
An evaluation of Te Rau Puawai workforce 100: Te Rau Puawai support team and staff perspectives


To evaluate the Te Rau Puawai programme, the Ministry of Health commissioned the Maori and Psychology Research Unit of the University of Waikato in July 2001. The overall aim of the evaluation was to provide the Ministry with a clearer understanding of the programme including: the perceived critical success factors, the barriers if any regarding Te Rau Puawai, the impact of the programme, the extent to which the programme may be transferable, gaps in the programme, and suggested improvements. The Te Rau Puawai support team were identified as an important source of support for bursars particularly the support provided by the coordinator and administrator. This report documents the perspectives of four members of the telephone support team (including the coordinator), and individual interviews held with the coordinator and the administrator in addressing the objectives of the evaluation

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