spatial analysis of malaria cases using geographical information system (GIS) and entomological indicator using WHO standart. The result of the outdoor landing on man collecting revealed that mosquito species remain malaria vectors only An. maculatus from Panusupan Village Rembang Subdistrict was positive sporozoid. Spatial analysis on the two areas show that malaria cases were distributed on clumped/cluster, buffer zones against breeding habitat (<400 meters), indicate local transmission (indigenous) due to vector behaviour. Based on these results we conclude that An. maculatus is the vector of malaria in those areas, so that it can be useful as information for the program to perform a control or prevention further spread of malaria in that areas. Due to the vector behaviour activity at evening until midnight when the community heavy sleep, therefore vector control using Long Lasting Insectiside Nets (LLIN) will protect them from man-mosquito contact so that the malaria transmision could be minimized. Intensified the need for migration surveys for people returning from malaria-endemic area outside Java.Keywords : spacial analisis, outbreak, Anopheles maculatus and malari

    Seroepidemiologi Infeksi Virus Morbilli Pada Anak Balita Di Jawa Tengah Dalam Rangka Imunisasi Terhadap Morbilli

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    A sero immunity survey on measles virus infection among children under 5 years of age in Central Java province was conducted in three types of areas, namely : rural, urban and measles-virus endemic areas. The objective of the study is to obtain the basic data of immune status from children under 5 years of age in connection with mass vaccination program against measles virus infection in Indonesia. A total of 763 peripheral blood samples were collected in filter paper disc from children under 5 years of age divided into age structure. Antibodies titers in blood were measured by Haemagglutination Inhibition Test against measles antigen. The result showed that children of 7—9 months of age were highest in the endemic areas (17.6%), high in urban (7.7%) and none of the 13 children examined in the rural was infected. The maternal antibodies in infants of 0—6 months of age were highest in the endemic areas (35.3%) as compared to 4.3% and 10% in the urban and rural areas. In children of more than 10—11 months old, the anti­bodies against measles virus were highest in the urban (31%), high in endemic areas (23%) and low in rural (6.9%), whereas among the 2—5 years age-group, the antibodies level was about equal in both the urban and endemic areas, but lower in the rural area

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Teknik Serangga Mandul (Tsm) terhadap Sterilitas Telur dan Penurunan Populasi Vektor Demam Berdarah Aedes Aegypti di Daerah Sub Urban Endemis Dbd di Salatiga

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    Teknik Serangga Mandul (TSM) adalah teknik pengendalian vektor yang ramah lingkungan dan spesifik target. Adanya resistensi vektor mendorong dikembangkan TSM dalam mengurangi populasi vektor. Salah satu parameter penurunanvektor dapat dilihat dari telur steril. Telur steril adalah telur yang tidak mengandung embrio dan biasa disebut telur mandul. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi TSM terhadap peningkatan telur mandul danpenurunan populasi Ae. aegypti. Penelitian dilakukan di daerah pemukiman penduduk Kota Salatiga pada tahun 2012. Ae. aegypti jantan diiradiasi menggunakan sinar gamma cobalt-60 (70 Gy) dan dilakukan di BATAN Jakarta. Pelepasan Ae. aegypti jantan mandul dilakukan sebanyak lima kali, satu minggu sekali. Banyaknnya nyamuk yang dilepaskan adalah 45 ekor tiap rumah. Parameter yang diukur adalah presentase telur mandul sebelum dan sesudah aplikasi TSM dan penurunan populasi Ae. aegypti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa presentase telur mandul yang dihasilkan diluar rumah setelah pelepasan jantan mandul pertama, kedua, ketiga, keempat dan kelima adalah 72,15%, 49,55%, 87,69%, 61,93%, and 50,89%. Presentase telur mandul di dalam rumah setelah pelepasan pertama, kedua, ketiga, keempat, dan kelima adalah 67,53%, 100%, 72,36%, 57,93%, dan 94,05%. Pelepasan jantan mandul sebanyak lima kali telah menyebabkan populasi Ae. aegypti di luar dan dalam rumah turun menjadi 89,25% dan 49,21%. Kata kunci: TSM, telur mandul, Ae. aegyptiAbstractSterile Insect Technique (SIT) is a vector control method which is safe to the environment and directed to specific target. The vector resistance against insecticide encourage the application of SIT in an effort to reduce the mosquitopopulations. Indicators and parameters of the population can be determined by the percentage of eggs sterility. Sterile egg is that does not contain embryo and usually called barren egg and does not hatch. The aim of the study was todetermine the effect of SIT on increasing percentage eggs sterility followed by reducing Aedes aegypti population. The Study had been carried out in the residential area of Salatiga in 2012, Central Java. Males Ae. aegypti were irradiated using cobalt-60 gamma ray (70 Gy) and was done in BATAN Jakarta. Sterile male Ae.aegypti were released five times,once a week. A number of 45 Ae.aegypti sterile males were released in each target house. Parameters measured were percentage of eggs sterile before and after aplication of sterile male, and reducing Ae.aegypti population. The results showed the percentage of sterile eggs produced outdoor after the release of sterile males from the first, second, third,fourth, and fifth were, 72.15%, 49.55%, 87.69%, 61.93%, and 50.89%. The sterile of the indoor eggs after the release of sterile males from the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth, were 67.53%, 100%, 72.36%, 57.93%, and 94.05%. The release of sterile males five times has affected the populations of Ae. aegypti outdoor and indoor reduced to to 89.25% and 49.21%.Keywords: SIT, sterility eggs, Ae. aegypt

    Uji Repelen (Daya Tolak) Beberapa Ekstrak Tumbuhan Terhadap Gigitan Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Vektor Demam Berdarah Dengue

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    Dengue­Haemorrhagic­Fever,­malaria,­filaria­so­far­are­public­health­problem.­The­use­of­plant-based­­insecticidesare­many­eco-friendly­benefits,­do­not­give­bad­impact­on­­health­and­basic­materials­are­all­around­settlements.­Itis necessary to look for botanical insecticides as repellent to resist bites mosquito­borne diseases. This research is a pure experiment, that is made some extract and then its application as repellent for Ae. aegypti, and performed in the Laboratory. Preparation of extracts performed in the laboratory of Pharmacy, University of Gajah Mada, whereas for testing extract to Aedes aegypti conducted in laboratory of insecticide trials in Institute of Vector and Reservoir Control Research and Development. Repellent tests were conducted for some extract plant at 100% dosage and extract which can refuse mosquito bite above 80% per hour are Zodia leaf extract is resist up to 2 hours as much as 88,2%, tobacco leaf extract is resist for 3 hours as much as 84,9%, gondopuro leaf extract for 1 hour resist as much as 83,3%, Serai Wangi leaf extract is resist for 2 hours as much as 85,1%. Clove leaf extract is resist for 4 hours as much as 81,7%. Chrysanthemum extract for 1 hour resist as much as 89,6%. While the extracts of plant suren leaf, tuba root and lavender just able to resist a bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito under 80%