180 research outputs found

    Ökologische Untersuchungen an einem versalzten Fließgewässer (Ibbenbürener Aa - Hörsteler Aa - Dreiwälder Aa - Speller Aa - Unterlauf der Großen Aa) im Frühsommer 1982 : mit 6 Tabellen

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    Das durch salzhaltige Grubenwässer aus dem Ibbenbürener Steinkohle-Bergbau versalzte Fließgewässer-Ökosystem der Ibbenbürener Aa und ihrer Folgegewässer wurde Anfang Mai und Ende Juni 1982 unter hydrochemischen und hydrobiologischen Gesichtspunkten an insgesamt 17 Probestellen mit feldmethodischen Mitteln untersucht. Den Untersuchungsergebnissen wird ein allgemeiner Überblick über das Untersuchungsgewässer vorangestellt, und es werden kurz die Herkunft und Zusammensetzung der Grubenwässer sowie die Entwicklung ihres Aufkommens zwischen 1979 und 1982 skizziert. Eine überschlagsmäßige Berechnung der seit Frühjahr 1981 pro Tag in die Ibbenbürener Aa eingeleiteten Salzmenge (NaCI) ergibt rund 1000 - 1250 t. Infolge der begrenzten Verdünnungskapazität der natürlichen Abflußmengen des Untersuchungsgewässers hat sich in diesem ein Salzgradient ausgebildet; der das gesamte Spektrum von der polyhalinen bis zur ß-oligohalinen Brackwasserzone umfaßt. Als ökologische Folgen dieser Versalzung zeichnen sich einerseits die Blockade der Selbstreinigung auf weiten Strecken des organisch stark belasteten Gewässers, andererseits die Verarmung und Spezialisierung der Biozönose des Ökosystems ab. Die während der Untersuchungen registrierten "Brackwasserorqantsmen" werden kurz vorgestellt

    Cortisol stress reactivity to the trier social stress test in obese adults

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    Approximately 600 million adults worldwide suffer from obesity. In addition to individual’s eating behavior and lack of physical activity in the development of obesity and overweight, psychosocial stress as well as hormonal stress reactivity must also be considered as important contributing factors. In the current study we compared the cortisol stress response pathway in a psychosocial stress induction (Trier Social Stress Test; TSST) with obese individuals and normal-weight controls. 32 obese individuals (17 females; mean age = 33.94 years, SD = 11.31 years) and 32 normal-weight controls (17 females; mean age = 29.09 years, SD = 10.46 years) underwent the TSST. The salivary cortisol responses and three appraisal questionnaires (Primary Appraisal Secondary Appraisal, Visual Analogue Scale, Trier Inventory for Chronic Stress) were measured. After stress induction, there was a significant main group difference between the obese individuals and the normal-weight controls for cortisol, with lower baseline and post-stress cortisol levels in the obese individuals. Nevertheless, the obese individuals as well as the normal-weight controls showed no significant difference in the self reported assessment of the stress condition but some significant differences in the cognitive appraisal of the TSST. In conclusion, the induction of psychosocial stress showed differences in the cortisol patterns between the obese individuals and the normal-weight controls. Furthermore, the present data suggest that obesity leads to lower cortisol activity, which may indicate alterations in the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrencortical (HPA) axis

    The emerging roles of deubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs) in the TGFβ and BMP pathways

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    The members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFß) family of cytokines, including bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP), play fundamental roles in development and tissue homeostasis. Hence, aberrant TGFß/BMP signalling is associated with several human diseases such as fibrosis, bone and immune disorders, cancer progression and metastasis. Consequently, targeting TGFß signalling for intervention potentially offers therapeutic opportunities against these diseases. Many investigations have focussed on understanding the molecular mechanisms underpinning the regulation of TGFß signalling. One of the key areas has been to investigate the regulation of the protein components of the TGFß/BMP signal transduction pathways by ubiquitylation and deubiquitylation. In the last 15years, extensive research has led to the discovery and characterisation of several E3 ubiquitin ligases that influence the TGFß pathway. However, the research on DUBs regulating the TGFß pathway has received prominence only recently and is still an emerging field. This review will provide a concise summary of our current understanding of how DUBs regulate TGFß signalling

    Constructing shared understanding - A grounded theory exploration of team case formulation from multiple perspectives

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    Objectives: The use of formulation in teams is becoming increasingly established. Yet, research into this area is still limited. This study set out to explore team formulation from multiple perspectives in the context of an early intervention first episode psychosis service. Method: A social constructionist version of grounded theory was used to explore experiences of team formulation and care of fifteen participants (clinical psychologists, other multidisciplinary team members, and service-users), using semi-structured interviews. A phased approach to data collection and analysis facilitated theoretical sampling and triangulation. Transcripts were subjected to line-by-line and focused coding to support the development of categories grounded in the data. Results: An emerging model of team formulation arose from the data, comprised of two levels - ‘value and function’ and ‘processes’ - that were interrelated and made up of sub-themes. ‘Value and function’ of team formulation ultimately was to improve engagement and care for service-users at risk of arrested recovery. This was seen to be facilitated by ‘constructing understanding’ and ‘broadening perspectives’, resulting in ‘flexibility, consistency and empathy’ that allowed for person-centred care planning and the establishment of better relationships with service-users. Team formulation involved and required staff to ‘negotiate roles’ and ‘manage uncertainty’. The data indicated the importance of a system or space that promotes the development of mutuality of meaning and shared understanding. Conclusions: This study indicated the systemic value of team formulation in supporting people who have difficulties engaging with services and staff working with them. The emerging model derived provides a meaningful departure point to develop a more comprehensive theory of team formulation that could provide a foundation for improving, developing and disseminating this practice

    Protein associated with SMAD1 (PAWS1/FAM83G) is a substrate for type I bone morphogenetic protein receptors and modulates bone morphogenetic protein signalling

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    Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) control multiple cellular processes in embryos and adult tissues. BMPs signal through the activation of type I BMP receptor kinases, which then phosphorylate SMADs 1/5/8. In the canonical pathway, this triggers the association of these SMADs with SMAD4 and their translocation to the nucleus, where they regulate gene expression. BMPs can also signal independently of SMAD4, but this pathway is poorly understood. Here, we report the discovery and characterization of PAWS1/FAM83G as a novel SMAD1 interactor. PAWS1 forms a complex with SMAD1 in a SMAD4-independent manner, and BMP signalling induces the phosphorylation of PAWS1 through BMPR1A. The phosphorylation of PAWS1 in response to BMP is essential for activation of the SMAD4-independent BMP target genes NEDD9 and ASNS. Our findings identify PAWS1 as the first non-SMAD substrate for type I BMP receptor kinases and as a novel player in the BMP pathway. We also demonstrate that PAWS1 regulates the expression of several non-BMP target genes, suggesting roles for PAWS1 beyond the BMP pathway

    Cortisol Stress Reactivity to the Trier Social Stress Test in Obese Adults

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    Objective: Approximately 600 million adults worldwide suffer from obesity. In addition to individual’s eating behavior and lack of physical activity in the development of obesity and overweight, psychosocial stress as well as hormonal stress reactivity must also be considered as important contributing factors. In the current study we compared the cortisol stress response pathway in a psychosocial stress induction (Trier Social Stress Test; TSST) with obese individuals and normal-weight controls. Method: 32 obese individuals (17 females; mean age = 33.94 years, SD = 11.31 years) and 32 normal-weight controls (17 females; mean age = 29.09 years, SD = 10.46 years) underwent the TSST. The salivary cortisol responses and three appraisal questionnaires (Primary Appraisal Secondary Appraisal, Visual Analogue Scale, Trier Inventory for Chronic Stress) were measured. Results: After stress induction, there was a significant main group difference between the obese individuals and the normal-weight controls for cortisol, with lower baseline and post-stress cortisol levels in the obese individuals. Nevertheless, the obese individuals as well as the normal-weight controls showed no significant difference in the self-reported assessment of the stress condition but some significant differences in the cognitive appraisal of the TSST. Conclusion: In conclusion, the induction of psychosocial stress showed differences in the cortisol patterns between the obese individuals and the normal-weight controls. Furthermore, the present data suggest that obesity leads to lower cortisol activity, which may indicate alterations in the Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrencortical (HPA) axis

    High/low cortisol reactivity and food intake in people with obesity and healthy weight

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    Increased food intake, termed “comfort eating”, is a pathologic coping mechanism in chronic stress. Cortisol reactivity under stress is a potent predictor of stress-induced eating behavior affecting the body mass index (BMI). However, cortisol reactivity and food intake under stress in people with obesity has not been evaluated. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of high/low cortisol reactivity on food intake in people with obesity and healthy weight test controls, following standardized stress induction and a resting condition. Thirty-six men and women with obesity (BMI: 33.00 ± 3.23 kg/m²), as well as 36 age- and gender-matched healthy weight controls (BMI: 21.98 ± 1.81 kg/m²) were categorized into high cortisol reactors (HCR) and low cortisol reactors (LCR) in the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Following the TSST and a resting condition, the food intake of all participants was recorded in a standardized laboratory meal. Obese HCR demonstrated a significantly higher food intake than LCR (t (34) = −2.046, p ≤ 0.05). However, there were no significant differences between HCR and LCR in the healthy weight controls (p = 0.26). In addition, HCR of the people with obesity showed lower values in the emotion coping strategy of cognitive reappraisal than obese LCR (t (32) = 2.087, p ≤ 0.05). In conclusion, the magnitude of the cortisol reactivity to stress predicts stress-induced food intake in people with obesity, but not in the healthy weight controls. Limited use of cognitive reappraisal in emotion regulation in the obese HCR may be a marker of vulnerability to stress-induced eating

    USP15 targets ALK3/BMPR1A for deubiquitylation to enhance bone morphogenetic protein signalling

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    Protein kinase ALK3/BMPR1A mediates bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling through phosphorylation and activation of SMADs 1/5/8. SMAD6, a transcriptional target of BMP, negatively regulates the BMP pathway by recruiting E3 ubiquitin ligases and targeting ALK3 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation. Here, we identify a deubiquitylating enzyme USP15 as an interactor of SMAD6 and ALK3. We show that USP15 enhances BMP-induced phosphorylation of SMAD1 by interacting with and deubiquitylating ALK3. RNAi-mediated depletion of USP15 increases ALK3 K48-linked polyubiquitylation, and reduces both BMP-induced SMAD1 phosphorylation and transcription of BMP target genes. We also show that loss of USP15 expression from mouse myoblast cells inhibits BMP-induced osteoblast differentiation. Furthermore, USP15 modulates BMP-induced phosphorylation of SMAD1 and transcription during Xenopus embryogenesis