2,555 research outputs found
Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disease which affects one percent of population. It is most common in young adults. It is primarily
treated with typical and atypical antipsychotics. Resistant schizophrenia is a condition diagnosed after no response is noticed to two
different antipsychotics of which one is atypical. The treatment has to be undertaken with adequate doses and duration of therapy.
Clozapine is the golden standard in the treatment of therapy-resistant schizophrenia. It has shown its superiority among other
antipsychotics in various studies. Aside from greater effectiveness, advantages include absence of extrapyramidal side effects.
During clozapine treatment, regular blood tests should be performed as a screening method for agranulocytosis. Twenty to thirty
percent od schizophrenia patients suffer from treatment resistant schizophrenia. Sixty percent of the latter ones show no therapeutic
response to clozapine. In conclusion twelve to eighteen percent of all patients suffering from schizophrenia show no response to any
form of treatment. Attempts to augment clozapine effectiveness are being made by increasing the dose of monotherapy, using
antipsychotic polipharmacy or adding other types of drugs to clozapine. Unfortunately, these augmentation methods have not yet
proven themselves to be effective enough to be added to standard therapy algorythms. On the other hand, electroconvulsive therapy
is neuromodulatory method that shows promise in increasing therapeutic success. Although many methods of treatment are being
researched, therapy-resistant schizophrenia remains a clinical challenge which affects a significant percentage of population and
will require additional research
New EU member statesā emigration: Projections for future and lessons for the new EU candidates
Unlike the old member states that compensate the negative net birth rate with immigration, the new EU member states face both migrational and natural demographic decline. In the last decade, poor level of economic development as well as the accession to the EU encouraged net emigration from the new member states. Panel data for the 12 new member states for the 2007 - 2016 period were used to determine how the length of membership and GDP per capita trailing behind the EU average affect the proportion of the net emigration. It has been shown that on average a country has to reach at least 85 percent of the average EU GDP p.c. (measured in PPS) to prevent emigration, but this level increases with each year of membership by 1.37 percentage points
Konstrukcija robotske ruke s pneumatskim miÅ”iÄima kao aktuatorima
Rad se bavi analiziranjem pneumatskih miÅ”iÄa kao aktuatora u pneumatici. Pneumatski miÅ”iÄ vrlo je specifiÄan aktuator Äija je primjena joÅ” uvijek rijetka zbog nemoguÄnosti precizne regulacije. Kako pneumatski miÅ”iÄi posjeduju niz prednosti kao Å”to su mala masa, povoljan omjer mase i sile koju mogu proizvesti, lakoÄa održavanja i dr., omoguÄena im je primjena u robotskim sustavima antropoidne strukture odnosno humanoidnim robotima. Sve viÅ”e se primjenjuju i u industrijskoj automatici, meÄutim, za raÅ”ireniju primjenu nužno je savladavanje njihovih negativnih svojstava kao Å”to je npr. nelinearno dinamiÄko ponaÅ”anje. \Na poÄetku se razmatra princip rada miÅ”iÄa koji je važan za daljnju analizu, posebno kod modeliranja i regulacije. Kada se u miÅ”iÄ dovodi zrak, njegova membrana se Å”iri u radijalnom smjeru, a u isto vrijeme se skuplja u aksijalnom smjeru izazivajuÄi vlaÄnu silu. Spominje se i McKibbenov miÅ”iÄ koji se može smatrati preteÄom danaÅ”njih umjetnih pneumatskih miÅ”iÄa. TreÄe poglavlje bavi se konstrukcijom, a na kraju i izradom jednostavnog pneumatskog manipulatora koji koristi dva pneumatska miÅ”iÄa kao aktuatore, Äijim se gibanjem preko prijenosnika gibanja prenosi sila, odnosno moment pomoÄu kojeg se zakreÄe rukam anipulatora s ugraÄenom prihvatnicom. Äetvrto poglavlje ukljuÄuje stvaranje modela pneumatskog miÅ”iÄa koji je koriÅ”ten u simulaciji. Da bi model bio donekle zadovoljavajuÄi u obzir su uzeti odreÄeni parametri dobiveni eksperimentalnim putem. Treba naglasiti da model koji bi toÄno opisivao cijeli ovaj sustav može zahtijevati složen postupak analize i sinteze. U petom poglavlju razmatra se regulacija kuta zakreta poluge manipulatora primjenom P,PID, odnosno PI regulatora. Regulacija je moguÄa, meÄutim, zbog oscilatornog ponaÅ”anja miÅ”iÄa u radu kao i nedovoljno toÄnog dinamiÄkog modela sustava, ona je otežana.Za izvedbu regulacijskih algoritama koriÅ”teni su programski paketi Matlab i Simulink, te program Matlab ā Real Time Workshop koji omoguÄuje dobivanje izvrÅ”ne verzije upravljaÄkog algoritma direktno iz modela naÄinjenog u Simulinku a koji se može koristiti na samom realnom procesu. Pri tome se upravljaÄki algoritam izvodi u realnom vremenu. Na taj naÄin se jako skraÄuje vrijeme kreiranja i naknadnog editiranja algoritma regulacije
Background: The prevalence of hyperprolactinemia among psychiatric patients receiving antipsychotic medications was estimated to be between 30% and 70%. A review of the literature on prolactin and schizophrenia symptoms suggests that the correlation between them is complex and not limited to the adverse effects of antipsychotics. Relations with specific symptom dimensions have not been found consistently across studies. The association between increased prolactin and recurrent episodes of schizophrenia needs to be replicated in larger samples and in a population of female patients. The aim of this study was to find out whether elevated prolactin is related to specific symptoms or dimensions of schizophrenia, which is a heterogenic entity.
Subjects and methods: The sample consisted of 119 consecutively acute admitted women, aged 18 to 45 years with recurrent schizophrenia diagnosed on bases of DSM-5 criteria. Assessment for all the enrolled subjects comprised a psychiatric evaluation and blood draw to determine the prolactin level. Symptoms of schizophrenia were determined using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). Data were analyzed by regression analysis and the Independent Samples t Test. Values are given as means Ā±SD.
Results: Hyperprolactinemia was detected in 74.79% patients (n=89), whereas the group without hyperprolactinemia comprised 25.21% of the sample. When plasma prolactin levels and clinical features between groups were compared, there was a statistically significant difference in the negative subscale scores of the PANSS (p=0.0011), positive subscale scores of the PANNS (p=0.0043), general subscale scores of the PANSS (p=0.0226) and total scores of the PANNS (p=0.0003).
Conclusion: There were statistically significant differences in the clinical symptoms between two compared groups in total score and in the positive, negative and general subscores
Asymmetric cell division and ādifferential inheritance of agingā
AsimetriÄnom staniÄnom diobom nastaju stanice kÄeri koje su meÄusobno razliÄite. Pri takvoj diobi dolazi do diferencijalnog nasljeÄivanja centrosoma, molekula DNA, molekula RNA, proteina i proteinskih agregata. Kod viÅ”ih eukariota asimetriÄna je dioba osnovni mehanizam diferencijacije stanica. S evolucijskog glediÅ”ta asimetriÄnu staniÄnu diobu možemo povezati s procesom starenja. U ovom radu usporeÄeni su mehanizmi nasljeÄivanja navedenih staniÄnih komponenti pri asimetriÄnoj diobi stanica razliÄitih vrsta. Zbog njihove jednostavnosti, povezanost asimetriÄne diobe i starenja najbolje se može istražiti kod bakterija i kvasca. Centrosomi, kompartimentalizacija i citoplazmatski mikrotubuli su staniÄne strukture zadužene za nejednaku raspodjelu determinanti u stanice kÄeri nastale asimetriÄnom diobom. U cilju boljeg razumijevanja povezanosti asimetriÄne staniÄne diobe i procesa starenja potrebno je unaprijediti postupke vizualizacije mikrotubula te lokalizacije proteina i molekula RNA.Asymmetric cell division is a proces in which different daughter cells arise. During that division there is a differential inheritance of centrosomes, DNA molecules, RNA molecules, proteins and protein aggregates. In higher eukaryotes, asymmetric cell division is a fundamental mechanism of cell differentiation. From the evolutionary point of view, asymmetric cell division can be related with aging process. In this work, mechanisms of cell components inheritance during asymmetric cell division in different organisms were compared. Because of their simplicity, bacteria and yeast are the best organisms to study the relation between asymmetric cell division and aging process. Centrosomes, compartimentalization and cytoplasmic microtubules are structures responsible for differential distribution of determinants in two daughter cells during asymmetric cell division. In the purpose of better understanding the relation between asymmetric cell division and aging process it is needed to improve the quality of methods required for microtubules visualization and protein and RNA localization
Hepatitis B virus genotyping and detection of reverse transcriptase drug resistance mutations
Približno 257 milijuna osoba u svijetu boluje od kroniÄne infekcije virusom hepatitisa B, Å”to u sluÄaju nelijeÄenja dovodi do ciroze jetre ili hepatocelularnog karcinoma. Virus hepatitisa B je DNA virus s reverznom transkriptazom (RT) koja nema egzonukleaznu aktivnost, Å”to rezultira visokom stopom mutacija. Infekcija se najÄeÅ”Äe lijeÄi kompeticijskim inhibitorima reverzne transkriptaze koji ometaju replikaciju virusa. Kao posljedica selekcijskog pritiska uzrokovanog terapijom, ali i imunosnim odgovorom, javljaju se mutacije koje mogu dovesti do rezistencije. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je po prvi puta odrediti genotipove virusa HBV u 30 ispitanika iz Hrvatske te mutacije koje su odgovorne za rezistenciju na inhibitore RT kao i one odgovorne za izbjegavanje imunosnog odgovora. Sangerovim sekvenciranjem interdomene A-B gena za RT te analizom sekvencija u algoritmu Geno2Pheno odreÄeni su genotipovi te tražene mutacije. Od deset HBV genotipova koji su identificirani u svijetu, u Hrvatskoj su prisutni genotip A (A2) u 20% i genotip D (D1, D2, D3) u 80% ispitanika. U dva ispitanika genotipa A detektirane su mutacije koje uzrokuju rezistenciju na inhibitore RT. Mutacije za izbjegavanje imunosnog odgovora detektirane su u 6 ispitanika genotipa A te u 8 ispitanika genotipa D. Distribucija genotipova kao i prevalencija mutacija odgovara onima zabilježenim u ostalim zemljama Europe.Approximately 257 million people in the world have had chronic hepatitis B virus infection, which, in case of non-treatment, causes liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatitis B virus is a DNA virus with a reverse transcriptase (RT) lacking exonuclease activity resulting in a high rate of viral mutations. Infection is mostly treated with competitive inhibitors of reverse transcriptase that obstruct the virus replication. The consequences of selective pressure caused by treatment as well as the immune response, may be the mutations leading to resistance. The goal of this research was to define the genotypes of HBV for the first time in a group of 30 examinees from Croatia and define the mutations responsible for the resistance to the RT inhibitors as well as the immuno-escape mutations. By sequencing A-B interdomain of the HBV RT gene by Sanger method and analysis of the sequences in the Geno2Pheno algorithm has determined virus genotypes and mutations. Out of the ten genotypes identified in the world, genotype A (A2) is present in 20% and genotype D (D1, D2, D3) in 80% of examinees in Croatia. In two genotype A examinees a mutation was detected, which caused resistance to the RT inhibitors. Immune-escape mutations were detected in 6 genotype A examinees and 8 genotype D examinees. Distribution of genotypes as well as the mutation prevalence are similar to those recorded in the other European countries
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