38 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Integration of Nanoelectromechanical Systems for Gas Sensing Applications

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    We have developed arrays of nanomechanical systems (NEMS) by large-scale integration, comprising thousands of individual nanoresonators with densities of up to 6 million NEMS per square centimeter. The individual NEMS devices are electrically coupled using a combined series-parallel configuration that is extremely robust with respect to lithographical defects and mechanical or electrostatic-discharge damage. Given the large number of connected nanoresonators, the arrays are able to handle extremely high input powers (>1 W per array, corresponding to <1 mW per nanoresonator) without excessive heating or deterioration of resonance response. We demonstrate the utility of integrated NEMS arrays as high-performance chemical vapor sensors, detecting a part-per-billion concentration of a chemical warfare simulant within only a 2 s exposure period

    Major flaws in conflict prevention policies towards Africa : the conceptual deficits of international actors’ approaches and how to overcome them

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    Current thinking on African conflicts suffers from misinterpretations oversimplification, lack of focus, lack of conceptual clarity, state-centrism and lack of vision). The paper analyses a variety of the dominant explanations of major international actors and donors, showing how these frequently do not distinguish with sufficient clarity between the ‘root causes’ of a conflict, its aggravating factors and its triggers. Specifically, a correct assessment of conflict prolonging (or sustaining) factors is of vital importance in Africa’s lingering confrontations. Broader approaches (e.g. “structural stability”) offer a better analytical framework than familiar one-dimensional explanations. Moreover, for explaining and dealing with violent conflicts a shift of attention from the nation-state towards the local and sub-regional level is needed.Aktuelle Analysen afrikanischer Gewaltkonflikte sind hĂ€ufig voller Fehlinterpretationen (Mangel an Differenzierung, Genauigkeit und konzeptioneller Klarheit, Staatszentriertheit, fehlende mittelfristige Zielvorstellungen). Breitere AnsĂ€tze (z. B. das Modell der Strukturellen StabilitĂ€t) könnten die Grundlage fĂŒr bessere Analyseraster und Politiken sein als eindimensionale ErklĂ€rungen. hĂ€ufig differenzieren ErklĂ€rungsansĂ€tze nicht mit ausreichender Klarheit zwischen Ursachen, verschĂ€rfenden und auslösenden Faktoren. Insbesondere die richtige Einordnung konfliktverlĂ€ngernder Faktoren ist in den jahrzehntelangen gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen in Afrika von zentraler Bedeutung. Das Diskussionspapier stellt die große Variationsbreite dominanter ErklĂ€rungsmuster der wichtigsten internationalen Geber und Akteure gegenĂŒber und fordert einen Perspektivenwechsel zum Einbezug der lokalen und der subregionalen Ebene fĂŒr die ErklĂ€rung und Bearbeitung gewaltsamer Konflikte

    Lista das espécies de aranhas (Arachnida, Araneae) do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    Low clinical diagnostic accuracy of early vs advanced Parkinson disease: Clinicopathologic study

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    OBJECTIVES: Determine diagnostic accuracy of a clinical diagnosis of Parkinson disease (PD) using neuropathologic diagnosis as the gold standard. METHODS: Data from the Arizona Study of Aging and Neurodegenerative Disorders were used to determine the predictive value of a clinical PD diagnosis, using 2 clinical diagnostic confidence levels, PossPD (never treated or not clearly responsive) and ProbPD (responsive to medications). Neuropathologic diagnosis was the gold standard. RESULTS: Based on first visit, 9 of 34 (26%) PossPD cases had neuropathologically confirmed PD while 80 of 97 (82%) ProbPD cases had confirmed PD. PD was confirmed in 8 of 15 (53%) ProbPD cases with <5 years of disease duration and 72 of 82 (88%) with ≄5 years of disease duration. Using final diagnosis at time of death, 91 of 107 (85%) ProbPD cases had confirmed PD. Clinical variables that improved diagnostic accuracy were medication response, motor fluctuations, dyskinesias, and hyposmia. CONCLUSIONS: Using neuropathologic findings of PD as the gold standard, this study establishes the novel findings of only 26% accuracy for a clinical diagnosis of PD in untreated or not clearly responsive subjects, 53% accuracy in early PD responsive to medication (<5 years' duration), and >85% diagnostic accuracy of longer duration, medication-responsive PD. Caution is needed when interpreting clinical studies of PD, especially studies of early disease that do not have autopsy confirmation. The need for a tissue or other diagnostic biomarker is reinforced. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class II evidence that a clinical diagnosis of PD identifies patients who will have pathologically confirmed PD with a sensitivity of 88% and specificity of 68%

    Apoe Δ4 genotype and the risk for subjective cognitive impairment in elderly persons

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    © 2015, American Psychiatric Association. All rights reserved. The authors compared the risk for subjective cognitive impairment (SCI) between carriers of the apolipoprotein E Δ4 (APOE Δ4) allele (cases) and APOE Δ4 noncarriers (controls). SCI was assessed by a validated self-reported questionnaire. The authors used multivariable logistic regression analyses to compute odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals adjusted for age, sex, education, and marital status. Data were available on 114 participants (83 women; 47 APOE Δ4 carriers; mean age, 69 years). The risk for SCI was significantly higher among cases than controls, particularly for those 70 years of age and older. These findings should be considered preliminary until confirmed by a prospective cohort study

    APOE Δ4 Genotype and the Risk for Subjective Cognitive Impairment in Elderly Persons

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    We compared the risk of subjective cognitive impairment (SCI) between cases (APOE Δ4 carriers) and controls (APOE Δ4 non-carriers. SCI was assessed by a validated self-reported questionnaire. We used multi variable logistic regression analyses to compute odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) adjusted for age, sex, education, and marital status. Data were available on 114 participants (83 women; 47 APOE Δ4 carriers; mean age 69 years). The risk of SCI was significantly higher among cases than controls, particularly for those aged 70 years and older. Our findings should be considered preliminary until confirmed by a prospective cohort study

    REM sleep behavior disorder and neuropathology in Parkinson\u27s disease

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    Introduction: Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder (RBD) in Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) is associated with differences in clinical phenotype, including dementia, autonomic loss, and gait dysfunction. The pathological basis for this remains unclear. Methods: Parkinson\u27s disease subjects in a longitudinal clinicopathologic study were screened for probable RBD with the Mayo Sleep Questionnaire. After death, semiquantitative analyses were conducted for synuclein, amyloid, neurofibrillary tangles, and cerebrovascular lesions. Results: Forty cases had probable RBD (PD+RBD), and 41 did not (PD-RBD). Despite similar age at death (∌80 y) and disease duration (∌14.5 y), PD+RBD had increased synuclein deposition in all regions examined, with nine of 10 regions significantly different. The Lewy body 10-region total score (scale = 0-40) was 29.5 in PD+RBD versus 24.5 in PD-RBD (Cohen-d effect size = 0.79, P = 0.002). Cerebrovascular lesion burden was slightly higher in PD-RBD. Conclusions: Although overlap occurs between groups, PD patients with probable RBD may have greater density and range of synuclein pathology on autopsy