2,435 research outputs found

    Impossibility of distant indirect measurement of the quantum Zeno effect

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    We critically study the possibility of quantum Zeno effect for indirect measurements. If the detector is prepared to detect the emitted signal from the core system, and the detector does not reflect the signal back to the core system, then we can prove the decay probability of the system is not changed by the continuous measurement of the signal and the quantum Zeno effect never takes place. This argument also applies to the quantum Zeno effect for accelerated two-level systems, unstable particle decay, etc.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Semiclassical limit of the entanglement in closed pure systems

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    We discuss the semiclassical limit of the entanglement for the class of closed pure systems. By means of analytical and numerical calculations we obtain two main results: (i) the short-time entanglement does not depend on Planck's constant and (ii) the long-time entanglement increases as more semiclassical regimes are attained. On one hand, this result is in contrast with the idea that the entanglement should be destroyed when the macroscopic limit is reached. On the other hand, it emphasizes the role played by decoherence in the process of emergence of the classical world. We also found that, for Gaussian initial states, the entanglement dynamics may be described by an entirely classical entropy in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures (accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A

    Self-induced decoherence approach: Strong limitations on its validity in a simple spin bath model and on its general physical relevance

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    The "self-induced decoherence" (SID) approach suggests that (1) the expectation value of any observable becomes diagonal in the eigenstates of the total Hamiltonian for systems endowed with a continuous energy spectrum, and (2), that this process can be interpreted as decoherence. We evaluate the first claim in the context of a simple spin bath model. We find that even for large environments, corresponding to an approximately continuous energy spectrum, diagonalization of the expectation value of random observables does in general not occur. We explain this result and conjecture that SID is likely to fail also in other systems composed of discrete subsystems. Regarding the second claim, we emphasize that SID does not describe a physically meaningful decoherence process for individual measurements, but only involves destructive interference that occurs collectively within an ensemble of presupposed "values" of measurements. This leads us to question the relevance of SID for treating observed decoherence effects.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures. Final published versio

    Small, Medium and Large Farms In The North Central Region: A Statistical Profile

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    Extension specialists are often challenged to design programs that meet the needs of certain classes of farmers, such as small, medium or large-scale operators. The purpose of this paper is to summarize and compare characteristics of three size groups of farms in the North Central Region, as background for a thorough discussion of how extension specialists can meet the needs of each of these groups..

    Myomectomy as a pregnancy-preserving option in the carefully selected patient

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    Objectives: To present the indications for myomectomy during pregnancy and to discuss complications possibly related and unrelated to the procedure. Method and Results: A 33-year-old patient at 18 weeks of gestation underwent removal of a 1,570-gram symptomatic fundic myoma. Histologically the patient had a leiomyomatous neoplasm of uncertain malignant potential. The pregnancy was continued under sequential observation with magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. At 36 weeks of gestation a healthy girl with an upper extremity limb defect was born via cesarean section. Follow-up of the mother and the child was uneventful. Conclusions: Certain known risk factors in pregnant women with myomas can predispose to complications during pregnancy. Women with such risk factors or women who have failed medical therapy should be offered the option of undergoing myomectomy as a pregnancy-preserving procedure. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Atom-molecule coexistence and collective dynamics near a Feshbach resonance of cold fermions

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    Degenerate Fermi gas interacting with molecules near Feshbach resonance is unstable with respect to formation of a mixed state in which atoms and molecules coexist as a coherent superposition. Theory of this state is developed using a mapping to the Dicke model, treating molecular field in the single mode approximation. The results are accurate in the strong coupling regime relevant for current experimental efforts. The exact solution of the Dicke model is exploited to study stability, phase diagram, and nonadiabatic dynamics of molecular field in the mixed state.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Thermodynamic Limit and Decoherence: Rigorous Results

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    Time evolution operator in quantum mechanics can be changed into a statistical operator by a Wick rotation. This strict relation between statistical mechanics and quantum evolution can reveal deep results when the thermodynamic limit is considered. These results translate in a set of theorems proving that these effects can be effectively at work producing an emerging classical world without recurring to any external entity that in some cases cannot be properly defined. In a many-body system has been recently shown that Gaussian decay of the coherence is the rule with a duration of recurrence more and more small as the number of particles increases. This effect has been observed experimentally. More generally, a theorem about coherence of bulk matter can be proved. All this takes us to the conclusion that a well definite boundary for the quantum to classical world does exist and that can be drawn by the thermodynamic limit, extending in this way the deep link between statistical mechanics and quantum evolution to a high degree.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Contribution to proceedings of DICE 2006 (Piombino, Italy, September 11-15, 2006

    Information Transfer Implies State Collapse

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    We attempt to clarify certain puzzles concerning state collapse and decoherence. In open quantum systems decoherence is shown to be a necessary consequence of the transfer of information to the outside; we prove an upper bound for the amount of coherence which can survive such a transfer. We claim that in large closed systems decoherence has never been observed, but we will show that it is usually harmless to assume its occurrence. An independent postulate of state collapse over and above Schroedinger's equation and the probability interpretation of quantum states, is shown to be redundant.Comment: 13 page

    Voneinander Lernen: Ein Handbuch für Sprachlehrerverbände

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    The publication is aimed at those involved in the running of language teacher associations at international, national, regional and local levels. This may include paid employees or, more frequently, volunteers. It provides guidance on the effective running and networking of associations. It encourages language teacher associations to collaborate in order to support teachers more effectively, and to contribute to improvements in the quality of language teaching. It enables language teachers across the world to share their own ideas, to be involved in research, and to learn about the cutting-edge work of the ECML and its European projects

    Anthrazykline und Herceptin® als neue Therapieoption beim metastasierten Mammakarzinom

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    Single-agent treatment with the humanized monoclonal antibody trastuzumab (herceptin) has shown remarkable activity in patients with metastatic breast cancer overexpressing the HER-2/neu proto-oncogen. Further significant advances could be achieved with the combined use of herceptin and paclitaxel or doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide. However, cardiotoxicity remains a significant and thus far unresolved problem of the herceptin-doxo-rubicin combination. Thus, several studies have recently been initiated to identify equally effective but less toxic first-line regimens. Epirubicin, the taxanes paclitaxel and docetaxel, Navelbine(R), cisplatin, and Caelyx(R), a liposomal encapsulated formulation of doxorubicin, were selected for combination with herceptin in these studies because the appeared the most promising agents