18 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to break event point at roaster coffee. The data used was data from Djoempa Lagi Coffee Roastery, collected by interview used questionnaires to owneer. Menggunakan descriptive quantitative analysis and counting used break event point to find height quantitiy and price quantity. Break event point showed Arabica coffee amount as 27,53 kg and Rp6.058.246, Robusta coffee amount 72,76 kg  or equal to Rp6.913.138 and house blend coffee amount as 42,85 kg  or equal to Rp5.999.518,289


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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of time management for State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya’s students to improve their time management ability in order to achieve academics targets and increase the effectiveness of the Academic Supervisor in evaluating of students successful the end of semester. The study involved 97 respondents were selected by using Proportional Random Sampling. Measurement accuracy in time management by students and academic accuracy in target index score indicates strong. It means that the students can use their time effectively. Relationship between the obstacles faced by the accuracy of managing time is -0.301. Relationship between the barriers faced by academic target accuracy is -0.289, which means that the precise of the student conduct the academic targets the smaller barriers to be faced. Time independent study conducted by the student has not obtained the ideal self-study time. As 59.8% of respondents allocate self study time for 1-2 hours/day, it is necessary to increase the role of faculty and the Academic Advisor to constantly remind students to consistently perform a minimum of six hours of independent study per day and accumulated self-learning can be reached 36 hours a week and improve time management skills and establish a vision of life through activities such as training Life Management and Managing Future Time, so the student’s life target can be planned earlier


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    The aim of this research is to know the influence of academic consultant through interpersonal communication and teaching learning facilities to student motivation of  non engeneering department. The method used in this research was survey method.The population in this research is 1719 students and the number of samples were 95 students. The technique of data collection was using distribution questionnaires. To measure  the influence among the variables used tools of quantitative analysis using spss version 12.0. The result showed that independence variables are interpersonal communication and teaching learning facilities simultaneously affected toward students learning motivation are 43.40 %. And the two  independence and dependence variables the influence partial toward students learning motivation. Factor dominant in the influence toward student learning motivation is teaching learning facilities

    Pengembangan Bisnis Pada Home Industry Kue Kering "Rose Cookies" Menggunakan Business Model Canvas

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    The business model has an important character in influencing the ability of the business to increase competition and predetermined business targets. One tool or business model that can be used successfully is the Business Model Canvas (BMC) which focuses on business concepts in realizing business value. This study analyzes the business model used in the Rose Cookies Home Industry and the problems experienced by the home industry when sales fluctuate due to distribution that only relies on Facebook social media and the financial structure is not detailed. The purpose of this research is to grow the home industry of pastries. The method applied in the following research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through direct interviews with home industry entrepreneurs. The results of the following research are evaluating the 9 elements of the Business Model Canvas to increase market activity and financing structures in the cookie home industry. It is hoped that this research can be useful for increasing revenue streams and growing businesses so they can compete in the future. Keywords: Business Model Canvas, Home Industry, Pastr


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    The objective of the research is to find out whether or not the lecturer attitude of Business Administration Majaority in teaching could influence the learning of college student?  The data were collected with questionnaire and the analyzing of the data was helped by SPSS version 12.00 program.  The results have shown that three of independent variables of lecturer which consist of teaching method, lecturer ethics in teaching and the lecturer obedience in regulation simultaneously and partially influenced toward the learning as the dependent variable.  The number of the influence was 49,10% and the rest was influenced by the other variables.  The most dominant factor that was influential on the learning interest of college student was the lecturer etchics in teaching.  To give more improvement toward the learning interest of college student at Business Administration Majority, it was recommended to Business Administration Majority’s lecturer to be more ready in teaching, starting from the teaching method such as preparing the tuition contract, SAP, teaching material, etc.  The lecturer ethics in the class also should be kept, for example the attitude in communicating to the college student, likewise with the regulation obedience, it is better for the lecturer to always obey the teaching time, giving score transparency, etc. Thus, besides improving the learning interest of college student, the lecturer could be the good role model to the college student

    Pengaruh Perilaku Kepemimpinan Transaksional dan Transformasional Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja, Kinerja Karyawan Pada Bank Sumsel Palembang

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    This research is designed to see the influence of transactional and transformasional leadership toward work satisfaction at Bank Sumsel Palembang.  The data collection is done by giving the questionair to all staff Bank Sumsel from various divisions proportionally.  The analysis method used is path analysis.The research results that transactional and transformational leadership applied by Bank Sumsel simultaneously influences toward work satisfaction of the staff at 47% and transformation leadership undirectly through work satisfaction which influences positively towards work productivity.Key words:  Transactional Leadearship, Transformational Leadership, Job                     Satisfaction, employee’s Performanc


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    Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai strategi yang tepat dalam mengembangkan usaha mahasiswa di Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis SWOT dengan merumuskan faktor internal meliputi kekuatan dan kelemahan serta faktor eksternal meliputi peluang dan ancaman yang mempengaruhi pengembangan usaha mahasiswa. Adapun hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa posisi usaha mahasiswa berada pada Kuadran I, posisi tersebut menjelaskan bahwa kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memanfaatkan seluruh kekuatan untuk merebut dan memanfaatkan peluang yang sebesar-besarnya sehingga strategi yang digunakan yaitu strategi mendukung kebijakan pertumbuhan agresif (Growth Oriented Strategy). Salah satunya dengan menggunakan Strategi SO (Strengths-Opportunities) seperti memanfaatkan Program Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi yang diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah maupun program lainnya dari luar Program Pemerintah. Pengoptimalan dana dan modal yang dimiliki mahasiswa sebagai cara untuk melatih mahasiswa dalam mengelola usaha serta pemahaman mengenai pengelolaan atau manajemen modal terhadap usaha mahasiswa secara proporsional

    Pengaruh Jumlah Pelamar Calon Mahasiswa S1 Terapan Manajemen Bisnis Polsri Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Dengan Prestasi Yang Dicapainya

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    State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya is a vocational education that will enter the business market needs of the high quality graduates. There is one newly programme which is established in 2014 called S1 Applied of Business Management. This study accept the applicants for new students with the most applicants prospective students S1 Applied in the State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya with number of 1028 candidates for new students. The students who received in this programme only 48 students. The intense competition is 1:21, this means that the programme study aims to explore the number of applicants prospective students who become students of S1 of Business Management has a significant influence on learning motivation. The method is carried out by distributing questionnaires to the students by tracing the students learning motivation in participating the learning process. This study also aims to complete the data collection, therefore, the data also collected by interviewing. In that case, the population of this research using “sampel jenuh” technique because of the relatively small number of students of the Applied S1 which amount only 48 students. We analyzed the data with simple regression 12.00 version. The result show that the number of applicants prospective students S1 Applied of Business Management which has been accepted as a student of Applied S1 have influence the learning motivations by 96.8 percent to the achievement of learning

    Analisis Keputusan Konsumen Kota Palembang dalam Membeli Tiket Pesawat di Situs Traveloka.com

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    The purpose of this research is to know about the influence of brand awareness and brand image  at Traveloka.com Site to Purchase Decision in Palembang. This research is using the quantitative method and descriptive statistic. The kind of data in this research are primary data from the questionnaire and secondary data is from literature study. The sample in this research is 30 respondents. The sampling technique that used in this research is non probability sampling with purposive sampling. Based on the results t test showed brand awareness has signficant influence on purchase decision. At the same time, brand image has not significant influence on purchase decision. Based on the results F test showed brand awareness and brand image are simultaneously positive and has signficant influence on purchase decision. Traveloka.com must to do innovative approaches to find new things that can build consumer memory and still keep going the positive perception from Traveloka.com

    Peran Pembiayaan Mikro Terhadap Laba USAha Bagi Pedagang Di Pasar Bukit Kecil Kota Palembang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran pembiayaan mikro terhadap laba bagi pedagang di Pasar Bukit Kecil Kota Palembang. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, kuesioner dan studi pustaka. Teknis analisis menggunakan metode analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Disimpulkan bahwa para pedagang di Pasar Bukit Kecil Kota Palembang, banyak yang tidak meminjam untuk tambahan modal USAhanya yaitu hanya sebanyak 24,2%, adapun alasan tidak melakukan pinjaman yaitu belum mampu menyicil hutang dan sumber dana modal untuk USAha sudah cukup berasal dari modal sendiri. Peran pembiayaan mikro dan KUR bagi pedagang di Pasar Bukit Kecil Kota Palembang memberikan pengaruh kepada pertumbuhan laba yaitu sebesar 0,007 aset setelah pembiayaan. Artinya dengan Rp 0,007 dari aset setelah pembiayaan sudah memberikan Rp 1,- laba kepada USAha. Sayangnya aktivitas pembiayaan masih sangat sedikit pada pedagang di Pasar Bukit Kecil ini.Para pedagang hanya mengetahui informasi pinjaman modal USAha dari perbankan saja. Sehingga pemberian alternatif institusi keuangan non bank juga perlu disampaikan kepada para pedagang. Bila pembiayaan dari perbankan masih rumit dalam hal prosedur ada alternatif pembiayaan lain selain perbankan yaitu lembaga non perbankan seperti koperasi, modal ventura bahkan dari lembaga keuangan mikro (LKM) kelebihannya adalah prosedur lebih mudah tetapi limit pinjaman lebih kecil. Sehingga calon nasabah dapat memilih berdasarkan karakteristik antara jumlah pinjaman dan prosedur peminjama