6 research outputs found


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    Abstract: This PKM aims to help develop the marketing potential of resin sculpture production, which during the Covid-19 pandemic has decreased. One of these obstacles is due to the English language barrier in doing online marketing, so that the formed market tends to be limited to the local/national level. In fact, this resin molded sculpture product is likely to be of interest to the international market. Therefore, partners need assistance in the form of training in English for written communication, especially in writing emails and marketing products in the marketplace. The method used in this activity is the POACE method or Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling, and Evaluating. As a result, by using English-language online marketing via email, catalogs, and market places, the sales of the statues increased and reached the international marke

    Pendampingan Analisis Lapangan dalam Persiapan Pembentukan Program Bumdes di Desa Argosari, Sedayu, Bantul

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    FIELD ANALYSIS ASSISTANCE IN BUMDES PROGRAM PREPARATION IN ARGOSARI VILLAGE, SEDAYU, BANTUL. Argosari Village which is a potential village in the Sedayu, Bantul which is close to development trend currently because the New Yogyakarta International Airport has faced a problem to prepare recommendations for existing potentials as the embryo of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) activity units. Because of this urgency, an assistance is needed in preparing the BUMDes by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the potential units in the village. The implementation of this service is focused on the BUMDes formulation team by involving community leaders in each “dusun” who are related to the potential of Argosari Village. Assistance for the formation of BUMDes was carried out several times, each consisting of 2 stages. The stages of each cycle are: 1. The stage of extracting the village's potential, 2. The stage of mentoring with regular meetings to analyze field data. The results of field studies and regular coordination with the BUMDes formulation team obtained recommendations for several sectors to be raised in the Argosari BUMDes program which includes the tourism sector, waste management sector, culinary sector and bird cage crafts sector. These sectors will become embryonic priorities for the Argosari BUMDes business unit in the future


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    This study discusses the use of English used by pedicab drivers in the Malioboro tourist area as a means of communication with foreign tourists to portray and improve the quality of English-speaking services in the future. By bringing out the element of politeness in communicating, people can further strengthen their social relations, both can respect each other's self-image. Unique informal learning from direct conversations with foreign tourists produces speech variations in English that are unique and different from standard English rules. This study is a qualitative descriptive study with conversational analysis that aims to describe the linguistic phenomena in the English variation of pedicab drivers on aspects of politeness strategies. Pedicab drivers in tourist locations utilize politeness strategies to create communications when face-threatening acts are unavoidable or deliberate in order to preserve the hearer's positive and negative face. In the interactions between pedicab drivers and international tourists, 15 data on positive politeness strategies and 14 data on negative politeness strategies were identified. The data analysis provided is taken from the representative data for each strategy. The dominant sub-strategy from the positive politeness strategy is "Notice, Attend to H (his Interest, Wants, Needs, Goods)," while the dominant sub-strategy from the negative politeness strategy is "Apologize.

    Learning Style And Language Learning Strategies of Students From Various Ethnics In Indonesia

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    Pendampingan Analisis Lapangan dalam Persiapan Pembentukan Program Bumdes di Desa Argosari, Sedayu, Bantul

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    FIELD ANALYSIS ASSISTANCE IN BUMDES PROGRAM PREPARATION IN ARGOSARI VILLAGE, SEDAYU, BANTUL. Argosari Village which is a potential village in the Sedayu, Bantul which is close to development trend currently because the New Yogyakarta International Airport has faced a problem to prepare recommendations for existing potentials as the embryo of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) activity units. Because of this urgency, an assistance is needed in preparing the BUMDes by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the potential units in the village. The implementation of this service is focused on the BUMDes formulation team by involving community leaders in each “dusun” who are related to the potential of Argosari Village. Assistance for the formation of BUMDes was carried out several times, each consisting of 2 stages. The stages of each cycle are: 1. The stage of extracting the village's potential, 2. The stage of mentoring with regular meetings to analyze field data. The results of field studies and regular coordination with the BUMDes formulation team obtained recommendations for several sectors to be raised in the Argosari BUMDes program which includes the tourism sector, waste management sector, culinary sector and bird cage crafts sector. These sectors will become embryonic priorities for the Argosari BUMDes business unit in the future

    Kontekstualisasi Mata Kuliah Umum Dan Kompleksitas Problematika Seni: Bunga Rampai Bidang Seni Berdasar Rumpun Mata Kuliah Umum MPK ISI Yogyakarta

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    Ilmu pengetahuan akan berkembang apabila dilakukan transfer knowledge atas keilmuan itu sendiri. Hal ini sangat disadari oleh para pendidik yang berdiri sebagai garda terdepan sebagai penyampai keilmuan itu kepada peserta didiknya. Transfer knowledge ini dilakukan oleh para pendidik, baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Penyampaian materi di kelas menjadi sarana langsung untuk memberikan wawasan keilmuan kepada peserta didik. Sementara itu, penyampaian keilmuan secara tidak langsung dilakukan melalui penulisan berbagai pemikiran terkait dengan bidang keilmuan yang ditekuninya. Penerbitan bunga rampai yang dilakukan oleh UPT Mata Kuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (UPT MPK) sebagai salah satu program kerjanya merupakan bagian dari upaya untuk berperan aktif dalam pengembangan keilmuan itu sendiri. UPT MPK sebagai unit kerja yang memayungi mata kuliah umum menyadari bahwa pendidikan karakter menjadi bagian dari tanggung jawab yang mesti diemban dan diwujudkan. Sementara pembentukan karakter setiap insan itu tidak serta merta terbentuk ketika seorang peserta didik memasuki jenjang Perguruan Tinggi. Tentu saja, pendidikan karakter telah dibentuk pertama kali di lingkup keluarga dan lingkungan masyarakatnya. Hal ini menciptakan keragaman karakter yang harus ditemui dan dihadapi oleh pendidik atas peserta didiknya. Oleh karena itu, pembangunan karakter di lingkup Perguruan Tinggi, khususnya di Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, harus senantiasa dilakukan secara kontinyu dan simultan. Proses ini tentu saja tidak serta merta berjalan dengan mudah dan mulus. Berbagai problematika terkait dengan pembangunan karakter turut menjadi bagian warna dari proses tersebut. Kompleksitas problematika pendidikan karakter tersebut juga diperkaya dengan problematika kebidangan, dalam hal ini seni, yang dihadapi, baik oleh pendidik maupun peserta didik. Data tersebut dapat dikembangkan menjadi berbagai pemikiran yang solutif sekaligus menjadi bagian dari proses transfer knowledge itu sendiri. Berbagai pemikiran ini diharapkan mampu menjadi perenungan, pemikiran, dan pertimbangan dari berbagai pihak untuk memberikan kesempatan perbaikan situasi dan kondisi, serta pengembangan karakter di lingkup bidang seni secara lebih optimal