7 research outputs found

    On the fixed point theorem of Krasnoselskii and Sobolev

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    We formulate a version of the fixed point theorem of Krasnoselskii and Sobolev in locally convex spaces. We apply this result to establish the existence of solutions of an integral equation defined in an abstract space

    Previous Crop Sequences Effect on Fusarium Head Blight of Cereals in the Prairies

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    Non-Peer ReviewedFusarium head blight (FHB) is a disease of concern across the Canadian prairies; low crop diversity within rotations increases disease risk. Approximately 60% of the area seeded to annual crops in Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan consists of wheat and canola. The present study focusses on the effect of previous crop sequences on the severity of FHB of cereals across the prairies. From 2018 to 2020, six locations were seeded with a core set of five crops including wheat, barley, canola, pea, and maize; at some sites, a sixth crop was included such as lentil. Each year, yield, crop quality and FHB severity were recorded; also, Fusarium spp. were isolated and identified from cereal kernels. Several Fusarium spp. caused FHB among cereal crops and were associated with host crops. The experiment consisted of a factorial arrangement in a split block design. The diversity criteria were established by using groups A, B, and C. Where A is the crop sequences that included cereals, pulses and oilseeds in the rotation. Treatment B, consisted of cereals and pulses, or cereals and oilseeds; while C, consisted only of cereals. This year data from Saskatoon shows that the diversity criteria played an important role in the proportion of the various Fusarium spp.. Fusarium spp. shows a significant difference between treatments and the frequency of F. graminearum isolated was similar in sequences with only cereals and cereal with pulses/ oilseeds, but both differed from a crop sequence that include three-different crops. The lack of crop diversity across western Canada is a risk factor for future disease outbreaks. Link to Video Presentation: https://youtu.be/zbUD6Lp7-c

    Almost-periodic solutions for a second order abstract Cauchy problem

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    Castillo, G. (reprint author). Departamento de Matemática, Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile. E-mail [email protected] study the existence of almost-periodic solutions for a second order abstract Cauchy problem defined in a Banach space

    The Kneser property for the second order functional abstract Cauchy problem

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    Castillo, G. Departamento de Matemática, Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile. E-mail [email protected] this work we establish existence of mild solutions for a class of abstract semi-linear functional differential equations of second order and we prove that the set consisting of the mild solutions for these problems is connected

    Oxygen isotope composition of magnetite in iron ores of the Kiruna type in Chile and Sweden

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    Magnetite-apatite iron ores of the Kiruna type, unaffected by deformation, have structures and textures similar to those of igneous rocks. The best examples are the El Laco deposits in northern Chile which resemble lava flows, pyroclastic deposits and dikes. El Laco magnetites have d18O values between 2.3 and 4.2‰ (V-SMOW). Magnetite from ore with a magmatic texture has a mean of 3.7‰, and the mean for magnetite intergrown with pyroxene in veins is 2.4‰. Oxygen isotope data given here, fluid inclusion results and geological evidence indicate that ore formation took place in a cooling magmatic system. Major orebodies resembling lava flows and near-vent pyroclastic deposits crystallized from magma at ca. 1000°C. Fluids from cooling magma deposited magnetite and pyroxene (±apatite) at ca. 800°C in fissures and open spaces, now present as veins cutting major orebodies. There is little evidence for significant magnetite precipitation during hydrothermal conditions. A large province of magnetite-apatite iron ore in central Chile (the Cretaceous iron belt) and the Kiruna district in northern Sweden also contain primary ore of magmatic appearance. Major deposits in the Chilean iron belt and Kiruna contain magmatic-textured magnetites with the following d18O means: Algarrobo = 2.2‰, Romeral = 1.2‰, Cerro Imán = 1.6‰, and Kiirunavaara = 1.5‰. We consider all oxygen isotope data for unoxidized, magmatic-textured magnetite as representative of the Fe-rich magmas. Magnetites affected by hydrothermal alteration, recrystallization and subaerial oxidation have modified isotope signatures