11 research outputs found

    Escherichia coli serotypes in pigs in South Africa

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    This retrospective study was based on 674 cases of colibacillosis in pigs submitted to the diagnostic bacteriology laboratory of the Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute (OVI) over the 20-year period ranging from 1971-1991. During this time, 28 840 cases from various livestock species were received, of which 4 162 (14,4%) were from pigs. The 674 porcine cases selected for this study were included if an E. coli infection had been suspected by the referring veterinarian, and typable E. coli strains were then isolated by this laboratory. Enteritis (45,5%) and septicaemia (46 ,9%) were the most common syndromes, with agalactiae (1,4 %) and abortion (1,1 %) representing a far lower prevalence. Oedema-disease signs were described by the submitting veterinarian in only 12 cases. Samples were received from weaners and sucklers in relatively equal numbers until 1981, but subsequently samples from sucklers declined, while those from weaners remained high. There were 69 different somatic and capsulated (OK) antigen groups associated with E. coli infections in pigs. Escherichia coli O149 was the most common isolate (45,8%), while E. coli O141 was the next most common isolate (18,3%) . This was followed by O9 (8,9%), O20 (5,2%) and O8 (3,1%). All other serotypes together accounted for less than 20 % of the total number of cases, and were isolated fewer than 20 times each. The fimbrial attachment factor, F4 (K88) was found associated with 46,9% of isolates.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat X Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    Cutaneous flavobacteriosis - polymorphous skin granulomas Flavobacterium capsulatum

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    A case of multiple eruptive skin granulomas caused by Flavobacterium capsulatum is described. The organism was resistant or poorly sensitive to all antibiotics except carbenicillin. Cure was brought about by using maximal doses of this drug. The source of the infection could not be proved, but it dated from an orthopaedic procedure to the elbow which was followed by a chronic cellulitis at the operation site. Since this is an organism known to occur in stored water, it was presumed that the flavobacterium was introduced into the wound from bottles of boiled and cooled water used in the operating theatre

    Collection of preputial material by scraping and aspiration for the diagnosis of Tritrichomonas foetus in bulls

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    Two trials were carried out to assess the diagnostic sensitivity and practicability of preputial scraping as a method of collecting preputial material from bulls infected with Tritrichomonas foetus. In the 1st trial, preputial material was collected by simultaneous scraping and aspiration from 3 infected and 1 uninfected bull 10 times over a 5-week period. In the 2nd trial, samples from 5 infected bulls were collected by both sheath washing and scraping on 6 occasions, while 8 uninfected animals were sampled 3 times. Samples were cultured using a modified Trichomonas culture medium (Oxoid). In the first trial, 29 of 30 samples from infected bulls were found to be positive. In the second trial, 83 % of samples collected by both methods tested positive. In neither trial were any samples from the control bulls found to be positive. Scraping was found to be quick and safe, and offered advantages over preputial washing in that urine contamination was easily avoided, samples were smaller and more concentrated and contamination was reduced. It may, however, be subject to greater operator variability than sheath washing. It is concluded that preputial scraping is as effective as washing and represents a suitable alternative for the collection of material for direct examination and culture of Tritrichomonas foetus

    Streptococcus phocae infections associated with starvation in Cape fur seals : case report

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    Mortalities and abortions associated with starvation occurred at Cape Cross, Namibia, in Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus). Affected seals showed lethargy and emaciation, and the most common pathological signs were those of a respiratory infection, both in adults and offspring. Streptococcus phocae was isolated from adult seals, a cub and aborted foetuses

    AlteraçÔes patológicas em potros infectados por Actinobacillus equuli subsp. haemolyticus Pathological changes in foals infected with Actinobacillus equuli subsp. haemolyticus

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    Neste trabalho, são descritos dois casos fatais de septicemia com lesÔes embólicas causadas por Actinobacillus equuli subsp. haemolyticus em potros recém-nascidos. Em um dos animais, foram observados, na necropsia, pequenos nódulos esbranquiçados de aproximadamente 0,2cm de diùmetro na cortical dos rins e no outro havia uma årea de coloração acinzentada no lobo diafragmåtico esquerdo do pulmão. As principais alteraçÔes microscópicas observadas no primeiro animal foram rins com infiltrado inflamatório multifocal a coalescente acentuado, com predomínio de neutrófilos, associado com åreas basofílicas levemente granulares compostas por grumos bacterianos. No segundo animal, o pulmão apresentava infiltrado inflamatório neutrofílico, edema, congestão e colÎnias bacterianas intravasculares. Em ambos os casos, colÎnias bacterianas foram encontradas disseminadas por vårios órgãos incluindo capilares cerebrais. Nos dois casos foi isolado e identificado A. equuli subsp. haemolyticus.<br>This paper describes two fatal cases of embolic and septicaemic lesions caused by Actinobacillus equuli subsp. haemolyticus in two newborn foals. In one foal was observed at necropsy small whitish nodules of approximately 0,2cm in diameter on the renal cortex and the other foal had an area of gray color in the left diaphragmatic lobe of the lung. The main histologic changes were observed in the first foal kidneys with multifocal to coalescing inflammatory suppurative infiltrates associated with slightly granular basophilic bacterial colonies. In the second animal the lung showed neutrophilic inflammatory infiltrate, edema, congestion and presence of intravascular bacterial colonies. In both cases, the bacteria were disseminated by several organs including cerebral capillary cerebral. In both cases A. equuli subsp. haemolyticus was isolated and identified

    Caracterização epidemiolĂłgica, molecular e perfil de resistĂȘncia aos antimicrobianos de Escherichia coli isoladas de criatĂłrios suĂ­nos do sul do Brasil Epidemiology, molecular characterization and resistance to antimicrobials of Escherichia coli isolated from South-Brazilian pig herds

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    A colibacilose Ă© a enfermidade entĂ©rica de maior impacto na suinocultura, sendo ocasionada por cepas enterotoxigĂȘnicas de Escherichia coli. Quarenta isolados clĂ­nicos de suĂ­nos com diarrĂ©ia e 13 isolados ambientais foram analisados quanto ao perfil genotĂ­pico, relação genĂ©tica e resistĂȘncia antimicrobiana. O gene que codifica para a toxina Stb foi identificado em 50% dos isolados clĂ­nicos, seguido por Sta e Lt, com 35%. Dentre os fatores de adesinas pesquisados, a F18 foi encontrada em 27,5% das amostras. A tĂ©cnica de ERIC-PCR utilizada para caracterização epidemiolĂłgica dos isolados, nĂŁo demonstrou poder discriminatĂłrio esperado, e apesar de permitir a separação dos isolados em grupos, estes nĂŁo evidenciaram grupos relacionados aos fatores de virulĂȘncia. No teste de susceptibilidade antimicrobiana a maior resistĂȘncia foi observada Ă  tetraciclina, em 88,6%. O Ă­ndice de resistĂȘncia mĂșltipla aos antimicrobianos (IRMA), variou entre 0 a 0,69.<br>Colibacillosis is an enteric disease with a major impact to the swine industry and is caused by enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli. Forty clinical isolates from pigs with diarrhea and 13 environmental isolates were analysed regarding their genotypic profile, genetic relationship and antibiotic resistance. The most prevalent gene was Stb, identified in 50% of the isolates from clinical cases, and Sta and Lt were detected in 35% of them. Among the adesine factors investigated, F18 was found in 27.5% of the E. coli strains. The ERIC-PCR technique used for epidemiological characterization of the isolates did not show the expected discriminatory power. However, the test allowed separation of the isolates in groups, but did not evidence groups related to virulence factors. In the susceptibility test, the highest values for resistance were to tetracycline, in 88.6%. The index of multiple resistance to antimicrobials varied from 0 to 0.69

    Suscetibilidade a desinfetantes e perfil de resistĂȘncia a antimicrobianos em isolados de Escherichia coli

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    A colibacilose, causada por Escherichia coli, Ă© a enfermidade entĂ©rica de maior impacto na produção de suĂ­nos, podendo levar Ă  morte do animal. Esta bactĂ©ria possui grande capacidade de desenvolver resistĂȘncia a mĂșltiplos antimicrobianos e a desinfetantes. Desta forma, estudos que abordem mecanismos de resistĂȘncia e perfil de amostras de campo tornam-se necessĂĄrios. E. coli Ă© amplamente utilizada como modelo de estudos que exploram a resistĂȘncia intrĂ­nseca e extrĂ­nseca a multidrogas. Neste trabalho, buscou-se verificar o perfil de sensibilidade de 62 isolados de E. coli de suĂ­nos frente a trĂȘs desinfetantes e a 13 antimicrobianos. Ainda, em 31 destes isolados foi pesquisada a presença de mecanismo de efluxo. Dos trĂȘs desinfetantes avaliados, o cloreto de alquil dimetil benzil amĂŽnio+poliexietilenonilfenileter foi o que se mostrou mais eficaz (100%), seguido do glutaraldeĂ­do+cloreto de alquil dimetil benzil amĂŽnio (95,2%) e do cloreto de alquil dimetil benzil amĂŽnio (88,8%). Dentre os antimicrobianos testados, observou-se maior resistĂȘncia para a tetraciclina (62,2%) e maior sensibilidade para o florfenicol (88,6%). A alta sensibilidade dos isolados frente aos desinfetantes pode estar relacionada Ă  ausĂȘncia de mecanismo de efluxo. O Ă­ndice de resistĂȘncia mĂșltipla mĂ©dio aos antimicrobianos foi de 0,52, o que demonstra um perfil multirresistente dos isolados, conduzindo para a necessidade do uso racional destas drogas em suinocultura