1,013 research outputs found

    Optimality Conditions for Semivectorial Bilevel Convex Optimal Control Problems

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    We present optimality conditions for bilevel optimal control problems where the upper level, to be solved by a leader, is a scalar optimal control problem and the lower level, to be solved by several followers, is a multiobjective convex optimal control problem. Multiobjective optimal control problems arise in many application areas where several conflicting objectives need to be considered. Minimize several objective functionals leads to solutions such that none of the objective functional values can be improved further without deteriorating another. The set of all such solutions is referred to as efficient (also called Pareto optimal, noninferior, or nondominated) set of solutions. The lower level of the semivectorial bilevel optimal control problems can be considered to be associated to a ”grande coalition” of a p-player cooperative differential game, every player having its own objective and control function. We consider situations in which these p-?players react as ”followers” to every decision imposed by a ”leader” (who acts at the so-called upper level). The best reply correspondence of the followers being in general non uniquely determined, the leader cannot predict the followers choice simply on the basis of his rational behavior. So, the choice of the best strategy from the leader point of view depends of how the followers choose a strategy among his best responses. In this paper, we will consider two (extreme) possibilities: (i) the optimistic situation, when for every decison of the leader, the followers will choose a strategy amongst the efficient controls which minimizes the (scalar) objective of the leader; in this case the leader will choose a strategy which minimizes the best he can obtain amongst all the best responses of the followers: (ii) the pessimistic situation, when the followers can choose amongst the efficient controls one which maximizes the (scalar) objective of the leader; in this case the leader will choose a strategy which minimizes the worst he could obtain amongst all the best responses of the followers. This paper continues the research initiated in [17] where existence results for these problems have been obtained.

    Continuing professional development of early years managers and practitioners working with children under 3 years of age: technical report

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    This research into CPD provision for those working with children under 3 years of age was undertaken in the context of the National Review of the Early Years and Childcare Workforce (Scottish Executive, 2006) and the Scottish Parliamentary response (2006) which emphasised that: 'the area which requires most urgent investment is improving the skills level of the workforce, and that although further investment is required in the 3-5 sector, the under 3 sector is the most immediate priority' (SPEC, 2006, para 16). The findings of the research are interpreted in the light of the Standard for Childcare Practice (QAA, 2007) and the more recently published Early Years Framework (Scottish Government, 2008). The Early Years Framework defines early years as pre-birth to 8 years, though it highlights the need for 'a renewed focus on 0-3' (p5)

    An evaluation of Te Rau Puawai workforce 100: Evaluation overview

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    In July 2001, the Maori & Psychology Research Unit of the University of Waikato was asked to conduct an evaluation of the Te Rau Puawai programme, a joint venture between the former Health Funding Authority and Massey University. The overall goal of the programme is to contribute at least 100 Maori graduates to the Maori mental health workforce within a five year period. The overall aim of the evaluation was to provide the Ministry of Health with a clearer understanding of the programme including: the perceived critical success factors, the barriers if any regarding Te Rau Puawai, the impact of the programme, the extent to which the programme may be transferable, gaps in the programme, and suggested improvements. Through archival search, questionnaire surveys and interviews, evaluative data was collected from major stakeholders in the Te Rau Puawai programme

    An evaluation of Te Rau Puawai workforce 100: Addressing the recruitment and retention of Maori students in tertiary education institutions: A literature review

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    To evaluate the Te Rau Puawai programme, the Ministry of Health commissioned the Maori and Psychology Research Unit of the University of Waikato in July 2001. The overall aim of the evaluation was to provide the Ministry with a clearer understanding of the programme including: the perceived critical success factors, the barriers if any regarding Te Rau Puawai, the impact of the programme, the extent to which the programme may be transferable, gaps in the programme, and suggested improvements. To achieve this end, a review of relevant literature was undertaken to provide a framework to understand the patterns that arose from the information that we collected as part of this evaluation. The review of literature is presented in this technical report

    An evaluation of Te Rau Puawai workforce 100: Academic mentor's perspectives

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    To evaluate the Te Rau Puawai programme, the Ministry of Health commissioned the Maori and Psychology Research Unit of the University of Waikato in July 2001. The overall aim of the evaluation was to provide the Ministry with a clearer understanding of the programme including: the perceived critical success factors, the barriers if any regarding Te Rau Puawai, the impact of the programme, the extent to which the programme may be transferable, gaps in the programme, and suggested improvements. As an integral component of the Te Rau Puawai programme and as a specialised source of support, academic mentors were identified as an important group to receive comment from. This report documents the evaluative exchange that occurred by way of email questionnaire, that we had with 18 out of 46 academic mentors of Te Rau Puawai bursars in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences responded to our questionnaire

    An evaluation of Te Rau Puawai workforce 100: Perspectives of Te Rau Puawai bursars

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    The Te Rau Puawai programme is an attempt to change the nature of the Maori mental health workforce. To do this, Maori with aspirations to work, or to continue to work in the mental health workforce, are supported, financially and academically, to complete a tertiary qualification relevant to the field. To evaluate the Te Rau Puawai programme, the Ministry of Health commissioned the Maori and Psychology Research Unit of the University of Waikato in July 2001. The overall aim of the evaluation was to provide the Ministry with a clearer understanding of the programme including: the perceived critical success factors, the barriers if any regarding Te Rau Puawai, the impact of the programme, the extent to which the programme may be transferable, gaps in the programme, and suggested improvements. The evaluation team set out to gather the experiences and perspectives of recipients of Te Rau Puawai services by asking all bursars to complete a questionnaire and volunteer for follow up interviews or focus groups. Sixty two bursars responded to our questionnaire, and we complete focus group or individual follow up interviews with 19 bursars

    An evaluation of Te Rau Puawai workforce 100: Te Rau Puawai support team and staff perspectives

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    To evaluate the Te Rau Puawai programme, the Ministry of Health commissioned the Maori and Psychology Research Unit of the University of Waikato in July 2001. The overall aim of the evaluation was to provide the Ministry with a clearer understanding of the programme including: the perceived critical success factors, the barriers if any regarding Te Rau Puawai, the impact of the programme, the extent to which the programme may be transferable, gaps in the programme, and suggested improvements. The Te Rau Puawai support team were identified as an important source of support for bursars particularly the support provided by the coordinator and administrator. This report documents the perspectives of four members of the telephone support team (including the coordinator), and individual interviews held with the coordinator and the administrator in addressing the objectives of the evaluation

    A neutral hydrogen survey of the Hydra 1 cluster

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    We are undertaking a project to image the entire volume of the Hydra 1 cluster of galaxies in neutral hydrogen using the VLA. This involves making a series of pointings spaced 30 min. (the half power beam width) apart, each observed at three velocity settings in order to span the whole velocity range of the cluster. The purpose of this survey is to determine the true distribution, both in space and velocity, of gas-rich systems and hence, to deduce what effects a dense environment may have on the evolution of these systems. Most surveys of clusters to date have been performed on optically selected samples. However, optically selected samples may provide misleading views of the distribution of gas-rich systems, since many low surface brightness galaxies have an abundance of neutral gas (Bothun et al. 1987, Giovanelli & Haynes 1989). The Hydra project is providing the first unbiased view of the HI distribution in a cluster of galaxies. Our 5 sigma sensitivity is 4.1 x 10(exp 7) solar M/beam, (assuming H(sub 0) = 75 km s(exp -1) Mpc(exp -1)) and our velocity resolution is 42 km s(exp -1). We have a spatial resolution of 45 sec., which means that only the largest galaxies are spatially resolved enough to determine HI disk size. Our coverage is about 50 percent of the central region plus eight other fields centered on bright spirals within about 2 deg. of the center

    An evaluation of Te Rau Puawai workforce 100: Stakeholder perspectives

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    To evaluate the Te Rau Puawai programme, the Ministry of Health commissioned the Maori and Psychology Research Unit of the University of Waikato in July 2001. The overall aim of the evaluation was to provide the Ministry with a clearer understanding of the programme including: the perceived critical success factors, the barriers if any regarding Te Rau Puawai, the impact of the programme, the extent to which the programme may be transferable, gaps in the programme, and suggested improvements. There are a number of stakeholders who do not have a direct role in the provision of Te Rau Puawai. These people are not involved in the day to day running of Te Rau Puawai (as do, for example, the coordinator, support team or academic mentors), nevertheless they play an important role, contributing in a variety of ways to the programme
