25 research outputs found


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    This essay aims at contributing to the analysis of the spaces for contribution of the institutional perspective of analysis to advance the understanding of entry mode choices by multinational firms from emerging markets. Entry modes refer to the decisions involving the degree of control of a subsidiary (wholly-owned versus joint venture). Some authors propose that three dimensions of the institutional environment influence the entry mode decision: regulative distance, normative distance and cultural-cognitive distance between the host country and the country of origin of the investing firm. Starting from a broad review of the extant literature, this study identifies factors related to the three pillars of the institutional environment and advances propositions to be tested in future studies on entry mode choices of emerging market multinationals

    Brazilian Multinationals' Ownership Mode: The Influence of Institutional Factors and Firm Characteristics

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    This work investigates whether host countries institutional factors and firm characteristics can help the understanding of Brazilian multinationals' choices of ownership mode for their foreign direct investments (FDI). Brazil is a privileged locus for research on emerging market multinationals (EMNEs), given its growing stock of outward FDI. The paper contributes to a better understanding of the international strategic choices of EMNEs. First, the phenomenon under study is examined using the theoretical lenses of institutionalism. Second, the study looks at the relationship between state support and choice of ownership mode, a new issue in the area of international business. Third, differences between the decisions taken by manufacturing and service EMNEs are also examined. Fourth, the study focuses on an emerging country, Brazil. The quality of the regulatory environment of the host country, and differences in beliefs, cultural identity and management practices between the host country and the country of origin are factors of the institutional environment significantly related to the choice of ownership mode by Brazilian EMNEs. As to firm characteristics, our results show that state support favors the choice of joint ventures, and that service EMNEs also significantly prefer joint ventures, when compared to manufacturing firms. The findings also support the view that EMNEs are less sensitive to institutional weaknesses in host countries

    Canine visceral leishmaniasis evaluation in Poxoréo, Mato Grosso State, Brazil

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    O cão doméstico desempenha importante papel como reservatório na transmissão da leishmaniose visceral ao homem, zoonose de grande importância em saúde pública. Realizou-se avaliação epidemiológica da leishmaniose visceral em 1.112 cães domiciliados no município de Poxoréo, estado do Mato Grosso e observou-se prevalência de 7,8%. Observou-se ainda associação estatisticamente significativa entre a prevalência de leishmaniose visceral canina e as variáveis faixa etária, presença de sinais clínicos e presença de outra espécie animal co-habitando com os cães avaliados, tendo sido as galinhas mais freqüentemente observadas entre os animais soropositivos. O sexo, a coleta de lixo domiciliar bem como a renda familiar não apresentaram associação estatisticamente significativa com a prevalência da leishmaniose visceral canina. A análise dos resultados sugere que cães com idade superior a sete anos e a , presença de outra espécie animal co-habitando com os cães podem ser fatores de risco para a leishmaniose visceral canina.Dogs play an important role as reservoir in the domestic cycle of visceral leishmaniasis, a serious public health problem. An epidemiological survey in 1,112 dogs was conducted at the Municipality of Poxoréo State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, using indirect immunofluorescence antibody test where the prevalence was 7.8%. Significant association was found between prevalence of canine visceral leishmaniasis and age of the dogs. Clinical signs and presence of other animals in the backyard, like chicken being more likely associated with seropositivity. Gender, garbage collection in the residence and family financial income were not associated with visceral leishmaniasis prevalence. Analysis of the results suggests that dogs aging more than 7 years and presence of another animal species co-inhabiting with the dogs may be risk factors for canine visceral leishmaniasis

    A Heterologous Multiepitope DNA Prime/Recombinant Protein Boost Immunisation Strategy for the Development of an Antiserum against Micrurus corallinus (Coral Snake) Venom.

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    BACKGROUND:Envenoming by coral snakes (Elapidae: Micrurus), although not abundant, represent a serious health threat in the Americas, especially because antivenoms are scarce. The development of adequate amounts of antielapidic serum for the treatment of accidents caused by snakes like Micrurus corallinus is a challenging task due to characteristics such as low venom yield, fossorial habit, relatively small sizes and ophiophagous diet. These features make it difficult to capture and keep these snakes in captivity for venom collection. Furthermore, there are reports of antivenom scarcity in USA, leading to an increase in morbidity and mortality, with patients needing to be intubated and ventilated while the toxin wears off. The development of an alternative method for the production of an antielapidic serum, with no need for snake collection and maintenance in captivity, would be a plausible solution for the antielapidic serum shortage. METHODS AND FINDINGS:In this work we describe the mapping, by the SPOT-synthesis technique, of potential B-cell epitopes from five putative toxins from M. corallinus, which were used to design two multiepitope DNA strings for the genetic immunisation of female BALB/c mice. Results demonstrate that sera obtained from animals that were genetically immunised with these multiepitope constructs, followed by booster doses of recombinant proteins lead to a 60% survival in a lethal dose neutralisation assay. CONCLUSION:Here we describe that the genetic immunisation with a synthetic multiepitope gene followed by booster doses with recombinant protein is a promising approach to develop an alternative antielapidic serum against M. corallinus venom without the need of collection and the very challenging maintenance of these snakes in captivity

    SPOT peptide synthesis scheme.

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    <p>(Black circles) Blank spots. (Cyan circles) Spots from Ag1 (Nxh8— 3FTx). (Red Circles) Spots from Ag2 (Nxh 7/3/1— 3FTx). (Yellow circles) Spots from Ag3 (3Ftx). (Blue circles) Spots from Ag4 (3Ftx). (Green circles) Spots from Ag5 (PLA<sub>2</sub>). (Highlighted spot sequences) Signal peptides, which were not considered for multiepitope gene design.</p

    RT-PCR from COS-7 cells transfected with all pSECTAG2A constructions.

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    <p>(M) 1kb Plus DNA ladder. (1) RT-PCR from pSECTAG2A-<i>ag1</i> transfected cells. (2) RT-PCR from pSECTAG2A-<i>ag2</i> transfected cells. (3) RT-PCR from pSECTAG2A-<i>ag3</i> transfected cells. (4) RT-PCR from pSECTAG2A-<i>ag4</i> transfected cells. (5) RT-PCR from pSECTAG2A-<i>ag5</i> transfected cells. (6) RT-PCR from pSECTAG2A (empty plasmid) transfected cells.</p