8,389 research outputs found

    Carrying Capacity of Ranges in Western United States

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    Few persons realize the importance, necessity and far reaching results of proper range management. There was a time on the Western ranges when 2 or 3 acres of grass land would support a cow or horse. At the present time, 20 to 30 acres per head are needed on the same area. Had the stockman of those days applied some of the principles his neighboring farmers were applying, perhaps unknowingly, he would have maintained the productivity of the range and would have benefited the present generation in lower beef prices. However, let it be said in defense of the cattleman of that day, he was only human. Perhaps anyone seeing the wonderful and abundant forage which covered the West, would have been prompted with the same get-rich-quick motives and have exploited the range to its capacity and over and then left the future to care for itself. Years after the ranges were overstocked, state legislatures passed various laws concerning the grazing of stock on public ranges and finally, with the creation of National Forests, many ranges came under the more rational systems now being used by the Forest Service. In a way, it is safe to say that the methods of handling stock are still in their infancy and are still extensive although some of them are called intensive

    The Making of an Ames Forester

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    Foremost among the movements for a better forestry course at Ames, is that for the establishment of a summer camp at the close of the Freshman year. This plan is in perfect keeping with the Ames motto of Science with Practice in that half a year\u27s work has been transferred to the woods, where actual forest conditions exist

    Women’s Individual and Relationship-Level Attitudes and Behaviors Regarding Solo Masturbation and Vibrator Use

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    poster abstractBackground: Both public health and developmental literature emphasize the importance of solo masturbation as one component in healthy sexuality, particularly for women. However, few studies have examined how the context of a woman’s sexual/romantic relationship may impact both her attitudes towards and her frequency of solo masturbation, particularly in terms of vibrator use. Better understanding of this context has important implications for sexual health education and intervention efforts. Methods: Data were drawn from a larger internet-based, cross-sectional survey examining adult men’s and women’s health and life experiences. For the current study, we retained all female participants (N=113; Mean Age=29.37 years [SD=9.91]). Outcome measures included solo masturbation and vibrator use attitudes and behaviors; independent variables were perception of partner's knowledge of and comfort with participant’s masturbation and vibrator use, sexual entitlement, and sexual openness. Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlations, were utilized to describe and understand the relationships among variables of interest (SPSS, v.22.0 (all p<.05). Results: Of the 113 participants, 76.0% (n=85) identified as being in some form of established sexual/romantic relationship. 54.7% (n=52) of participants had ever used a vibrator, while 38.9% (n=37) described themselves as current vibrator users. A majority of participants (62.3%, n=66) indicated that they masturbate a few times per month or more, with 50.0% (n=26) of vibratorusers indicating that they use a vibrator almost every time or every time they masturbate. 42.9% (n=39) of participants described themselves as being completely comfortable with their partner’s masturbation habits, and 59.8% (n=52) described their partner as either somewhat or completely comfortable with the participant’s masturbation. 60.5% (n=55) of participants indicated that they felt either somewhat or completely comfortable discussing masturbation with their partner. 85.7% (n=42) of vibrator-users indicated that their partner knew about their vibrator use, and 66.0% (n=33) felt their partner was either somewhat or completely comfortable with their vibrator use. Considering participants both with and without current partners, greater sense of sexual entitlement was associated with more positive attitudes about masturbation and vibrator use (R=0.758), as well as greater frequency of masturbation (R=0.455). Higher frequency of masturbation also correlated with more positive attitudes about masturbation and vibrator use (R=.381) and greater sexual openness (R=.266). Regarding the relationship context, partner knowledge of vibrator use was positively associated with greater frequency of vibrator use for solo masturbation (R=.361). Greater comfort discussing masturbation with a partner was correlated with more positive perception of partner’s comfort with the participant’s masturbation (R=.389), which in turn was positively associated with greater participant comfort with their partner’s masturbation habits (R=.300). Conclusion: Solo masturbation and vibrator use for masturbation are common among adult women, even when they are in established sexual/romantic relationships. Positive perceptions of a partner’s comfort with masturbation and vibrator use, as well as open sexual communication, may contribute to developing a sex-positive relationship environment that is supportive of women’s solo sex activities. Our findings provide potential avenues for revising existing sexual health and therapeutic interventions for women (with or without a partner)

    Territorial Integrity Treaties, Uti Possidetis, and Armed Conflict over Territory

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    Paper presented at the 2006 Shambaugh Conference Building Synergies: Institutions and Cooperation in World Politics, University of Iowa, 13 October 2006. Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Peace Science Society (International), Ann Arbor, November 2003, and the 45th Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, Montreal, March 2004. The authors wish to thank Ashley Leeds, Bumba Mukherjee, Chris Reenock, and Jeff Staton for their valuable comments and suggestions, while taking full blame for all errors and interpretations herein. Abstract A recent article suggests that a norm of territorial integrity spread rapidly across the globe during the twentieth century. While the successful acquisition of territory by force has become much less frequent, though, there have been numerous attempts to acquire territory by force during this time, and there appear to be several different types of obligations in territorial integrity treaties. Drawing from the content of treaties with territorial integrity provisions, we reconceptualize the norm to distinguish between treaties guaranteeing territorial integrity in a general sense and those that only proscribe the acquisition of territory by force, and we examine an important precursor in the nineteenth-century Latin American norm of uti possidetis juris. We find that both norms seem to have been associated with generally increased low-level conflict over territory but (at least for general territorial integrity obligations and for the Latin American states that developed uti possidetis) less of the more intense forms of conflict

    Investigation of dynamic quality changes and optimization of drying parameters of carrots (Daucus carota var. laguna)

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    The effect of air temperature and sample thickness on the color changes and total carotenoids content of carrot slices was investigated. Temperature, exposure time, and moisture levels significantly affected the dynamic changes of total carotenoids and color. A slow and linear decrease in total carotenoids was observed at higher moisture content until reaching an inflection point at around 0.45 gw/gdm for all temperatures studied. Thereafter, the retention in total carotenoids decreased rapidly. The highest retention for a final product was 66.2% when drying at 60°C while retention was between 42.2 and 51.1% when drying at 50 and 70°C. These changes occurred alongside a noticeable change in color at moisture contents below the inflection point of 0.45 gw/gdm for all drying temperatures. Design of experiment based optimization of the drying process resulted in an ideal temperature of 59.8°C and 3.5 mm slice thickness with the predicted values for La*b*; ΔE of 62.18 ± 5.12, 22.46 ± 1.98, 40.35 ± 6.64, 6.31 ± 4.74; rehydration ratio of 0.48 ± 0.07; and total carotenoids of 163.83 ± 17.38 μg/g or 67.38%, respectively, all at a 95% prediction interval

    Electronic transport coefficients from ab initio simulations and application to dense liquid hydrogen

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    Using Kubo's linear response theory, we derive expressions for the frequency-dependent electrical conductivity (Kubo-Greenwood formula), thermopower, and thermal conductivity in a strongly correlated electron system. These are evaluated within ab initio molecular dynamics simulations in order to study the thermoelectric transport coefficients in dense liquid hydrogen, especially near the nonmetal-to-metal transition region. We also observe significant deviations from the widely used Wiedemann-Franz law which is strictly valid only for degenerate systems and give an estimate for its valid scope of application towards lower densities

    348: Human Neutrophil Elastase Stimulating CD4+ and CD8+ T Cells is a Potential Protein Vaccine for Leukemia Patients with Diverse HLA Types

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    Natural recharge of groundwater in Illinois

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