6 research outputs found

    Networking and Participatory Research Promoting Quality of Life and Well-Being in Portuguese-Speaking African Countries

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    Spread across the planet each human being, individually or in community, aspires for well-being and quality of life, according to the ideal of each one. However, we all believe that there are always ways to live better. For many people the measurement of a better life translates into the guarantee of social rights, the right to basic services, good land, seed and sufficient nutritious food for their community members. The Mechanism to Facilitate the Participation of Universities in the Food and Nutrition Security Council of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries is a cooperative academic network fomented by the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This mechanism works with teaching, research and extension in the CPLP Food and Nutrition Security Strategy. The pillars of CPLP Strategy are the strengthening of the governance of public policies on Food and Nutrition Security at all levels of government, social protection based on guaranteeing access to food and family farming with a strategy to increase the availability of good quality food, promoting social and environmental sustainability. CPLP University Mechanism has provided training processes for technicians who work in public policies for Food and Nutrition Security and has contributed to the strengthening of postgraduate programs in Portuguese-speaking African countries. As consequence, it has favored participatory research and mixed methods as a theoretical methodological approach. Therefore, it seeks to focus on the territories of Food and Nutrition Security practices to transform reality, as recommended by CPLP Strategy, however, with the autonomous assumptions of the collaborative network. This chapter presents how local researchers perceive the results of a process of inducing an academic network to transform the local reality and promote Food and Nutrition Security in the context of the CPLP

    Management of weed crops in Angola. Case studies - maize and potatoes in Huambo highlands

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaThe main objectives of the studies carried out in three locals (Bailundo, Calenga and Chianga) were the weed identification and the study of the critical periods for weed management on potatoes and maize in the rainy and dry season. The effects of the interaction weeds x fertilization on crop yield was also determined. The varieties (imported and regional ones) response to nitrogen (maize) and phosphorus (potatoes) and its pest and diseases susceptibility was previously studied. Weed composition and biological types are presented. In maize the critical period varied with local and crop growing season, with a 95% weed-free total yield, the onset was 16 and 20 days after crop emergence (DAE) and ended between 45 and 60 DAE. In potatoes, the critical period varied with only crop growing season, the onset was at 26 DAE and ended between 66 and 61 DAE in the rainy and season, respectively.The effects of weed interference throughout the growth of maize and potatoes reduced crop yields ca. 90%. The interaction between fertilization and timely weed control showed a positive effect on yield, either in potatoes either in maize. The main objectives of the studies carried out in three locals (Bailundo, Calenga and Chianga) were the weed identification and the study of the critical periods for weed management on potatoes and maize in the rainy and dry season. The effects of the interaction weeds x fertilization on crop yield was also determined. The varieties (imported and regional ones) response to nitrogen (maize) and phosphorus (potatoes) and its pest and diseases susceptibility was previously studied. Weed composition and biological types are presented. In maize the critical period varied with local and crop growing season, with a 95% weed-free total yield, the onset was 16 and 20 days after crop emergence (DAE) and ended between 45 and 60 DAE. In potatoes, the critical period varied with only crop growing season, the onset was at 26 DAE and ended between 66 and 61 DAE in the rainy and season, respectively.The effects of weed interference throughout the growth of maize and potatoes reduced crop yields ca. 90%. The interaction between fertilization and timely weed control showed a positive effect on yield, either in potatoes either in maize

    Efeito da fertilização fosfatada na culturada batata (solanum tuberosum l.) no planalto do huambo (Angola) Effects of phosphorus fertilization on potato (solanum tuberosum l.) crop production, in huambo country (Angola)

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    Relatam-se ensaios realizados, no ano agrícola 2004/5, em blocos completos casualizados, para estudo do efeito na produção de doses de fertilização fosfatada da cultivar de batata-semente importada ‘Romano’ e da cultivar regional ‘Tchigembo’, plantadas em duas datas (Outubro e Fevereiro) da época das chuvas e numa terceira data (Junho), na época seca, praticada em regadio. Os ensaios foram repetidos em três locais da Província do Huambo - Bailundo, Chianga e Calenga - distanciados de cerca de 50 km. Avaliaram-se os efeitos, na produção total e comercial de tubérculos (diâmetro > 25 mm), de diferentes doses de fósforo, na forma de superfosfato simples (24% de P2O5), tendo-se aplicado uniformemente ureia (300 kg ha-1 de N), fraccionada em três aplicações. As doses de fósforo ensaiadas foram 0, 50, 100, 200, 400 e 800 kg ha-1 de P2O5, comparadas com uma testemunha sem qualquer aplicação de fertilizante, azotado ou fosfatado. As modalidades de fertilização azotada receberam, uniformemente 300 de azoto. A dose que maior benefício económico originou, sem desperdício de químicos para o meio ambiente, foi a de 200 kg ha-1 de P2O5.<br>Several trials were carried out to compare total and commercial potato yield of the imported cultivar ‘Romano’ and the regional cultivar ‘Tchigembo’, planted in two dates on rain season (October and February) and in a third date (June), in dry season, with irrigation. The trials were repeated in three locations of the Huambo country - Bailundo, Chianga and Calenga. The effects on total and commercial (tubers diameter > 25 mm) potato yields of different amounts of phosphorus, applied with single superphosphate (24% of P2O5) were evaluated. Treatments were: control (any type of soil fertilization) null, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 800 kg ha-1 of P2O5. Phosphorus treatments received also 300 kg ha-1 of nitrogen (urea) applied uniformly, in three times. The greatest economic benefice for both potato varieties was 200 kg ha-1 of P2O5

    Efeito da fertilização azotada na cultura do milho na província do Huambo (Angola) Effects of nitrogen fertilization maize crop, in Huambo country (Angola)

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    Os objectivos deste trabalho consistiram em avaliar o efeito de diferentes doses de azoto no rendimento do milho. Realizam-se ensaios com as seguintes doses de azoto 0, 50, 100, 200, e 400 kg ha-1 e avaliou-se a produção de duas cultivares, a regional ‘Branco redondo’ e a seleccionada ‘ZM521’. Os ensaios foram desenvolvidos na época seca (Junho a Setembro de 2005), praticada em regadio, e na época chuvosa (Outubro 2005 a Maio 2006), em três locais da Província do Huambo (Angola): Bailundo, Chianga e Calenga - distanciados de cerca de 50 km. O rendimento foi avaliado através do peso total das maçarocas colhidas, o peso de 10 maçarocas colhidas ao acaso, o peso e o teor de humidade do grão das 10 maçarocas. Uma análise de benefícios vs custos foi efectuada, entrando em consideração com o preço de venda do milho no mercado local e o custo dos fertilizantes na data dos ensaios.The effects of different nitrogen amounts on maize yield were studied in three areas (Bailundo, Chianga and Calenga) of the central highlands of Angola and in two cropping seasons, dry season (June to September de 2005), with irrigation, and in rain season (October 2005 to May 2006). The assayed nitrogen levels were 0, 50, 100, 200, e 400 kg ha-1. The production of two maize varieties, the regional ‘Branco redondo’, and the imported ‘ZM521’ was assessed. The production was evaluated by the total weight of ears, the weight of 10 ears collected by hazard, the weight and the humidity of the grains of these ears. An analysis of benefits vs costs was done, considering the sell prices in the local market of the maize grain and the fertilizers costs, on the occasion of the trials

    Effect of pesticides application on the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) no planalto do Huambo (Angola)

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    Trials in complete casual blocks subdivided in the time to compare the behaviour of 3 imported seed-potato cultivars – ‘Diamant’, ‘Romano’, ‘Picasso’ – and 3 regional cultivars – ‘Tchigembo’, ‘Kanjangala’, ‘Boa nova regional’ –, planted in two dates on rain season (October and February) and in a third date (June), in dry season, with irrigation. The trials were repeated in three locals of the Huambo country – Bailundo, Chianga e Calenga – with 50 km of distance. In all seasons and cultivars were applied, or not, pesticides, the fungicide (mancozeb + metalaxil-M) during the two first seasons, to control the potato blight (Phytophthora infestans) and the insecticide (lambda-cihalotrine) on the third season to control the aphids (Myzus persicae). The number and weight of the total and commercial value tubers (Ø > 25 mm), the incidence and severity of the late blight and aphids and the potato vegetative period were evaluated.-------------------------------------------RESUMO Relatam-se ensaios realizados, no ano agrícola 2004/5, em blocos casualizados completos com parcelas subdivididas no tempo, para estudo do comportamento de 3 cultivares de batata-semente importada – ‘Diamant’, ‘Romano’, ‘Picasso’ – e 3 cultivares regionais – ‘Tchigembo’, ‘Kanjangala’, ‘Boa nova regional’ –, plantadas em duas datas (Outubro e Fevereiro) da época das chuvas e numa terceira data (Junho), na época seca, praticada em regadio. Os ensaios foram repetidos em três locais da Província do Huambo – Bailundo, Chianga e Calenga – distanciados de cerca de 50 km. Em todas as épocas e cultivares aplicaram-se, ou não, produtos fitofarmacêuticos, fungicida (mancozebe + metalaxil-M) nas duas primeiras épocas, para combate do míldio (Phytophthora infestans) e insecticida (lambda-cihalotrina) na terceira data de plantação, para controlo de afídios (Myzus persicae). Avaliaram-se o número e peso dos tubérculos, total e com valor comercial (Ø > 25mm), a incidência e a severidade do míldio e dos afídios e o período vegetativo da batateira