1,296 research outputs found

    New Magnetic-Field-Induced Macroscopic Quantum Phenomenon in High-TcT_c Cuprates: Confined Field-Induced Density Waves in the Superconducting State

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    We reveal a novel macroscopic quantum phenomenon induced by a magnetic field. It corresponds to the {\it non-integer quantization of the superfluid density} in a superconductor with gap nodes due to the generation of confined field-induced density waves (CFIDW) over a portion of the Fermi surface (FS). The Landau numbers LL are not sufficient to index these macroscopic quantum states and new quanrum numbers ζ\zeta must be added. Distinct qualitative implications of this L,ζ>|L,\zeta > quantization are evident in a number of puzzling experiments in high-TcT_c cuprates including the plateaus behavior in the field profile of thermal conductivity, field induced magnetic moments, charge textures around the vortices, and field induced vortex-solid to cascade vortex glass transitions.Comment: M2S Rio 200

    Self-Regulation by Associations: Collective Action Problems in European Environmental Regulation

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    How and to what effect do firms coordinate their actions in order to deal with the negative external effects of productive activity? Under which conditions do firm associations engage in environmental self-regulation and what kind of governance devices do they develop in order to tackle the specific regulatory challenges at stake? Is the 'shadow of hierarchy', the credible threat of legislation, executive intervention or court rulings, a necessary condition for associative action to emerge? Or is it only necessary if a redistributive problem is at stake? These are the questions discussed in this article. We will first develop the theoretical argument based on economic institutionalism, derive hypotheses and then submit the propositions to a first empirical assessment of associative self-regulation on waste recycling in the plastic and paper industry.governance; self-regulation; shadow of hierarchy; transaction cost theory.

    Robust MM-Estimation and Inference in Mixed Linear Models

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    Mixed linear models are used to analyse data in many settings. These models generally rely on the normality assumption and are often fitted by means of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) or the restricted maximum likelihood estimator (REML). However, the sensitivity of these estimation techniques and related tests to this underlying assumption has been identified as a weakness that can even lead to wrong interpretations. Recently Copt and Victoria-Feser(2005) proposed a high breakdown estimator, namely an S-estimator, for general mixed linear models. It has the advantage of being easy to compute - even for highly structured variance matrices - and allow the computation of a robust score test. However this proposal cannot be used to define a likelihood ratio type test which is certainly the most direct route to robustify an F-test. As the latter is usually a key tool to test hypothesis in mixed linear models, we propose two new robust estimators that allow the desired extension. They also lead to resistant Wald-type tests useful for testing contrasts and covariate efects. We study their properties theoretically and by means of simulations. An analysis of a real data set illustrates the advantage of the new approach in the presence of outlying observations.

    Person and Disability: Legal Fiction and Living Independently

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    Without extending the historical analysis, this article analyzes the relationship between the legal concept of person with regard to the notion of living independently. The concept is normatively established in Article 19 of the CRPD and is presented as a legal fiction. The legal technique of fictio iuris is the premise for analyzing contemporary problems, for example, the attribution of responsibilities to non-human personalities, such as robots. The article, however, develops the problem of attributing rights to persons with disabilities. The contraposition of robots and disabled people, understood as opposing visions of anthropological and human models, is part of the philosophical dispute between humanism and post- or transhumanism. The conception of man appears different if created in the image and likeness of God, or as the fruit of evolution from primates, or as a transhumanist entity that can be replaced by the robot. The latter vision is rooted in the mechanization of the mind triggered by cybernetics and cognitive sciences and referable to problems of justice theory and political philosophy concerning the inclusion in society of disabled people. In this article I will limit myself to analyzing, against the background of this complex problem, the link between person, legal fiction and the right to disability starting from the criticism addressed by Nussbaum to Rawls based on the convention and following the methodology developed by Marchisio and Curto in order to clarify the legal connection between thirdness, disability, and person. However, I go one step further by including the issue of disability as justice within the evolution of the notion of the legal person, through the inclusion of fictio iuris and rhetorical methodology in positive law, as a criterion for the interpretation of art. 19 CRPD

    Développement et utilisation d'un questionnaire d'évaluation de la transition de l'adolescent atteint du syndrome de Klinefelter

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    1.1.Introduction Le but de cette étude est de développer un programme de suivi et de transition structuré pour les enfants adolescents et jeunes adultes atteints d'un syndrome de Klinefelter (KS), afin de les guider avec leur entourage dans la transition des soins pédiatriques à ceux pour adultes. Il existe peu de littérature concertant cette thématique. Cette étude devrait donc aider à la prise en charge de ces patients à l'aide d'un protocole standardisé. 1.2.Objectifs 1.2.1. Evaluation de la prise en charge médicale et du traitement des enfants, adolescents et jeunes adultes ayant été suivis à l'HEL (Hôpital de l'Enfance de Lausanne) et au CHUV pour un syndrome de Klinefelter. 1.2.2. Evaluation du vécu de la transition des soins pédiatriques aux soins adultes ainsi que la qualité de vie actuelle des patients. 1.2.3. Elaboration d'un programme structuré de transition pour le patient avec syndrome de Klinefelter 1.3.Méthode Etude sur les bases de données existantes à l'HEL et au CHUV des patients suivis pour un syndrome de Klinefelter ? Elaboration et évaluation d'un questionnaire destiné à des jeunes adultes ayant été suivis à l'HEL ou au CHUV, âgés de 16 à 40 ans, afin d'évaluer leur vécu de la transition ainsi que le suivi médical actuel ? Utilisation d'un 2ème questionnaire, WHOQOL-BREF, évaluant la qualité de vie de ces patients ? Elaboration d'un programme structuré de transition 1.4.Résultats ? Anthropométrie de la cohorte pédiatrique ? Bonne prise en charge pédiatrique mais suivi insuffisant ? Nécessité d'une prise en charge multidisciplinaire ? Rédaction d'un document de référence pour le suivi de ces patients 1.5.Conclusion Les sujets étudiés dans notre cohorte présentent les signes cliniques classiques d'un KS, mais avec une expression variable. En effet, ils présentent pour la plupart une grande taille avec disproportion modérée. La gynécomastie n'est pas aussi fréquente dans notre cohorte que décrite. Nous constatons qu'il existe une bonne prise en charge pédiatrique de ces patients avec un suivi régulier, un ralentissement de la croissance et une bonne évolution de leur puberté. Notre étude montre que 78.6% des patients développent un hypogonadisme hypergonadotrope en moyenne à 15-16 ans, nécessitant un traitement substitutif par testostérone. Selon nos données le meilleur moment de prise en charge de la fertilité devrait avoir lieu probablement entre 14-15 ans, où nous observons une légère augmentation du volume testiculaire à travers notre cohorte. En absence de spermogramme fait chez nos patients, nous n'avons pas de données suffisantes. Concernant le suivi à long terme des patients, il est insuffisant. En effet seulement 50% de la cohorte pédiatrique a été redirigé vers un spécialiste pour adulte. Nous avons été surpris de constater que seulement 40% des patients, qui ont répondu au questionnaire, sont traités à ce jour. Il est donc nécessaire d'anticiper la transition des soins pédiatriques aux soins adultes. La qualité de vie de ces patients est relativement bonne, Cependant à travers les retours du questionnaire nous avons pu constater une large variation des réponses allant d'un extrême à l'autre, Il est donc nécessaire d'avoir une prise en charge multidisciplinaire et personnalisé pour chaque patient. Ces données nous ont permis d'élaborer un protocole de transition qui s'insère dans le programme de transition du CEMjA

    Forms of Legal Aesthetics of the Body and Sources of Law: the Hand, the Foot, the Eye. Plural Natural Paths in Law

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    L'articolo prende in esame la teologia politica dell'immagine nella teoria di Peter Goodrich, paragonandola a quella di Legendre e inserendola nel contemporaneo dibattito sul rapporto tra common law e civil law, arte contemporanea e antropologia

    Nessi multiformi tra diritto e narrazione

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    Nell’articolo, prendendo in esame il tema della normatività dell’immagine nell’opera di Legendre, viene prospettata una nozione estesa di narratività, suscettibile di essere presa in conto per la comprensione di fenomeni narrativi non testuali, concernenti la pittura, l’architettura, ma potenzialmente anche il cinema, il teatro o la danza e dotati di un significato normativo. Si configura così, a fronte dei cambiamenti che la società dell’immagine e la teoria del diritto sono in procinto di affrontare dopo la crisi del positivismo giuridico, l’utilità di una disciplina come l’estetica giuridica, volta a configurare unitariamente i molteplici nessi individuabili tra arte e diritto, in grado di affiancare progressivamente le più consolidate teorie ermeneutiche ed epistemologiche in ambito giuridico, contribuendo a superare la contrapposizione tra le due culture umanistica e tecnologica