17 research outputs found

    Dependência de tabaco e comorbidade psiquiátrica

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    Smokers have a higher incidence and prevalence of mental illness than the general population. Smoking cessation treatment in this group of patients is difficult. This study aims to provide a review of the association between smoking and psychiatric disorders. METHOD: A selective review of the relevant clinical literature was conducted. The authors present a review of articles about smoking and depression, panic disorder, schizophrenia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimer´s disease and substance abuse. RESULTS: Psychiatric comorbidity is common in smokers, especially depression, schizophrenia, ADHD and drug abuse. Smoking is associated with greater risk of panic attacks, and cohort studies are necessary to investigate the possibility of an inverse relationship between nicotine intake and incidence of Alzheimer´s disease. CONCLUSION: There is increasing evidence of high rates of psychiatric comorbidity in smokers. Further studies of the association between smoking and psychiatric comorbidity are necessary to understand this complex relationship.A incidência e a prevalência de doenças mentais são maiores nos fumantes do que no restante da população. O tratamento da dependência da nicotina nestes pacientes é difícil. Este estudo tem por objetivo promover uma revisão da associação entre o tabagismo e as doenças psiquiátricas. MÉTODO: Foi realizada uma revisão seletiva da literatura sobre o tema. Os autores apresentam artigos sobre a associação entre tabagismo e depressão, pânico, esquizofrenia, transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH), doença de Alzheimer e abuso de substâncias. RESULTADOS: O tabagismo tem íntima relação com outros transtornos psiquiátricas, especialmente com depressão, esquizofrenia, TDAH e abuso de drogas. Fumar é associado a um maior risco de crises de pânico e são necessários novos estudos de coorte para verificar a hipótese de uma relação inversa entre o consumo de nicotina e desenvolvimento de doença de Alzheimer. CONCLUSÃO: Há crescente evidência da relação entre o tabagismo e comorbidades psiquiátricas. Outros estudos da associação entre comorbidades psiquiátricas e tabagismo são necessários para melhor compreensão desta relação complexa

    Usando cenas selecionadas de filmes brasileiros para ensino a respeito dos transtornos relacionados ao uso de substâncias, na educação médica

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: Themes like alcohol and drug abuse, relationship difficulties, psychoses, autism and personality dissociation disorders have been widely used in films. Psychiatry and psychiatric conditions in various cultural settings are increasingly taught using films. Many articles on cinema and psychiatry have been published but none have presented any methodology on how to select material. Here, the authors look at the portrayal of abusive use of alcohol and drugs during the Brazilian cinema revival period (1994 to 2008). DESIGN AND SETTING: Qualitative study at two universities in the state of São Paulo. METHODS: Scenes were selected from films available at rental stores and were analyzed using a specifically designed protocol. We assessed how realistic these scenes were and their applicability for teaching. One author selected 70 scenes from 50 films (graded for realism and teaching applicability &gt; 8). These were then rated by another two judges. Rating differences among the three judges were assessed using nonparametric tests (P < 0.001). Scenes with high scores (&gt; 8) were defined as "quality scenes". RESULTS: Thirty-nine scenes from 27 films were identified as "quality scenes". Alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens and inhalants were included in these. Signs and symptoms of intoxication, abusive/harmful use and dependence were shown. CONCLUSIONS: We have produced rich teaching material for discussing psychopathology relating to alcohol and drug use that can be used both at undergraduate and at postgraduate level. Moreover, it could be seen that certain drug use behavioral patterns are deeply rooted in some Brazilian films and groups

    Evaluation of scientifi c production, patents and human resources training in the Brazilian nursing Avaliação da produção científi ca, patentes e formação de recursos humanos da Enfermagem Brasileira Evaluación de la producción científi ca, patentes y la

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate scientifi c production, patents and human resources training of nursing researchers with scholarships of research productivity (PQ) in National Counsel for Technological and Scientifi c Development (CNPq) in the 2000-2012 historic series; to verify the association between this production and characteristics of the researchers regarding gender, education and origin. Methods: this analytic cross-sectional study whose inclusion criterion was to be a nursing PQ/CNPq researcher during the period in question. We analyzed curriculum lattes of 208 researchers with scholarships between 2000 and 2012. For statistical analyses we used the SPSS ® software. Results: the study points to female predominance, concentration in the Southeast region and existence of an association between scientifi c production, patents and human resources training and education, gender and origin of the researcher. Conclusion: the study presents a signifi cant participation of nursing PQ/CNPq researchers in scientifi c production and in human resources training, and a modest involvement in the production of patents. Key words: Scientifi c Production Indicators; Researchers; Nursing. RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar produção científi ca, patentes e formação de recursos humanos de pesquisadores da enfermagem com bolsas de produtividade em pesquisa (PQ) no CNPq na série histórica 2000-2012; verifi car a associação entre esta produção e características dos pesquisadores quanto a sexo, formação e origem. Método: estudo transversal analítico cujo critério de inclusão foi ser pesquisador PQ/CNPq da enfermagem no período em questão. Foram analisados curriculum lattes de 208 pesquisadores com bolsas entre 2000-2012. Para as análises estatísticas utilizou-se o programa SPSS ® . Resultados: o estudo aponta predominância do sexo feminino, concentração na região Sudeste e existência de associação entre produção científi ca, patentes e formação de recursos humanos e a formação, sexo e origem do pesquisador. Conclusão: o estudo revela uma expressiva participação dos pesquisadores PQ/CNPq da enfermagem na produção científi ca e na formação de recursos humanos e tímida participação na produção de patentes. Descritores: Indicadores de Produção Científi ca; Pesquisadores; Enfermagem. RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar la producción científi ca, patentes y formación de recursos humanos de enfermería investigadores con becas de productividad en investigación (PQ) en el CNPq en la serie temporal 2000-2012 y la existencia de una asociación entre estos tipos de producción y las características de los investigadores sexo, educación y origen. Método: estudio transversal cuyo criterio de inclusión fue ser un PQ investigador/enfermería CNPq en el período en cuestión

    Sertralina e pancreatite aguda: relato de caso Sertraline and acute pancreatitis: a case-report

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    A pancreatite aguda é uma patologia grave e com considerável morbidade e mortalidade. Vários fatores são apontados como possíveis causas de pancreatite aguda. Neste relato, será apresentado um caso de pancreatite aguda com possível associação causal com um inibidor seletivo de recaptura de serotonina: sertralina. Após um mês de tratamento com sertralina, uma paciente do sexo feminino, 55 anos, desenvolveu forte dor abdominal e elevação da amilase sérica. Após internação e retirada da sertralina, seus sintomas remitiram e os níveis de amilase voltaram ao normal. Pela potencial gravidade do quadro e pelo amplo uso desta medicação, tal associação deve ser lembrada em investigações de casos de pancreatite aguda.<br>Acute pancreatitis is a severe disease with considerable morbidity and mortality. Many risk factors are causally related to acute pancreatitis. In this report, a case of acute pancreatitis with possible causal relationship with the use of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, sertraline, will be discussed. After one month of treatment with sertraline, a female patient, 55 years-old, developed a severe abdominal pain and showed a serum amylase elevation. She was admitted to the hospital and the use of sertraline was interrupted. After that, the symptoms remitted and the serum amylase level returned to normal. Because of the potential severity of this disease and the widespread use of sertraline, this association should be reminded when investigating possible causes for acute pancreatitis

    Using selected scenes from Brazilian films to teach about substance use disorders, within medical education

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: Themes like alcohol and drug abuse, relationship difficulties, psychoses, autism and personality dissociation disorders have been widely used in films. Psychiatry and psychiatric conditions in various cultural settings are increasingly taught using films. Many articles on cinema and psychiatry have been published but none have presented any methodology on how to select material. Here, the authors look at the portrayal of abusive use of alcohol and drugs during the Brazilian cinema revival period (1994 to 2008). DESIGN AND SETTING: Qualitative study at two universities in the state of São Paulo. METHODS: Scenes were selected from films available at rental stores and were analyzed using a specifically designed protocol. We assessed how realistic these scenes were and their applicability for teaching. One author selected 70 scenes from 50 films (graded for realism and teaching applicability > 8). These were then rated by another two judges. Rating differences among the three judges were assessed using nonparametric tests (P 8) were defined as "quality scenes". RESULTS: Thirty-nine scenes from 27 films were identified as "quality scenes". Alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, hallucinogens and inhalants were included in these. Signs and symptoms of intoxication, abusive/harmful use and dependence were shown. CONCLUSIONS: We have produced rich teaching material for discussing psychopathology relating to alcohol and drug use that can be used both at undergraduate and at postgraduate level. Moreover, it could be seen that certain drug use behavioral patterns are deeply rooted in some Brazilian films and groups

    Avaliação da produção científica, patentes e formação de recursos humanos da Enfermagem Brasileira

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    RESUMOObjetivo:avaliar produção científica, patentes e formação de recursos humanos de pesquisadores da enfermagem com bolsas de produtividade em pesquisa (PQ) no CNPq na série histórica 2000-2012; verificar a associação entre esta produção e características dos pesquisadores quanto a sexo, formação e origem.Método:estudo transversal analítico cujo critério de inclusão foi ser pesquisador PQ/CNPq da enfermagem no período em questão. Foram analisados curriculum lattes de 208 pesquisadores com bolsas entre 2000-2012. Para as análises estatísticas utilizou-se o programa SPSS®.Resultados:o estudo aponta predominância do sexo feminino, concentração na região Sudeste e existência de associação entre produção científica, patentes e formação de recursos humanos e a formação, sexo e origem do pesquisador.Conclusão:o estudo revela uma expressiva participação dos pesquisadores PQ/CNPq da enfermagem na produção científica e na formação de recursos humanos e tímida participação na produção de patentes

    Profile and scientific production of Brazilian researchers in oral pathology

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    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the profile and scientific production of researchers in oral pathology who received grants in the area of Dentistry from the Brazilian National Research and Development Council. MATERIAL AND METHOD : The standardized online curriculum vitae (Curriculum Lattes) of 34 researchers in oral pathology who received grants in the years 2008-2010 were analyzed. The variables were: gender, affiliation, time from completion of the PhD program, scientific production, and supervision of undergraduate students and Master's and PhD programs. RESULT: The States of São Paulo (52.94%) and Minas Gerais (26.47%) were responsible for 79.41% of the researchers. Regarding affiliation, three institutions accounted for approximately 44.11% of the researchers: UNICAMP (17.64%); USP (14.70%); and UFMG (11.76%). The researchers published a total of 906 full-text articles, with a median of 26.64 articles per researcher in the triennium and 8.88 articles per year. It was found that of 906 articles published, 366 (40.39%) were published in strata A (qualis-CAPES). Oral pathology researchers supervised 437 scientific initiation and post-graduate students. Of these, 138 (31.57%) were scientific initiation, 169 (38.67%) were Master and 130 (29.74%) were PhD students. CONCLUSION: An important scientific production of oral pathology researchers in the 2008-2010 triennium was observed. By knowing the profile of researchers in oral pathology, more effective strategies for encouraging scientific production and demanding resources to finance research projects can be defined