1,153 research outputs found

    Dissertation on emetics

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    Design and Development of Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) Shelling Machine

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    The design and construction of a beans shelling machine, using locally available materials is presented. A detailed design of the various machine components was done, and the appropriate engineering materials were selected for various parts of the machine. A working drawing, detailing the machine components was done for the shop floor fabrication of the machine. The results of the performance evaluation carried out, showed that a shelling efficiency of 81.3% was obtained. The machine has a capacity of 100kg/hr of unshelled beans and a production cost of forty-one thousand, one hundred and fifty naira (N41,150). Keywords: Beans, Shelling Machine, Efficiency, Vibration

    Linear Depth QFT over IBM Heavy-hex Architecture

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    Compiling a given quantum algorithm into a target hardware architecture is a challenging optimization problem. The compiler must take into consideration the coupling graph of physical qubits and the gate operation dependencies. The existing noise in hardware architectures requires the compilation to use as few running cycles as possible. Existing approaches include using SAT solver or heuristics to complete the mapping but these may cause the issue of either long compilation time (e.g., timeout after hours) or suboptimal compilation results in terms of running cycles (e.g., exponentially increasing number of total cycles). In this paper, we propose an efficient mapping approach for Quantum Fourier Transformation (QFT) circuits over the existing IBM heavy-hex architecture. Such proposal first of all turns the architecture into a structure consisting of a straight line with dangling qubits, and then do the mapping over this generated structure recursively. The calculation shows that there is a linear depth upper bound for the time complexity of these structures and for a special case where there is 1 dangling qubit in every 5 qubits, the time complexity is 5N+O(1). All these results are better than state of the art methods

    Tetris: A compilation Framework for VQE Applications

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    Quantum computing has shown promise in solving complex problems by leveraging the principles of superposition and entanglement. The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) algorithm stands as a pivotal approach in the realm of quantum algorithms, enabling the simulation of quantum systems on quantum hardware. In this paper, we introduce two innovative techniques, namely "Tetris" and "Fast Bridging," designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of VQE tasks. The "Tetris" technique addresses a crucial aspect of VQE optimization by unveiling cancellation opportunities within the logical circuit phase of UCCSD ansatz. Tetris demonstrates a remarkable reduction up to 20% in CNOT gate counts, about 119048 CNOT gates, and 30% depth reduction compared to the state-of-the-art compiler 'Paulihedral'. In addition to Tetris, we present the "Fast Bridging" technique as an alternative to the conventional qubit routing methods that heavily rely on swap operations. The fast bridging offers a novel approach to qubit routing, mitigating the limitations associated with swap-heavy routing. By integrating the fast bridging into the VQE framework, we observe further reductions in CNOT gate counts and circuit depth. The bridging technique can achieve up to 27% CNOT gate reduction in the QAOA application. Through a combination of Tetris and the fast bridging, we present a comprehensive strategy for enhancing VQE performance. Our experimental results showcase the effectiveness of Tetris in uncovering cancellation opportunities and demonstrate the symbiotic relationship between Tetris and the fast bridging in minimizing gate counts and circuit depth. This paper contributes not only to the advancement of VQE techniques but also to the broader field of quantum algorithm optimization


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan menganalisis, dan menginterpretasikan Optimalisasi Kewenangan Institusi Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut Dan Pantai Dalam Penegakan Hukum Di Laut Oleh Pangkalan Penjagaan Laut Dan Pantai Kelas II Bitung. Penelitian yang dibimbing oleh paradigma kualitatif. dapat dikatakan bahwa feedback atau timbal balik dari pelaksana kebijakan belum ada. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari dalam proses penegakan hukum dilaut masih banyak mentolerir atau membuat kebijaksanaan sendiri. Padahal dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan, kebijaksanaan hanya digunakan dalam keadaan genting saja. Selain itu, setiap kebijakan dapat berjalan dengan baik ketika dijalankan sesuai dengan kebijakan yang sudah ada. Hasil penelitian terkait Optimalisasi Kewenangan Institusi Kesatuan Penjagaan Laut Dan Pantai Dalam Penegakan Hukum Di Laut Oleh Pangkalan Penjagaan Laut Dan Pantai Kelas II Bitung belum berjalan dengan maksimal. Dimana berdasarkan temuan yang ada belum memenuhi setiap indikator yang ada yakni Agenda setting, keputusan untuk melakukan atau tidak melakukan kebijakan, implementasi, evaluasi program dan analisis dampak dan Feedback. Adapun yang menjadi temuan-temuan dalam fokus ini yaitu petugas belum memahami Tupoksi yang ada, adanya tumpang tindih aturan yang berlaku, koordinasi antara instansi terkait pengawasan belum maksimal, masih adanya toleransi pelanggaran yang dilakukan dalam pelayaran (kebijaksanaan), belum adanya ketegasan dalam pemberian sanksi, kelalaian petugas, dalam hal ini keterlambatan dalam pengisian bahan bakar, kurangnya koordinasi dengan pimpinan, hal ini diungkapkan oleh DM selaku nahkoda kapal kelas V, serta belum adanya solusi terkait dengan kebijaksanaan yang diambil dalam penegakan dan pengawasan hukum di laut Kata Kunci : Kebijakan Publik, Optimalisasi, Kewenangan KPL

    Micro/Nano Bubble Technology : Characteristics and Implications Biology Performance of Koi Cyprinus carpio in Recirculation Aquaculture System (RAS)

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    Technology for aquaculture is growing with the high demand of fish. Micro / nano bubble is one of technology that is developed to increase dissolved oxygen in water. This technology is used to increase Koi fish production in high density via RAS. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of micro / nano bubble technology and its effect on biology of koi fish (Cyprinus carpio). Lutor was used to introduce micro / nano bubble in the fish tank by using fish length (e.g. 7.49 ± 0.29 cm). This research used completely randomized design with one factor (fish density) and three replications. This factor was three densities of fish at 15 fish.60 L-1 (A), 30 fish.60 L -1 (B), and 45 fish. 60 L -1 (C). The result showed that there was the absolute length of each treatments was (0.52 ± 0.03a) cm for A, treatment  B (0.36 ± 0.07ab) cm and C treatment (0.29 ± 0.08b) cm. The best treatment is A treatment (15 fish. 60 L -1) and different significant in statistic with C treatment (45 fish. 60 L-1) but not significant in statistic with B treatment (30 fish.­ 60 L -1)

    Factors associated with HIV voluntary disclosure of people living with HIV to their steady sexual partner in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: results from a community-based participatory research

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    Introduction: HIV disclosure to a steady sexual partner (SSP) is important both in preventing HIV transmission and improving the quality of life of people living with HIV (PLHIV). “Its determinants have been poorly investigated in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.” The study objective was to determine factors independently associated with voluntary disclosure to one's SSP in PLHIV receiving services from a Congolese community-based organization (CBO). Methods: a community-based participatory research was performed and 300 PLHIV were interviewed by members of the CBO, using a standardized questionnaire. A multivariate logistic regression was used to determine the variables independently associated with disclosure. Results: in this sample, 79 of the 127 participants (62%) included in the analysis declared having voluntarily disclosed their serostatus to their SSP. Declaring to be in a relationship (Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval): 4.2 (1.4-12.6)), having tested for HIV because of symptoms (2.5 (1.0-6.4)), having taken the test on one's own initiative (3.2 (1.3-8.0)), having felt sympathy and indifference from people when disclosing (6.0 (1.4-26.9) and 5.0 (1.1-22.8), respectively) as well as having a higher score of the "regular discussion about daily life with HIV" index (1.7 (1.1-2.5)) were significantly associated with disclosure to one's SSP. Conclusion: several individual and contextual factors were associated with voluntary disclosure to SSP in this study, highlighting the complex nature of the disclosure process. Interventions encouraging disclosure should be designed "so as to adapt to one's personal life with HIV as well as psychosocial environment"
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