47 research outputs found

    Reorienting adolescent sexual and reproductive health research: reflections from an international conference

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    On December 4th 2014, the International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH) at Ghent University organized an international conference on adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) and well-being. This viewpoint highlights two key messages of the conference - 1) ASRH promotion is broadening on different levels and 2) this broadening has important implications for research and interventions – that can guide this research field into the next decade. Adolescent sexuality has long been equated with risk and danger. However, throughout the presentations, it became clear that ASRH and related promotion efforts are broadening on different levels: from risk to well-being, from targeted and individual to comprehensive and structural, from knowledge transfer to innovative tools. However, indicators to measure adolescent sexuality that should accompany this broadening trend, are lacking. While public health related indicators (HIV/STIs, pregnancies) and their behavioral proxies (e.g. condom use, number of partners) are well developed and documented, there is a lack of consensus on indicators for the broader construct of adolescent sexuality, including sexual well-being and aspects of positive sexuality. Furthermore, the debate during the conference clearly indicated that experimental designs may not be the only appropriate study design to measure effectiveness of comprehensive, context-specific and long-term ASRH programmes, and that alternatives need to be identified and applied. Presenters at the conference clearly expressed the need to develop validated tools to measure different sub-constructs of adolescent sexuality and environmental factors. There was a plea to combine (quasi-)experimental effectiveness studies with evaluations of the development and implementation of ASRH promotion initiatives

    Reorienting adolescent sexual and reproductive health research: reflections from an international conference

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    On December 4th 2014, the International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH) at Ghent University organized an international conference on adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) and well-being. This viewpoint highlights two key messages of the conference - 1) ASRH promotion is broadening on different levels and 2) this broadening has important implications for research and interventions – that can guide this research field into the next decade. Adolescent sexuality has long been equated with risk and danger. However, throughout the presentations, it became clear that ASRH and related promotion efforts are broadening on different levels: from risk to well-being, from targeted and individual to comprehensive and structural, from knowledge transfer to innovative tools. However, indicators to measure adolescent sexuality that should accompany this broadening trend, are lacking. While public health related indicators (HIV/STIs, pregnancies) and their behavioral proxies (e.g. condom use, number of partners) are well developed and documented, there is a lack of consensus on indicators for the broader construct of adolescent sexuality, including sexual well-being and aspects of positive sexuality. Furthermore, the debate during the conference clearly indicated that experimental designs may not be the only appropriate study design to measure effectiveness of comprehensive, context-specific and long-term ASRH programmes, and that alternatives need to be identified and applied. Presenters at the conference clearly expressed the need to develop validated tools to measure different sub-constructs of adolescent sexuality and environmental factors. There was a plea to combine (quasi-)experimental effectiveness studies with evaluations of the development and implementation of ASRH promotion initiatives.IS


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    Herbiet-Mertens J. Bibliographie. In: Les Cahiers du GRIF, n°4, 1974. L'insécurité sociale des femmes. pp. 84-88

    Un regard nouveau sur la rémunération des dirigeants d'entreprise

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    Dans un monde à jamais marqué par la crise financière de 2008, la rémunération des dirigeants d’entreprise est actuellement un sujet polémique. La détermination de cette rémunération repose sur une construction juridique complexe, qui a évolué ces dernières années passant par le « soft law » et des règles juridiques. Face à un tel « patchwork » de règles, l’approche de ce mémoire consiste à tenter avec un esprit analytique et de synthèse, d’appréhender les règles qui encadrent la rémunération des administrateurs de sociétés anonymes cotées en Belgique, tout en retraçant leur évolution, dans le but d’évaluer si elles sont suffisantes, et d’envisager des pistes de réflexion pour améliorer ces règles, telles que l’instauration d’un plafond, l’instauration d’écarts maximums de rémunération ou encore une meilleure implication des actionnaires. Afin d’évaluer au mieux ces solutions, nous parcourrons certainement d’autres systèmes juridiques.Master [120] en droit, Université catholique de Louvain, 201

    L'engagement des parties prenantes sur une page Facebook. Le cas du Centre Hospitalier RĂ©gional du Val de Sambre

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    Selon L. Dessart et al. (2015), chercheurs, enseignants et organisations manifestent un intérêt grandissant ces dernières années pour le concept d’engagement afin de contrer les enjeux que représentent les médias sociaux dont le risque réputationnel. La revue de littérature met toutefois en avant un manque de recherches sur des organisations publiques non marchandes. Parallèlement, le contexte économique et concurrentiel incite les hôpitaux à s’ouvrir à la communication et aux NTIC. En 2013, une minorité d’hôpitaux belges possédait une page Facebook et ce, avec un taux d’engagement faible. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre les motivations des employés à s’engager sur la page Facebook d’un hôpital public belge afin que celui-ci puisse améliorer sa stratégie en ligne et renforcer sa relation avec le personnel. Après avoir présenté des recherches sur les usages et gratifications, une étude de cas reposant sur des entretiens semi-directifs sera réalisée.Master [120] en communication, Université catholique de Louvain, 201

    Social network analysis over dynamic graphs and application to urban mobile ad hoc networks

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    Wireless mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are composed of mobile communicating devices that self-organize to ubiquitously exchange information over the air. Envisioned applications for such networks cover disaster relief situations, battlefield deployment and more generally any use-case that makes the deployment of wired or infrastructure-based networks too costly or simply unsuitable. Lately, new applications for MANETs are developing in the urban environment, namely mobile social networks and vehicular ad hoc networks. Despite this large spectrum of possible applications and the large number of wireless-capable devices available today, mobile ad hoc networks remain confidential. One important reason is the lack of reliability of wireless communications, especially on long path. In this thesis, we propose to cope with this problem by creating virtual structures that will group together limited set of users that are densely and reliably connected in order to favor the dynamic and robust exchange of information. Our proposal uses the concept of community, that first appeared in social network analysis. After reviewing the main concepts taken from this branch of graph theory and justifying the application by underlining the specificities of MANETs in the urban context, we formally present our contribution, based on epidemic propagation of community labels. Then we exhibit its applications on concrete communication systems and how it can benefit more generally to improve the management of wireless ad hoc networks topology


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    Herbiet-Mertens J. Bibliographie. In: Les Cahiers du GRIF, n°4, 1974. L'insécurité sociale des femmes. pp. 84-88