3,294 research outputs found

    Presentations of Noneffective Orbifolds

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    It is well-known that an effective orbifold M (one for which the local stabilizer groups act effectively) can be presented as a quotient of a smooth manifold P by a locally free action of a compact lie group K. We use the language of groupoids to provide a partial answer to the question of whether a noneffective orbifold can be so presented. We also note some connections to stacks and gerbes.Comment: 19 page

    Bicommutant categories from fusion categories

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    Bicommutant categories are higher categorical analogs of von Neumann algebras that were recently introduced by the first author. In this article, we prove that every unitary fusion category gives an example of a bicommutant category. This theorem categorifies the well known result according to which a finite dimensional *-algebra that can be faithfully represented on a Hilbert space is in fact a von Neumann algebra.Comment: Updated to the published version + fixed some small typo

    To surcharge or not to surcharge? A two-sided market perspective of the no-surchage rule

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    In Electronic Payment Networks (EPNs) the No-Surcharge Rule (NSR) requires that merchants charge the same final good price regardless of the means of payment chosen by the customer. In this paper, we analyze a three-party model (consumers, merchants, and proprietary EPNs) to assess the impact of a NSR on the electronic payments system, in particular, on competition among EPNs, network pricing to merchants and consumers, EPNs' profits, and social welfare. We show that imposing a NSR has a number of effects. First, it softens competition among EPNs and rebalances the fee structure in favor of cardholders and to the detriment of merchants. Second, we show that the NSR is a profitable strategy for EPNs if and only if the network e¤ect from merchants to cardholders is sufficiently weak. Third, the NSR is socially (un)desirable if the network externalities from merchants to cardholders are sufficiently weak (strong) and the merchants' market power in the goods market is sufficiently high (low). Our policy advice is that regulators should decide on whether the NSR is appropriate on a market-by-market basis instead of imposing a uniform regulation for all markets. JEL Classification: L13, L42, L80American Express, Discover, Electronic payment system, market power, MasterCard, network externalities, no-surcharge rule, regulation, two-sided markets, Visa

    Categorified trace for module tensor categories over braided tensor categories

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    Given a braided pivotal category C\mathcal C and a pivotal module tensor category M\mathcal M, we define a functor TrC:MC\mathrm{Tr}_{\mathcal C}:\mathcal M \to \mathcal C, called the associated categorified trace. By a result of Bezrukavnikov, Finkelberg and Ostrik, the functor TrC\mathrm{Tr}_{\mathcal C} comes equipped with natural isomorphisms τx,y:TrC(xy)TrC(yx)\tau_{x,y}:\mathrm{Tr}_{\mathcal C}(x \otimes y) \to \mathrm{Tr}_{\mathcal C}(y \otimes x), which we call the traciators. This situation lends itself to a diagramatic calculus of `strings on cylinders', where the traciator corresponds to wrapping a string around the back of a cylinder. We show that TrC\mathrm{Tr}_{\mathcal C} in fact has a much richer graphical calculus in which the tubes are allowed to branch and braid. Given algebra objects AA and BB, we prove that TrC(A)\mathrm{Tr}_{\mathcal C}(A) and TrC(AB)\mathrm{Tr}_{\mathcal C}(A \otimes B) are again algebra objects. Moreover, provided certain mild assumptions are satisfied, TrC(A)\mathrm{Tr}_{\mathcal C}(A) and TrC(AB)\mathrm{Tr}_{\mathcal C}(A \otimes B) are semisimple whenever AA and BB are semisimple.Comment: 49 pages, many figure

    Access prices indexed to geographical coverage of innovative telecom services

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    The literature on access prices and investment has suggested that firms under-invest when subject to an access provision obligation combined with a fixed access price per consumer. In this paper, I study an access price per consumer for an innovative service such as super- fast broadband provided by a regulated firm that is a function of its geographical coverage (indexation approach). The indexation approach can enhance economic efficiency beyond what is achieved with a fixed access price under a set of standard assumptions. In particular, it can simultaneously induce the firms to set lower retail prices, lead to wider geographi- cal coverage of innovative services and higher social welfare level compared with a fixed access price. Moreover, in the model, the indexation may be used to achieve approximately the Ramsey outcome, or the first-best coverage level. I address how a regulator can set the access price indexation optimally, based on the coverage cost plus an incentive. I highlight the potential role of indexation as a tool to reduce the need for public subsidies and the associated tax distortions when compared with a fixed access price

    IT governance enablers for an efficient IoT implementation

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    IoT is considered to be one of the focal points for the 4.0 industry revolution because of the way it is changing the business models of each organization. IT governance is now an increasingly important tool for organizations to align their IT infrastructure with the organization's business objectives. IT governance has been used to help implement new technologies using the best practices such as COBIT, which defines a number of enablers that facilitate the implementation, identification and management of IT. This research aims to explore and define the most suitable enablers for an IoT implementation. These objectives will be achieved through the Design Science Research methodology, which incorporates two literature reviews, a Delphi method and, finally, a semi-structured interview. With a first systematic review of the literature, it was possible to identify the main enablers to implement IoT. Next, the list was improved using the Delphi method, gathering expert opinion. In the Delphi method, the level of agreement was verified to create exclusion criteria and a level of efficiency in each recommendation. Finally, a specialist was interviewed to demonstrate the applicability and validation of the proposed artifact in the various IoT projects implemented by his organization. At the end, a final list of enablers for IoT implementation is provided. The results indicate that data privacy, data protection, and data analysis are currently the best recommendations to be considered in an IoT implementation because they increase the efficiency of the solution and increase the credibility of the data obtained. Future work and limitations are detailed in the end.A IoT é considerada como um dos pontos fulcrais para a revolução da indústria 4.0, devido à maneira como está a alterar os modelos de negócio das organizações. A governação das TI é atualmente uma ferramenta cada vez mais importante para as organizações alinharem a sua infraestrutura tecnológica com os objetivos de negócio da organização. A governação de TI tem sido utilizada para ajudar na implementação de novas tecnologias recorrendo à utilização de boas práticas como por exemplo o COBIT, que define vários enablers que facilitam a implementação, identificação e gestão das TI. Esta investigação visa explorar e definir os enablers mais adequados para uma implementação de IoT. Estes objetivos vão ser alcançados através da metodologia Design Science Research, que incorpora duas revisões de literatura, um método Delphi e por fim uma entrevista semiestruturada. Com uma primeira revisão sistemática da literatura, foi possível identificar os principais enablers para implementar IoT. De seguida, a lista foi melhorada utilizando o método Delphi, recolhendo a opinião de especialistas. No método Delphi, verificou-se o nível de concordância para criar critérios de exclusão e um nível de eficiência em cada recomendação. Finalmente, um especialista foi entrevistado para demonstrar a aplicabilidade e validar o artefacto proposto nos diversos projetos de IoT implementados pela sua organização. No final a lista de enablers para implementar IoT é fornecida. Os resultados indicam que atualmente, a privacidade de dados, a proteção de dados e a análise de dados são as melhores recomendações a serem consideradas numa implementação de IoT, porque aumentam a eficiência da solução e aumentam a credibilidade dos dados obtidos. Trabalho futuro e limitações são detalhadas no final

    To Surcharge or Not To Surcharge? A Two-Sided Market Perspective of the No-Surcharge Rule

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    In Electronic Payment Networks (EPNs) the No-Surcharge Rule (NSR) requires that merchants charge the same nal good price regardless of the means of payment chosen by the customer. In this paper, we analyze a three-party model (consumers, merchants, and proprietary EPNs) to assess the impact of a NSR on the electronic payments system, in particular, on competition among EPNs, network pricing to merchants and consumers, EPNs pro ts, and social welfare. We show that imposing a NSR has a number of e¤ects. First, it softens competition among EPNs and rebalances the fee structure in favor of cardholders and to the detriment of merchants. Second, we show that the NSR is a pro table strategy for EPNs if and only if the network e¤ect from merchants to cardholders is su¢ ciently weak. Third, the NSR is socially (un)desirable if the network externalities from merchants to cardholders are su¢ ciently weak (strong) and the merchants market power in the goods market is su¢ ciently high (low). Our policy advice is that regulators should decide on whether the NSR is appropriate on a market-by-market basis instead of imposing a uniform regulation for all markets

    Pathogenesis and virulence of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata

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    Fungal infections in humans have historically received comparatively less attention than those caused by bacteria and viruses. This may, in part, stem from the relative differences in infection prevalence. However, the more widespread use of immunosuppressive therapy, invasive surgery and medical devices in modern medicine has resulted in a more frequent occurrence of human fungal infection. There are a number of fungi that can cause human disease. However, it is arguably a species of the genus Candida that are most often encountered. There are over 150 Candida species that are widely encountered in the environment and in animal hosts, however, only a small number are opportunistic pathogens of humans. Candida albicans is a polymorphic yeast-like fungus and undoubtedly the species most often recovered from human infection. As such, the virulence of C. albicans and its susceptibility to antifungal agents are often investigated. More recently, the prevalence of infections caused by non-C. albicansCandida species have increased and, amongst these, infections caused by Candida glabrata have received attention given its often-higher tolerance to frequently used antifungals exhibited by this species. The papers presented in this Special Issue have focused on aspects relating to host responses to Candida infection, the efficacy of novel therapeutic agents and also treatment regimes. The papers highlight novel findings in their respective areas, whilst also highlighting the need for further research in these key and largely under-researched areas of candidoses.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio