242 research outputs found

    The Castrated Trustee: Jouissance and Breach of Trust

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    As a highly prolific legal mechanism that both predated and subsequently found form amid the development of Anglo-American capitalist societies, the modern-day trust operates across manifold private, commercial, domestic and international spheres. As a consequence of their complex legal, economic and political significance that informs, for example, the worlds of global corporate finance as well as public pensions, trusts play a remarkably important role in helping shape the wider socio-cultural domain of Anglo-American jurisdictions and beyond. Yet trusts remain under- or ill-considered juridical sites in terms of continuing critical-legal dialogues, and especially the dialogue between equity and psychoanalysis. This article will explore how the trust mirrors or recreates in an external juridical form the internal regulation of desire and enjoyment that occurs within the psychic space of the subject-as-trustee. In particular, via duties and obligations a trustee holds on behalf of the subject-as-beneficiary, and the resultant breach that is said to occur when such duties and obligations are not met. Using two key formulations this article will aim to assess the trustee as castrated by means of a (re)interpretation and (re)imagination of some fundamental and formal aspects of breach of trust from the perspective of psychoanalysis. The first formulation relates to the continuous force of unconscious desire (the death drive) that pushes the subject-as-trustee ever onwards towards the thing (das Ding) and surplus enjoyment (jouissance), thus producing an (inevitable) affective paradox or trap in which the trustee finds themselves caught. The second, albeit intimately connected with the first, relates to the internal regulatory or prohibitive psychical mechanisms that prevent or seek to prevent the subject-as-trustee from pushing past the limit on enjoyment imposed by the pleasure principle. To be exact, a limit that has been consciously and deliberately recreated in the trust mechanism, and by extension the so-called “onerous” duties of the subject-as-trustee, as a means of preventing a breach of trust

    When planning new policies, local governments should take into account how much they are trusted by citizens

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    While trust in the federal government may be at an all-time low, citizens still trust state and local governments. In new research using Lincoln, Nebraska, as a case study, Mitchel Herian looks at how people’s levels of trust in their local government influences their support for government activities. He finds that citizens with high levels of trust in local governments are more likely to support government involvement in human services such as health, libraries and public transport, and in infrastructure development, including policies aimed at increasing economic growth

    Trust in Government and Support for Municipal Services

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    This article examines the relationship between trust in government and support for local govern-mental services. It is hypothesized that trust in government will predict support for local government services, but that trust will differentially predict support across policy areas. The results demonstrate that trust predicts support for human services and infrastructure but is not related to support for emergency services. The findings of this article contribute to the broader literature on attitudes to-ward local governmental services and may hold potential clues for policy makers interested in understanding the factors that shape public preferences for governmental service delivery


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    Based on the writer’s preliminary study, it was found that the students could not comprehend the meaning of texts in their text book at the school. This problem was caused by some factors. For example, the students could not identify the detailed information of the text, the students could not identify the main idea of the text, the students could not identify generic structure of the text, the students could not identify word references and word meaning of the text. So, the writer was interested in carrying out the research about this problem. The title of this research was “The Effect of Using Book Clubs Strategy on Students Comprehension in Reading Narrative Text at State Junior High School 2 Pasir Penyu Indragiri Hulu Regency”. The purpose of this research was to find out the effect of using Book Clubs strategy on students Comprehension in reading narrative text. This research was carried out at State Junior High School 2 Pasir Penyu Indragiri Hulu Regency. It started on May 2014. The subject of this research was the second year students of State Junior High School 2 Pasir Penyu Indragiri Hulu Regency. The samples of this research was 30 students. The technique of data collection used in this research was test. The test was given to know the students reading comprehension. The test was given twice, both pre-test and postest. The result of the test before treatment, indicated that the students reading comprehension was “enough”, by meanscore 56.13. the result of test after treatment indicated that the students reading comprehension was “good” by meanscore 72.53. After the data were analyzed by paired-samples t-test, it was obtained the mean of the students’ score after treatment was higher than the mean of students score before treatment, where to was higher than ttable at the significance level of 5% and 1% (2.052.76). It means, Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected, so in conclusion there was a significant effect of using Book Clubs strategy on students comprehension in reading narrative text at State Junior High School 2 Pasir Penyu Indragiri Hulu Regency

    Equity fetishism : an analysis and theory of civil justice in modernity

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    This thesis argues that the law of Equity is a means to complete justice for stakeholders of capitalism with a desire for and need to believe in the certainty and perfectibility of the symbolic of capitalist reason and logic. By applying a Marxist Freudian reading I claim that stakeholder desire for and insistence on certainty and perfectibility within contexts of Anglo-American, Western, capitalist civil justice is both characteristic of subjugation to the reason and logic of capital, and symptomatic of the power of the unconscious and of fantasy on subjectivity within capitalism. Starting with an account of the Tudor jurist, statesman and Lord Chancellor Thomas More in the sixteenth-century, this thesis explores the long durée of Equity and civil justice, including analyses of the role a neurotic legal community has in defining conscience, discretion and flexibility within the principles, substance and procedures of civil justice upon which the stakeholder relies. Equity, therefore, provides a means for stakeholder’s to express their desire for what is missing, what they lack, in the symbolic, and the response to this desire is, I claim, the construction of an elaborate fantasy: Equity fetishism. As a theory of civil justice predicated on a conjunction of law, political economy and psychology, Equity fetishism explains Equity, as a body of jurisprudence, form of private law reasoning, and mode of adjudication, within domains of capitalist civil justice as being determined by fantasy and desire as it is defined by the normative discourses and processes of case-law, legislation and civil justice reform. As a structure in fantasy within civil justice Equity fetishism works in and through institutions such as private property and trusts in order to maintain stakeholder belief in the limitless possibilities of capital accumulation, which in turn maintains stakeholder disavowal of the realities of castration, subjective longing, loss, and limitation in the symbolic. Finally, this thesis aims to demonstrate that Equity fetishism is a vital consideration for critical and mainstream legal scholarship, as both a complementary and countervailing legal theory and discourse that is able to contribute to practical and theoretical legal thinking and education. Specifically, I argue, Equity fetishism accounts for and explains the influence of the vagaries of subjective psychic life on the development of institutions, concepts and practices in Equity and civil justice and, in particular, how these parallel and occur in harmony and agreement with capitalism

    The 2016 Nebraska Manufacturing Report

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    The purpose of this report is to provide an economic snapshot of the Nebraska manufacturing industry. In particular, the report is designed to present contributions of manufacturing to the state economy, recent trends in Nebraska manufacturing, and considerations for the future of Nebraska manufacturing. The information contained within the report will help policy makers and stakeholders better understand the current state of manufacturing in the state, particularly in relation to recent demographic and economic trends in Nebraska and the United States. The report finds that the manufacturing sector has a significant impact on the Nebraska economy. Approximately 10 percent of the Nebraska workforce is engaged in manufacturing. This is typical of what is found in most states. Manufacturing also accounts for about 13 percent of value-added in the Nebraska economy. Value-added is the same concept used to measure gross domestic product. These direct impacts, however, only partially reflect manufacturing’s impact on the Nebraska economy. The total economic impact, including the multiplier impact, is even larger. Including the multiplier impact, Nebraska manufacturing accounts for about one-quarter of Nebraska’s economy. The prospects for the manufacturing sector, therefore, will play an important role in the future of the Nebraska economy. In terms of future prospects, the Nebraska manufacturing sector has a number of advantages including growing exports, lower electricity prices, a skilled workforce, the presence of workforce training, and services from the Nebraska Manufacturing Extension Partnership. In addition, Nebraska enjoys strength in food processing and other agriculture related industries. The Food Manufacturing sector accounts for 37% of the total Nebraska manufacturing employment statewide. This sector of the industry appears to be in a favorable position, given the relatively low prices of relevant commodities. Machine manufacturing, which includes production of agricultural machinery and implements, accounts for 11% of state manufacturing employment. The report also finds that Nebraska has largely followed national trends in manufacturing in the last decade. Employment has grown in many years but suffered steep declines during the Great Recession of 2007 through 2009. There also has been a drop recently due to pressure from a strong dollar. Industries producing non-durable goods appear to have returned to pre-recession levels of employment, while employment in durable goods industries has failed to recover. As of 2014, the Nebraska manufacturing sector had approximately 97,500 wage and salary workers and another 1,500 selfemployed individuals who operate “nonemployer” firms. Examination of geographic differences in manufacturing produce several notable findings. Manufacturing employment in metropolitan areas of the state followed national trends, with employment decreasing during the recent recession. However, manufacturing employment in the Omaha and Sioux City metropolitan areas has recovered, while employment in the Lincoln metropolitan area has not. Further, manufacturing comprises a substantial portion of the adult workforce in a number of Nebraska counties, both metropolitan and non-metropolitan. In general, the counties with the largest proportion of adults working in manufacturing are those counties with large food processing operations


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     Dalam penelitian skripsi Pembangunan Gedung Gedung Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara ini menggunakan salah satu metode yang sering digunakan dalam perhitungan konstruksi statis tak tentu, khususnya pada konstruksi portal yang cukup dikenal adalah perhitungan konstruksi dengan metode Takabeya. Dibandingkan dengan metode yang lain, seperti metoda Cross dan metoda Kani, untuk penggunaan metode ini terutama pada struktur portal bertingkat banyak merupakan perhitungan yang paling sederhana dan lebih cepat serta lebih mudah untuk dipelajari dan dimengerti dalam waktu yang relatif singkat. TUJUAN PENELITIANTujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui beban – beban yang bekerja pada struktur bangunan gedung tersebut, dapat mengetahui perhitungan struktur portal bertingkat dengan perhitungan mekanika teknik menggunakan dan mengetahui dimensi dan pembesian pada balok, kolom dan pelat lantai, atau maksudnya untuk menghitung berapa tulangan yang dipakai. CARA PENELITIANMengumpulkan data penelitian dengan cara pengambilan data melalui :Studi Pustaka yaitu mengumpulkan mempelajari dan menganalisa dari berbagai sumber yang ada kaitannya dengan judul dan permasalahan skripsi ini dengan mencari buku–buku referensi yang berisi materi-materi yang berkaitan dengan penelitian skripsi ini dan RSNI 03-2847-2002 tentang Tata Cara Perhitungan Struktur Beton Untuk Bangunan GedungPengolahan Data di mulai dari Perhitungan Struktur dengan Metode Takabeya kemudian Perhitungan Pelat, Balok dan KolomPenarikkan Kesimpulan diambil secara singkat jelas dan tepat tentang apa yang diperoleh dan telah dibuktikan dari hasil penelitian skrips

    Effect of Leadership Style and Work Discipline on Employee Performance at PT Toys Games Indonesia Karawaci Mall Branch

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    This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style and work discipline on employee performance at PT Toys Games Indonesia Mall Karawaci Branch. The method used is quantitative. The sampling technique used a saturated sampling of 58 employees. The data analysis used is validity test, reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing. The results of this study are leadership style has a significant effect on employee performance with a correlation value (r) of 0.563, meaning that the relationship between leadership style variables on employee performance has a moderate level of relationship. Hypothesis testing is obtained by the value of t arithmetic > t table or (5.104 > 2.003) thus H01 is rejected and Ha1 is accepted, this shows that there is a partially significant influence between leadership style on employee performance at PT Toys Games Indonesia Mall Karwaci Branch. Work discipline has a significant effect on employee performance with a correlation value (r) of 0.596, meaning that the relationship between work discipline variables on employee performance has a moderate level of relationship. Hypothesis test obtained by t count > t table or (5.551 > 2.003) thus H02 is rejected and Ha2 is accepted, this shows that there is a partially significant influence between work discipline on employee performance at PT Toys Game Indonesia Mall Karawaci Branch. Leadership style and work discipline have a significant effect on employee performance with a correlation value (r) of 0.653, meaning that the relationship between leadership style and work discipline variables on employee performance has a strong level of relationship. Hypothesis testing obtained F arithmetic value > F table or (20,452 > 3.16) thus H03 is rejected and Ha3 is accepted, this shows that there is a simultaneous significant influence between leadership style and work discipline on employee performance at PT Toys Games Indonesia Karawaci Mall Branch. &nbsp
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