42 research outputs found

    Zarządzanie wiekiem jako wyzwanie dla gospodarowania kapitałem ludzkim w latach 2015–2035

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Implementation of a model descriptive tool for competitiveness in energy companies

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    Purpose: The aim of the research was to identify the factors and barriers which, in the opinion of the representatives of the surveyed entities, affect the competitiveness of companies from the energy sector in the Silesian Province. The Silesian Voivodeship still remains the most important Polish region in terms of energy development. Both production and demand for energy in Silesia are the largest in the whole country. However, a decrease in demand for energy generated in a conventional way should be expected in the coming years. As a result of empirical research, it was indicated that in the opinion of the vast majority of respondents, the competitiveness of their own company was perceived rather well. Approach/Methodology/Design: Scientific and industry literature and secondary results from energy companies and other reports were analysed. The article contains the results of own analyses, which were carried out on the basis of data obtained in the course of research carried out in energy companies. Findings: It was found that the surveyed companies, which have been operating on the market for a shorter period of time have evaluated their competitiveness well or very well. Interesting solutions have been created on a global scale based on the proposed modelling. Practical Implications: The applied research allowed to create a model for practical implications that could help not only in Poland but worldwide. Originality/Value: The research provides theoretical assumptions and practical answers to encourage further research and summary research on a global scale.peer-reviewe

    Comperative analysis of air quality in European Union countries as a result of innovative clustering

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    Purpose: The overarching aim of this article is to divide EU countries into classes characterised by different levels of ecology in the field of air quality using factors in the form of emission levels of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The data included in the study concern the year 2017 and come from OECD STAT. Approach/Methodology/Design: The classification of EU countries was carried out using the cluster analysis method as one from data mining methods. The results confirmed the hypothesis that the European Union countries can be divided into three distinct classes according to the criterion of environmental performance in the area of air quality. Findings: In terms of the conditions considered for the international air quality test, concentration 3 was the best, namely Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark and Finland, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta,Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Hungary. These are the countries that place the least burden on the atmosphere from harmful factors. The countries belonging to cluster 2, namely Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, the Netherlands, Ireland and Luxembourg, have also achieved high levels of harmful agents. It should be clearly indicated that the lowest level of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere was found in cluster 1, and more precisely in France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Italy, the UK and Wolf. Practical Implications: It turns out that the good practices and recommendations of any sustainable development service do not achieve their purpose in comparison with other EU countries. It seems necessary to tighten the ban policy by imposing high fines on the prohibition of the use of all prohibited objects, devices which have a significant impact on the deterioration of air quality. Originality/Value: There are many reports on the market in the scope discussed above, rich literature compilations. The proposed model may contribute to further development in order to implement the proposed breakdown to reflect actual results in a way that does not seem to hide the worst performing countries.peer-reviewe

    Analysis of factors influencing the competitiveness of manufacturing companies

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    Purpose: The research provides an analysis of factors influencing the competitiveness of manufacturing companies. Design/Methodology/Approach: A review of the scientific literature from the area covered by the study was conducted. The study was conducted on a random sample of companies operating in the Silesian Province. The analysis of the survey data was carried out in two stages. In the first stage the relations between competitiveness and potential factors influencing its level in the companies were checked using the chi- square independence test. In the second stage, the analysis of correspondence between pairs of variables for which the dependence was confirmed. Findings: Analyzing the combined chart of points representing row and column profiles, we conclude that there are relatively more companies that are rather competitive among those that have maintained unchanged levels of relations in the last 5 years. On the other hand, there are more companies with poor competitiveness among those that have worsened their relations with suppliers in recent years. Practical Implications: The results can be used in efforts to improve the performance of the manufacturing sector in Poland through the development of competitive strategies based on the growth of relationships with suppliers regardless of the number of people in the company. Originality/Value: This study is an original study of manufacturing and supplier relations entrepreneurs. It serves the purpose of improving competitive activities in terms of improving business performance.peer-reviewe

    Implementation of the competitiveness model in terms of cooperation with suppliers

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    Purpose: This article describes the concept of competitiveness and assesses the level of competitiveness of companies in relation to the number of suppliers with which they cooperate. Approach/Methodology/Design: The strategic vendor development model proposed by Krause was implemented in the data set, and the Handfield index indicating a more detailed analysis of the implemented elements has been used. Findings: Statistical research carried out in the form of correspondence analysis of the level of competitiveness and dynamics of the company clearly shows that the level of competition remains unchanged in companies that have maintained an unchanged level of relations. Practical Implications: This above-average growth model can be a strategic weapon for the buying company. The purchasing function can play an important role in supporting a company's operational strategy. Competition is one of the important elements that can save a company from bankruptcy or simply make a meaningful assessment of the development. Originality/Value: The implementation of the above model developed by foreign researchers made it possible to compare it with market expectations and to implement elements extending the model, thus enabling the implementation of elements facilitating building relationships with suppliers.peer-reviewe

    Functioning of retail outlets in Poland during the COVID-19 pandemic at hours accessible only to persons 65+ : the traders’ perspective

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    Purpose: During the COVID-19 pandemic, several restrictions were introduced, which implied changes in the functioning of institutions, companies, schools, shops, etc. It became possible to test various solutions, including facilities for older shoppers, some of them could also be implemented after the pandemic period due to the dynamic process of population aging. One of the solutions introduced in Poland was to set the hours (10 a.m. -12 p.m.) in retail outlets where only people over 65 could shop. Design/Methodology/Approach: In order to verify the effect of the functioning of senior citizen hours in Poland, the analysis of data on transactional traffic and revenue of retail outlets, mainly food stores, was reviewed, and a survey was conducted among retail outlets as well as people aged 65+. The survey included opinions on economic and psycho-social factors. Findings: Older people in Poland are starting to signal their shopping needs, which traders should start to respond to become competitive in the stationary retail market. Practical Implications: There is a low level of trader involvement in the search for facilities for the elderly, from which it can be concluded that they are not yet aware of the growing importance of this customer segment, as confirmed by Bartkowiak research (2020). Originality/Value: This article presents the results of research of retail outlets and suggestions about facilities for older people in shopping. Results of research of people aged 65+ will be present in another article.peer-reviewe

    An innovative approach to generational motivation

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    Purpose: The study aims to determine whether the achievement of the cardinal objective of employment is motivated by more sophisticated preferences for the broad aspect of working conditions articulated by labor market adepts. The study aims to indicate what factors influence the achievement of a given general objective. The publication also assesses whether a given factor stimulates a person to formulate a goal or a de-stimulant. Approach/Methodology/Design: The subject of the analysis results from a survey carried out on a group of 400 people aspiring to, or partially present on the labor market. Respondents have the status of a student or will obtain higher education in a short time. The survey was carried out on representatives of various faculties and universities in Poland. The survey included 73 Likert scale questions concerning such aspects: expected features of the future direct superior, selected elements of the respondent's self-assessment, and key motivators to take up employment. Findings: As the analysis of the collected statistical material shows, three dimensions of the broad phenomenon form an orthogonal system: uncorrelated. They bring some unique knowledge about the analyzed group of respondents. The structure of 73 detailed questions creates an overly complicated picture of the issue. Practical Implications: The analysis of survey results indicated no measurable relationship between the expectations profile of a young person and the fact that he or she wants to earn satisfactorily. This objective applies to all respondents equally, regardless of their expectations or preferences. However, it is different in the case of promotion and professional development. Originality/Value: Research originality focuses on narrowing research to a specific group of workers with a broad view of the problem. The study of one of the most important management functions, which is motivation from various aspects and the pursuit of cause and effect relationships, will always be important for further developing the management discipline.peer-reviewe

    Self-assessment and preferred characteristics of the superior

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    Purpose: This study aims to achieve objectives concerning the identification of preferred, characteristics of the superior, identification of the most important, from the point of view of educated contenders to the labour market, determinant of taking up a job and assessment of interdependence of the above characteristics and preferences. Approach/Methodology/Design: The model of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), often used in social research, is the method to achieve research objectives. The method allows to detect hidden relationships, and relations between subsets of observable variables. Its main effect is the reduction of redundant variables, i.e., those that describe the whole phenomenon to a small extent. Linear combinations of observable variables form the so-called factors. In this study it was assumed that the factors are independent, so EFA orthogonal rotation varimax with Kaiser criterion was used. Findings: The employee's commitment is also stimulated by the charisma and consistency of the superior. Although modesty and forbearance are important from the point of view of the respondents, they are actually a destimulant (negative features of the superior) negatively influencing the involvement of the future employee. Practical Implications: We can point out the importance of paying attention to two key characteristics, such as involvement and satisfaction. It is important to carry out the research with particular attention paid to the characteristics of engagement and satisfaction. These characteristics can be further specified in order to obtain more accurate results. Originality/Value: So far, in the literature, discussing the technological evolution in the recording industry, we have focused on either block chain technology or intelligent contracts. In this paper we combine these two elements, which definitely complement each other. Further research efforts are needed to examine in more detail the feasibility and relevance of our recommendations.peer-reviewe

    Analysis of the determinants of innovation in the 21st century

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    Purpose: The main aim of this empirical research is to distinguish the characteristics of innovative and non-innovative organisations. Design/Methodology/Approach: The occurrence of innovative and non-innovative enterprises was verified on the basis of stochastic independence test x. In order to illustrate the use of decision trees, the database was analysed using the Enterprise Miner module in SAS. For this purpose, it is sufficient to create an appropriate process diagram. Findings: As a result of the study, it was observed that more than half of the non-innovative enterprises that performed their business functions also abroad were included in the section - transport and that most of the non-innovative enterprises performed basic business functions mainly inside their company. The innovative activity is calculated from the Central Statistical Office showing that only 42% of enterprises showed innovative activity (26.1% of industrial enterprises and 21% of service enterprises) in the period 2016-2018. Most of the non-innovative companies performed basic business functions mainly inside their company. Practical Implications: The results can be used to improve innovation in specific sectors. Research can contribute to finding where the innovation gap is. We show where there is a great opportunity for innovation and highlight non-innovative places (organisations). Originality/Value: This study is an original study that brings a creative perspective on innovation and non-innovation to cover the research gap in the literature concerning Poland.peer-reviewe

    On the apparent dependence of the activities of innovative enterprises in the Mazovia Voivodeship on the awareness of pro-innovative management

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    Purpose: This article points out the relationship between the actual innovativeness of the company and the articulation of the need for innovation by representatives of the management, the presence of structures responsible for the implementation of innovation, and the impact of pro-innovation motivation of employees. Approach/Methodology/Design: The objective was achieved based on dichotomous and explanatory features as well as quality features of nominal scale. The dependence of the whole system of dichotomous variables was evaluated based on the logistic regression model. The results were also supported by the correlation coefficient ϕ (fi), appropriate for the assessment of the relationship between pairs of dichotomous variables. Findings: The actual innovativeness of the company, which translates into implemented innovations, does not depend on the management's conviction about the need to introduce innovations, the existence of an innovation-dedicated unit, employee motivation and the exchange of information about innovations. Practical Implications: Organizations seeking to maximize would often conduct pro-innovation activities aimed at implementing innovation. Managers appreciate the results that suggest that there is a strict dependence of activities on the pro-innovative awareness of the management staff, and thus construct them in this regard. Originality/Value: The originality of this article is the unique original research that so far has not been paid attention to in the research aspect.peer-reviewe