25 research outputs found

    Вплив переробки неякісних ветпрепаратів та кормових добавок на стан довкілля

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    Considering the requirements of the European Union for the quality and safety of veterinary drugs, feed and fodder additives and contamination of the environment with waste production, topical issue is the waste of utilization veterinary products of not quality: veterinary drugs and feed additives. Conducted analysis of waste utilization methods of veterinary drugs, feed and fodder additives will help manufacturers of veterinary products to use such methods of destruction of defective raw materials and drugs, which increase the culture of production and promote the fight for the health of animals and poultry, and therefore are safe for human health, is practical and economically feasible, not causing the environmental damage, make it possible to destroy the waste to the extent of their education.Учитывая требования Европейского союза к качеству и безопасности ветеринарных препаратов, кормов, кормовых добавок и загрязнения внешней среды отходами производства, актуален вопрос утилизации отходов некачественной ветеринарной продукции: ветеринарных препаратов и кормовых добавок. Проведенный анализ методов утилизации отходов ветеринарных препаратов, кормов, кормовых добавок даст возможность производителям ветеринарной продукции использовать такие методы уничтожения некачественного сырья и препаратов, которые повышают культуру производства продукции и способствуют здоровью животных и птицы, практичны и экономически целесообразны, не приносят вреда внешней среде, дают возможность уничтожать отходы по мере их образования.Враховуючи вимоги Європейського союзу до якості та безпечності ветеринарних препаратів, кормів та кормових добавок і забруднення природного середовища відходами виробництва, актуальним є питання утилізації відходів неякісної ветеринарної продукції: ветеринарних препаратів та кормових добавок. Проведений аналіз методів утилізування відходів ветеринарних препаратів, кормів та кормових добавок допоможе виробникам ветеринарної продукції використовувати такі методи знищення неякісної сировини та препаратів, які підвищують культуру виробництва продукції та сприяють здоров’ю тварин і птиці, а відповідно є безпечними для здоров’я людей, є практичними та економічно доцільними, не наносять шкоди навколишньому середовищу, дають можливість знищувати відходи в міру їх утворення

    The generalized centrally extended Lie algebraic structures and related integrable heavenly type equations

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    There are studied Lie-algebraic structures of a wide class of heavenly type non-linear integrable equations, related with coadjoint flows on the adjoint space to a loop vector field Lie algebra on the torus. These flows are generated by the loop Lie algebras of vector fields on a torus and their coadjoint orbits and give rise to the compatible Lax-Sato type vector field relationships. The related infinite hierarchy of conservations laws is analysed and its analytical structure, connected with the Casimir invariants, is discussed. We present the typical examples of such equations and demonstrate in details their integrability within the scheme developed. As examples, we found and described new multidimensional generalizations of the Mikhalev-Pavlov and Alonso-Shabat type integrable dispersionless equation, whose seed elements possess a special factorized structure, allowing to extend them to the multidimensional case of arbitrary dimension

    The differential-algebraic and bi-Hamiltonian integrability analysis of the Riemann type hierarchy revisited

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    A differential-algebraic approach to studying the Lax type integrability of the generalized Riemann type hydrodynamic hierarchy is revisited, its new Lax type representation and Poisson structures constructed in exact form. The related bi-Hamiltonian integrability and compatible Poissonian structures of the generalized Riemann type hierarchy are also discussed.Comment: 18 page

    Differential-Algebraic Integrability Analysis of the Generalized Riemann Type and Korteweg-de Vries Hydrodynamical Equations

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    A differential-algebraic approach to studying the Lax type integrability of the generalized Riemann type hydrodynamic equations at N = 3; 4 is devised. The approach is also applied to studying the Lax type integrability of the well known Korteweg-de Vries dynamical system.Comment: 11 page

    The Electromagnetic Lorentz Condition Problem and Symplectic Properties of Maxwell and Yang-Mills Type Dynamical Systems

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    Symplectic structures associated to connection forms on certain types of principal fiber bundles are constructed via analysis of reduced geometric structures on fibered manifolds invariant under naturally related symmetry groups. This approach is then applied to nonstandard Hamiltonian analysis of of dynamical systems of Maxwell and Yang-Mills type. A symplectic reduction theory of the classical Maxwell equations is formulated so as to naturally include the Lorentz condition (ensuring the existence of electromagnetic waves), thereby solving the well known Dirac -Fock - Podolsky problem. Symplectically reduced Poissonian structures and the related classical minimal interaction principle for the Yang-Mills equations are also considered. 1

    Classical R-matrix theory for bi-Hamiltonian field systems

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    The R-matrix formalism for the construction of integrable systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom is reviewed. Its application to Poisson, noncommutative and loop algebras as well as central extension procedure are presented. The theory is developed for (1+1)-dimensional case where the space variable belongs either to R or to various discrete sets. Then, the extension onto (2+1)-dimensional case is made, when the second space variable belongs to R. The formalism presented contains many proofs and important details to make it self-contained and complete. The general theory is applied to several infinite dimensional Lie algebras in order to construct both dispersionless and dispersive (soliton) integrable field systems.Comment: review article, 39 page

    Cholesterol Homeostasis in Two Commonly Used Human Prostate Cancer Cell-Lines, LNCaP and PC-3

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    BACKGROUND:Recently, there has been renewed interest in the link between cholesterol and prostate cancer. It has been previously reported that in vitro, prostate cancer cells lack sterol-mediated feedback regulation of the major transcription factor in cholesterol homeostasis, sterol-regulatory element binding protein 2 (SREBP-2). This could explain the accumulation of cholesterol observed in clinical prostate cancers. Consequently, perturbed feedback regulation to increased sterol levels has become a pervasive concept in the prostate cancer setting. Here, we aimed to explore this in greater depth. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:After altering the cellular cholesterol status in LNCaP and PC-3 prostate cancer cells, we examined SREBP-2 processing, downstream effects on promoter activity and expression of SREBP-2 target genes, and functional activity (low-density lipoprotein uptake, cholesterol synthesis). In doing so, we observed that LNCaP and PC-3 cells were sensitive to increased sterol levels. In contrast, lowering cholesterol levels via statin treatment generated a greater response in LNCaP cells than PC-3 cells. This highlighted an important difference between these cell-lines: basal SREBP-2 activity appeared to be higher in PC-3 cells, reducing sensitivity to decreased cholesterol levels. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE:Thus, prostate cancer cells are sensitive to changing sterol levels in vitro, but the extent of this regulation differs between prostate cancer cell-lines. These results shed new light on the regulation of cholesterol metabolism in two commonly used prostate cancer cell-lines, and emphasize the importance of establishing whether or not cholesterol homeostasis is perturbed in prostate cancer in vivo

    Designing a broad-spectrum integrative approach for cancer prevention and treatment

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    Targeted therapies and the consequent adoption of "personalized" oncology have achieved notablesuccesses in some cancers; however, significant problems remain with this approach. Many targetedtherapies are highly toxic, costs are extremely high, and most patients experience relapse after a fewdisease-free months. Relapses arise from genetic heterogeneity in tumors, which harbor therapy-resistantimmortalized cells that have adopted alternate and compensatory pathways (i.e., pathways that are notreliant upon the same mechanisms as those which have been targeted). To address these limitations, aninternational task force of 180 scientists was assembled to explore the concept of a low-toxicity "broad-spectrum" therapeutic approach that could simultaneously target many key pathways and mechanisms. Using cancer hallmark phenotypes and the tumor microenvironment to account for the various aspectsof relevant cancer biology, interdisciplinary teams reviewed each hallmark area and nominated a widerange of high-priority targets (74 in total) that could be modified to improve patient outcomes. For thesetargets, corresponding low-toxicity therapeutic approaches were then suggested, many of which werephytochemicals. Proposed actions on each target and all of the approaches were further reviewed forknown effects on other hallmark areas and the tumor microenvironment. Potential contrary or procar-cinogenic effects were found for 3.9% of the relationships between targets and hallmarks, and mixedevidence of complementary and contrary relationships was found for 7.1%. Approximately 67% of therelationships revealed potentially complementary effects, and the remainder had no known relationship. Among the approaches, 1.1% had contrary, 2.8% had mixed and 62.1% had complementary relationships. These results suggest that a broad-spectrum approach should be feasible from a safety standpoint. Thisnovel approach has potential to be relatively inexpensive, it should help us address stages and types ofcancer that lack conventional treatment, and it may reduce relapse risks. A proposed agenda for futureresearch is offered